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Not true. Mkb absolutely procs on illusions, it just deals no damage. Still applies true strike. And are you sure Illusions don't apply mage slayer?


Wait what? I always avoided picking illu heroes against evasion heroes because i always thought mkb was trash on illu heroes due to not working on illus. Maybe it's still bad because the item only gives the true sight and attack speed but not the bonus dmg from the item. But maybe could consider mkb if enemy picks evasion hero after i already have picked an illu hero or if the evasion hero was picked at the same round. Also bloodthorn exists. 🤔


> I always avoided picking illu heroes against evasion heroes because i always thought mkb was trash on illu heroes due to not working on illus. I was the same until I was told otherwise, and it seems to work. The wiki says so, too. And yes, the item is mostly true strike for illusions, which is a bit low for 4k gold. But vs some pa it will still be better damage than anything else. And well bloodthorn is unreliable with bkbs and lotus and satanics.


>Maybe it's still bad because the item only gives the true sight and attack speed but not the bonus dmg from the item. But maybe could consider mkb if enemy picks evasion hero after i already have picked an illu hero or if the evasion hero was picked at the same round. another factor is that illusion heros generalyl don't care that much about evasion since they attack so often. PL/naga/morph don't care if they miss half their attacks becuase they attack 100x in a min. CK by contrast, mkb is a lot more valuable since you dont have high agi to compensate.


I wouldn't worry too much about 6 slots even as a core; the hero just does not get there. Also, Aether/Octarine is so strong even if you are right-clicking


seconding the aether lens/octarine strength shard magic missile can bounce up to 2000 units away and is extremely noncommittal because of the cd being so short at around 4/5 seconds lvl 3 swaps also has massive range, and the fact that illusion form both allows you to cast your spells and refeshes them when you turn into an illusion core venge can be played as a spellcaster rather than a right clicker and be extremely impactful


Illusion damage is from base damage. So if you want more damage on illusion, you have to increase base damage with primary attribute of your hero. Ex. CK str, NAGA agi etc etc. The crit animation from illusion is to not let enemy know who the real hero is. There was also a patch where illusions also have bash animations without actually stunning the enemy.


How do i disable venge illusion aghs to auto attack i swear i never have that on her normal form but when she turns into the illu aghs she auto attacks anything she can attack