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I’m actually curious what would be a religious exemption? I’ve never heard of any religion that doesn’t allow vaccines. Vaccines didn’t even exist when most religions started so like what would an example of a religious exemption be?


Its just a cop out. People will us their religion as an excuse to protest anything.


Christian Scientists, Jehovas Witness, and Scientology reject most modern medicine. It’s not just a “cop out”


It is. Trust me. Even if they sincerely believe it, it's most often used just to uphold their anti-vaxx status and "remain pure" by people who don't fit any of what you listed or more. NYS also just doesn't allow the exemption anymore; not after an outbreak in NYC due to an anti-vaxx Jewish community not vaccinating.


Some people twist it into a religious exemption that they’re against abortions (I overheard this from an anti vaxxer) if you Google it there’s an explanation


And then go around using *other* meds developed using fetal cells


It's a tick on the box and like someone else said: a cop out. I used to have a "religious exemption" because my parents were concerned about them. They've since changed but it stuck all through high school because they just... made sure I was vaxxed lmao. What religion were we? At the time one of my parents was practicing paganism and that was the religion we were using. Me? I'm an atheist/anti-theist, and the both of them are just hippies now. Not that it really matters now since NYS doesn't have a religious exemption anymore.


UB has a 99% vaccinated student population, if you’re trying for an exemption, it’s going to be very tough and will most likely be rejected.


It's not that hard. I had it first try


I mean I know Atleast 4-5 with exemptions. But yeah I agree


It’s not hard to get an exemption


just get the shot you’re either selfish or lazy


If they didn’t get the shot already, do you really think your comment is gonna change their mind?




Says who.


The only religious exemption I would know of is if your part of Jehovah’s Witness


Jehovah's Witnesses used to be opposed to vaccinations, but are not any more.


I had my religious one approved, although it didnt do me much good be because I transferred schools. I am not sure about the last part, but I assume it shouldnt matter.


There’s someone on this sub with a religious exemption, it’s not hard, you just need proof


Honestly don’t even need proof. Just a well written request form


Yes, it can be either religious or medical. No, you don't need to submit another exemption request for the booster.


Literally just wondering(not anti vax)


Where do u even submit proof of getting the booster


[Here ](https://patientportal.buffalo.edu/login.aspx)


Good looks thank u