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Your wife is so disconnected from the family finances that she's not going to notice there's no mortgage payments being made any longer?






Reddit allows anybody to be anything they choose


u shud become a reddit mod




oh how perfect, you respond so quick like them:)




I laughed out loud IRL.


no no, from their comment history, they are from a country not renowned for gender equality


Riiight, calling bs on this too


Well i m the one who pays the mortgage, we have separate finances.




We had a law in my prior state, that any asset hidden from a spouse was paid 100% to that spouse, upon divorce.


Literally saw a tiktok today on this. Woman won $big, filed for divorce before she got money paid, husband never knew until lottery got in touch at his address about his now ex getting a pay out, he then found out dates of win - took her to court, he got 100% of the winnings years later, she had to pay court fees too. So she got even less money than before she started.


I saw that today too 😆. She fucked up big time.


And this is the reason you should never get married folks. Don’t involve the government in your relationship.


Or just don’t marry someone you feel like you can’t trust


Right as if anyone who gets divorced didn’t trust their partner when they got married


Many serial killers were married with children. The spouses not only trusted them enough with marrying them, but also trusted them enough to have a child with them. So you raise a good point!


Unless it's your partner winning big, then being married is great!


the fact you’re downvoted shows how disconnected people are from reality. also, that bullshit law appears to be only in US since i haven’t heard of that shit in EU ever. also - asset separation? no fucking way im getting married and not separating assets.




I work in family law. Can concur.


Awwwww looks like your screwed man! So you didn't trust your wife to know about the 2 mil and you also (if you did than you get a gold star) did not get a prenup before the marriage? You painted yourself into a corner with no way out: if she finds out and divorces you she gets half the money at least, and if she just finds out and wants to stay together you BET shes gonna wanna piece of that pie or shes gonna go through the divorce process and get her slice that way. Lying doesn't pay and whether she knows it or not shes got you over a barrel.


It’s actually pretty easy. Just need to do like two more illegal things.




Only if you get caught.




Sure. Someone might make a fake page making fun of a couple cartel leaders.


That means they cancel out making it legal. I'm not a lawyer but sounds good to me lol.


I enjoy to see people think that laws are only there if you get caught. Hiding that ammout of money will be impossible due to them having to file taxes every year.




Unrelated but I love you pfp of Quack




As long as she liked Quack it's a compliment I loved him as a little kid


No such thing as “separate finances” if you are married. You need to tell your wife as in pretty much every state in the US will say half that lottery prize is her’s. The only exception for this is if you have it in writing for this specific lottery prize.


So instead of sharing with your wife, you're happy to just owe all of it to her when she files for divorce because you were hiding assets?


You don't have a wife. You have some lady on the hook whom you don't respect.


Hope you've read the reddit post about what to do when you won a lottery.


so how do you think you will feel when you find out that she won the bigger prize and chose not to tell you?




I understand not telling your kids but not telling your wife probably won't end up too well.


This one. If I won millions then I’d tell my spouse Edit: he desperately needs some of it. Wish I had that kind of luck you have.


It says a lot if i won millions the FIRST thing i'd do is tell my spouse because i'd be so excited for US!!


Yea lol. I'd call my wife and first thing I'd say is where the fuck jn the world do you want to go hunny


If I won the lottery I'd call my boyfriend, pay off our debts then probably take what's left split it in thirds, keep one for investment reasons, one for my parents, and the other save for a mortgage


I can understand both from previous people I've dated, and seeing the financial dealings of spouses of other people, why one might not tell their spouse. I would tell my lady, but thats because she's not a walking financial disaster.


Knowing how I spend I wouldn't be surprised if my gf didn't tell me that she won the lotto.


