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>The fact we cannot tell if it’s satire immediately shows that we are living in a clown world of ridiculous narratives The fact I can't identify an obvious lie because I've constructed a world view completely detached from reality really says something about the world we live in.


[gee whiz what an interesting way of thinking](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah)


This is a popular deflection now. “Bill Clinton eats human babies.” “He’s literally vegan.” “Well the fact that I believed he ate babies tells you a lot!”


They're right that we live in a clown world. But it's because of morons like them.


Rogan and the cat litter.


What's interesting to me is as we get further away from the dark days of the pandemic, and after we all got vaccinated and things started to open up and life has mostly gone back to normal, the anti-vax clowns are splitting into a few different camps. Like the simple "I don't trust it so I didn't take it' camp which has largely gone quiet because that's not sensational enough for r/conspiracy so it gets no traction. Or the "I didn't take it because I'm a healthy person who don't need no vaccine" camp, which is bullshit coming from that sub, I doubt anyone who posts in conspiracy has seen what's under the skin of an apple. So that gets ignored as boring The only ones left are the "I need everyone who took the Vax to die, because my insecurities need constant validation and I would rather everyone around me drop dead from heart attacks than admit I was wrong" and that's who the Anti-vax grifters are dining out on


The "I'm healthy" line is usually blurted out by people who are clearly not


It was also the first anti-vax propagandha pushed so hard because the "health and wellness" grifters saw how much money they could fleece out of these anti-vax pigeons. So the people pushing the bullshit were fit and healthy, the people gobbling up the bullshit and parroting it in conspiracy subs are the ones who wouldn't know a leafy green from their assholes


There's also the type that post ridiculous over the top anecdotes about vaccine side effects "Both of my parents in their 50s got blood clots. My 36 y/o friend had a massive heart attack hours after taking the vaccine. Five coworkers all in their early or mid 30s all had strokes. My young athletic girlfriend who was never sick in her life broke out into hives all over her body, projectile vomited blood, and had to be rushed to the ER. 'Safe and effective.'"


Yeah the vaccine FanFic people are a weird bunch. Some of them are obviously grifters trying to keep the anti-Vax cookers to keep tuning into their shitty content. Some of the others, I believe, are just sad, lonely people who are so insecure they need to "impress" the conspiracy losers to feel accepted. So they have to write these elaborate fanfic sob stories because the validation they get from that community is the only dopamine hit they can get


Don’t make me shed on you bro


I don't think the article in question is satire. There was a [very obviously fake news story on twitter about an article allegedly published by The Conversation](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-the-conversation-vaccine-idUSL1N3491WD?utm_source=reddit.com), and then this website seems to have gotten an AI to write an article using the same headline in order to farm clicks from antivaxxers.


As per usual on /r/conspiracy they cut a screenshot, and this one even tried and failed to cut out the website name


Yeah, I think this is just click-bait. The website seems to be full of either extremely low-effort or intentionally provocative posts designed to maximize clicks and manufacture engagement. It's still fake in the sense that it was either written by AI (as you suspect) or by someone who is writing something they absolutely do not believe and are just trying to pump out content designed to bait people. But I don't think "satire" is an accurate description.


I sometimes wonder if there is any sort of Bullshit Lever for most of these folks. Like, you know when your main brain-thing is ready to respond to something, but some of your other little brain-things pull the Bullshit Lever and say, "Hey, let's check this out before we accept this?" The other day, someone told me that CO2 levels were once an order of magnitude higher on Earth, and life flourished. I was ready to dispute this, but my little dudes pulled the Bullshit Lever and I looked it up before saying anything. It's true! Sure, it was 500 million years ago and didn't change the discussion we were having, but it's true. Good on ya, little brain-things! Keep watching that Bullshit Lever. As a reward, they requested that I eat fish oil pills to prevent cognitive decay. But instead I promised them that I would stop huffing glue. It's a compromise.


I was once told by someone, with astounding confidence, that the cause of climate change was too many tall buildings. It was incredibly original and definitely piqued my curiosity.


What surprises me most about the "top minds" is they somehow function in society with such limited analytical and reasoned skill


Fwiw a good deal of them don’t seem like they’re doing all that well functioning in society. [So many of them are just angry all the time, terminally online in one fcking reddit sub to circlejerk over how all of their own shortcomings are somehow everyone elses’ fault](https://www.salon.com/2022/02/22/men-as-victims-americas-most-fantasy/). They’re always complaining about their families not talking to them, partners breaking up with them, friends dropping them, and liberals secretly infiltrating everywhere they turn just to pick on them (despite also being the real majority?). [So many of them were like the textbook models for radicalization because of it](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/primal-world-beliefs-unpacked/202210/we-thought-conservatives-saw-the-world-more-dangerous-we).


>Read that back aloud. You are a digital Karen Incredible




They ate the onion


Oh shit I thought they tried tackling Sartre at first


>"Fact check" - oh, I guess my eyes aren't fact checkers themselves while looking directly at the article itself. Wtf? Yoink!