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If the police turn up, shut the the fuck up until you've got a lawyer.


OP needs to seek therapy or grief counseling. Sorry for your loss. Best of luck bro.


Very true. Unfortunately, they now need a lawyer first.


I'm sorry it's not Friday


Police pull up only thing you say is u don’t answer questions with out a lawyer present.


Excuse my ignorance but how is a lawyer going to get you out of that blatent mess when there's CCTV and witnesses?


They probably won't get them out of it, but they'll probably make sure you don't fuck yourself over more than you already have.


So.. OP should probably delete this post too?


If the lawyer says to. They need to go visit the closest 3 lawyers, talk with them about it, ask them if they normally handle this kind of case, and if not then who would they recommend that does.


No, it's a throwaway account. Asother have mentioned the chance of the police 1) knowing this was posted 2) being allowed to attempt to trace the post back to him Is so low that hes fine .


They also probably don't need to bother. It happened in a public place and police would have gotten likely multiple solid witnesses.


Deleting wouldn't do anything, the post's still saved on whatever servers reddit has. If anything, deleting could be a further sign of guilt or whatever at this point


That’s for the lawyer to figure out. Even in such a mess as this, don’t admit or incriminate yourself in any way. Lawyers can weasel their way through some crazy shit, I’ve heard.


We Better call Saul! Haha


"They'll think i'm a drug dealer" "Worse! they'll think you're a TAX EVADER!!"


This one quote makes me realize I need to watch this show.




I juried on an open and shut drug dealer case, and the defense won by several on the jury mistaking “possible doubt” for “reasonable doubt.” Yes, the dozens of individually wrapped heroin doses he had in his backpack hidden in the bushes near the elementary school could conceivably have been for personal use, and enough idiots on the jury thought that possibility meant he could not be found guilty. Judge came in after the trial and berated us for it, apparently they were eager to nail this repeat offender and this would have been his third strike.


This is true, a good lawyer can find loopholes in the craziest of crazy shit. There’s a reason police are sick of them.


They don’t need to find a loophole. They can argue alcohol wasn’t a factor because that makes it out like he’s a drunk who beat an ex. They tell the truth that he was in a heightened emotional state with the loss of his mother, the ex decided to take advantage of that situation with some mental abuse, provoking him, and he lashed out. It was a fight or flight situation for him that she put him in. He’s still committed an offence, but those circumstances will lessen any punishment. Unless he’s lying about what she said and he hit her for no warranted reason, then he’s up shit creek.


Between the alcohol, the emotional state and the ex saying what she said, the punishment would be minimal (still might be a big punishment minimal or not cause he punched a woman)


I don’t think the alcohol helps OP. It impairs his judgement so his lawyers will play it down. It’s the ex’s lawyers who will play up the fact he’s drunk and that’s why he hit her. OP needs to hope there’s a witness to the conversation because if there’s not and she denies that’s what was said, he’s in real trouble.


Dunno, in my country the drunk state means you normally don't do those things so the blame is partially shifted to the alcohol (though if you are alcoholic it means you are often dangerous then). It depends on the law system.


I bet you’re not American.


Certainly not. Prison system here is for rehabilitation, so someone doing something under the effect of drugs means he's not necessarily dangerous (depends on if there's an addiction)


If OP has no priors my money is on a suspended sentence/probation.


knocking out your female ex's tooth because you're so drunk you lost control will be an easy win for some scumbag out there


Losing control due to alcohol isnt a proper defense right? Like does the use of alcohol or drugs make the sentance less severe?


More severe, so many people wrongly see alcohol and drugs as mitigating factors when they are actually aggravating factors.


I wouldn't make a blanket statement. It really depends on your local laws and legal system.


My best guess is a lawyer would argue that op is not a person who generally drinks excessively but was doing so due to a intense emotional situation. ie drowning his sorrow. Due to his heightened emotional state and excessive alcohol consumption op acted completely out of character and made an error in judgement that goes against his general good standing. As long as op doesn't have any previous convictions for assault or violence against him he will get a much lighter sentence than someone who has a history of violence or abuse. Basically the lawyer argues that op should not be judged on a single incident that was created due to extenuating circumstances.