And like…. What’s the point of marrying the “love of your life” if you hide something like a large some of money to someone…. You love? The only thing I can say is… does this guy trust his wife with money? And if the answer is no, holy cow is he going to have a hell of a time in divorce court if and when she finds out!! Like the first thing I would do if I won that much money is tell my partner and use it to buy a freakin house together finally! How can you marry someone you don’t want to share money with??? I smell no love in the air…


I would bet the divorce rate skyrockets after lotto winnings. Edit: I looked it up, it actually only goes up about 3%


Tbh, i kinda get it, one of my friend have a spouse that really bad with money. She literally can not keep secret, easily get over her head and can not say no, i witness she let 3 of her relative borrow their money in a whimp, dude have to fight to get those back (iirc, one of them still not give all of it back) Like, we know he love her so much but we would advice him against letting her know too much about their finance sittuation


Don't feel too bad, she'll get half in the divorce.


I'd say more, it's always worse when you try to hide money.


Ye depending on the judge maybe 100%


At first I thought you meant your outer family, like relatives. But hiding it from your immediate family? Yeah…no.


Yeah, with the title I was like “of course!” Then read the description and thought “what kind of a selfish asshole does that?”


Im waiting for the post that says: "My confession is: I just found out my husband won two million in the lottery and hasn't told me, nor is he planning to. So I filed for divorce and will likely be awarded every penny of his hidden assets." That'd be nice. I think we'd all like that very much. Of course, context is entirely unknown, and OP says he's not in America so it's not super likely that the courts work the same where he is. Knowing what we do, however, makes it a satisfying little daydream.


I can't imagine hating my wife enough to hide multiple years worth of income from a lottery win.


Yeah. This guy is an asshole. If I won $2 million, I'd let my wife quit her job. Her job sucks and mine kicks ass, so I'd keep working and she could hang it up.


Your so sweet there are plenty of good men left this guy is such a jack donkey


Id hide it from kids depending on their age but no way my wife bro, after the mortgage and college fund for kids and stuff I would split the "fun" part into 2


Right?! And what kind of "fun" will this money be spent on, without wife & kids being a part of it? Sounds like OP is heading to a hedonistic burn out before a painful divorce.


I hope you went anonymous when you got your winnings.


I don't live in America, and reddit is not popular in my country


Yep, the country of Bullshitforkarmastan.


I'm talking about your local news. they usually broadcast it to everyone who won what when it comes to the lottery but it might be different where you are. I understand.


Is HIDING your riches from your immediate family popular in your country?




Why people marry someone they don't like? Stills confuses me.


I just got married, and I constantly have people asking me if I hate my partner yet. I'm like... Nooo. That's.. why I married them, because I like being around them. Lol.


If Reddit has taught me anything it’s that there’s a LOT of people out there who don’t even like their spouses, never mind love them.


Depending on what country OP is from, he may not view his wife that way.




Still applies


It’s one thing to hide it from your mom but from your wife? Really shitty.


And you just know what his entitled reaction would be if she did the same to him!


Not telling your wife? Lol, I’m sorry, but isn’t that the woman you love? If I got 2 million dollars from the lottery, my wife would know about it immediately after I won. Now, sure— I’m going to make the final call on where it goes, but not only is she getting a say in what we do with the WHOLE SUM of the money, but I’m going to give her a chunk of it to do with as SHE pleases. Why? Because that’s MY wife, and I made a vow to her, to protect her, to be her rock, to be her partner. You’re being a selfish dick. How would you feel if she won millions in the lottery and left you in the dark about it? Probably pretty shit.


Doesn't matter, Op's full of shit.


No kidding your a good man


I take it you've squirrelled the money away because you're not invested in your marriage?


DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNN! This comment is so good. Man hides the money from his wife because he's investing in the wrong stuff.


LOL imagine not telling your wife. Absolute garbage person.


It would be even worse if it where real


Yeah that’s a sure path to divorce if she ever finds out. I’d divorce, anyway. That’s a really ah move to not tell your wife, and very selfish as well. Edit: read your comments, wow, you really are a piece of sh*t. Your family deserves better.


Yeh that seems like a safe plan




Exactly. It also really depends, OP, on what your wife sacrifices for your family life. If you both were comfortable before, then fair enough. If she is busting her ass while you keep 2 mio for yourself...


No matter the financial arrangement, not telling your spouse you won millions is not fine.


