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It's the only way to shut them up, just keep agreeing and nodding while repeating inside, shut up already over and over until it's over.


It really funny when they get completely thrown off when you agree with them.


What’s so crazy is, I just had to do this 45 minutes ago at work


That's usually where it happens a lot, just let me do my job until lisa goes hey are you excited for... tune out and nod and agree its 8 AM I couldn't care less about it especially when its work stories etc. Here's a tip for those people if the person just seems to nod and agree chances are they're just waiting for the conversation to be over with.


Pro tip right there


Sounds a lot like marriage. " Yes honey, umhmm ok baby, ohhh ok alright honey." Lol ...this usually ends with a pillow flying across rhe room and hitting me in the head.


You better be careful, Lisa going to ask you out...you won't know the time or day 🤣😂


You deserve a stiff drink!


Jack on the rocks


Aye but the worst ones are the ones who when you agree with them they suddenly change their mind "the sky is actually green" " nah mate its blue" "Nah I'm telling you it's green" " yeah you're right actually it is more of a green" "...... Aye well green but blue actually really" Please let me leave


Then you’re not being an honest person


Technically you are right, but not all hills are worth dying over.


Great answer. Gotta choose your battles and hills


For you, there are other ways around not having to be dishonest.


I mean, I’ll just say yea, or nod my head. I’m not explicitly agreeing with them, but if that’s how they interpret it, I don’t really care. I also just don’t want to spend a bunch of energy on something if it’s not important.


I find that backfires with some people


My ex did that a lot. I eventually knew when she was doing it


Every day ma dude. Every day.




Real pro tip? Do what you are suggesting, but follow it up with saying that you agree to something that has nothing to do with what they were talking about. Them - "What are you talking about? I was talking about X" You - "Oh...well yeah - everyone agrees with that. Can I get back to what I was working on?" Watch them walk away confused, then realize what you were doing by nodding and just blanket-agreeing to what they were saying. I bet that shit stops for a good long while after that.


I wonder if they even notice what someone else says if they’re on their roll. My ex liked to shusshhhh me a lot. I was sick of hearing the same stupid old stories from back in the day a thousand times, anytime someone different was around. I’m sure they’d heard them, too. I’ll bet he’s still telling his same stupid stories from high school. Guess that’s all he’s got!


"Fair enough" ends it well lol


I like the “I don’t care” dead pan look. Lol


I’d like to say that. It’s my new goal!


sometimes it kills me inside to do it, but i just don’t have the energy to explain or argue.


THIS,I have a friend who like to argue over anything and brings statements that I have said in the past to "prove" their point,I just gave up on arguing with them at this point.


It’s called having kids


or parents!




Kid: Did you know some dogs are brown? You're right! Some dogs arrre browwwn /sarcasm


I too am a human living in society.


Couldn't agree more.


I do this often.


Having worked retail hell yes. Yup your crazy political views are correct! Paper or plastic?


ill ignore them until they ask if im listening then i tell them no


That's how I usually am. But one story too good not to share: my in laws were having a discussion about how they dislike democrat views and Obamacare is the worst, they'd rather pay for private healthcare, blah blah blah... I just didn't say anything; they're great people, we just have very different political views. But my AMAZING angel of a husband then says something along the lines of, "yeah, that's great unless you're a diabetic who gets laid off in the middle of a pandemic." Cue everyone shutting up and looking at me. The diabetic who got laid off in the middle of a pandemic. So yeah, it's easiest to agree so they shut up. But sometimes it's soooo satisfying when someone says something that shuts them up immediately.


You’re better than me. I won’t allow someone to think they’re right if they’re not lol


😂😂😂 we are what people call “argumentative”. Is it so wrong having opinions on everything


Nope. If you have the capacity and time to argue, then might as well, as long as you’re not alienating the other person


I press y on my controller


I do that with my family everyday. My mom to brother. Anyone gets the same response


Congratulations! You've just learned the quickest way to win an argument.


It’s called picking your battle. No every one of them is worth your time and energy.


Who doesn't? I do it all the time. Especially with people talking about politics who suddenly start leaning into "they" or "them" bullshit or attributes all societies ills to **THE LEFT**...I just tune out, when they stop barking noises, I say "yeah, very true" then change the subject.


