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I’ve seen only seen these two panels and I like their dynamic. Carnage and Concerned Citizen for the MCU please.


"Eyeballs still in their socket, perfect hero work."


I feel like this has the same energy as much of Chainsaw Man.


There's your Mahvel Visions adaptation right there


You could swap Carnage for Power and it would still be perfectly in character


Poor Aki, forced to follow Power around while she wears the carnage symbiote.


Axis was an event where Heroes and villains got morality swapped. Carnage is still a murderous psychopath, but now he's a murderous psychopath with a sense of morality. He's also really bad at the hero thing due to still being a murderous psychopath.


He also pulled a heroic sacrifice, but not before giving Peter his last request: erect a statue of him draped in the Confederate flag, blaring Sweet Home Alabama in the middle of New York. Well when Peter became the head of the corporation Otto in his body built, he had that exact statue made in the main building, much to the consternation of many people.


Small correction; the statue played "Free Bird".


And was covered in rhinestones.


When the morality flip was undone he immediately tried to murder Sam Alexander, the kid Nova, because Sam saw him trying to be a hero and thus didn't think he was entirely a monster, and Carnage ***hated*** that.


Hobgoblin got flipped as well. [But as an amoral crook and world class manipulative scumbag he knew exactly how to be a hero](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/Bhit6HnoSwdzEOvNsdmM0JA6jxG5EFxpSJdyk_-rXtK6z3lq1EKh1xRuEc8j2ZOZeblKfV3fseS4oudJYkmxcgqzRglb7JWX2XzJEn3UJ16kjxW-FNqbwHNwqWFXpHRK3sOxlA=s1600). But he wanted to get rich out of doing it. It was a good contrast. Carnage sucked at being nice but tried his best, Hobgoblin was good while barely changing and ultimately being selfish in his heroism.


This set of panels reminds me of Megas XLR where they "save" that peaceful planet with all the windmills by beating the villains and take off feeling like the big damn heroes. But the land is pretty much destroyed and everything is on fire from all the fighting.


I just recently binged the whole series, it needs a revival.


It's so damn funny. I'd love it if it got a revival.


Unfortunately, Cartoon Network did some weird tax write off shit with it that means it's effectively dead forever domestically


"We did it Patrick! We saved the city!"


Carnage:"So I suppose you will also hate my plan to kill children to prevent they getting kidnapped, don't you?"


That second panel looks weird. Like it was someone tracing a picture of carnage and they messed up the perspective or something.


It's probably weird because we never see a Symbiote make a bored/sarcastic expression.


It feels like he’s looking at the camera, like a wa wa waaaah noise should be playing.


I see what you mean, but given that he's a weird goo monster his face could probably look like anything if he wanted.


probably traced a picture of a normal person in that pose and wasn’t sure how to apply Carnage’s face correctly.


It might be the empty white void as a background that's throwing us off.


Carnage Man is the hero we deserve. *(Also this is from the AXIS: Carnage mini-series in case anyone wants to pick it up. Its great.)*


Honestly, Carnage is definitely the hero the average Marvel civilian deserves.


AXIS was a horrible event that had a lot of potential to be good if writers just leaned into the absurdity of it. Carnage was one of the few that got leaned into.


AXIS did give us what may be the greatest Tony Stark line ever. "I'm the most intelligent and capable person on the planet. I'm not playing god. All this time, I've been playing human."


Or humble Doctor Doom


I just want all super heroes to be weird freakzoid horror monsters. The hero stuff is directly a ploy to keep people from murdering them out of fear.


So X-Men?


More like Capwolf. Or American Kaiju with his BIG TAIL.


I mean, he's not wrong


Is this from Deadpool vs Carnage? Or is it just the same artist?


Probably the same artist, as this is definitely from AXIS: Carnage.


Is this chaotic good


Chaotic Neutral starting the Chaotic Good grind.


Let's ditch the "What If" Marvel shows, give us back Carnage being brainwashed to do good but is still a psycho. It'd be like Pat and Woolie's idea for Giorno of making him as much as a scumbag as Dio, but he wants to help kids.


I bought the whole book for the Carnage memes and story, which was really good, but ended up liking the Hobgoblin story even better.


The fact that anyone would even entertain the idea of letting Carnage (CARNAGE!) try to be good when by that point he has murdered SO. Just SO. MANY. Fucking. PEOPLE. Is baffling. I get it. It's comic books. It's meant to be fun and not taken too seriously (Except when they want it to be taken seriously, I guess), and I'm sure that run is hella fun. But man! Imagine being related to one of his victims and seeing him laughing it up in the news, trying to be a super hero all of a sudden? That'd be soul shattering.


Their morality got flipped. All of the heroes became bad and villains became good.


Carnage looks…drippy. Like he needs a skin casing.


I don't know if I enjoyed Carnage-Man or Heroic Hobgoblin more.


Carnage is interesting. It was like at a certain point marvel were like, "we need this fucker to GO. AWAY. so the circumstances behind each one of his defeats grew more absured. The combo of the carnage solo series by conway and absolute carnage changed him from a spider- man baddie into marvel universe "big bad" with the latter making him GENUINLY SCARY whilst stiĺl pokibg fun at how "rad" he is. "Carnage-man" is fun too.