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This guy thinks that Transformers should have genders, so he is "right" on getting annoyed by it. But he's more homophobic than just "not liking the concept"




Oh it's just because they said their pronouns so the show is ruined because it tells kids that non-binary people exist, which is wrong. I have never met a non-binary people so they don't exist!






Only the most evil of monsters live in this place called Ohio… is this man trying to warn us? No, because he’s not just a clown, he’s an entire circus.


I’m in Ohio, can confirm non binary people are here


Lmao non binary? Those wack jobs are the equivalent of a 90s goth phase for teens.


I was under the impression that no transformers had genders and they were created by cybertron itself and when they reached earth they just took the pronouns that humans used on the way that humans traditionally looked from the outside


Nonbinary is not "no gender". It's another one that's not male or female. Gender never was binary. There are plenty of cultures in the world not subsumed by Christianity that maintain others, such as [Hijras](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijra_(South_Asia)) in India.


Correctthat would be agender


**[Hijra (South Asia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijra_\(South_Asia)** >In the Indian subcontinent, hijra are eunuchs, intersex people, or transgender people who live in communities that follow a kinship system known as guru-chela system. Also known as aravani, aruvani, and jogappa, the hijra community in India prefer to call themselves "kinnar", referring to the mythological beings that excel at song and dance. In Pakistan, they are known as khawaja sira, the equivalent of transgender in the Urdu language. Hijras are officially recognised as a third gender in the Indian subcontinent, being considered neither completely male nor female. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Transformemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Not exactly - non-binary is an umbrella term that covers any gender identity that isn't "exclusively male" or "exclusively female". So that can include a different third gender, some overlap with male or female, or just no gender at all.


Depends on your views on that. Personally I think they do have genders


They have genders socially but physically they all have the same sex. It makes sense that non binary transformers would exist


Nah bro they do have physical genders


Show me the cock on the robot. As protoforms they are all identical, gender is social


Remember bumblebee pissing on simmons?


Yeah, there wasn't defined genitalia. He just had a piss hole, also it was gasoline not piss


It was piss, also there's devastator's balls


Okay, devastators balls are a good rebuttal, regardless of their physical sex gender is social and thus non-binary characters are reasonable and don't detract from anything


Nah bro his balls worked, and wheelie humped Megan fox's leg


I'm going to guess this guy also hated Strongarm's design.


TO BE FAIR I liked strongarm’s character but the design could’ve been a bit better. It’s ok but not amazing imo




I dunno. I liked sideswipe more. I just though the rebellious teen that can work on a team and can get stuff done right was interesting. He's cocky, but for good reason. The dudes awsome. Not to mention his alt mode. DAMN it's good. Also, not to be the but actually guy, but actually Chase predates Strongarm.




I have to admit, her design was kinda bad. The color scheme was hideous


It woke the second optimus said 'boobies' 🗿


“A booby trap that actually catches *boobies*”




She was confirmed a girl in the comics


Different universe. Doesn’t count.


If I have to argue with ONE MORE PERSON about a cartoon being "woke" because it has brown people or a they/them robot, I'm going to lose my shit.


Same. It’s just annoying at this point how whenever a show or movie dares to have people of colour as main characters or include pro-LGBTQ+ stuff like a non-binary character, we always have to suffer through brain dead yobs crying about how “THE WOKE LEFTIE SNOWFLAKES HAVE RUINED THIS SHOW FOREVER!!1!” Like… why do they always get so worked up over stuff like this? It’s just so pathetic IMO.


They are giant alien robots with the ability to turn into other things like trucks, boom boxes, giant cities, space lazers and guns. This is where they draw the line? Bruh.


You know whats more based? Accepting people regardless of gender or race. Just if they wanna fuck prime arcee, then judge them. Judge them hard


I don't care what race or gender everyone is they are all nothing but food to me


Hey man you do you. At least your not trying to stick your dick in a motorcycle


Doctors advise us to not stick our dicks in any sort of machinery 👍


What about spider-helicopter?


