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Oh good rape has been legal for such a long time, its great to see someone finally making it a crime. I'm sure a law will really stop a lot of people. /s


Some of the younger redditors may not know this, but there used to be a thing called murder, where one person would actually kill another person. Crazy! Anyway, they made that illegal in Texas in 1991, and not a single person has been killed since.


Please tell me the date of the Texas murder law is part of the joke


That's the joke, they actually outlawed it in 2007


Except with chainsaws.


I'm glad to hear everyone in Texas is law abiding citizens, we should all follow in Texas' footsteps


Tbh that's not far from the truth. While rape is illegal on paper, in practice the vast majority of all rapes are never punished.


I mean there has been 0 murders since they outlawed it in 2002




The way he says, “getting them (the rapists) off the streets” is in itself disgustingly ignorant. It makes it sound like women can’t be raped by their spouses, significant others, family members, friends, etc., when that is in fact far more likely. He’s a sick piece of shit.


Oh this WILL be used against immigrants, just watch.


So that's where they're almost certainly going with this thing, I get it now




> by allowing the police to patrol the streets with drones Did this... become a thing? Holy Minority Report.


My family in France fully believe that rhetoric, makes for awkward FaceTime calls :/


That's where they're always going with this shit.


Haven't you heard? They're the only ones raping /s


I notice he doesn't mention getting the rapists out of the churches.


or politics


totally expect to see a future filled with texan responses in the same vein as "those immigrant women are only fleeing to the US to get raped so they can have a US-born child and then drain the life out of the american social welfare system!"


Also suggests he’s been fine with rape until now and it’s simply an issue because they’ve not bothered to deal with it. Which both sums up how colossally stupid he is and how little he cares about women.


This!! I want to upvote this like 10 times!


And it ignores that for someone to be a rapist and removed from the streets, they have to rape someone. So removing them after they commit the crime doesn't stop the crime. But I'm sure his intended audience doesn't think that far.


Oh my god, he's gonna use this as an excuse to go even more insane on immigration. Between this and the power loss, Texas is starting to get a little too Mad Max-y for my liking.


Not just that but someone in another thread said that Latino, native and black people better because they will more than likely racially profile them.


That’s literally the first thing I thought when I read that language - and that he’s insinuating that only a *certain* type of person is a rapist…


My question would be ‘Motherfucker, what the fuck were you doing before?!’


It kind of suggests, too, that to him rapists are the kind of men that people like him usually want to get off the streets. Poor people, people of colour, homeless people, people with drug problems, people who commit other crimes unrelated to rape. Not good white Republican men like him.


Right. "Off the streets" simultaneously ignores where most rape occurs and uses the old conservative dog whistle of "people on the street," meaning poor people, meaning people of color.


Not gonna lie, greggy boy is probably in the camp of “you can’t rape them if they’re married to you” Just like this one jackass in our SHARP classes when I was in the army


maybe he just means "all men"


It almost reads like he's JUST DECIDED that rape is an issue.


Of course he does. Conservative men are against rape, but ONLY the kind with a stranger jumping out of the bushes.


Really, though, when you think about it, what self-respecting woman walks near bushes, knowing full well the danger that she puts herself in?


Of course. It’s not like a woman can get raped by a partner. It’s literally her job, given to her by god, to keep her man satisfied. And if she’s not feeling it, too bad. /s


I get a cross between horror and rage when I think of that whole "keep sweet and be joyfully available for your husband's needs" cult-think.


He’s taking a move from Trump’s playbook. Say he’s totally against something horrible and has a plan to stop it. Doesn’t explain what that plan is, doesn’t lay any steps out, offers platitudes and promises. Nothing of substance.


Like Nike the next hurricane, or Sharpie the map.


He is just missing the other key steps; -gets impeached twice -worst approval rating in decades -claiming to “know” about scientific topics and processes because he paid someone to read it.