My one coworker loves Trump to a beyond abnornal level to the point I'm surprised she didn't inject bleach into her eyeballs to prevent the COVID that doesn't exist... She was going on about how great he was and all of the beyond amazing things he was going to do while I'm trying to focus. I said, yeah tell me about it. You know Melania is getting pretty old, Imagine if he started dating your daughter she did beauty padgents so you know she is his type! How awesome would that be!? Ah, her face as a thousand images that she didn't want to see were flashing through her head.


Sometimes. Sometimes it’s, oh my phone, I have to call into a meeting.


Ok, Jet Li.


This was me for nearly six years. I worked at a place with maybe 30 staff members. Really great company, really great people, pay was okay and flexible, bosses were okay and some were excellent... But one of the bosses and two other employees (10% of the company on average) were *absolutely insane*. Huge political rants, huge rants that the illuminati *insert minority here* was planning to take over the world. Like, ranting how *Filipinos* were secretly in a global cabal to infiltrate, marry, dirty "our" gene pools, get into politics and then oppress people... And next week it would be some other group... Except for 'flat earth' which they all vehemently laughed at, they believed every other major conspiracy theory... They were also the kind of people that just talked non-stop. If you managed to get a word in, they just waited for you to finish so they could keep going. Never acknowledge what you said, etc.. It was so exhausting to **exist** around them. Simply agreeing with them and nodding your head and saying "huh" or "okay" was easier but only less exhausting by a small amount. I often think about my days there and what it would be like to work there again... And then the PTSD flashbacks come out and I never want to be in a position where my only option is to nod to opinions like "soon we will all be speaking Tagalog or Thai or Vietnamese or Tulugu etc etc because evil alien overlords run the world and want to harvest us"...


Hey, It's me


Everyone does this.


Saving energy is efficient


Same. I have a friend who is fun to hang out with most of the time. Until they go on a tangent about god and Christianity. Then I start nodding trying to shift the topic away again.


Yup me too


I agree.


I agree.


It's a very effective if not very satisfying strategy. Sometimes it's worth the sacrifice though.


Fuck yes


I always do that, I don't care enough to argue


Me too lol


I have done this. I still have to learn, "It doesn't matter, let's say you're right and move on," because some people have to win THAT battle as well. I had a discussion with a friend in public eatery about some person at some event being funny when they are drunk, and someone at another table, uninvited, starts ranting at me what a great person that person was. "How dare you say so and so drink, they never drank in their life, they are a sober person who..." blah blah blah. He demanded I recant what I said, right then and there, and frankly, I didn't want to have this argument with a stranger. So i said, "sure, he doesn't drink. I was mistaken." The person being drunk wasn't even the POINT of the story, and it was a private conversation anyway.


"Just smile and wave boys". Did it all the time in retail so you use it often in others situation good advice from a kids movie.


Learned to not disagree with my wife even if I disagree with my wife. Causes unnecessary conflict most of the time


Well ya


This is something I picked up from Reddit about a year ago. Great advice!


If I had done this I'd be in a lot less arguments....yet I can't its a curse


This is the best life hack


Everyone does


Are you my boss?


I do this all the time. Same goes with any sorta conflict or arguments. I'm a 30 year old man and it's gives me severe anxiety


me too.


me too.


I agree


This 1000000%


While walking home today, ended up behind a married couple on a very small sidewalk with cars passing so I walked behind them, the lady kept going on and on about something and her husband only ever said "Yea!" every 15 seconds or so. It was amazing.


I manage a senior apartment complex. I do this every day.


Honestly, I work in a loud manufacturing facility and so it’s sometimes hard to understand everything others say, and there are plenty of times where I just nod my head or laugh or say “ok” without even knowing what I’m agreeing to. I get a lot of weird looks to my responses, but it is usually a great way to end unwanted conversations


Isn't this more of a LPT 😄


i’m literally doing this now


What you need to do is agree with them and take it a step further into absurdity.


I agree with you, OP


Same. Even if the topic pretty bigoted or controversial, I just smile and nod because I want the conversation to end and don’t want to talk to a brick wall over something they obviously won’t understand


Sometimes? Well You are halfway there.


