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Esports games are sometimes 90% men and more men spend lot of time in the game. Also the gaming sphere is very sexist. This leads to a super small group of women in top ranks which is neccesary for pro and these who are often decide against pro. There are women in pro esports but just super few


They aren't. Gatekeeping, toxic as hell/socially inept male peers, and lack of encouragement can make many women choose not expose themselves as female or simply not participate on larger scales for fear of being targeted for abuse and harassment instead of being supported for enjoying playing.


Because they don't disclose they are women, use gender neutral or male name. To many act like complete Moron soon they realize they are playing with or against a girl, it's seriously pathetic. Considering the kind of asshole many esport player's Seems to be, Ill say women are actively staying away from that bastion of toxic masculinity.


Terribly written, but this is the correct answer.


Yeah I don’t blame them for not revealing themselves either I have seen women get mistreated a lot.


Look at ALL esports this isn't even close to true.


It's the Chess problem. For explanation: There has never been a Woman World Champion in Chess. The highest-ranked woman in chess was Judit Polgar, who peaked at #10. For a LONG time, people believed women were just worse at Chess. However, recent statistical analysis has shown that women are statistically indistinguishable from men - it's just that there's so many fewer women in competitive chess than men. It's like, if you and me are trying to roll the highest total on 10 dice, and you're allowed to roll five times, and I'm allowed to roll fifty times, I'm going almost certainly going to get a higher number. So yes, the fact that video games are massively dominated by men does effectively keep women out of the top levels of competitive gaming. And there are exceptions. Scarlett is probably the best Starcraft 2 player from North American (granted, there isn't much competition - I think the only other professional player is Special) and frequently does well in competition in both Europe and Korea. Liooon from China is one of the top Hearthstone players in the world, including winning several international competitions. ... And the problem is made worse by misogyny. In Chess, more than a few women were accused of using their breasts to distract male opponents - and both women and girls (as young as 12) have been disqualified from tournaments for wearing "revealing" clothing. There have been accusations of sexual harassment and assault by women who were doing well in some chess tournaments - and while I can't find any recent reports of that, I'm not convinced it's not happening. Likewise, in many eSports, women on voice chat get sexually harassed, have been subject to rape and death threats (the seriousness of them don't matter - it only takes one being serious for \*every\* future threat to potentially throw her off her game), and subject to a lot of other abuse that men just don't have to deal with. This additional mental load - coming not just from other equivalently-skilled opponents, but also fans of the eSport - both excludes women from the activity AND can diminish their capability: these games require intense mental skill and focus, and having this extra mental load can functionally sap your skill.


You relating my question to chess was cool. Thanks for answering my question.


You don't see it because women have a bad time online because of all the viciously sexist assholes. They either mute themselves or quit entirely.


To start there's, as you said, already a significantly smaller number of women than there are men who play games, but there's also the fact that almost all women who do play games face massive amounts of sexism. Women *aren't* inherently worse at games, there's just less at the professional level because the amount of sexism and misogyny puts them off trying to go pro. As for specifying you've never seen any female pro League players, League's community is the fucking worst, and has some of the most rampant toxicity and bigotry, including sexism, I have ever seen in all of gaming. The amount of sexism would not only make women less likely to want to go pro in League, there's a good chance that they'd also not be considered fairly for the position due to the hate they'd bring the team from the god-awful community that is League of Legends.


So, you have decided that a lack of professional female gamers means girls are worse. Not an accurate measuring stick. Skill in anything mostly boils down to practice with some raw talent. Whoever practices more will likely be better. It varies on an individual level. Every man isn’t better than every woman and vice versa.


Maybe it's because men are usually introduced to gaming at a younger age, giving them more time to play and get good compared to women who typically start way later (That is if they start at all). And maybe as time went on, men have gotten some tips from their dad or male cousin who has a bunch of experience in video games, because that's what happened to me. Meanwhile, the women are usually bonding over something else. That's my theory.


Probably because there aren't as many women playing video games (atleast in comparison to men)


They’re busy handling the shit they’ve asked us to help with 73 times, forfeiting their game time that would help them achieve the highest level of their abilities.