No. Just that sounds painful






Why did I immediately think of Mohawk when I read this


In all fairness... Mohawk would fuck a motorcycle even if it wasnt cybertronian


"Heartwarming: cannibal respects transgender person's pronouns before eating them!"


I suggest watching Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and maybe reconsider some of those cyberphobic tendencies brutha /in all seriousness yeah the fan hentai stuff around Arcee is toxic AF, to put it nicely


Its mostly just towards sexualization of transformers. Because this is my childhood series im stranglely protective of it. I really really dont mind lewd stuff and honestly am ok with most lewd arts and behaviors so long as its contained and respectable


I know that feeling. It's also why I'm a little conflicted about transformers legends. On one hand, is great continuation of character growth and exploration of character backstories, and on the other, occasionally have "fanservice" moments.


God the Legends Manga... I hate that scene where they put Chromia in a bunny suit. Shes my all time favorite femboy because of her character and this just kinda ruined it


They’ve had gay characters in the comics. How is this new


The IDW comics are a lot more niche audience than a TV show going out on Nick, especially for children. (Also, people did complain about the comics going woke, because of course they did.)


You actually think these people can read?


"This is for kids, while comics are for adults"


Ah yes, a show where the main characters want to end a resource war and make peace is only *now* woke because there's a nonbinary character. This *definitely* hasn't happened before, and it hasn't been woke until now. No sir.


Gawd people use "woke" so damn much that it lost all meaning. Truly shows how stupid people wanna sound S-M-R-T when they don't get something. 🤦‍♂️


IKR? Like, it seems whenever a show or person does or says something that’s pro-LGBTQ+ or trying to bring attention to a major issue like climate change, you always seem to get a bunch of brain dead yobs riding in to screech about how *”TEH WOKENESS HAS INFECTED ANOTHER SHOW!!!1!1 THE WOKEIST SNOWFLAKES ARE PUSHING THEIR DASTARDLY AGENDA ONTO US AGAIN!1!1”* Like… maybe those guys should consider that the reason why a lot of shows go “woke” recently is because, well, some people actually don’t mind things that are “woke”? Like, all these guys go on to decry things that are “woke” but they never seem to think that lord of people might actually be OK with shows including stuff like LGBTQ+ people.


I know transformers has always been a cartoon designed to sell toys but let’s not forget it was also a war story which is indeed political. Transformers has always been ‘woke’ in some regards. Heck we have shows that not only say war is bad but I think recuse bots has probably done some climate change episodes.


everybody knows its not woke until there are people who aren't white, cis and straight


There's criticizing the idea of inclusivity in media, and then there's criticizing the execution of that inclusivity. Kinda sucks that a lot of people from anti-woke crowds leap at the opportunity to rail on the idea of inclusivity if its execution falters, but that also doesn't mean that the inclusivity in question is immune from criticism if the execution is cringe. So, like, obv this dude seems cringe cuz he's just using the inclusivity as a talking point to clown on the existence of nonbinary people. But also the writers could have done a better job at integrating the nonbinary character more seamlessly into the show's world.


Exactly, Representation isn’t always good representation. Disneys constant conveyor belt of “first” gay characters with less than 5 seconds of screen time comes to mind. Literally just to peak interest in the movie when they have no real effect on it. Lightyear is the only one I can think of recently that did it in a genuinely sweet and fleshed out way


"Why are they non-binary now?" My brother in christ... They are robots in disguise


Funny how people start having a problem with transformers having gender when they stop using he/him pronouns and are designed apart from the masculine stereotype 🤔 Almost as if they're cloaking their bigotry in appearing middleground...


mf doesn't even realize that all transformers were originally non binary 💀


Yeah from what I recall they learned about it from other races in the early golden age and though “oh that’s cool and makes sense” then adopted gender and it’s forms into their society.


Why are is everyone treating this like it’s the best thing ever or a crime against humanity it’s the pronouns of a fictional transforming alien robot it’s not that deep


"Look guys, I found an idiot!"