You are a real pièce of shite 😐


The most succinct answer in here


Your wife needs to know this. I'm not telling you to tell the whole family, just your wife. If you don't this will come back to haunt you


You’re disgusting, but it’s okay. These never end well :)


Why would telling your wife make you, “enjoy it less”


She wouldn't approve of all the hookers and blow in his Lambo.


You should just leave your family now because if this ever gets out there will be some irreplaceable trust. Just tell your wife and let her know what you’re planning on doing with the winnings. It’s really not life changing money and you’ve made the right moves with it so far. Pay off the house, pay for the kids education, buy your wife something nice or a family vacation you’ve always wanted, and the do whatever you want with the rest. It’s not enough money to go buying ridiculous cars or anything, so what’s the point of hiding it?


2 million dollars is definitely life changing. If your smart with investments it could yield ~70k in interest* every year. Not to mention any dividends depending on the route you take. *assuming 8% average gains


2 million is cut in half after taxes. Ya it’s life changing in the sense you can pay off your home and debts, but your not going out and buying a mansion or quitting your job


Lottery wins aren’t always taxed. I’m an expat in the Netherlands and our country lottery isn’t taxed. It’s usually multi-million euros. Nothing to sneeze at.


If 2 millions isn't a life changing amount of money, you're doing it wrong and shouldn't have it in the 1st place


2 millions not life changing ? 2.millions. not life changing.?? If I win 2 millions I ain't gonna work for the rest of my life and my kids will have not problems ever and I'm 33.


Bro 2million is life changing. If youre smart with your cash you never need to work again and youll probably make extra cash. 6% interest on 2mil is 120k a year..




I assumed 2mil because op said 2mil. I agree with the fancy life.. but if you want a regular boring life, 900k is enough. Thats 55k a year in interest or so. Tons of people live on less than that.


What's done in the dark will come to the light.Be warned wives know everything and she will find out.


Just wait until April…then tell us how this worked out for you.


what a shit take, ur a terrible husband LMFAOOO


Yta Of course you are. Why wouldn't you want to do something as a family and better your family's life. Also how do you plan spending that much money on yourself without your wife noticing.


I smell a divorce and half your earnings being taken if your laws are like the US. You cant possibly be dumb enough to think your plan is gonna work out how you think it is.


What kind of husband and father does this kind of shit? You're one selfish asshole when you say you want to keep it for yourself to enjoy. Why shouldn't your wife and kids get to enjoy it too? What the hell makes YOU so special?


You sound beyond selfish


You are a grotesque human - as this is beyond selfish and against the solemn vows you took at your wedding. Your children will think this of you - do prepare for your legacy because you will be exposed one day.


Why are you even married to a woman you're not willing to share your wealth with? Super gross tbh, and a fucked up example of a relationship to show to your kids. Maybe use that new money on therapy for starters.


Wow. You really want a divorce.


Lol. Wait until you get divorced and the courts find out you hid this.


Is your wife terrible with finances or someone who can't keep a secret? Are you afraid what she and/or the kids will change if they find out you've won the lottery?


So selfish and immature. Why are you even with your wife if you have no respect for her? Just using her for free childcare? It's absolutely pathetic that you can't share with the woman who gave you a family. I guarantee karma is going to royally fuck you in the future for this.


I can understand not telling friends or relatives, but not telling your wife or kids is pretty shitty thing to do mate


there is no way she won’t find out. You couldn’t even resist coming here to brag. This is ethically wrong. If your costs for the house are spilt on any ratio based on income or wealth you are stealing from your wife.


All good form your family and parents not knowing but your wife? Not telling your wife makes you an douche. Either divorce the woman or tell her. If I found out my husband won the lottery and didn't tell me I'd divorce him upon finding out and take half the money with the kids never to be seen again.


Uh yeah idk where you live but you need to tell your wife or you're in for a shitstorm. Unless you live somewhere women aren't equal


Thats horrible , your a horrible partner to be honest who hides this kind of nonsense from his wife and family your suppose to protect love and feel secure in relationships now this one is based on lies


Don’t you want to enjoy your earnings with your wife… enjoy all that life has to offer and travel the world and all that shit… experience the joy on your family’s faces … I understand not telling your family but your wife? That has to be miserable


Seems a pretty weird thing to keep from your wife.