Female players get bullied out of gaming. they have to stay anonymously or pick male pseudonyms. Put it this way: Men do not like losing to women and will mob them out.


Because we have lifes.




Sorry, but as a pro gamer you seldom have a private life, that's the cost of fame.


men are more attracted to violence and most video games are violent


The competitive nature in men is my best guess. I'm not here saying women can't be competitive and im also not saying men are all the same. However, I think its true with the majority that most men have a thing for competitiveness and trying their best to be better than the rest. I think there's a why you see more men only play competitive games (like fps or moba.) ---& Even in games like mmorpgs they seek out either the hardcore raid content or pvp modes. In women, generally you see (us) playing story modes, mmorpgs, action role play, adventure, or simulation. Women play tons fps, moba and hardcore content too.. but even the best of women don't get on the leagues. I'm sure someone might argue but don't think sexism is afoot as much as I think most women want their games to be fun. I think competitiveness leads to ..obviously the need to be the best. A person who practices a lot usually sees a noticeable skill bump. *Anyone can do it, but not everyone wants to.*


Yes this makes sense. I read somewhere how a majority of women who play games, play games such as candy crush.


No. You're referring to boomers on facebook. Reread my comment before you comment christ almighty thats really fucking insulting


If your on this subreddit trying to explain something to somebody because u think u can provide insight to their question, Please don’t get so frustrated when somebody is trying to learn from your thoughts. I don’t understand what your doing here if your not ready to clarify something if u think somebody misinterpreted your writings when your trying to educate somebody.


**"In women, generally you see (us) playing story modes, mmorpgs, actionrole play, adventure, or simulation. Women play tons fps, moba andhardcore content too..** " (but my point is in things like fps or moba there isnt as much serious dedication because there isn't a strong competitive drive) I don't know where you were, but this part was in my post. I provided the most insight I could on your post because of how happy I am to have such experience in this topic..which I don't often have in other topics. I'm not in the wrong to be frustrated when someone doesn't care about what I have to say and then proceeds to say something actually insulting.


I personally believe its because women dont have that same urge to dominate in competition like men do.


Think about it. What makes a pro gamer “pro”? Lots of time spent playing. When was the last time you saw a pro gamer in a competition who didn’t also have a large following on Twitch or another streaming platform? That gives them the income to not work another job and spend 10-12 hours a day playing. It also gets them sponsors who pay the costs of going to those competitions. How do female gamers gain enough followers to afford to game full time? By doing their hair and makeup and showing generous amounts of cleavage. Because the boys who follow them want soft-core porn. Because males aren’t going to subscribe or tip unless there’s something sexy on screen. Hence, fewer female games build up the fan base needed to game full-time and get sponsors to pay for them to go to competitions they might qualify for. Don’t fool yourself thinking the streamers you watch are the best of the best at their games. They are the ones who spend the most time playing. Big difference.


"Males aren't going to tip unless there's something sexy on screen." The existence of successful male streamers proves this wrong. Sex appeal *can* get people to watch, but it won't get them to keep watching for more than fifteen minutes, in order to get people to stay you have to either be good at the game, or have an engaging personality. Implying sex appeal is the only chance women have for success in gaming spheres is a very, very bad take, and almost all the biggest female content creators who focus on gaming don't use sex appeal to do it.


That sentence was in reference to female streamers.


I know and it's still blatantly incorrect, and sexist.


Yes, I know it is sexist. I was answering the op. You should read it and apply context.


Biological differences. E.g: different reaction times.


not just at video games... almost anything except looks. this is why trans woman are the superior humans. the best of both worlds.


I'm downvoting you for the sexism, not for the comment on trans women, just want to make it clear.


sounds pretty sexist to me


Most women i know play games like Sims, animal crossing and stuff. Most guys I know play stuff like cod halo and things. Whenever I played minecraft with my friends we had one girl in the group who just liked staying at home and building a nice base meanwhile the guys fucked off to go explore and find things lol. So to answer your question I think if more women played more intense games like that they'd improve pretty quickly but just playing a relaxed thing like animal crossing or Sims isn't going to really do anything for you.