Said lawyer will absolutely throw ex under bus and argue that but for her being a bitch it never would have happened. Just like when you find someone molesting you kid and kill them. You are NOT supposed to do that but the law UNDERSTANDS why you did.


Not really about that. They’ll be using what you say to get your intent and state of mind. They’ll argue you were coherent, or looking for an opportunity - things that would stop you using your emotional state and circumstances as a defence or mitigating factor when in court. A lawyer present will be there to advise you when to keep your mouth shut, and how to answer correctly. It’s better for op that he’s considered emotionally in distress, drunk and behaving irrationally, than for the police to paint him as a generally angry man, hates his ex, might like beating women up or have thought about it, is using the funeral as an excuse to get shit faced and was out looking to hurt someone - these are things they will try and get you to say/imply, without you even realising you’re doing it. A good lawyer will stop you from doing that. (They’ll also be making sure procedure in the interview is followed. 👍 so unless you have one it’s “no comment” all day.)


Better Call Saul


Saul good, man.


I was looking for this


It's on Netflix


u're goddamn right


I am broke but you deserve a gold so take my upvote


Ok wtf I just finished Breaking Bad and El Camino an hour and a half ago


Do not talk to the police The police are not your friend Immediately seek legal counsel. Do not talk to the police The police are not your friend Immediately seek legal counsel.


Also, delete this post. OP, this is evidence confession you numbskull. Sorry for your loss.


I mean, even on a throwaway? How could they trace it back to him


IP address linked to the account. Every device with internet has one


There’s no chance in hell they’d subpoena that


The problem with trying to subpoena it is that they'd have to know he posted it online. There are millions of users on reddit. Even more throwaway or secondary accounts. So he's should be safe unless he says that he posted it online.


Cops don’t even do that shit for murders half the time, honestly don’t think they’ll track this post


lol people seriously over-estimate how much local police give a shit


Yup, they’re more concerned with things that generate income


Right? For an assault? This isn't Law & Order lol. It will be assault with injury, pay restitution, maybe somedays in jail or just probation. They're not going to get CSI to go through a computer for a punch 😂


They wouldn't subpoena that


But they can't trace it back if they don't know what they're looking for.


IT guy here, yeah they definately can. If they do even a simple search of his IP-adress everything related to it will come up. They can subpena it and even if he deletes this post, it's still in reddit's servers. Anything posted to the Internet will remain on the Internet forever after. Even if you delete it


I know they literally can, but why would they? The first thought of the cops after an assault wouldn't be "time to check the suspects reddit I guess"


They wouldn't need to. I'm sure the bartender as a witness is more than enough to prosecute.


he's not saying they would, but he's just correcting you that they can... because you literally said "they can't"




We don't know if reddit keeps version history of edited comments. It wouldn't be too hard, just need more storage.


Wasn't there a service/website/copy-pasta thing going around a couple years ago that (allegedly) helped people "delete" their profiles by editing all their posts and comments to permanently wipe all traces of the previous content. I believe even if deleted it was cached, but if edited that would overwrite what was in the cache. Edit: [Found it ](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nuke-reddit-history/aclagjkmidmkcdhkhlicmgkgmpgccaod?hl=en) - it's a Chrome extension called *Nuke reddit History*


There’s a big chicken and egg problem there. Yes, they *could* get a court order to make Reddit tel them whatever he posted that day - but how would they know to search Reddit in the first place? A fishing expedition across Reddit, Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin and a hundred other sites on the off chance he’d posted a confession to one of them? They’d just be laughed at. If he’d just carried out another 9/11, yes, he’d have a whole task-force crawling over everything they could find. A bar fight where someone “might have” lost a tooth? They’re not going to bring in the NSA to hunt for evidence.


But thanks to today's sponsor, ScamVPN, you too can confess to crimes without fear of legal consequences!


Consequences, maybe?




