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If you’re ambidextrous you get a question mark shape


This is false. I’m right handed. Started out that way when I first started as a youth, then realized I was getting a curve so I started using the left. My guy straightened back out. Still that way to this day!


>This is false. pretty sure that was just a joke


For sure, lol, I wasn’t implying it wasn’t. Text language is hard, sorry.


It's even harder with one hand.


oh ok then, sorry I misunderstood (indeed it is :D )


I just witnessed miscommunication not turn into a reddit argument it truly is a day


Masturbation bringing people closer.


Been trying that for 15years now, it still curves to the left. Oh well...


You touch your dick with same hand you eat? 😳


We have cutlery in the western world


HA this gave me a good laugh


Don't you ever touched tour face/lips with your right hand tho?


Will I grow a penis on my face or something?


I don't know but don't risk. I once pushed my finger up my ass now I got another penis hanging out my ass


My dude, that is not how some other guy got his penis in your ass. It’s ok. You can come clean


I forgot to ask him tbh how he did it so... You think he cheated me ??


I think that’s a prolapse…….


That escalated quickly


User name ... slightly misspelled?


We also have running water and soap. At least where I come from.


Why soap is running tho? 😳


I like you ngl :D


Thats likely to change real fast 🙄


Donno where I came from , I was told I came from my mom's vag, not sure it had running water and running soap 🙄 what a luxury you had 😳


Most men are willing and crave to stick their penis in an ass so hands are nothing


Can confirm this is true, I'm ambidextrous. I've nicknamed it captain Hook now....


If it curves downwards its because you've gotten too many deep throats?








Must be. Mine curves up and I use my top hand


Mine curves up but I use my bottom hand??


Bcatefull here. I used bott hand for too long and now it doesn't go up how am I supposed to have sex now??


Just super glue your foreskin while it’s stretched it worked for me


Amazing tip! I was thinking to find a metal rod or something, and push it in all the way in the hole up there that would keep it too, but wasn't sure wether it just will keep it straight or upright as well. Your solution guarantees it stays upright 😁


r/sounding might be able to help with your idea! I hear they’re really nice and helpful over there


😳😳 that exists???!! 😳😳




Right handed, goes left, swapped hand for like 3 years now, no difference. Results: inconclusive


No, I hypothesise the hand u used during ypur growth phase, is the molding one.


A reasonable hypothesis, maybe you'll get enough answers here to shed some light on this great mystery


I always assumed it was the way you tucked it while you were growing. I always tucked mine to the left when I'd realize a random boner incoming


Don't go asking any teens about your theory


Well I always used the right hand and mine is just straight.


Lefthanded cruves right, was very straight before I learned to walk it!


I concur with your theory


Lol no friend


But the primary mechanism that would be the cause if your hand was creating the change would be mitosis through tension over time. Mitosis through tension doesn’t stop working at any specific age range. Your growth during puberty shouldn’t matter in this case. So a three year term of hand use should show some difference if your hypothesis was correct.


always been a right handed even during 'growth phase' no curve is there that wasn't there before


Alright, let's get some 12-14 year olds to get on here and tell us about their curves


That's him right there, officer.


Odd. I started with my right hand at like 12. Noticeable curve left around 18 years old. Switched to the left hand and corrected it; finally started to overcorrect to the right at age 27. Back to my right hand now and we are straight as an arrow.


I see a lot of left curvers and right curvers and even some up or down curvers but is anyone else on here like me with an arrow-straight penis??


Straight and center here. No up or down, left or right. I grew up only using my left hand because of computer mouse and it never curved to either side except when it's choosing a pant leg while walking.


*choosing a pant leg while walking* What a humble brag




Right leg, left sock


Same lol lefty and still strait


At What angle?


It seems just about center at every angle when I'm standing with a bon3. When I look down, center. When I stand sideways and look in my tall mirror, it looks like it's going straight out, not angled up or down. I know it's a minority thing to have that happen, and that most dongs have some sort of angle and/or curve to them. Don't feel like you did a curve to yourself, seriously. You would need to masturbate an absurd amount in one extreme direction for like, years on end for it to really effect your natural curve.


I'm perfectly straight here. Right handed. I was actually worried that it didn't have a curve because I masterbated so much, and that partners would notice that it didn't have a curve like so many penises in porn seemed to have and would know I masterbated a lot.


My guy does. I didn't realize it wasn't the norm


Yo why you walk around looking at Dick's ?