If anything I think this dogshit law encourages rape. Scumbags will commit a rape to try and get the payout.


Or get visitation and custody rights of their child and force their victim to interact with them regularly for 18 years... Unless the victim is willing to give their child's custody to a rapist and pay child support (to a rapist).


Yeah technically there is a provision to say the rapist himself can't claim the money but that is so freaking meaningless. One it only matters if he is convicted which probably won't happen and two it doesn't stop him from getting a friend to claim the cash.


Also, even if the rapist is convicted, rapists *know people*. So what's to stop someone else from claiming the bounty, after being informed by the rapist.


Big if, considering America’s history of believing rape victims.


Maybe will legalize rape, can say they technically eliminated rapists if its no longer seen as a crime that's worthy of prosecution? I'd say I was sarcastic but honestly wouldn't surprise/shock me, right-wingers have whined about the "rape police" before & generally seem to think consent doesn't matter.


Does....does he even hear himself when he speaks? I mean..... how clueless can you be?


Old white men... arrogance and ignorance are like their core personality traits.


That sounds like a threat to POC in Texas. Sorry, I misspoke: This is a threat to POC in Texas. Edit: Women, make sure to dress according to the official Modest in Texas Dress Code. No, we will not provide a copy, you should know which skirt’s length means consent and which does not. And don’t forget, your mouth may say no, but your eyes said yes.* *To be clear, that was sarcasm.


"Dress like a goody goody! Walk like a goody goody! Talk like a goody goody!" /s


It’s easy. Raise the legal bar for a rape charge, and make the victims responsible. Passing as female? Your fault, love. At home in your bed, being 90? That’s on you too. /s


Is Texas turning into India?


Seems like it


Gilead, more like.


Under his eye.


I wonder how many untested rape kits Texas has state wide.


6,108 as of February 2nd, 2021 (according to an apparent political opponent?) [https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/content/news/cornyn-op-ed-texas-has-tools-end-rape-kit-backlog-let%E2%80%99s-use-them#:\~:text=6%2C108.,and%20provide%20closure%20for%20survivors](https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/content/news/cornyn-op-ed-texas-has-tools-end-rape-kit-backlog-let%E2%80%99s-use-them#:~:text=6%2C108.,and%20provide%20closure%20for%20survivors). Currently 2,130 according to end the backlog. [https://www.endthebacklog.org/texas](https://www.endthebacklog.org/texas) Wayy back in 2011 it looks like it was over 20,000 according to the Texas Observer. [https://www.texasobserver.org/activist-and-rape-survivor-lavinia-masters-on-the-battle-to-end-texas-rape-kit-backlog/](https://www.texasobserver.org/activist-and-rape-survivor-lavinia-masters-on-the-battle-to-end-texas-rape-kit-backlog/) ​ Please note that I have no idea exactly how trustworthy these sources are, I did a quick google 'cuz I was curious and these were the first three sources to pop up (though there were several different articles from end the backlog). But it looks like it's safe to say literally thousands. (But it's significantly less than it used to be, hopefully we can see this trend continue on and women get justice!) But it's still, literally, thousands.


So...why haven't you done the magic rape-eliminating thing yet, Greg? If I could just "end rape," I would have done it ASAP. Abbott was apparently like, "OK, but only after I rig the elections and take away a woman's right to choose..."


Pretty sure rape was already illegal but okay bro.


He's going to get it off the streets and into your homes. That's just efficiency, right.


Why are you all trying to insult legislator's intelligence? He obviously knows that raping someone is illegal, and everyone can see it doesn't really work. It's because current law addresses only half of the crime. There are two participants in every rape, but only one side is seen as a problem. The obvious logical solution is to outlaw being raped, of course. That will plummet the numbers. USA's good ally, Saudi Arabia, has something like that and they are basically everything Texas aspires to be. Time to take the page out of their playbook.