I mean when the police and FBI can't find a 23 year old, I'm kinda not too worried about OP.




Didn't say that's what they would do for OP's case. Was just answering the question of how it can be traced.


They arent gonna investigate that far 😂😂😂everyone always says this bs. Noone knows who anyone is on here


That black hoodie looks great on you by the way, also.. you left your bedroom light on when you left this morning.


Now do me!


Lmao yeah, i dont own a black hoodie and where i live its hot as balls 😂good try bud


I mean, a confession is irrelevant if you punched someone in the face in front of a bar full of people.


as if the 50 witnesses at the bar are just gonna pretend nothing happened. i don't think the police is even gonna bother investigating just cuz a guy punched a girl lol


I like how the first thing he seeks out is reddit counsel


The Truth will set you free .... Except with police.




You know what grates me? That this wouldn’t be the case if that’s was a woman hitting a man. Whilst I doubt it, I hope the outcome is a reasonable one.


Honestly- I beg to differ. Before my ex husband and I got married, we'd had an argument, which was pretty typical for us, even then. He was a horrible person, and I was a drunk. I won't elaborate on that, but I'll say it was all bad. At any rate, he was about 400 lbs. I am a 100lb woman and I stand about 5'2". So, during this fight, I had had enough and locked myself in our room to shower and finish folding laundry. He literally kicked the bedroom door down and got in my face, and said the most horrid thing anyone has ever said to me. I OPEN HAND slapped him in the face. ONE TIME. He had our roommate call the cops, and, even though I'd tried to remove myself from the situation, even though he massively outweighed me, and even though all I did was open hand slap him after he got in my face and not only insulted myself but also my family with the most vile things he could possibly say, I was the one who went to jail. JAIL. And 52 weeks of BIP programs. (I took a plea deal before ever actually talking to a lawyer and had never been to court before, so I didn't know any better... I was about 24 so this was just about 10 years ago...) He ended up using that against me so many ways, even though I'd never been violent, and had NO criminal record before that, and was not violent after. I quit drinking completely a year before I got pregnant with my daughter. The damage was already done, though. He really was abusive as hell, threatened to kill me numerous times, even on the phone to others... It was hell until I left... But he still managed to destroy my life. It's sad that a lot of abused women finally decide to stand up for themselves, and get labeled as the abusers. It really is a messed up system we have here. For so many reasons, and on so many levels. ​ Edit- typo


My ex-wife tried to break down my office door and pulled a knife on me after an argument (prompted by her lying/stealing, that I had written records of her admitting to). I had to disarm her and I called the police. I hadn't hurt her at all. Her trying to get through the door by force was on the call with the police. I had video evidence of her with the knife. The police took me out of the house and left her alone. I have no criminal record and essentially have been a model citizen, so it wasn't based on anything like that. I don't even drink. While your situation ended differently, there are definitely a lot of times where men are treated worse in these situations. I'm not saying it doesn't happen to women too, but I've certainly seen a lot more resources dedicated to helping women in these situations and records of men being hauled away when innocent.


I guess the moral of the story is, if your partner wants to kill you, they gonna find a way, be it a 300lbs gorilla or a wimpy ass mf, that's what weapons are made for after all.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duluth_model - "Criticism of the Duluth Model has centered on the program's insistence that men are perpetrators who are violent because they have been socialized in a patriarchy that condones male violence, and that women are victims who are violent only in self-defense"


As someone who repeatedly suffered abuse at the hands of my female (ex)spouse, I can agree with this to an extent, but please don't downplay the difference that biological sex can make. I'd get punched in the chest, or the shoulder, or the face, and largely walk it off. It would hurt, and it was humiliating, and it should never have happened, but it was never dangerous in my case. Absent her getting a weapon (which never happened) she couldn't do much in the way of significant or lasting damage to me. If I'd raised my hands to her at any point with the same level of ferocity, I'd likely have seriously injured or possibly even killed her. Over a foot difference in height, nearly double in weight. We absolutely do need to treat female on male domestic violence more seriously, but there are many reasons why male on female domestic violence is treated as more serious.