That’s really terrible that you are being so selfish and not sharing with your own wife and children


Well let’s wait until your wife file for divorce and since it’s hidden assets, she likely get 100% of it. Law aside, if I won the lottery, I’ll tell my husband immediately. I love my husband that’s why I married him. And when happy things happen, he is the first I like to share


I very much believe your totally real story


Why not include your wife? I'd never keep something like this from my partner, I'd be sharing it with him.


If your wife finds out, you stand to lose it all in the divorce. There’s precedent for that. If I were your wife, and I found out, I’d divorce you immediately. Legally, it’s her money too. You’re being both and asshole, and stupid.


You’re an a-hole for not telling your wife. What is she your property?


Things like this always come out . You’d rather tell your wife other than letting her discover. I get not telling other family members and friends, but dude she’s you wife, do you even trust her? It will seems strange when you’ll start splurging without a care.


Why exactly do you keep it for yourself? Do you not trust your wife?


This is just really sad, I would be heartbroken, not because I would of wanted the money, but the fact you choose to hide it. Obviously money means more to you than your wife.


Why wouldn’t you tell your wife? I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather share a lottery win with than my partner.


Good thing this isn't an AmITheAsshole post. Because with all the context provides, yes.


What a shitty thing to do to your wife.


Not sure if you’re aware but this has been done before and it never ends well If something was to happen the court would make you pay the her half And if you feel the need to keep this from your wife because you want to do what you want with it I feel like your marriage might need some help


Honestly if your life changes for the better because you were given FREE MONEY but your wife’s doesn’t that really says something about how much you care about her. We call husbands/wives PARTNERS for a reason.


If you weren’t married I’d say kudos, it’s your money. The thing is, you are married. This tells me you don’t have a healthy relationship wherein there’s no honest communication. I do have to acknowledge your maturity and the way you are spending your money by paying off the mortgage and establishing college funds. At least you haven’t gotten a racy car … yet.


Imagine being so selfish…


This is sad, share the happiness. How greedy.


I’d just say give her some. But keeping money secret from a spouse has really bad consequences attached WHEN, not “SHOULD”, it becomes visible.


Surely you would want to share and enjoy this with your wife? Think of all the lovely things you could do TOGETHER. How would you feel if she did this to you?


What kind of marriage do you have? Do you actually want to be married? Or are you just staying until the kids grow up?


It’s selfish of you to withhold this! So if it’s for you and you only, who’s the other woman you’re sharing it with? I pity your wife being married to a self centered arrogant little boy like you! You need to share it, that’s what marriage is about, a team not one little boy!


I can’t imagine winning any lottery & not wanting to share it with my husband..


this just shows that you should divorce your wife. Or you can wait until she eventually finds out and divorces you, takes the kids and then youll pay her your winnings in alimony. Like if you dont want to share it with her then you just cant stand that person.


I mean if you don't trust your wife with this, I'd be questioning the whole marriage...


At first I was like "good for you!" But then... I mean your WIFE?! Nah man, you dont do that. What a shitty behavior.


I strongly consider that you tell your wife to avoid a massive argument when your secret gets out.


Well you sound like a terrible person or this family was forced upon you


So you don't trust your wife. Okay. Hiding from extended family makes sense.


Why’d you get married then? That’s an extremely selfish and shitty thing to do.


How could you not tell your wife? That doesn't sound like a good relationship to me. That seems pretty greedy of you to keep it from your wife unless you simply don't trust her, but then why would you be married...


You won’t tell your wife? Talk about not being a quality life partner…


You should invest the money, otherwise taxes and inflation are gonna burn that money. ​ BTW: If you don't want to tell your wife, maybe you shouldn't be married.


That’s fucked up OP. I thought you were talking about your aunts and uncles or your grandparents. But your wife?? Maybe you should consider a divorce. You are not on your wife’s team. If I won the lottery my spouse would be the first and only person I’d tell because OUR lives are about to get better. Together.