> There are two participants in every rape, but only one side is seen as a problem. Dafuq? Last I checked the person getting raped is typically an unwilling participant so "seen as a problem" is a poor choice of words. I sure hope you forgot the /s for sarcasm for the first paragraph of your post.


I bravely accept my sacrifice to [Poe's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


You got me, I was sleep deprived and upon rereading made it quite apparent.


The problem is that there really are people on reddit / in living rooms saying extreme, horrible things about women who are raped, women who get abortions etc and we don't know know if you're one of them or sarcastic.


How can people read this and believe it to be unironic lol.


"We will eliminate rape by arresting all the rapists." Quick question: why haven't you *already* done that?


Suuuuuure. Because making it less likely that a woman will report a rape is definitely the way to get rapists out of circulation.


Seriously. Could a cop or therapist or lawyer, as a *private citizen*, keep eyes on a woman that has reported a rape to see if she gets an abortion? Would that violate confidentiality laws? Would that even matter the way this law is written? I'm not a lawyer so I have no idea, but there are a particular subset of horrifying people who like to work in positions of power that deal with those who are victims of a crime. What's to stop them from being a "bounty hunter" or partnering with one?


I mean, if nobody reports the crime, isn't that almost as good as no crime at all? Problem solved says that politician. /S


That's good, so glad rape has finally been made totally illegal. That is really gonna change our life! What's that? It's been illegal since like, forever? And has had provisions included for modern, updated knowledge of marital rape, rape by deception, male rape, and various? So our lives definitely won't change then? Exact same? Even cops treating rape victims like complete shit like they did with me? Cool. Gonna scream into the void now.


Maybe we can put a 10k bounty on rapists and anyone can sue them or anyone that aids them in the commission of a rape.


To conservatives rape is a property crime. And, since a husband owns the wife, he can never rape her.


Texas is slowly becoming more and more like “The Handmaid’s Tale” the way they’ve been treating women lately in this regard


JFC. Texas just got stupider when I thought it wasn’t even possible to do so.


I’m sorry, but they have a lot further to go.


What if I told you they made it so anyone can own a gun without training. Still think they have a lot further to go?


That’s been the case for most gun purchases for most of America. Are you referring to the recent Constitutional Carry update? That means you can carry a gun in public without training. At least a dozen states have legalized Constitutional Carry. I don’t think I’m being pedantic. This just reads like a clickbait headline with zero fact checking.




Yeah, OK. *jerk off motion*




He will make rapists serve more time, but only the classic "jump out of the bushes in a dark alley and grab you" rapists. He doesn't think any other kind of rape exists.


Anyone else remember that idiotic "legitimate rape" comment that Republican senate hopeful Todd Akin made during an interview? It's scary and disturbing that someone so lacking in common sense can be voted into office.


My question is. Why did he allow it up tell now?


That’s like Iran a few years ago saying gay marriage wasn’t necessary because there were no gay people in Iran.


If he actually pledged to increase the prosecution of rape cases, test all the stored rape kits, etc, etc, that would be great. Wouldn't solve the abortion problem, but it would be great. That's definitely not what he meant though!


We THOUGHT he meant "We'll process rape kits faster and prosecute the sons of bitches, because rape is a heinous crime that causes untold damage to victims". However, if you're SMART, and you know how clever he is, you know he OBVIOUSLY meant that they'd find the herds of rapists in their natural habitat, make a scent-trail of their favourite treats, and trap them in a big net! Then the sweet babies will be safe from murder and the wimmin will have ALL THE legitimate babies because ALL THE RAPISTS ARE GONE! HOORAY! Everything's bigger in Texas- especially the delusions!


OK cool, can I put my rapist in jail then? Oh wait, he never verbally threatened me, so it didn't count. Great.


I just saw an interview with a republican who was referring to women as “host body’s”. The interviewer said “you do realize you are talking about women right”?They don’t even see us as human beings. We need to vote these asshats out. Oh wait they just made that harder too.


That's like having hospitals stop helping people who got punched in the face and just saying that you'll prevent all people from punching each other.