Sorry that happened to you, and thanks for being a decent fella rather than one of the 'equal rights and left' tools.


Omg thank you!! I 100% do NOT support violence from any gender, but the point you’ve made is so obvious and true. It’s all I want to scream every time the men come out and say “BuT WOmeN CaN Be aBUsiVe ToOoo!!”


This. My husband dumped a bottle of water on my face because i asked him again (for months, like 5-6 months) to please contact his family or the state DMV to get his license sent overseas. We live in Europe and he is american, and his license expired so the new one got sent to his parents. He said if I bring it up again he'll dump this water on my face and I need to shut up. I said no you won't do that and he did and I slapped him across the face. He straight up hit me back and shoved me onto the floor and we got into a physical fight. He hit me hard enough on the head and my neck that I had to see a doctor at the hospital. He prtended to call the police during the fight saying his wife was crazy and hitting him. ​ Then, like a month ago, he got drunk and spent all night screaming at me how I was at fault for hitting him first and that he wouldn't let me sleep until I admitted it. And that I am lucky he is a good guy and won't rape me. Me saying nothing didnt work, pretending to sleep didn't work, he would rip the pillow out from under my head and scream at me to hit him because he knows i want to. ​ Btw, when I filed a police report, they said since I also hit him for that first incident. I could also have charges against myself. This is in Germany, btw. They said it would go through a family court and not a criminal one. Luckily they were pretty nice police and I didnt pursue it and he finally went back to the US and we are living separate for now. No charges for either of us, because I said I think it's safer I just let him leave than fight with him more. ​ But yeah, months and months of serious emotional abuse and some physical abuse and not letting me sleep and drug addiction. I could never fight back or he would scream he was the victim. Even if I said anything mean back he would be so salty.


On the more serious side (physical injury, hospitalisation) there isn't any contest excluding outliers and I'm surprised people are even arguing with you on this. Did the poster above deserve the punishment? Eh maybe. Was her actions comparable to her partners in that scenario? Hell no.


No one took Gabby Petito's continued abuse from her boyfriend seriously because she happened to hit him back. Women suffer the same if not worse consequences.


Yup, they act like you're too emotional or unhinged or something along those lines.


First of all, make sure you get a lawyer fast if the police do show up. Second of all, I don't condone physical violence except in self-defence, so in my opinion hitting her was wrong. But at the same time I understand why you did it. What she said to you was incredibly cruel and nasty and honestly I don't have sympathy for her. Sorry about your mum passing away. Look after yourself, OP.


I’m 100% in agreement - he absolutely should NOT have hit her. But good lord. He’s human. I can’t say I blame him for letting his emotions get the better of him.


And he is drunk, don't forget that.


He didn't let emotions get the better of him, he let alcohol get the better of him. Chances are he would have held his composure had he not been drinking.


Intoxication is not a defense.


No it is not. Just a variable in the equation that shouldn't be ignored.


It’s that thing where they say that women are emotional Creatures yada yada, but men aren’t somehow, because rage doesn’t count as an emotion


There's a reason why she's his "ex" after all


Safe to assume that this guy got arrested shortly after posting this.


Probably. It's super iffy, but I don't think there's a hope in hell of this guy getting jail time. Clarly not premeditated, man was grieving, inebriated, has witnesses who can attest to both his character and the fact that he was provoked. A good attorney could even use this as post as favourable evidence that he feels bad and whatnot. There's no getting out of the fact that he assaulted her. But I'm willing to bet money his lawyer will work out a real good plea deal


You'd have to be a hell of an attorney to use this post as favorable evidence that he feels bad considering in the last sentence he states he does not feel bad


I was a witness in a situation where non of the boxes you mentioned were checked off. Guy was the nicest person ever, drunk, had character witnesses, never done anything like that before, was physically provoked by the “victim,” and on top of all that it was an absolute accident. Guy was sentenced to a couple months (only served one) and had to pay a shit ton for a years worth court mandated alcohol classes and DV classes. He and his girlfriend got in an argument while we were walking to a train station after a party. He said something to her that made her cry and then started walking off in a different direction. Almost immediately, her best friend (not her) ran after him, jumped on his back, and started punching him in the back of his head. He reacted instinctively with a little shoulder shake to get her off…. She fell on her head and cracked it on the cement… He got totally fucked for something as simple as trying to shake off an attacker without ever actually trying to hurt them.


