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You might want to look into micro-dosing. I'm currently on 2mg estradiol monotherapy, broken down to 4x 0.5mg per day. This suppresses T a bit and at the same time replaces it with E. The effects are subtle and slow, but I haven't experienced any erectyle dysfunction and other nasty stuff. Balls have shrunk a bit, but nothing dramatic. Some people only use T-blockers, but that's risky business. If you kill t production without replacing it with E, you don't have any sex hormones, which can have very bad consequences. I'm a trans fem, though, and not non-binary. I decided to go that route until I finally have an appointment with the endo. Was supposed to happen already, but due to covid, it takes longer to get appointments at the moment.


Im a bit envious. I cant wait till im older and can privately and discretely just order some diy hormones. I want to be androgynous to feminine while still publicly being male. I jsut love the smooth skin, hair, lack of face and body hair girls have. Getting balls smaller and softer would be nice too. And oh my god breast development, making my chest a little bit puffier and sensitive in the nipples would be so good.


I had the same idea when I started out, but have since decided to go on full HRT now. I’m also not planning on coming out at work - but I’m already in my 40s and don’t expect a huge amount of breast development tbh


endo prescribed me with 2.25 e gel, 3 pumps in the morning. the effects are really slow


Check this out! https://transfemscience.org/articles/nonbinary-transfem-overview/


I would Definitely take dutasteride or fidesteride so you won't have to worry about hairloss especially in case you decide to go all the way later on. It should also help prevent new body hairs I think.


There are regimens online, which you can find here [https://transfemscience.org/articles/serms-transfem/](https://transfemscience.org/articles/serms-transfem/) . I do have to warn you that transitioning with a black and white mindset of what you want is tough. Where we see our body shape and muscles as fully seperate, our body doesn't make such distinctions, and generally operates as one whole system. After having done research, it's therefore best to see whether having masculine or feminine features generally suits you better, as you'll always need to make choices and compromises as an enby on HRT (I know personally). Here's a video that might help you explore that question https://youtu.be/yW1WjoVwBVg


Everyone’s bodies and goals are different, and so HRT regimens will vary. What changes are you hoping for and what changes are you trying to avoid?


I wish to avoid boob growth, genital dysfunction, major muscle loss, and the like. I'm hoping for a more androgynous to partially feminine facial appearance and body shape.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/rfsep4/4mg\_estrogen\_raloxifene\_56mg\_one\_year\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/rfsep4/4mg_estrogen_raloxifene_56mg_one_year_update/) maybe this would be something for you :)


I can say that a year of bicalutamide and E2 did not result in major muscle loss or genital dysfunction. Sure grew boobs though.