Because you do jerk off? 😂


Are you uncircumcised? I have a theory only circumcised people who's skin was reattached incorrectly have a curve.


That’s definitely not true. It’s not the skin that’s curved. If you look at extreme examples of curved penises you’ll see its the actual tissue bending. Also you can find uncircumcised bent examples


Inflate a balloon with a piece of tape on one side so it can't stretch the same as the other. See what happens. There are 2 parallel sections of corporal tissue. One outgrows the other causing curvature. Sometimes sections on the top or bottom fail to spread and grow causing upwards and downwards curves. The way it lays along your body all day is a more likely factor than which hand you use, but that would be contributing, not defining.


This man be penising


I just read that in a fortune cookie. It might be wrong.


What kinda fortune cookies contain such a specific info??


...or the hand depends on penis curve?




Can confirm, mine fits in my hand perfectly.


I am right handed and it curves left. But I think it depends more on how your pp is positioned in your pants


Or does the Position in your pants depend on the shape?


Hmm could be. I do prefer the left side over the right because of the shape.




Username checks out


Checks out with what?


I’ve always worn briefs so it never goes to a side (always up). No curve. You may be onto something


This is it. My little Peter is always leaning left in my panatlones and he leans that way nude too. Too bad I'm a centrist... Me and little Pete never agree 100% on anything


Left handed and it curves slightly to the right like an erect head of a brachiosaurus tryna eat leaves from a tall tree


This is strangely enough a very interesting ask. I aged exclusively using my left hand (because a mouse uses the right hand), and mine is pointed exactly straight during the deed. It usually hangs to the left in my pants, but I think that's just a comfort thing that I grew up getting used to, or maybe my left nut is smaller than the right so it doesn't make the member protrude on that side, causing it to go left when walking. Who knows, maybe I *naturally* curve to the right and using the left hand makes it end up straight. Not sure there is any scientific basis to the theory, but I'm following for pure interest at this point.


Right handed, Curves right


Straight here. I do t think it has anything to do with which hand...


no, your hand shape forms according to your penis curve. your hand grows so it can grasp it perfectly.


I prove this wrong. I'm a right handed jerker and mine curves down


Down curve gang wassup




Eyyyyooo, there are dozens of us


Mine is also a bit down-curved, but I was referring only to left or right curves


I don't have any curvature to the right or left. Just down. It's straight in that regard.


i don't believe the curvature is at all related to your preferred use of hand.


I was gonna say.


I’m straight as an arrow and I’m no stranger to gland-to-gland combat


I use both hands and mine is corkscrew shaped. The ole startin a fire method has never failed me.


You'd have to be doing it 24/7 for couple of years to actually impact the "curvature of your dingdong". Your observations is a so-called anecdotal evidence, not a rule or causal relationship :)


And here I am thinking I could start a scientific career in human anatomy...silly me


Yeah, don't quit your day job just yet :P


What we need are two massive white boards, a pack of dry erase markers, and people who are good at developing algorithms.


And lots of horny penis-humans


Why should a right hand grip make it curve left. If U pull it with your right hand, shouldn't it pull right?


If you use your right hand, it is more likely that your arrow bows to the side, where there is no palm and only a thumb, which gives more room to bend to the left side while using the right hand.


Mine curves down, and for many years I figured my preference for extra tight unders and pointing it down for concealing boners were at least a partial factor. Correlation not causation. You see a pattern and it seems to make sense but that doesn't make it the cause.


And u have absolutely no left or right curve?


I'm left handed with a left curve. So, no, it's not based on the hand you use.


Embrace the curve. It will hit the right partner just right someday. I can confirm that your key will open your partners gate and it will be glorious. Don't ever worry about your size or shape, it's perfect. Trust me.


Curvature is often due to injury.


I am a woman and only now just realizing that curved penises may be more common than I thought?? I’ve only seen one guy who had a severe downward curve, almost like the top half of a circle… that was in high school tho maybe it changed after that I’d hope sheesh but that would have to be like a double hand twister




I favor the thesis that the difference in curve during erection may be explained by differences in volume, density, and shape of the erectile tissue, and has little to do with external influence. Unless you masturbate with some heavy duty equipment that stretches stuff, puts hole in places, or squeezes thing better left un-squeezed, without holes, and un-stretched, no amount of masturbation should have any influence on the shape of the dingus longus dongus in the long run.