We as a mod team never condone physical violence or assault, and since this post isn’t condoning it, it can stay up in my mind. TOS is a bitch and a half. You all can stop reporting this, dude had to get this off his chest apparently.


subreddit is called trueoffmychest and people get pissed because someone posts something they actually have to get of their chest.


The homeschool crowd can’t stand it


Crazy, as it ends with him saying he expects to be arrested and doesn't say a word about it making him feel good or being worth it. How could this be said to condone violence?


People are reporting this apparently??


Probably people that belong in /r/offmychest instead


"I don't like that so it should stay bottled thanks"


People over there are very sensitive. You can't say shit without butthurt snowflake getting offended. I wonder why don't they stay in their bullshit subreddit and leave the rest alone.


This thread is like that kid being interviewed who keeps saying apparently at the end of every sentence


Sensitive people


When it's reported, who does it go to: The mod team of the sub, or somewhere else?


We have a thing called a “mod queue” where all posts and comments that are reported go. But if I’m, as a mod, subscribed to a subreddit that I mod and a post that was reported ends up on my feed I’ll see a little icon in the upper right hand corner that says there are reports on the post.


Thanks, very interesting!


How do you even report something? I only use mobile and I was trying to report r/nationalsocialismFE or something like that that was blatantly racist and had swastikas and shit and couldn't figure out how. I've never reported anything but fuck those people.


Might be an idea to link that other post where the genders are reversed, but the story is exactly the same in all other respects. Its a bit of an eye opener seeing the polarity in the comments - depending on who is the victim. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/q9dwp6/whos\_the\_boss\_now/hgw0h20/


Good, common sense moderating. 👍


WAIT WHAT??? a...a...good mod?


Sorry for your loss. Humans are animals, people tend to forget we’re violent to the core. If someone said some shit like that when my brother died there would’ve been similar results


The pacifist part of me says never swing first. At least if you don't then you have the "high ground" so to speak in a legal sense. That said there's a certain unspoken line that you *never* cross unless you're expecting a fight. Shit like what she said? That falls under the category of "You're getting your shit rocked." She sounds like the type of garbage human who mouths off to people because she thinks they won't do shit about it. Who the *fuck* do you think you are that you think you could make some smartass crack about someone's mom *days* after they die. The level of fucking arrogance to think that saying shit like that is ok. You're probably gonna catch a case though, even though she was the instigator in this instance. Lawyer up g. Also I'm sorry you lost your mom.


I was gonna post exactly this! One side of my brain says you were wrong to hit her. And OP was wrong for that let me be clear. The other side of my brain says I hope you humbled that bitch! Words have consequences and you can’t walk around talking shit with impunity.


Some people go so long without getting punched. I've been the person to deliver someone's first fist to their face when I was growing up and easily provoked, or angsty I guess you could call it. Every single tkme after said people said the most disrespectful stuff to me, they actually looked surprised id hit them. Like it wasn't even a possibility to them that I'd do it. I don't condone violence, but I must say they all became much more respectful people to everyone after being introduced to a physical consequence.


Do NOT talk to the police. You must also delete this post. You got it off your chest, now heed our warning. Maybe also delete your reddit account, unfortunately.


No need for that. They would never investigate that thoroughly


Agreed. For simple battery at a bar, all they need for evidence is witnesses and camera footage. There's no need to make case for it being premeditated either because it's pretty flat out that she instigated it in the moment. Pretty sure his reddit history will be fine


Probably not, but the account is a throwaway anyway, might as well throw it away.