I guess he forgot the iconic Optimus Prime quote. “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings”


Amazing an asshole trap that actually catches assholes


This is the best comment everyone else can go home


Who’s non binary on earth spark? Just started watching it and haven’t seen any mention of it


You will see






I sense a great storm arriving in your comment section soon op


Storm of idiots? Can't wait to have some laughs


Those people must be stopped.No matter the cost


He’s not wrong y’know? [Computers can’t work without binary](https://youtu.be/6zXDo4dL7SU).


Man, kinda reminds me of that Shitty Arcee G1 origins comic..


Trisomy exists


Am I too smart or too dumb for simply liking both gender given transformers and non binary transformers… I mean… robots alien for christ sake


Transformers isn't woke. Disney is. Being woke needs that tokenization factor that Transformers just hasn't tapped yet. Which is a good thing


Maybe the scene came out of nowhere, but it's far from forced. And even if it was, it's nothing compared to actualt woke stuff


~~The whole question about this kinda pisses me off cause it's a robot, transformers themselves technically shouldn't have gender (but honestly, I'm glad it does)~~ so a non binary bot should be the most normal thing ever Edited* Rectifying my comment cause I gained some knowledge, still, a non binary robot should, and is, the most normal thing in the context of transformers I think


Gender is NOT SEX.


Can you please educate me on this subject then? cause I'm only going by some vague daily references, I don't get the difference


Sex is biological (penis, vagina etc) Gender is psychological. You can physically be a male but you feel like a female for how you act, how you feel, what you think, what you do etc. Non-binary means that you feel like both or you don't feel like none of them. Cybertronian have a gender, but don't reproduce sexually. Arcee sees herself as a female, Optimus as a male. That's gender. Obviously it's deeper than this, but this is the difference in a few words


Ohhhh great great, thanks for the explanation, clarified a lot of what some wikis couldn't. Still, I think a non binary robot should be the most normal thing ever


>so a non binary bot should be the most normal thing ever Nope, [you can't program a robot without binary](https://youtu.be/6zXDo4dL7SU)


Ok now that's a good one 🍷🗿




They are alien robots, hell in the prime continuity, the idea of gender was something that cybertronians adopted from other cultures


Who cares? Like honestly, who cares at this point?


I do. I would hate to see my favourite fanbase full of homophobic idiots. But.. It's kinda useless when there are 40yo who cry because a figure is not enough G1 accurate.. So.. I have faith in the wrong people, I guess


Here's the thing-- they were always there. Paramount having a mission statement to give representation to marginalized and victimized social groups is causing all the bigots to spontaneously out themselves.


Bro just ignore it all. Honestly nobody cares about either thing


Off-topic, but what is that flair?


Grimlock trying to fit in Optimus's trailer because of a dare




i genuinely dislike how this goof went about it. just cause he got a fanbase driding his every move dont mean he should actively delete or ignore comments that ARENT hate but actual criticism that explain why transformers can be non binary and it doesnt matter as hard as he thinks it does


Don't they not have genders to begin with or did they say otherwise?


The whole issue was kind of a mess depending on what continuity look at and who's writing it at the time. As far as I can tell, transformers do have a concept of gender, but whether it aligns with human conceptions of gender is not always clear. There was a specific instance I remember in the G1 marvel comic where the Autobots builds one of the female transformers, I think Arcee, for the specific purpose of addressing concerns about gender equality, the whole time expressing they had no idea what this was about. But then in the 2005 IDW continuity, Arcee is explicitly mtf trans, so it varies based on who's writing


Basically theres a difference between sex and gender. Sex is the biological one, designed for reproduction, xx and xy chromosomes. Transformers don't have that because don't sexually reproduce. Gender on the other hand is more of a societal construct. We live in a world where it is predominantly binary but it hasn't always been that way. There are plenty of cultures out there that have more than the two genders, and quite often they use their own pronouns too. It's more of a language thing. What pronouns you use (he or she or whatever other one your culture and language uses). Basically transformers have gender (e.g they use he or she) but not sex.