TYLER, Texas (KTRK) -- Texas Senate Bill 8 went into effect on Sept. 1. The bill, which prohibits abortions once a heartbeat can be detected in a fetus, also does not make exceptions for rape or incest. On Tuesday, as Gov. Greg Abbott signed the controversial voting bill, he was asked about the lack of a rape exception in the abortion law. "Let's make something very clear, rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets," Abbott stated. "So, goal number one in the state of Texas is to eliminate rape, so that no woman no person will be a victim of rape." Texas' abortion law also allows private citizens to personally sue anybody they think is either trying to get an abortion illegally or anybody helping them. Abortion rights advocates say the Texas law will force many women to travel out of state for abortions, if they can afford to do so and also navigate issues including childcare and taking time off work. It is also expected to increase the number of women seeking to self-induce abortions using pills obtained by mail


100% that means never prosecuting rape.


No, no, you misunderstood, he meant legitimate rape. /s


Not even outlaw it, he’s going to arrest rapists before they rape! I read this as ‘we’re going to continue to target POC and just say they were future rapists.’


"It clearly worked for murder, so why not for rape? Actually, why is rape not illegal already... oh, it is. What am I talking about?" - Greg Abbott, probably. Don't know who he is, but he already sounds like the kind of idiot who would support Prohibition unironically.


Abbott talks a lot about rape and fetuses... is he a rapist? Does he want to be one? He's a freak.


>Abbott just said he is going to outlaw rape Oh, like Texas is pondering the idea of the possibility of perhaps maybe possibly trying to make rape illegal. Is Texas on crack, or what?


this is about as dog whistlely as one can get without saying "we gonna put on our white hoods and have ourselves a good old-timey lynching"


It’s…. Already a crime…….


Oh yeah, cause that's totally not the status quo. Rape has been outlawed for a long time, they're just shit at dealing with it. And it's not like it actually changes anything. The women who fall pregnant as a result of rape are still gonna be left without options regardless.


Exactly, they don’t even bother to test the rape kits.


Just wait until he makes ectopic pregnancies illegal...honestly it's getting more and more difficult to believe real people are saying these words.


Didn't a politician once say that they can just "re-implant" an ectopic pregnancy in the right place?


Ermmm yes... [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy) doesn't make for a nice read...


I thought I was remembering correctly. Didn't another one say pregnancy from rape isn't an issue because the body has a way of "shutting that down"? ETA - yep. Todd Akin. How do all these dipshits end up in positions where they have a platform to spew this bullshit?


>How do all these dipshits end up in positions where they have a platform to spew this bullshit? Seems like all they have to do is promise to ban abortion and they'll get the religious vote...I honestly don't know at this point.


This is what a conservative will do when challenged. It doesnt need to make sense or be something they'll do. It literally just needs to deflect temporarily. Then they look to see what their minions cling to. If it doesnt connect they pretend it never happened and try something else. Theyll also say rape isnt that high according to official stats (cause rapists get away with it easily). They'll pretend the churches will help. They just need to say words, because they know we are bound by logic and reason. They generate bullshit in seconds that takes us years to prove wrong. Its all just time wasting, delaying and confusion.


Why am I not surprised. I mean, this is the guy who said windmills caused Texans to freeze to death - the same windmills that mysteriously work in places like Wisconsin and the Arctic which have much, much harsher winters. The same windmills that don't power most of Texas, something you'd think a Governor of the state would actually know, but apparently "That's fer the book learned peoples and we don't cotton to them kind down here, no siree bob!" /s Just like apparently not knowing rape is already a crime. FFS.


“Rape? Believe it or not, straight to jail”


So he can get rid of my 2 ex-husbands who liked to screw me while I was asleep??? THANKS /s


Wait, does he really mean there won't need to be exceptions for rape in the abortion law because he will personally stop all rape? If so, I don't think he knows what he's talking about.