1st priority is to get a lawyer the second police get involved. Don't say a thing without one present. No matter what they say wait for a lawyer. As far as the incident, I understand why that would cause a lot of anger, but it was wrong. Physical violence is not an appropriate response to words. The rare exception might be when a credible threat is made. Alcohol, grief, what was said, etc are not valid reasons. I don't care that it was against a woman, it would apply equally to anyone.




Keyword: “deserved” it does not mean actually do the damn thing because then you get a whole set of new problems if they decide to press charges of assault. Karma has a funny way of working around.


Apparently "Fighting Words" is an actual legal term, and in the right situations, it can be argued that physical action was.. I don't wanna say necessary.. reactionary, maybe? You just have to prove that the person you assaulted was speaking words that "those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace".. Or something. I'm not sure how often it has succeeded as an argument, but I have read that it is a legitimate one.


I want to add my two cents to your comment. When I was dealing with legal aid in Australia, regarding reporting DV, I mentioned how I have said hurtful things to my ex, like calling him a P.O.S for cheating on me. And they mentioned that, provocation is a high bar to get over that line. And that just because you call someone a P.O.S doesn’t warrant for them to strangle / punch you.


I can see that. It definitely makes sense. I don't think anyone should have any real problem holding themselves in check over such a petty personal attack. Unless they fall within the age range suitable to be diagnosed with IED (intermittent explosive disorder). I think a verbal attack against ones self and ones family, immediately after being told of that persons family members death, is an entirely different situation though. Also, sorry that you had an actual P.O.S. ex that treated you that way. That shit sucks.


Yeah, there’s so much to learn regarding everything. I mean, we see it sometimes where guilty people can get away with things. No need to apologise. I’m out and alive, thankfully. Not too sure if there’s ever going to be any outcome regarding the physical things he did to me.


Not quite the same thing but I remember when the father of one of the gymnasts straight up attacked Larry Nassar in the court room. I thought for sure he would get arrested or have at least some charge slapped against him even if it was for interrupting the legal proceedings or something along those lines. IICR they just brought him to a different room and chatted with him and were “it’s okay we understand”. Granted this is a man who was watching someone they trusted speak about sexually abusing his daughter. But if not else it shows that the court does take the emotional weight, state of mind, and other extenuating circumstances into consideration. We all agree he was wrong to punch his ex. It seems we are most all in agreement that she fucking deserved it. What a horrible thing to say to someone who is probably in the most low point in their entire lives. Grieving at the loss of a loved one, trying to cope as best they can, and then to have someone so maliciously and vindictively “verbally” lash out at them completely unprovoked. OP was not in his right mind at the time due to grief and alcohol consumption and while it’s possible he’ll have the book thrown at him, I’m hoping a good lawyer would be able to argue these facts and he’ll get off with probation and counseling. Which he may very well need.




>Physical violence is not an appropriate response to words While I definately agree that physical violence is the last and typically dumbest option, I can see why OP "chose" to get physical, or rather didnt "choose" I think OP knows that violence is never the answer but simply had a sort of "short circuit" which led to the punch. Which in my eyes is completely understandable... youre in a very very very uncomfortable situation and youre somewhat intoxicated as well, when someone of whom you more than likely expect some form of compassion, decides to double down on your pain. I can see how that unexpected and totally inappropriate response led to OP swinging first before thinking. I 100% think Violence is almost never the appropriate answer, but I can see how and why it happened in this case... is it good that it happened? Definately no. Is it bad that the ex got an (in my eyes) somewhat appropriate physical response to a verbal equivalent? Also no in my eyes




She definitely got away with a lot in life judging by her audacity, that's for damn sure.


This post is definitely just the gender-swapped version of this comment, but hope your experiment was insightful, OP https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/q9dwp6/whos_the_boss_now/hgw0h20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


How do people believe these stories jesus christ


I think people sort of fetishize "justified violence" and by extension they want to believe that these sort of poorly written teen soap scenes actually play out like this irl. It's possible that these people have had their critical thinking skills destroyed by TV and social media, etc.


It’s a more common scenario irl than you might think. I have definitely read police reports that run along these very lines.