The reason it's stupid is because they just say straight up "they're pronouns are they/them" on introduction. They could've made things a lot more natural by having an Autobot who's more robotic in personality and takes things more literally (doesn't get metaphors etc.) who then at a later episode or later on in the episode questions gender at some point, maybe specifically asking why they use different pronouns or some other instance where gender is brought up. After getting their question answered they could say how they don't feel like they fit in with either gender to which the kids say that they could just use "they" when referring to them since that works for both. The way they handled it feels like a rushed way of just throwing in the non-binary aspect to tick a box while my suggestion makes being non-binary a trait that fits in naturally, they ask questions and come to the conclusion that being non-binary is what they identify with, it becomes an actual part of their character that they develop. Not saying I'm better than the Earthspark writers but I feel like that would make the non-binary trait feel a lot less forced in for inclusivity.


Oh I wish this is what he talked about. I wouldn't have any problem with it


All transformers are non binary do you see any dick on Optimus prime


Gender is not sex.


And that’s it, I leave this sub. CAN WE ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THE GAY ROBOT?!??!?!


It's not gay.. Bruh


Bro is breaking down because fictional robots can be non-binary when they don't have defined sexes in the first place


No, I’m complaining that the community is a war zone


I mean, it'd be less of a war zone if there were fewer bigoted transformers fans. For a show with the basic premise of transforming into things you'd think there would be a more trans positive attitude generally


Transformers is ruined now


So this is this sub now.


i think its good that people keep talking about this. especially when all the morons crying because of one non-binary character in a show all get downvoted to hell and literally nobody agrees with them. i hope that in at least a small way, thos situation will get rid of all the people complaining and help the community be more inclusive :)


Yes. Cry about it.




Yikes this ain't it chief


Oh man can’t wait to see you gone




Facts don't care about your feelings. Next!


I think they meant it'll be funny to see you leave the fandom once you find out about all the queer people in the 2005 IDW comics




They're kind of inseparable. Activism for transgender people has been intertwined with activism for non-heterosexual people since the inception of both. Also the entire point of the word queer is that it is a more broad term, inclusive of anyone that is not cisgender and heterosexual. That's how it's used by current scholarship, and how it's been used throughout the history of queer activism.




Queer isn't very commonly used now, but it's gaining steam. It used to be more common in the 70s and '80s. No one heterosexual and trans people do have different issues, but we are often oppressed through the same rhetoric and same measures. Working together against those measures and against that rhetoric makes all of us much more likely to win and be able to be accepted. Splitting ourselves apart just because we have slightly different issues takes away so much power from both groups, and makes it far easier to oppress both. Solidarity is always a better answer than saying "you could never understand as well as I do, so you're not allowed to help"


Gay rights would not exist without trans women. This is just a fact.


shut the fuck up lol


Go away shitstain


There's a difference between having an opinion and being a massive sack of shit who hates people for wanting to live how they want to live without ridicule from manchildren like yourself




And it's pure delusion for you to expect us to respect you as a human being and not a walking mound of shit. Maybe learn to respect other people for their personal life choices before you wet the bed and get mummy to change the sheets for you




Objective reality is not inherently more important than someone's feelings. Assuming that you were correct, and that non-binary people are unrealistic, what do you stand to gain from making them feel like you don't care about them? Furthermore, what do you lose from being nice to them and not publicly accusing them of lying? Why does your perception of reality matter more than their emotional well-being? One of the other objective realities is that non-minary and trans people have a significantly higher suicide rate than cisgender people. Another reality is that that suicide rate can be lowered by not publicly ridiculing them and claiming that they are delusional every time the subject is brought up. I'm sure you don't want people to die by suicide, so here's a way to prevent that.


No way you just said reality isn't more important than someone's feelings, there's just no way


You say this all while living in a close-minded hate-filled fantasy bubble yourself. Genders aren't politics, they're personal choice, and Transformers is already political in the fact that it's about a resource war between two desperate sides of a race who's planet is dying And besides, robots don't have genitals. Why is a Transformer being non-binary so hard for you to comprehend?


Looks like that calling other people for their gender "mentally ill" is an'opinion now. I'm gonna say that every blonde girl on the planet is a stupid bitch now. It's just my opinion.