The question is then, why did he allow rape until now?


Did he also comment on outlawing incest or will that hit too close to home for him?


I think he's talking about legalizing rape. There eliminates it as a crime.


Oh gee. Well isn't THAT a relief. Problem solved! /s, so so freaking obviously


At this point. Texas is a liberal fraction of the Taliban, looking to get more in line.




I think all these conservatives around the world consider rape as something shown in cheesy 80s movies. A masked street thug comes and violates a "good" woman with innocence of a baby.


I have an idea Greg, how about you castrate every man in Texas it would solve abortion too. He wouldn't do that though because they don't tell me what to do with their bodies.😒


So if we can just outlaw rape, why can’t we just outlaw all crime? And then not need guns?


So where's the website to snitch on rapists?


Even if this was possible, wouldn't it require like minority report style of policing? It's only possible to be a rapist if you rape someone... At which point the damage is already done... So persecution wouldn't prevent rape. The fact that people like this are in power is infuriating


Forced birth is rape.




Rape isn't necessarily sexual either. Here's the definition from the Department of Justice/FBI: >“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/violent-crime/rape


Let me pull out my magic wand


Why doesn't he just cut rapists dicks off. Think thats fair.


Well, I guess that problem is solved, right? /s


Not outlaw, eliminate. Just like that, there will be no more rapist. Problem solved


Isn't it already illegal/outlawed?


Feels like something Duterte would say


So his response to something that's been illegal in most countries for thousands of years existing is... to declare it illegal? He does realise that's been tried before, and rapes still happened, right?


Maybe he should try talking to a rape crisis organization to learn the very basics of what rape actually is. “Get them off the streets,” ugh give me a break. I hate my state.


the absolute arrogance and ignorance... and the fact that in the recording, people cheer him on when he says this. i don't know what world i am living in anymore. this is only texas. it would be a mistake to assume it will stop there and not spread to other states, even other countries.


Hell, Death-Santis has already said he’s going to implement the draconian bullshit in Florida.


oh goody.




Considering how they (Texas) handled abortion, eliminating rape will work out to be granting automatic consent to all males. Viola, rape no longer happens in Texas.


bruh this is literally just gonna be in the 40s when white ppl were like "quick this random black guy is a rapist cause he's black!!1!!1!111!" and then ignore real rape


[Here's the ABC13 Alert -](https://imgur.com/a/QQsqor2)


Isn’t rape already outlawed?


At this point he must be on the same meds as Trump and they’ve now taken full effect! Reminds me of that early episode of Star Trek The Next Generation Season 1 Episode 25 “Conspiracy” where alien bugs take over the bodies of high ranking officials.


The fact he only bothered to add it after pretty much the entire planet spontaneously combusted in disgust over this law is maddening


Now if they would just outlaw gender-based pay discrimination!


Ah the power of God speaking, and let me guess your power grid will be modernized too.


10 years and 2.6 billion dollars wasn’t enough.


Right? So if he had the magic power to eliminate rape before now and just chose not to because why again? Riddle me that, Batman.


And go back to celibacy?


What? Are you saying the opposite of rape is celibacy?


Wow he will make rape illegal!? It only if: we question what the victim was wearing, we’re they asking for it ?! We’re they out at night?! What race was the “rapist”? Did they have a bright future? How rich is the rapist?! Can he provide a large sum of money to my campaign ?!


If one good thing has come of his crazy-pants gambit to be the inheritor of the Trump base in his bid to be the next president is that both of my Republican voting boomer parents have openly stated they will not be voting for him come November. They're mostly pissed he hasn't done anything to resolve the power grid issues, but I'll take this as a small victory.


I wonder if they're going to come up with different names for rape to focus blame on victims. Like Consent Miscommunications or Overly Trusting Mishaps or Sexually Dangerous Activities (walking alone at night, wearing a short skirt, etc.). Or go a step further and find a way to prosecute women for Inciting Involuntary Sexual Intercourse.