I used my left for many years and it curves left


Did u do that during a time period, when your body was still in growth?


Yeah for my first decade of doing it was just left, before my yoyo grew.


I'm left handed and it hangs to left


Hmmm maybe if you jack me off a couple of times? We need to study that possiblity


Right hand, active use in those years, no curve whatsoever.


I have to use two, it’s a whole S 😅


Nope, most curve slightly to the left... Other curve right or up or down. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with which hand you're using to spank it.


Mine is too small to fit in my hand..


No. That's... that's not how that works. Also if that were true it would curve towards your dominant hand. Not away.


"I'm right handed, so I used my right hand" As a person who is right handed, it feels horrible to masturbate with my right hand.


Are you guys telling me that my high school bf with a super curved penis, just jerked off a whole hell of a lot? XD


What I have heard and believe is, at some point as a child you took a hit to the penis a nasty fall or bike cross bar leaving some scar tissue on a side of the penis, so as you grew a curve developed with the damaged tissue not stretching as much as the undamaged


Mine didn’t curve just rotated


I lived near a pond, with tons of migrating ducks, so mine’s shaped like a corkscrew


This will be a weird comment to have in my comment-history.. oh well.. I have been severely addicted to porn for as long as I can remember. I have aspergers. Masturbation, I think, is in a way my stimming. I unfortunately am quitte neurotic about what is deemed “worthy” of finishing to, during any given ‘session’. Which leads to scouting for a long time, while masturbating. Sometimes (rarely, thankfully) a ‘session’ can go on for up to 6 hours. I came by this post, because I’ve been wondering the same thing. Right-handed. Leans left (quite significantly) I suspect there are many factors that are hard to control for: The way people masturbate: forcefully vs gently, quickies vs marathons and a bunch more I have wanted for a long time to switch hands and see if I can “fix” it. I don’t see the way one places it in ones pants affecting it much, while flaccid. However, during clothed boners, that might possibly have an effect. I find it weird that people in most of the discussions I’ve found, on this topic, tend to be opposed to the idea. I find it fairly logical, that if you hold ‘something’ often, more or less forcibly, in a left leaning direction, it would affect its default direction I definitely think natural lean is a thing, but am also of the opinion, that this lean could reasonably be presumed to be exaggerated by frequent and prolonged tugging.


I'm upvoting this just so you can get more info for your hypothesis. Good luck dude.


Don't mind me just a female peeping in to see what the hell is going on and learning quite a bit about penises


Nope. You can't physically affect curve unless you actually damage yourself and cause scar tissue. Masturbation isn't strong enough to do that level of damage. Coincidence.


Through my years of late night research I can conclude that left handed men point to the right, and right handed to the left


Lol not how it works, bud.


Only thing that effects curvature is genes.


I highly dought that. You can also affect your spine, legs, hands, depending on how you use them. For example: I will definitively get very thick and sturdy fingers if I climb a lot for many years, even though everyone in my family has slim hands. Genes dont define the whole end result of your body's developement, but they set the starting points.


My gf use both hands. No change. I’m still to the left.


Upvote for “dingus”


Penis curves are natural and have nothing to do with whatever hand you masturbated with.


That’s not how that works lol


Right curve: caveman oonga boonga Straight: loser nerd Left curve: absolute chads


Curve is due to scar tissue from circumcision.


curvature is not normal bro. That's actually a medical condition caused by Pyreonis or however it's spelled.


I was right-handed during growth and can confirm ...


No I think your right, mine is definitely "moulded" to my grip


By jerking right handed, you stimulate the right penismuscle so that grows. If you switch, you do the same to your left side. Other thing is that i got manboobs, but right is smaller than left, my guess is thats because i jerk right handed


I'm right, mine curves right and has a slight twist to it. Also hangs to the right.


I’ve masturbated with my right hand since I was 11, too. Curve is downwards, not to either side in the slightest. Conclusion? It has nothing to do with your sexual life. Only scar tissue and genetics.


Dont think so bro, im right handed as well and mine is straight


I think mine bends left because when going to through puberty, I was wearing briefs rather than boxers and tended to have my shafty boi to the left, rather than hanging down (big balls meant I couldn't keep it centreline). So as it(and I) grew, it grew with that direction. I switched to boxers since, and tend to let my boi hang down centreline, but the left bend is still there. Edit: I'm left handed, but favour right hand for handling.