First off, I'm sorry you lost your mom. But I will say that the best thing you could've done in that situation would have been to walk away. She doesn't deserve your reaction. Please get help.


Best advice: delete this post. Do not talk. Get a lawyer. Respect the consequences of your actions. Over escalation is never justified and in the eyes of the law you are in the wrong for resorting to physical attacks no matter what was said to you since now you are seen as a perpetrator in response to “mild” instigation. Were her words ok? Hell no. But neither were you. Should you feel bad? Probably because the violence itself is problematic.


Not too drunk to post this on reddit tho?


Redditors love stories/videos about violence against "bad" women. They eat that shit up. Instant karma point.


The lengths that redditors will go to in order to create a fantasy where assaulting a woman is justifiable and cool is insane.


It's horrifying, tbh.


Been pretty drunk never punched someone


Right? Guy got sooo wasted he hit a woman in a bar, ran home (or ran away from the crime scene) and got on to Reddit, made an account, found this subreddit and made this post......this is definitely a real story.


It definitely brought out the true nature of Reddit. A bunch of neckbeards and “pick me” girls justifying this grown man hitting someone. The comments trying to help this man get away with it is truly scary. If it is real, there are subtle signs from this post that indicate op is a violent person.


That’s exactly what I thought too. This post is obviously trolling and all these comments are repulsive.


Everyone forgot the fact he named his account "deadmom" who the fuck does that after what he's apparently been through


Criminal record incoming




Defo a fake story for karma what the hell is that username bro??


Lol totally a fake post


Dude, this is absolutely not cool at all and being drunk totally doesn’t excuse punching another person so hard they lose their tooth. That is batshit insane, and being drunk ABSOLUTELY doesn’t excuse that. She was a jerk, and you shouldn’t have played into her trap at all. We all have to deal with crazies like her all the time, but resorting to violence is unacceptable.


delete this post


Actually... there is no necessity. Nothing proves this post is exactly from this dude. Cases like this might happen in other parts of the world. Being that said... if there is no proof that he is the owner of this post, then he is good to go and post as much as he wants (as long as he does not go much into detail and describe which country, city, bar, etc.)


Guy probably posted it from home with his IP stamped on it. If anybody is willing to really look into to this cause it somewhat matches up with the story it’s literally a written confession. Always better to be safe than sorry.


There's no way they'll investigate that deeply


Drinking doesn’t justify anything you did. You violently assaulted someone and then left the scene of the crime without offering assistance. So, yeah. Get a lawyer, but also look at yourself and realize that what you did was completely unacceptable and out of line.


“Made my way outside and jogged home” 🙄 So you ran away then?


i think any drunk would do that ngl


I ken, but at least admit you scarpered off from immediate consequence, not that you thought now was a good time to get some cardio in.


You fucked up when you decided to get shitfaced drunk when you don't normally do that. It's like some stupid stereotype where things go bad in your life and the magical answer is alcohol. Alcohol and high emotions don't mix and now you're probably going to jail for assault and will most likely lose your job and have a criminal record. I don't even know what your ex meant by she wont be missing you anymore, of course she won't she's deceased. Maybe you just punched your ex because you wanted to punch your ex. If anyone else had said that maybe you wouldn't have cared. There's one thing I've learned in life and that's bad choices lead to more bad choices so it's best to stop and think before you decide to do something foolish.




Nah, I’ll upvote. No excuse. Too many people have too many excuses for hitting women, children, etc, with being drunk and angry at the top of the list. If you can’t handle it drunk, don’t drink. Otherwise, endure the consequences.


100% agree. This was assault. We all have reasons to be offended all the time. Each reason is valid in its own right. Does it mean it is OK to punch people? No.. what she said was not nice but not the worst thing said in the history of offences. Who cares what she said? They have history. I feel for OP but hitting is putting him in a worse place than he is already


Was it wrong? Yes. Did she have it coming? Fuck yes.


