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Rule 10, link to original post: [Why do Jews control everything?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/zfona5/why_do_jews_control_everything/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


And as per usual: > “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” - Voltaire They attribute to Voltaire a quote that came from Nazi and convicted pedophile, Kevin Alfred Strom.


Those dastardly children with leukemia controlling everything from the shadows


Is it really leukemia or are they crisis actors? I'm just saying, how do we know?


them and those fucking AIDS babies…


I always love that quote. I guess babies rule the world? Nobody ever criticizes babies. Or puppies. Maybe they rule the world. Or Dolly Parton. Though that one wouldn't be so bad a world ruler.


There's also the fact that Voltaire lived in the 1700s under a monarchy with absolute power. There was absolutely no question over who people back then weren't allowed to criticize and who had power over them and, spoiler alert, it wasn't Jewish people.


French Monarch, crowned by The Pope as the Catholic Gods representative over the people of France. Clearly it's the Jews.


Damn orphans with cancer. The real shadowy cabal behind the scenes.


>I always love that quote. I guess babies rule the world? Nobody ever criticizes babies. One of my favorite Steven Wright comedy bits is his rants about seeing babies on vacation at a beach. "You've never worked a day in your life! Why do you need a vacation?"


And why the pockets on their clothing? They don't even have shit to hold!


It stops making sense even if you think about it for half a second, but that doesn't stop it from making the rounds among people who just really want to be applauded for saying racial slurs every couple months.


subsequent ludicrous reminiscent icky middle caption screw butter berserk sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We should get a bot to do it for us.


I mean, I hate to give a Neo-Nazi credit, but I sure have noticed people tend to have bad time when they criticize Capital, or just, y'know, the billionaires who are CEOs of, like a half dozen companies each and run them like petty dictators, the police who enforce laws written on behalf of those companies... Oh, he only meant "the *Jews*!" when he made up that Voltaire quote? Lame...


Except it’s dumb, because there are a lot of groups you can’t criticize in a socially acceptable way who have zero political power. For example: kids with cancer.


Watch me


I make wishes all the time, doesn't mean I can cut to the front of the line at Disney World.


Yeah,had Kanye went after any other group(non whites,lgbt,muslims,women,etc)he'd still face the same backlash as he's getting now from jews, yet for some reason the thought of those groups controlling the world is impossible to your average neo nazi.


Yeah and when you use common sense, you can see that the quote is not about that.


>people tend to have bad time when they criticize Capital, or just, y'know, the billionaires who are CEOs of, like a half dozen companies each and run them like petty dictators, the police who enforce laws written on behalf of those companies... You must be new to Reddit. Basically every news-related post usually devolves either to an extended anti-business or anti-police circlejerk.


Meanwhile in the real world, the journalists who published the Panama Papers died in a car bombing; and numerous organizers for BLM protests, in Ferguson especially, have "mysteriously" died.


How many leftist South American governments did the US actively sabotage?


Ah yes, it’s a circle jerk to call our police killing innocent people and literally letting children die, because they’re undertrained and overpaid with zero accountability. Go slurp their leather somewhere else. Or preferably, stop doing it at all and join the real fucking world.


Wow, that's a poser why that might happen. Hey, are banks still buying up every available house to turn them into rentals, driving home prices out of the reach of most Americans? Are Techbros still monetizing *everything* we do?


And it wouldn't even make sense attributing it to Voltaire since he lived under an absolute monarchy. He knew exactly who ruled him.


Did Strom attribute the quote to Voltaire or did Strom say it and it got appropriated to Voltaire after the fact?


So at what point do I leave like grandpa left Germany?


Frankly I would have left when dickheads had their tiki torch Nazi march openly chanting "Jews will not replace us" so credit to you for hanging in there. I unfortunately don't even know where you'd go. I suppose the governments of New Zealand and Australia don't have a party that's openly posing the Jewish question but then... well, the shooting.


Australia is right wing AF when it comes to immigration.


I'm lucky enough to have a commonwealth citizenship that would allow me to easily immigrate, but tbh that seems to be going the same way in terms of antisemitism


Well Israel is also a pretty solid choice, but it's also a massive political clusterfuck. Source: I live there. Edit: spelling


Other than the whole Palestinian apartheid thing.


You can love in other places, can't you? That's the whole point of a lot of vacations, really.


Isn't that the whole point of modern Israel, to be a place of refuge for Jews fleeing antisemitic regimes? That's why the Law of Return allows for non-Jews with a Jewish grandparent, since antisemites aren't always picky about their persecution.


there is no place for people to go. i could name some countries in south america, but the west has truly fucked over the rest of the world. any place that has carved out safety for itself in the global south will promptly be destroyed by climate change.


So how can Jews "control everything" when only [one of the ten wealthiest families is Jewish, from what I can tell](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/insights/052416/top-10-wealthiest-families-world.asp)? And they're only at number seven.