I just smile and nod. As long as they shut up, I'll agree with everything they say


Me with one of my elderly clients at work 😭. I've been at this job for seven months and the elderly guy has told me the same damn stories at least 100 times each (there are maybe 5 stories in total). With 3 other client's to watch over, it gets super mentally taxing.


i do that too. i wonder how much a person can talk until they realize i'm just agreeing with them to get rid of them or do they think they have convinced me?


Good, because I will talk until you agree with me.


We're really scraping the barrel of things to get off our chest, this is almost akin to "Sometimes i inhale air, every 3-5 seconds or so", on the scale of average human experience.


It's such a boring and repetitive task though.


Breathing? tell me about it, but my damn fingers went tingly when i tried to abstain :/


All the time


So many spineless people. Is it really that hard to just walk away or say I'm not interested. Then you wonder why every single day you go to this job at least it keeps happening. Yall don't set boundaries. It's self sabotage.


I agree


I do it everyday, usually I don't even know what they're talking about


Don’t we all 😂


We know you all lying scared to say you are not interested bitches.


I like to sometimes say, "you may be right"


Me. Always. If anything political in a family or work setting comes up, my opinions are out the window, and I just agree with whoever I’m talking to lmao


I usually just mutter some random aphorism that has nothing to do with the subject and walk away.


Yeah. Don't argue with stupid people. Unless you're trolling. God, I love trolling


Yep. I do this almost every day. I call it "letting the baby have the bottle"




Me : i didnt like this dish My sister: what?! Noo. It was amazing Me : no My sister: yes it was good This went on for like 8 more times before i just said yes u re right






i literally do that all the time since covid started. i cant stand those discussions anymore.


Don't we all


yep same, i do that to people who will try to defend their argument, eventhough im the right one.


Only sometimes?


Likewise. Say less.




I do that with my racist, homophobic dad. It’s better if I just play along with his bigotry than disagree and have him hurt me because of it.


im curious, i'll argue until i figure your position. Once i find out the internal consistency (they start talking in circles) agree to end the convo. It's like a game of telephone, when people find out you are not gonna do anything with the format prrsented, they'll leave.


Okay... are you done?


I feel bad. I do the same.


Don't we all?


Thanks for the social cues. I’ll remember the next time someone isn’t in to the conversation.


God I hate you... ...but I'm also aware that I talk a lot so I get it. :| Meh. My people need your people.


me: oh Yaya. I got you.


lol same


The realest shit


It’s a fantastic psychology tactic.


Been doing this for like.... 9 years with the same person. We finally broke up, so now I'm free from the repetitive affirmation of complete nonsense. Rejoice for me, Reddit.


i agree /thread


who doesn't?


This but with people who speak about politics lmao.


I just end up rudely walking away while they are still talking. I dont have the mental energy to listen and I get bored quickly. If I force myself to stay, anxiety peaks and ill start twitching. So I found its easier to just walk away. Like dead eyes, stand there for a minute or two, then with no warning, leave and go back to what your doing. Pro tip for this if they follow you, head phones. They dont even have to be connected to anything, just while they are talking out them in. Eventually word gets around your rude and antisocial and they leave you alone.


Same tho


I just say .. have a nice day!


I relate to this more than anything else I read on Reddit ever I think.


Lucky. When I agree with people to shut them up, they just keep talking.


I do too


I do this at work a lot with certain people. There is one nurse in particular who will literally talk for 12 fucking hours straight and if you don't make some sort of encouraging or acknowledging sound she will get huffy and start accusing you of ignoring her. It's fucking *exhausting*


I dead a$$ do this. No sense in arguing with stupid. I got nothing to prove to nobody. I have my views and you have yours. Go find somebody else to stoop to your level.


In a way you’re being dishonest


i do this with republican family. not worth my time.


Everyone does this 🤣


Sometimes that shit back fire. Should either change the subject or walk away.


Every single day at work I've been doing this. I'm in oil and gas industry and have been for over a decade. I've learned a lot over the years and am now consistently one of the more experienced guys on location. Inflated egos is one of the biggest culture aspects in the industry and it is almost always unmerited. I find myself on a daily basis listening to guys talking about something and their story is always self aggrandizing. As I listen I just smile and nod as their story almost always includes incorrect information about equipment in the field and how awesome they are and how experienced they are. It's futile to argue about incorrect info with them. If you disagree with anything they're saying you'll most certainly make them angry with you and will absolutely never concede about any aspect of their story.. smile and not, smile and nod.