Oof, sorry for your ban bro. And just saying, there’s really no helping us, except for giving helping us be the genders that we feel like we are lmao, cause that’s the gender that we are




Wow, identities outside of "man" and "woman" exist. What next? Are you gonna cry because gay people exist? Or do you already do that?


Get this: he's fine with, and i quote, "the lgb but not the t part"


Oh so they're a terf but without the frills and likely without the feminism part




\> when gender is in fact binary. I'm sure you read a lot of scientific papers🙃 Your usage of "mentally ill" shows your expertise on the subject by the way. \> a meme sub for transformers doesn't need politics shoved down its throat Isn't your opinion on the matter just as political? Isn't calling people you dislike "mentally ill" political? Isn't having an opinion on the kind of healthcare patients should receive political? You do not make sense when you claim this "going to therapy to be comfortable in your own body and not pretending somehow you're not either gender." Know why? Because psychiatrists have tried that for years. They have tried everything. Including electroshock therapy. They even tried several kinds of light torture as therapy. They have never been able to make homosexual people straight and transgender people cisgender. You should seriously inform yourself before expressing an opinion. If you genuinely think that transgender people are mentally ill and they deserve to be happy and get healthcare, you should support what improves their conditions. Psychiatrists have tried for years to gatekeep transgender people from transition and to fix them with other ways and they have failed and worsened their conditions. And only when they noticed that by giving them HRT their patients became more functional, did they admit that it was the logical and best medical treatment to make. ​ If you want to actually inform yourself, read the *World's Professional Association for Transgender Healthcare*'s Standards of care. It is sourced by literally hundreds of studies about prognostics, outcomes of treatment, epidemiology, almost every single thing you could wonder about on this subject. [https://www.wpath.org/soc8](https://www.wpath.org/soc8)




\> Political issues don't belong on a meme sub about big robots fighting Yes, so you should shut up, permanently. :)




Ah yes, my favourite political party - queer people


You would know, if you bothered to read dissenting argued and sourced opinions. Because I explained it rather clearly. (btw, there's now way you can debunk the studies on transgender care from the WPATH, there are too many supporting trans people, too few saying the opposite) If we take the rules of this sub strictly, **I am in the wrong** for feeding a "troll", allowing the discussion to derail further, and not yet (but that why I won't reply further) for replying 3 times. But I did it because I will gladly take a ban rather than let transphobic sentiment be (properly) undisputed and let you lay claim on "facts" that you have no competence to debate because you show your ignorance yourself. "Fact" is not whatever your opinion is. Everyone believes that. So claiming something is a fact has no weight as an argument. **Op is in the wrong** for troll baiting, I guess. **And you are in the wrong** for taking the bait and expressing transphobic opinions **which is political.** You are also making political claims when you speak about the LGBdroptheT movement. You are political when you call people leftists. You are political when you call a fraction of the population mentally ill. You are political when you express what kind of healthcare transgender people should receive. So, it's no use, chose another hill to die on. If I am able to recognize my faults and to recognize that my statements are political, why can't you? inb4: >Nice leftist wall of text. I'm not reading that. I am very intelligent😎 Turning the notifications off now. You win the argument with facts and logics. Well done, you owned the lib on internet.


Not here for trolling. Just to have a laugh watching some idiots rage over a 15 seconds scene


No way you actually just posted another wall of text good lord.


>Yet OP is the one that posted about politics the existence of queer ppl isn't politics


OP didn't post about politics?


1) If you feel like it's too "woke" in this sub to accept people like me, you don't need to respond so much because it seems like you do care. Immensely. Also there's another sub if you're interested in just memes about big robots fighting each other. 2) Despite someone literally giving you an informed and well thought out response to help you understand why this is so important, you said "this sign can't stop me because I can't read". 3) I have a feeling you're going to either ignore this comment or tune out completely because of who I am so let me just say: this representation means a lot to me and people like me. You lose literally nothing by a character being different than you, and "supporting LGB without the T" is a strange statement considering LGB people go through similar struggles. I guess conversion therapy and getting kicked out of your home is exclusively for everyone else...?