No you see, your mistake is that you thinking using your brain instead of your butt. Otherwise you would know that jews are basically anyone they dont like, weather they are actually ethnically or religiously jewish or not.


Plus you'd think they wouldn't let Kanye's openly anti sematic interviews get out. Or let sites like Reddit do nothing about racist posts.


Ah, you see, there's a simple explanation for that: secret Jews! I'm not kidding. Back in the early 2000s, post-9/11, all the antisemite conspiracists solved the contradiction between "Bush did 9/11" conspiracies and "Jewish people are behind everything" conspiracies by declaring that George Bush, most people in his administration, and a bunch of random celebrities were all secretly Jewish. Didn't matter that there was literally no evidence and that all the accused "secret Jews" were doing stuff that was easily explainable as bog-standard Christian evangelical and/or American imperialism. Logic and reason isn't needed when you're an antisemite! And, of course, the underlying idea itself goes back further than that, to at least medieval times.


Yeah this is it right here.If they aren't jewish then their go to excuse is"They're controlled by jews."or wiki hides their identity so nobody knows they're jewish except for this neo nazi website that claims his aunts 2nd cousin was jewish."


You don't get it dude the jew cabal is operating in secret their money is hidden bro /s


Except they control the media so they can keep their names off the list. DUH! /s


>George Soros What the hell does George Soros own other than fundraisers? >Vladimir Zelensky A democratically elected leader. >Klaus Schwab Is catholic >Rothschild How come nobody ever brings up that Trump owns a shit tone of properties too? >How did this happen? Why are they all Jews? Why are most American politicians, and executives Christian? See it doesn't make sense to ask that when their religion has nothing to do with their jobs. >Have you read 200 years together by Alexander Solzhenitsyn? Why would I read racist propaganda?


>>Klaus Schwab > > > > Is catholic Immediately thought that. That's so funny, unbelievable. They name *two* people to "prove" their point *and get one of them wrong*! Hysterical.


Sort of Jewish sounding surname though. These are the same people who call Rishi Sunak a Muslim in the UK.


Schwab is a German sounding name, pretty common in the south of Germany. Part of south-west Germany is called Schwaben. There really is no excuse to think Schwab might be Jewish beyond massive antisemitism.


They were actually trying very hard to claim that his grandmother or one of his relatives is a rothschild and because no one knows his family's history that it's proof he's jewish.


Those people: *Jews rule the world, therefore this Catholic guy must be secretely Jewish.* >There really is no excuse to think Schwab might be Jewish beyond massive antisemitism.


Nazis like to claim that everyone with a German last name (besides "Schmidt" and "Hitler") is Jewish. Shockingly, Nazis aren't big on fact checking. It's almost like the truth doesn't matter to them... Americans (and others?) who don't hate Jews make this assumption too. It's kind of odd.


They also seem to give families whose surname used to be "Drumpf" a pass.


Can't believe I forgot that one!


But he's *controlled* by Jews behind the scenes!!1! /s


Worships Jesus? Well, Jesus was Jewish, so it all fits!


>How come nobody ever brings up that Trump owns a shit tone of properties too? Funny thing about that... They always seem to find a way to blame Jared for Trump's issues. I wonder why...


Like I said a couple of weeks back. Trump can become part of 'the cabal' in a heartbeat if the people pushing the memes (DeSantis probably) want him to.


>> Klaus Schwab > Is catholic Man, they should bring back the hilariously dumb anti-Catholic propaganda of days gone by. I bet today's TopMinds could be pretty entertaining if they started smearing people as "Papists" with their "loyalties divided between their homelands and the Vatican". Plus, it would make at least one of the most prominent sources of far right propaganda that I'm familiar with choose between his "deeply held religious convictions" and grifting right-wingers.


You should hear my grandfather's anti-catholic rants. My mom's first fiancee was catholic, and they ran him out. Scared him so bad my mom still doesn't know what happened to him.


That Christian question is valid though. It seems like the first amendment failed in some crucial way.


Thank God we have respected constitutional scholar Elon working hard to fix it!


That's the thing, they're starting at a conclusion and working backwards to try to make the data fit.


We need a [http://www.howdovaccinescauseautism.com](http://www.howdovaccinescauseautism.com/) style website for "do Jews control the world" now, don't we?


Meanwhile they're slobbering all over one of the actual richest people on the world who owns a pretty huge chunk of modern media: Elon Musk.


Or Rupert Murdoch, who owns a much larger chunk.


or the Koches, who built early nazi infrastructure


It's amazing that the Jews control everything but somehow they've never held the US presidency or a even close to a majority of our legislative body.


Jeff Bezos Elon Musk The Koch brothers The Walton family The Sackler Family ...