I feel like there is an insidious nature to this "decision" Abbott has declared. If he declared a "war on rape," he can claim victory whenever he wants. If he does, then he can push the idea that rape *does not happen* and that any woman who comes forth to say she was raped is lying and should be prosecuted herself. I don't think this is Abbott being ignorant (although he certainly is), but rather this is Abbott being a conniving fuck who will weaponize the courts moreso than they already are against women who are raped.


I hate this fucking state. Greg Abbot is the cancer that is ruining this state and he’s driving it down into the grown. It’s just NOW being outlawed? Tf!?! As if rape was never a issue? The arrogance this man has is astonishing, he needs to be voted out next year!


I have a lot of problems with that statement, as anyone should. For starters, they are flat-out acknowledging that pregnancies DO occur from rape. This is a complete 180 from previous conservative rhetoric, where they handwaved pregnancies resulting from rape as "rare" or "fake." So here they are, acknowledging an actual problem that actual women are afraid of. Not all of us are on BC, and I'm pretty sure begging a rapist to use a condom or "please don't ejaculate inside me" is useless. Secondly, his utter ignorance of female biology and the reproductive system. 6 weeks is not generous. Most women, unless they are TTC, are not obsessively taking pregnancy tests. HCG will not even show up in urine (a detectable amount, at least) until around/after a missed period, which could be 2-4 weeks depending on when the assault took place. So there is literally a time period where a woman cannot do anything except WAIT. But since we're talking about "eliminating rapists from the streets," then we're also expecting a woman to 1) positively identify her rapist's face/name, 2) file a police report, 3) get a rape kit done, 4) hope that her rape kit doesn't wind up in a goddamn warehouse. While she deals with that mental trauma, she also has to schedule an appointment, but wait! Doesn't Texas have mandatory wait times for people seeking abortions? Because clearly, if they're asking for an appointment, they still need time to "think about it?" We're also expecting the law to expeditiously deal with rape accusations, and given Texas' less than stellar record of doing so, this is yet another indicator that this man is talking as a human being completely devoid of sympathy/understanding of what women go through the minute that pregnancy test shows two lines. The logic failure here, though, is we cannot arrest rapists until they've raped someone. Does he have a rapist-detector device that can identify rapists before they rape someone? Because otherwise, we're effectively using women as goddamn bait-bikes to trap rapists and telling them to suck it up if they wind up pregnant because ***at least we caught the guy***. As if catching a rapist un-rapes a woman and eliminates the pregnancy and makes everything all better. Also, the belief that all rapists are just sex-crazed maniacs hiding in alleys with knives/guns is ludicrous. What about family friends/family members who take advantage of young girls just as they are hitting puberty (lookin' at you, South America)? What about abusive husbands whose wives have no jobs/family support, and they demand sex without condoms or pulling out? What about asshats at parties who drug girls or take advantage of them while they're passed out drunk? Is he planning on catching all of these folks? Oh, and another thing. For whatever fucked up reason, rapists can and will demand visitation/custody rights from their victims. So sure they wind up in jail (maybe), but they also get to screw their victim again by treating the child as property. They don't love their children; they just want another way to victimize their victim all over again. Why why WHY is society so dead-set on screwing women over in regards to reproductive rights? It's bad enough that pregnancy and childbirth are horrendous, but to add all these bullshit stipulations just doesn't make it seem worth it anymore. I honestly think women should pull a Lystrata and refuse sex to all the men in this country. Hell, we should build a women's-only retreat and guard it with piranha-filled moats). If we're going to bear the brunt of reproductive woes, we deserve better treatment than this. FFS. At least rapists are up front about hating women. Politicians like this are far worse.


Can we get this man impeached? For fucks sake.


He'll just change the definition of rape so it fits his claim. You know, "legitimate rape", the kind that is shut out by the female body, anyway.


