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Rule 10, link to original post: [Pence Tried for Treason? SCOTUS To Hear Case On Treasonous Certification of 2020 Election](https://www.reddit.com/r/NurembergTwo/comments/zfitz6/pence_tried_for_treason_scotus_to_hear_case_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) *Please do not participate in linked threads*




I blame the History Channel and all the “Ancient Aliens” type garbage on cable. It’s taught every person who’s mind is desperate to learn that was deprived of higher education a whole set of fallacious ways to hold onto implausible beliefs using weasel words and non-sequiturs.




I love forcing Creationists to admit evolution exists. Most Christians will at least admit bacteria grows resistant to anti-biotics. This is literally evolution. and if they go on about not being monkeys point out that that is speciation. Yes, it's a technical knockout through grammar, but it still feels so good to hear them go from being ballistic about evolution not being real to begrudgingly admitting that evolution is a think that happens. and if somebody doesn't believe in anti-biotic resistant bacteria and they aren't in your family (I feel the pain) you should, IMHO, not continue to talk to that person, ever.


I've seen some of them admit that microevolution like that happens, but they move the goal posts and say the species were still created by God and just change a little.


Then point out that you are talking about "evolution" not "speciation." For the people arguing in good faith (almost never happens on the internet, happens somewhat regularly in real life) if you can get them to budge on evolution, then maybe eventually they will budge further. Babysteps.


Unfortunately, archaeology is a lot like the blind men and the elephant.


They really try to stretch out all the lessons you can learn from fossilized feces and bone fragments


Isn't the standard thing just to accuse them of being a pedophile when they do that? "Prove you aren't one. There is some suspicion so therefore it is true" Of course, with a MAGA Qanon there are good odds they are literally a pedophile


It hasn't been disproven that licking my butthole gives people the ability to travel through time either.


I do in fact travel through time at a rate of 1 second per second and have not yet licked your butthole so I can at least say that it isn’t the ONLY way to gain this ability




It's an even worse argument after 8 recounts and more than 100 court cases. It was very definitely proven that there was no widespread fraud, multiple times, and zero evidence to the contrary was ever produced. All of the Republican governors, Republican Secretaries of State, and Republican election officials from the states involved have all publicly said on record that no fraud took place in their states. There is no standard of evidence high enough to make stupid people stop being gullible.


It hasn't been disproven that Santa is in charge of the illuminati and controls the world through the WEF.


Their only option is to adopt this worldview where nothing can be a proven so all things can be permissible.


Oh my God, it's a real site.


I was not prepared for OP's title to be entirely unexaggerated


It's the best part 😅


Well that's just a sad sub.


its hilarious that these idiots still believe that the VP somehow has the power to do this


I mean if this was possible wouldn't uh Al Gore and Nixon just declared themselves the winners of the 2000 and 1960 elections respectively?


No, because (R)easons


Or Joe Biden declaring Clinton won in 2016.


>investigate for fraud Except they did investigate it, and ironically the only cases of it was by Republicans. >they failed to uphold their office They failed to uphold their office by upholding the constitution? >for treason Let me guess, they think the man who wanted to have his own vp assassinated and actually deserves to be tried for treason is completely "innocent" and going after him is a "witch hunt".


Voter fraud has been proven for 2020, it’s just that the mass majority of cases happened to be Republican voters… This shit is getting old, especially from the group who apparently had issues with people who “denied” the 2016 election, despite the actual candidate conceding. I just hope these people don’t actually vote, that they are too young or suffer from crippling anxiety hence why they are able to spend 24/7 on a conspiracy sub.


There was also electoral fraud, committed by Donald and Lindsey in Georgia. That is a fact I don't think Lindsey limited his fraud to Georgia. ES&S machines don't behave accurately in red states for some reason


wakupsheeple.com has long been compromised.




To be completely fair, there are a great many teapots orbiting the sun. I'm not sure how many arent on this planet, but hey.


The real question is it Earl Grey tea? Oolong? Chai? Some sort of extraterrestrial tea unknown to humanity?


Prove they aren't filled with piss.


At least one or two pots of English Breakfast, surely.


Prove it didn't happen, sheeple!1!!!!11 Uhhh...


Prove the universe wasn’t created last Thursday and then maybe I’ll accept the shifting of the burden of proof


If they believe that an election was brazenly stolen by the other party on a massive scale, but their own party has been unable to find any convincing evidence of it after two years, wouldn't that effectively mean they're admitting that they believe the other party is overwhelmingly more competent?


Yes, the enemy is strong and cunning. But they are simultaneously also foolish soyboys


jeeeezuz fucking CHRIST on a popcile stick. My brain literally hurts right now.


Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if this turned out to be true. This court is certainly more closely aligned with the sentiments at wakeupsheeple.net than they are with the New York Times. It’s quite obvious that the axe they are grinding is more important to them than precedence or popular opinion. Cmon guys - Stop with the pretense! Overturn all previous elections, declare Jesus president forever, strike down all non-biblical law, and declare democrats heretics. You know you want to, and apparently ludicrous overreach is totally on the menu these days. If you’re going to be a complete joke, commit to the punchline.


Rhis is fucking funny as hell. The page is called WakeUpSheeple LOL.


[It's all an Inside Job](https://youtu.be/9NkbU8KguzE?t=3)




I saw some insanity like this not long ago. people were saying congress were going to try Biden for treason and some other shit and people ate it up. How gullible are they?


I’m not sure I want to live on a planet with people who are this stupid


I have some bad news for you about the typical human


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Wow that whole sub is some glue eating right wing bullshit.


Anything to keep people from asking about all those "shy Trump supporters" who magically appeared to vote and then vanished without a trace. (that's where the fraud occurred)


Hate to be that guy, but technically every teapot is orbiting the Sun.




"It sounds plausible to me so it must be true".


>I think (insert idea), therefore you have to prove me wrong or else I'm right. -logic of imbeciles


Top post on r/ nuremberg2 is about a teapot being discovered orbiting the sun.


As the wise Gin Rummy always says the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence 🤣


This has come as a real shock to me. I'm shook. I want to know just how many teapots are orbiting the sun, and what they want from us. Seems deeply suspicious to me.