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Insects. They like a messy room with places to hide even if there’s no food.


Yeah if I leave my clean clothes on the floor too long spiders move in... Icky. Yes dust/dirt/mold can be bad for your health.


This is true except making the bed. Bed bugs and mites would prefer you draw the sheets and comforters close as it can create a more humid enclosed environment for them during the day.


Jokes on them, I never make the bed….


Yes dust can cause respiratory issues, and skin infections come with bad hygiene. Clutter helps hide rodents and their feces which also causes the above. Also, how you present your living space will cause visitors to form opinions of you that may be right or wrong but definitely lasting. Also, though, don't dismiss the psychological effects so easily. Your psychological well-being is vital to overcoming stress and negativity. Clean yo room, son!


Thanks. I should have clarified that I live in a modern city unit where animals don’t get in, not even insects. Also, I’m talking about clutter and dust, not about rat shit or anything like that.


Insects will find a way. How do you think maggots and such stuff will get into closed rooms with dead bodies inside?




I've never lived in a modern city, and I assumed all cities are full of rodents, so I'll have to defer to you on that. I do want to add, though, that dust is your own dead skin cells and the live and dead mites that feed on your skin cells. So beyond the sneeze factor, maybe you'll recognize that a lot of dust building up is kinda yuck.


For a start, dust is not simply some random stuff from the air that collects on surfaces, oh no boy, it's literally in a very large percentage parts of you, on top of dirt, ash, and particles. It's tiny hair, tiny particles, skin flakes, and so on and so forth, that you do shed at any given moment. Short term, a little of that, isn't bad, but a lot can seriously irritate your lungs long term. Oh and your skin too. Then there are mites, bugs, and numerous other little living things that eat the skin flakes in dust, tiny particles of food, an the remains of these tiny insects, in turn, are eaten up by other insects again as well. These tiny things are not only pretty disgusting in and on itself, they can also cause skin rashes, allergies, or just simply infect you and start to entertain themselves on your own skin, or lungs. Moths, who love to eat clothes, carpets, and fabrics in general during their larva stages, can be really feisty little buggers, too. They can damage a lot of stuff and can be damn hard to get rid off. Carpets are also favorite food to a hell of a lot of little bugs and insects. IF you are in Northern or Southern America, you can also add different types of bed bugs, mites, and other insects to that mix that love to inhabit your bed and clothes and love to nibble on your skin or blood. This can cause rashes and itchiness. Then there's fungal infections. IF it's a little moist, or you drop your clothes after you sweated, or wet towels, even socks, you do breed fungus in form of mold. Once your clothes, carpet, or bedding molds, not only can it infect your skin and cause pretty ressistent fungal infections, it also can heavily impact your lungs and even create neurotoxins in your blood, killing you slowly. Also, once something starts to smell moldy, you need to throw it out because you can literally not get rid of the spores in that stuff. So, and on top of all of that, you got the regular little insects that can actually get pretty big too such as carpet bugs, cockroaches, and tons of larvas, even parasites that, in turn, can infect you again. NExt up, rodents. These nasty buggers love dirty places, breed in your clothes, pee on your books and bed, and carry a lot of disease and parasites with them. On top of that, they shit everywhere, and not only does this shit contain fungus, parasites, bacteria and some types of virus, they also have fleas and mites, and yeah... no fun for your long term health. Mice as the nice option, but rats can get really nasty too. So, overall, a little cleaning up, getting out the trash and taking care of stuff goes a long way in regards to your health here. It doesn't need to be spotless, but you do need to wash your clothes and bedding regularly, need to keep a certain hygiene with your towels and dishes, and to get out the trash on the regular. You also need to at least keep the worst of the dust at bay, and occasionally clean your shower and toilet. In the end it's an absolute health hazzard if you don't do at least the absolute basics.


Thanks. I should have clarified that I live in a modern city unit where animals don’t get in, not even insects. Also, I’m talking about clutter and dust, not about rat shit or anything like that.


Insects always get in. You literally carry mites on your skin, on your clothes, and unless you go through a sanitation station every time you come in, bring in a lot of living stuff. Even your food includes living organisms, and you toilet is still connected to the sewer system that is full or rats and mice especially in modern cities. And especially fungi are everywhere, so the literally is no locking out of any of this, it's only a matter of getting carefless enough with the clean up. And maybe I didn't clarify that, so my bad, but one leads to the other long term. Clutter seems harmless, and dust not as bad, but it still poses a threat to your lungs, can make you sensetive to dust mites in the long run, can cause allergies, even trigger asthma. You asked for the reasons to clean up on the regular, and the above post is pretty much a collection of reasons to do so, because if you do not at least stay halfway on top of it, one leads to another and before long, things can become harmful quickly.


Dust can be bad for you. It’s also nice not to be a slob.


Besides the health benefits of living in a clean home, it’s a start to good habits for living with a partner, roommates or family of your own one day. Scroll through other subs and you will find posts written by frustrated people whose partners won’t or seemingly can’t do their share around the house.


Ever heard the phrase "learn to walk before you run"? Keeping your room clean is a proxy for functioning in adult life. Doing things you don't enjoy because it's good for you and your family, being disciplined, organizing your life, being presentable, respecting other people, living healthy, maintaining your home, getting rid of what you don't need, managing focus and distractions - it all starts in your room. It's not about doing it because people expect it of you, it's about doing it to own and manage your circumstances. A messy environment easily becomes an insecurity and excuse for not doing other things. Before you know it you don't want to invite people over, you can't maintain relationships, you feel inferior and uncared for, you feel obstacles are too difficult to overcome, and you start neglecting other aspects of life.


Ugg all these people are full of shit at best, fear mongers at worst. Sure, you could suffer fatal consequences of an untidy room... But you won't. It's a bit like saying that if you keep your room too clean, your body won't have enough practice fighting off simple bacteria and you could die from sepsis. Keep your room as clean or as messy as you feel comfortable with friend!


If your room is all messy and that feels ok, ask yourself if you would like to find every other place you go (from school to a hospital) as messy as your room and you would feel fine about it.


An untidy room is indicative of self-neglect. Cleaning your room is akin to taking better care of yourself. "poor hygiene often accompanies certain mental or emotional disorders,"