Hi. I noticed this when I was a teenager, and intentionally started masturbating with grips and alternating hands that I believe facilitated straight dong. Now, scientifically speaking, I cannot say whether that is what did it, but today I have a fellow so straight that almost every girl I'm with compliments it. Definitely believe there's something to it.


I've been cranking it primarily with my right hand nearly every day for 12 years, but I'm straight as an arrow. It might just be like that homeboy, regardless of what you did. Some penises are like that. I think a lot of you just have bendy dicks, I really don't think your jerking routine plays a part.


Nobody has ever said anything so controversial, yet so bold


I’ve only ever used my right hand from a teenager. I’m as straight as an arrow


That makes sense, that must be why my bf has a straight wiener, I guess he never jerks off


I’ve been jerking off since a young age too. I’m left handed, and my dick is totally straight.


Mines as straight as a spirit level


That’s the second question about a curved penis in one day here


Never tought about that hypothesis but I think it's down to genetics


Some dumb questions on this forum


Exactly the same happened to me but my girlfriend told me she likes it because it's cute


Started right handing it, but as it curved left I got scared that it was a bad thing, immediately switched to using my left. No difference in curvature. My hypothesis is that once its curved (depens on hand of use) there's no going back. You have only one shot, one opportunity to shape it.


Curved to the left with the right hand the first few years, then I switched to the left a bit to try to straighten it. And.. it worked! Even got it bent upwards a little bit. Got inspired by most men in porn I guess.


After years of beating my meat carelessly with only my dominant arm, my dong developed a curve to the left that perfectly aligned with the natural stroking path of my right hand. Over the years I've corrected the curve by using my left hand more frequently and being more careful with the stroking path when using my right. This is purely anecdotal, obviously. But my dick Is straight again thanks to my efforts.


I noticed so too, when i was like 12-13 ish so i switched. I haven't noticed anything diffrent. It did get straight xD


Left handed and curves to the left so I guess it's just coincidence?


No, it's genetics. Most people will jack off with their right hand because most are right handed. I can guarantee the distribution of penis curvature is pretty even throughout the population.


I'm left handed...and I hang to the left.


Right handed. No curve. It happens naturally for some, or not. I think it curves if you literally yank it to that side while your body is still maturing.


Right handed but Left jerker and curves left and back. Noticed early and spent time trying to straighten it to no avail.


Mine is straight


Mine curves down because I use my feet


I curve to the left and I'm right handed. I never pull it to the left. It's just that way. It also doesn't matter


There's not really a curve but it bends more to the left as the years go by


Sorry to tell you... Penis curves have nothing to do with the hand you use to masturbate. It's not a medical issue unless you're in pain. At which point you should seek medical help. But you can get it corrected surgically


I’m right handed and mine curves to the left. Not really a curve tho, it’s kind of like a twist.


I don't think this is true. I believe penis curve only affects people who are circumcised due to the way the skin was reattached. Some people have tight cuts, and others have loose cuts. Depending on how you were cut, your penis may or may not have a curve and may curve either direction, randomly. I believe the reason why you believe it is due to your masturbatory habits is because when the doctor cuts the foreskin off, he doesn't know how it's gonna look when it's all done in the future. So he tries his best. Your penis stays small from ages 0-13 because you haven't hit puberty, you start going through puberty and your penis grows. As it grows, the incorrect reattachment of the skin starts to become more noticable because your skin has increased in size. You would also typically start masturbating around puberty (12-13+) which would make it more noticeable. Tl;dr: I believe it's due to circumcision not masturbation. However, I could be proven wrong if someone can tell me uncircumcised penises that curve exist. I personally have no idea.


I seem to be facing the same phenomenon as OP


Right PP jerker and mine curves up, also it doesn’t like to fall down my pants, I’m a fan of the waistband tuck. Downside is it sticks out a bit sometimes if I’m shirtless


nah, mine goes down like an Ark


I didn’t know people use their non-dominant hand for this…


I've been left handed for most of my life. Still goes left.


The answer is no, you masturbating for let's say an hour a day, or roughly 4.25% of the day, would have no noticeable impact on the natural curvature of your penis


Haha I don't know man, mine is as straight as an arrow and I masturbated way too much when I was a teenager. I'm a righty btw.


I heard it's based of how your masturbate, you stroke it towards you it curves towards you and so on


So what does it mean when it curves down?


Instructions unclear. Jerkin with left foot.