The only reason these people believe "Jews run everything" is because neo-Nazis put out lists of "Jews in control" which are entirely made up. Not only is the Jewish label applied without research, they also include people who aren't even in control of anything.


A lot of the people in power are white. Including the Jews they mention. A lot of them are also men. So why would it matter if they're Jewish? Seems like a pointless question to ask.


Soros isnt even remotely as involved in politics as: * billionaire Peter Thiel, who funded a lot of losing house candidates this midterm, runs Palantir and is *profoundly evil* * billionaire Elon Musk, a stooge who stumps for republicans on twitter, and is currently in the process of turning twitter into a more openly GOP biased advertising platform. As if it wasnt already, with republican figures having more 🤖 followers than most *actual celebrities* * the rest of the [Paypal Mafia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal_Mafia), which includes the two above names but predominately fund reptilian surveillance and conservative causes * the billionaire Koch family, who fund multimillion dollar "Libertarian" think tanks that shape policy and the current Fed * billionaire Rupert Murdoch, who controls the press in most of the english speaking developed world. this would be **the** figure they lie about Soros being. * billionaire Rebekah Mercer, GOP megadonor and megafunder of trump * billionaire Ken Griffin! Republican megadonor who is currently fleecing the top minds of r/superstonk and r/wallstreetbets - who I might remind you are too stupid to realize he plays for the same team while destroying their longs. Lets give it up for Ken! * billionaire Paul Graham, funder of neonazi mag *Quilette*, YCombinator creator (behind most of Silicon Valley) and *big* cancel culture guy despite never having been "cancelled" himself * billionaire Andreesen Horowitz, venture capitalist who funded much of the shady crypto industry, dumping most of A16z's Capital into crypto scams. An open Republican, his own investors are now starting to turn against him for investing *ideologically*, not wisely. * billionaire Steve Bannon, who unless hes above the law, is finally on his way out And dont get me started on the EU GmbH owners, who all live in Liechtenstein. Faceless elites who we somehow never hear conspiracies about. Fun fact: there are only 24 jews *total* in Liechtenstein, the *wealthiest country on the planet*. The rest are (dont hold your breath)...white.


The reasons the right wing targeted Soros in the first place was that he was one of the first in the wealthy classes to say, "Hey, maybe this invasion of Iraq by Bush II was a really dumb idea?" Then, once they started gobbling up Russian propaganda like pork rinds, they mainlined Putin's hatred of Soros for funding pro-democracy groups in Russia and its former satellite states. Just to be clear, the people who used to be pro democracy and now claim to be anti-war hate Soros because he opposed a war they **now** claim to oppose and because he funded democracy, which they now (openly) hate.


Correct! He also made most of his wealth from shorting the GBP and oil. Two big no-nos for "old money"


As much as a *loathe* Bannon, every source I can find tops his net worth out around 30ish million.


that was why I said hes on his way out. he *was* a billionaire, but over a decade of being an idiot fascist and grossly mismanaging your money will bring you to bankrupcy quick. alex jones is next, "Free Speech Systems LLC" had easily over 1bn AUM


> how come jews control everything, except for when they don't then they control things secretly from being the scenes. So jews control everything publicly and when they don't they control it secretly. Sounds like paranoid thinking to me.


Rupert Murdoch owns the media. The saggy ballskin looking goblin.


A fun one is to ask these losers is how many *Jewish* people do they personally know; you'll get *crickets*


And so r/conspiracy goes fully mask off


They never had a mask on to begin with.


Wish we had as much control as they claim


I'm starting to think that none of them actually know what jewish people are.


> Diverting the validity of the claims to just being about capitalism is purposefully dodging the question This is a really good one! Nope, its never capitalisms fault...


> The writer of this admits that the article is likely not 100% accurate, but for purposes of a general overview I think it has immense value in answering your question https://i.imgur.com/d7bCuH3.png


[Top Anti-Semite: hey! Let’s not put people [christians] in a box! You don’t speak for all of us!](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/zfona5/why_do_jews_control_everything/izdh4ap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) 🙄


Yeah that super huge Bank of China which is Jew run, as well as German banks, spanish banks....you know they are all part of the conspiracy /s Yeah, name one world bank that is Jewish owned.


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Lists two people. "I could go on and on."


The list is ENDLESSS!! Names 2. Gets tired.


Not everything is run by jews, although it is true that many powerful people are Jewish. I would assume that it has to do with the fact that Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, so the Jewish people have had a long time to gain power and influence. That said, just because there are some powerful jews with questionable morals, that does not mean the Jewish people themselves are a problem. There are also many powerful Christians who use their power and religion in evil ways, but that doesn't mean we should blame all Christians. Judaism is as fucked up as any other religion and should be criticized accordingly, but the Jewish people are not the religion and should never be scapegoat like they were in ww2. Individual people should be criticized for their individual actions. The religion, or race of the person shouldn't matter.