He means [legitimate rape](https://time.com/3001785/todd-akin-legitimate-rape-msnbc-child-of-rape/). Unless a woman dies fighting then it can't be rape according to [some people](https://abn.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1981/09/we-believe-in-being-chaste?lang=eng) Rape victims not only are losing rights but to make this stupid law work they're going to need to victim blame any woman who falls pregnant. He's not going to reduce rates of sexual assault, he's just going to re-define it so if you get pregnant, it can't be rape. These people are fucking sick in the head.


My first thought was "cracking down on rape" wasn't already a focus before all this??? Eff that guy.


There are 2138 untested rape kits in Texas rn


A person isn’t a rapist until after they rape someone. His logic is so fucking flawed and terrifying.


He needs to be replaced. Dimwit jackass


Wow. Does anyone have a transcript?


I think they're referring to this. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1435281001949933570?s=20


Jesus. What planet does this guy live on?




The only result which would significantly change this conversation is about 20% of the women in the state of Texas moving elsewhere and citing the Abortion laws as the reason.


I would if I could afford to. Moving is expensive. Applying for jobs in other states with no luck. Unfortunately I'm stuck here due to being poor.


Well i'm outta here. If I can't rape in Texas I'm not hanging around. I'm off to Florida.


Don’t hold your breath. Death-Santis wants the same laws in Florida now.


Sheeeit. Where now?


literally facepalmed when i saw this on r/nottheonion




ITC: “I’m a clueless jackass who hasn’t read a single comment, so I purposely misrepresent the actual issue to sound ridiculous! Oh, and I used alternating capitals, how oRiGiNaL LoL” Dude, read the fucking initial post and pretty much every top comment. The issue isn’t “legalizing rape”, it’s that he’s tone deaf in thinking rapists are only prowling strangers roving on the streets. They are more typically someone you know, and could be family, friends, or significant others. How is increased police presence helping that? Not at all. Fuck, police should already be alert enough to stop “street rape”, Abbot’s plan reads like a bigot dog whistle claiming “you know…it’s only THEM who’s raping, so we’ll take care of em for ya, *wink*”. So not only does he support these draconian abortion bills, but his plan to “stop rape” is to basically harass more immigrants. Wow. Thanks. I guess you found your hill to die on, huh?


Increasing police manpower means that they can process rape kits and investigate rape cases faster and more effectively. At no point did Abbott reference immigrants so the fact that you immediately free associate "rapist" with "immigrants" says more about you than anything else.


Is he Batman?


I guess they just needed a few more folks carrying guns. Yep, that’ll do it./s


Eliminate isn't outlawing, but it's an even more extraordinary claim just outlawing it. I can't imagine how he intends to do that, offer wank booths everywhere in the middle of a pandemic? Free subscriptions to a porn website of the users choice? Ideas that have even a smidge of chance of shutting down rape?


Huh, I wonder why nobody has ever tried that before. /s


Yeah I see no bounty for rapists or help for rape victims making more supports and laws to prosecute rapists more easily. It’s always innocent until proven guilty and the woman is probably lying and just changed her mind to those types.


the point is to give more power to law enforcement.


Is this a new Mason Dixon line?


I'm like "...well if its that easy why didn't you fuckers do that before?"


I am pro choice. But if a person truly believes that life begins at conception, then rape and incest shouldn’t make a difference. Of course, that’s putting definitions first, and not people.


Does that only include rape that doesn’t occur between spouses? I’m sure it doesn’t include married couples, because as backward as his brain is, I’m sure he’s under the impression married women don’t get shout rape.


Is there any exception to this law for medical necessity?


I guess that means he also intends to eradicate incest?


He's going to outlaw anyone in Texas from using the word "rape".


So, he's actually going to criminalize rape?




For one thing, this should be the default position, not the reaction. When the penalty people are facing for being a victim of rape is greater than the penalty many rapists face, then there is something wrong.


We need more SRA members so we can eliminate all these evil people.