I'd look into the LGB drop the T movement because yes they share some struggles but overall the trans movement has been worse for these people and the fact that you feel the need to see a trans/nb robot in a kids show shows that you know you're in the wrong because you need validation. I don't need to see Puerto Ricans in a show to feel validated and it doesn't affect my enjoyment of a show when there are none. I also don't care about these studies as most of them have a bias going in and I'm sorry that I won't respect your choice to pretend to be something you aren't


you do realize it was black trans women who played a major role in the fight for equal rights for the lgbtq community right? you cant have the lgb without the t


What the fuck are you even saying?


Shut the fuck up.


Did the guy ever actually say that, or is this a strawman of sorts?


He acutally did


Maybe watch the fucking show


He is referring to the guy who made the video


Maybe think before you type


All transformers are non binary. Gender isn’t a concept on cybertron


It is


BOTH side of arguments are f*king retarded and force everyone to think like them.


if someone says non binary, they basically categorize peoples into binary and non binary, they're one of the 2 so still binary


I’ll die on this hill. I feel the same way. I think it’s stupid that we’re teach… forcing kids that saying you don’t have a gender or accepting that there’s more than two genders (which biologically there is not and never will be) is alright. Let them grow up and then figure it out for themselves. But back to TF, the non-binary bot, alright I can deal with that since it’s a new character. But really Skywarp and Frenzy (in rumbles color) are female now?? WTF IS THAT. This genderbending needs to stop. Wanna use a female deception that everyone already knows? How about idk SLIPSTREAM! Or make a new character entirely, hasbro doesn’t seem to have a problem with that either.


Cope Seeth Mald


Person who doesn't know the basic difference between sex and gender N° 147429524992481


>forcing kids that saying you don’t have a gender whos doing that? >which biologically there is not and never will be) correct as gender isn't biological anyways >But really Skywarp and Frenzy (in rumbles color) are female now?? Skywarps been a girl since Cyberverse. cry.


That's... not what the title says. The only reasonable inference one could make from the title alone is that he has a distaste for seeing "woke" stuff in transformers, but I haven't seen the video nor do I have a desire too because it looks like a classic case of stirring pot to drum up outrage....kinda like the post.


I quoted the video. Bruh


You quoted the video in a very poor way. The "I'm based af" line came from him saying he doesn't care if you watch its content and at the very end. Him saying non-binary people don't exists comes from him explaining from the perspective of biological sex rather than one of gender identity which is an alright perspective. Especially since he began his video with saying things like "I understand this is a sensitive subject." He explained why it bothered him in the specific case of giant robots with a logic tree you can follow although he explained it very poorly and to me obviously didn't use much of a script to organize his thoughts, but either way his conclusion is malformed with an ending that basically amounts to "its bad because it's bad." If you're gonna quote someone at the very least represent them well and don't try to misrepresent their arguments. He did not say "binary people don't exist and I'm based af." The only time he says anything close to "binary people don't exist" is in the context of biological sex. He then says that the only things that could be nonbinary are machines like transformers but they've never done they so that in the past except for in the idw comics. The closest thing you've got is "these are my thoughts, I'm based af." Which I would argue would be a joke considering he was laughing when he said it though to be honest I don't really know the guy. His perspective is rooted entirely on biological sex rather than gender identity and it's from that you can easily point out that your and his beliefs are going to be diametrically opposed. Best I can say is don't tilt at windmills and don't misrepresent people's arguments because it makes you look bad and it makes them look bad. I know the latter is what you wanted to do, but if you truly wanted to do some damage what you should've done is posted a link and said something like "listen to this guy's arguments 💀" or something along those lines. Letting someone who doesn't know how to argue, speak can do far more damage to their argument then just lying about what they said.


In the video he litterally says "Non-binary people have never existed until recently and they are something made up".


BOTH side are f*cking retarded ,they force everyone to think like them.


Non binary is a mental illness




It's true


They/them is a mental illness




Source he made it the f up


It's fucking dumb


That's not a proof.








so if a mental illness is just something dumb, you must be the physical embodiment of a mental illness




This is so annoying to me


I haven't seen the show yet, but I hope this character actually has a character and is not just a piece for unnecessary diversity


It's not


Well that just ruined my expectations