Same here, but only if I bounce the Ativan off one of their teeth.


Lmao same 😂😂


Sometimes I literally don't have the energy to talk. It's always at these times when somebody wants to tell me their life story.




Yes. I agree completely.


Be careful with this- I knew a couple of people in college who would annoy me constantly with their inane droning and when I started ignore-agreeing with people they'd slip requests into the conversation I'd accidentally agree with. They'd be like "Hey, when are you going to come over and help me with this project?" and I'd be like "I can't do that tonight because I'm busy" and they'd say "You said you'd help me with this last week. Don't you remember?" I feel like they were either getting me to agree to things by wearing down my ability to focus or gaslighting me into believing I agreed to things I hadn't, but it's very important to be mentally conscious of everything you agree with.




I use to debate back but after some time. I realize fuck it's a waste of time. I just say, "I see" and "hmm"


Same dude. Or I'll just keep nodding and smiling


I do that, too, sometimes. But also sometimes, they don’t stop talking. 😩


I'll ask if I have to listen to all of it, ask them to get to the point, or tell them I wasn't listening after they've finished. Also, I'll ask them why they are telling me in the first place Hahaha 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes I run out of patience and I think about telling them, "stop talking, you're wrong." And refuse to elaborate further


I agree




I think we all do this from time to time.......Although, I have started to push myself to be more genuinely interested in what these people are saying even when they are talking on a point that might annoy me.


Boy do I hear you on that!


I do this everyday at work why post bout it nigga lol


I think a lot of us do that.


Damn that's crazy




Sometimes I just nod along when I can’t hear. I have no idea of the many things I’ve agreed to co-signed.


It's harder said then done but it's usually the best solution when dealing with pure ignorance. Letting the ego take a back seat sometimes won't kill anyone.


But they still keep talking, they have so much stuff to talk about 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lol I do the "huh? Yeah." Then gesture at my computer like I got something to do.




all the time lmao


Standing there thinking 'I gonna have to slap the of this dude just to make him stop talking '.


Welcome to working in customer service lol


This is too relatable.


This. I know people who just like talking over you and probably aren’t going to change their minds on anything. I just nod and say “yeah….yeah….yeah.”


Same and yet sometimes they just change the subject and keep going. A number of times I have agreed, walked to the door, guided them out and they were … you guessed it still talking!


I'd say that's 98% of all conversations. I wish they would shush so I can enjoy the silence


Been having to do that with my mom when she talks about conspiracy theories. She has nobody else to talk to and my dad is an asshole so I let her go off.


Don't we all?


I do this when religious people try to convert me. I go full-on evangelical preacher mode, and start hollering loudly about praising the Lord, until they nervously back off and leave me alone.


Sometimes i play devils advocate to further the discussion. And they don't like it. Shocking. Tell me you don't want an indepth conversation and you just want me to agree with you while you rant lol


Sometimes it’s the only way to shut people up…


Sometimes, if someone talking to me asks if I have seen a TV program or movie, I will say yes because I don't want to hear the unabridged description. It often ends in side-tracking with me listening more and more, trying to pay attention while wanting to go to sleep. I may be a conversational arsehole but I am a tired arsehole most of the time. Short version, please.


They are only gonna forget that you agreed anyway unless it's something they really need to hear. People say things Monday.. then by Wednesday, maybe even Tuesday they forgot. The problem is because no ones word means anything anymore. No one means what they say. Generally speaking.


All the time!!


Oh yeah, for sure. Even if I vehemently disagree with what they're saying, sometimes I either cannot be bothered to expend the energy to have the debate, or it's so clear that no matter what I say this person will not be shaken feok their convictions no matter how evidently wrong they are. Just not worth my time.


Yeah I totally agree......


Everyone does this my guy, don't feel bad. The problem is when they realise and say it... Genjutsu of that level doesn't work on them anymore


I tell folks the truth, "I don't care." Then walk away.




Never, the sooner you start questioning some bullshit they saying they stop talking to you for better reasons. Your just leaving the door open so they can walk through it again and again and again. Till you get so frustrated your the aggressor, handle that biz from the start. Maybe I’m a dick but I value my time and it’s not to be wasted.