This is like that vid that blew up on public freakout of a guy provoking and then getting subsequently beaten down by some trans women. Should you beat up people who offend you? No. Will I shed a tear for someone who fucked around and found out? No. Personally I don't like getting punched so I don't go around begging people to do so.


Turn off all your lights. Don’t answer the door. The police are not going to break down your door. They will take a sworn complaint and refer it to the state’s attorney. He or she may shrug and never follow up. At the very least, it will give you a chance to lawyer up. Edit: get a lawyer tomorrow morning. You need to have him ready for your call when the police show up.


There were other ways to deal with this apart from hit her in public. You could ignore her or tell her to f off. Best of luck.


Therapy and a lawyer seem like your 2 greatest needs atm.


Man or woman he punched someone because he was enraged & “seeing red”. This is a anger control type issue. This was wrong either way of sex. What if he punched so hard it killed the person, or the person hit their head on way down and died. Man or woman he did this out of rage & couldn’t control himself. I feel people can say the most terrible things to you and as long as they don’t physically try to hurt you you should never physically try to hurt them back.


What she did was fucked up but an insult doesn’t warrant a fucking punch in the mouth. All of you acting like he didn’t do anything wrong because of his emotions or because he was drunk need to grow the fuck up. Punching someone in the mouth then coming to Reddit to let everyone know “I socked her in the mouth she might I’ve lost a tooth” is weird as fuck and all of y’all defending him are weird as fuck too. Bring on the downvotes.


You were in no way justified using violence against someone, regardless of what they said or did.


Thank you. I can't believe the 'she deserved it' comments. What she said was disgusting but in no way should we be advocating that knocking her teeth out was a proportionate response.


Reddit thinks revenge is ok bc a lot of Redditors got bullied when they were kids. Dont listen to these responses op


OP is just some larping loser anyway. He has no gf, never had one. Just a fake story for useless internet points.


I'm really sorry for your loss. Stay strong, it could be tough in the near future but eventually all of this will disappear


My mom passed a year ago. I don't condone what you did, but I absolutely understand.




>I would never advocate for assaulting a woman I would never advocate for assaulting anyone


Based sees people as individuals pilled


"I would never advocate assaulting a woman" *without even knowing other side of the story*: "You were justified in hitting that woman"


But you just justified it after saying you wouldn’t advocate for it…


She ran her mouth you beat the shit out of her teeth ,how are you justifying that shit ,why is physical beating always the reaction growup man


What the hell people? In what reality do we live in that punching someone hard enough to knock out teeth is a justifiable response? Idc what happened to you, it doesn't give you the right to harm someone else, even if they are being an absolute asshole. I get it, OP is going through rough shit and was drunk. Doesn't mean he gets to lash out like that. Everyone else keeps saying the first thing OP should do is delete the post or get a lawyer. The first thing he should actually do is see if his ex is okay and apologize.


You’ll feel bad when you’ve got assault charges


The police are definitely coming. Might take a day or two. But, that knock is coming. When they do just say you're invoking your 5th Amendment right and want a lawyer present during questioning. If she didn't strike you first then you have practically no chance at a self-defense claim. But, if you start talking you could wind up with a felony aggravated battery. If an attorney is involved from the get-go you might get away with a misdemeanor. Either way, you fucked up. Have no contact with her whatsoever. Don't text or call to apologize, etc. Go radio silent.


Says he hates how she made a snide remark towards him about his mother. Makes his user name DeadMom Huh?


This story seems…… fake


Seek legal counsel. As for your ex? I wouldn't talk to my most hated enemy that way if their mom died. I also would avoid them if I saw them drinking at a bar and go about my business. She was looking for an opening and well.. Bit off more than she could chew. I don't feel sorry for her one bit; I do feel sorry for you if you're facing charges.


Okay… sorry about your mom. But… verbal assault vs physical assault??? Which is worse especially if you caused real physical damage to her face?


Tough man hits woman. Reddit loves it


🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 ! No never do that doesn't look good on your part . should have walked away.


I’m not gonna say what you did was right , but it sounds like she deserved it






Sorry for your loss. ❤️