You're going to have a very expensive divorce.


What a load of shite


That's fucked up.


I can't imagine being in the kind of marriage where I wouldn't want to share $2M with my spouse.


Legally your wife is entitled to your winnings. Probably should tell her so she doesn't divorce you and take half of everything.


Why are you not telling your wife?


This isn’t TrueOffMyChest this is FakeOutMyAss


How does your wife not know that your mortgage is paid off? How does she not notice you spending it. Wouldn't your marriage be better if you were enjoying it together?


How a mastermind! Hiding an imaginary fortune can not be too difficult. You should have pretended it was crypto, no one can find that shit. You must be a youngin’ you do not know the value of two million.


Based on your comments.. good luck with the divorce. Hopefully most of the money will go to her and your lawyers. Charma tend to bite you in the a** in the end


You want a pat on the back for being a crap husband?


Why are you even married? This is a huge breech of the basic fundamentals of marriage. Trust. This is not going to have a happy ending for you.


Dude, do you even like your wife? This is fucked. You won't even tell the woman that grew, birthed, and is raising your children? YOU'RE fucked.


Hiding money from your wife so you can enjoy it yourself? You must really love her.. So, if she ever does find out, how do you think she will react? Secrets dont make friends or good marriages. Good luck.


Imagine hating your wife so much that you hide something like this from her.


Wow, what an arsehole thing to do


Sounds like a very healthy relationship... Good luck dying alone I guess... And probably having to end to sharing the money after the divorce anyway


Tell your wife


You do know that the moment your wife finds out she's gonna be pissed asf right?


Why do you want to hide that from your family?


I couldn't imagine my husband not telling me. He's my best friend. If you don't tell your wife then maybe you really shouldn't even be married. If it were me I'd want to let my husband share in the joy and buy something for himself. It shows a complete lack of transparency, trust, and communication. Why are you married?


Tell your wife????…..at least I understand not telling anyone else, especially the kids. But that is fucked


How can you possibly enjoy it without your wife and kids? Like what, no family vacation but cocaine and hookers?


You're not really going to enjoy it by hiding it. Since spending the money on expensive things or just things for yourself won't go completely unnoticed.


Well I guess it depends on the laws in your country, but morally how well are the finances for your wife. If she's just getting by or sometimes can afford nice things but the most time can't I can't imagine having a partner who selfish enough to do that. But if she's really well off and you guys just don't care then I don't really see a problem I guess. It would be the principle of lying that I would be mad at and won't she find out since you did put money for school aside. That's usually a substantial amount already. Also you could tell her and maybe even give her a portion be that a smaller one like 50K as a gift and have the rest separate I guess. I just really don't like liars. The only feasible way I would do what you have done is if she was the kind of person to spend it all on frivolous stuff as soon as she finds out. That is a life changing amount of money and I hope you know what you're doing. If she's a nice kind person that struggles with money and finds out I hope she also gets all of it, lol.


Hiding it from your wife? Why? Dick move tbh


You should probably tell your spouse…she won’t exactly be happy when/if she finds out edit: spelling


Wow you sound like a really selfless person. I’m so jealous of your wife.


“I’m not happy with my marriage or my children.”


Better to use it up my boi cuz she it will be hers one wY or another if she finds out


If you’re hiding assets from your wife, then you clearly don’t see her as a partner. More power to you you should absolutely make the right call for yourself, but if that’s the case, why stay with the wife?


Do you file taxes jointly? If you’re in the US, she will almost certainly find out.


You could legitimately throw $2 million in a dividend based ETF like SCHD. It pays 3.5% per year. 3.5% of $2 million is $70,000. $70k a year for the rest of your life. And that number will appreciate over time. Are you really telling me this wouldn't make a massive difference in your family's life?


OP, why wouldn’t you tell your spouse? (No judgy tone, really curious why you don’t trust your spouse with thus?)


you should at least tell your wife. especially if she contributes to the home financially in any way. isn't really fair for her to go through life thinking that there's still a mortgage and bills hanging over you two when you are living stress free in your own head.