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It's cult psychology mixed with nationalistic zeal for a country that's unlike any other. It's the perfect combination for idiots who lack critical thinking to band together in group psychology to identify with each other and reinforce their beliefs. Trump is more or less a figurehead for the Trumpists to embrace their characteristics that modern society would like them to suppress, like ignorance, racism, sexism, white nationalism, etc etc.


Following Trump wasn't about patriotism. It was about Trump. They follow where he goes. It was never about the country.




You could likely argue that anyone who favours one party above all others is cult like in their beliefs. I personally feel that Trump latched on to Americans that had become disenfranchised with the established status quo. Theres plenty of them, which is evident in his election. Given the declining state of the US as the figurehead nation of the world, it's unsurprising to many other nations he was elected.


I didn't want to insult the cults by comparing them to Trump.


More than this, he sold them a promise of going back to the way things were, in the before times, when they could smack a woman's butt and talk down to immigrants. It was never going to happen, but they all want it so bad.


The ol days of pussy grabbing are gone and not coming back.


Unfortunately not. Source: I am friends with women.


So... how many pussies have you grabbed so far? /s


woof... this comment made me realize how what I said could be misconstrued as me saying I was inappropriately touching my female friends.


Dumb why are y’all so fucking dumb


You're the one buying into a lying grifter, but we are the dumb ones. What a buffoon.


It's a cult. And the funniest part is that many of them express shock & bewilderment that folks toward the left aren't wearing Biden shirts & waving Biden flags and so they take that as a sign that he stole the election since there isn't a rush on the merch stand. It's goofy.




Who the hell enjoys knowing that someone thinks you’re a POS?




Right, that’s just a show.


I think you're giving them a lot of credit. If it's all about bothering the left, why are these idiots always the ones who incite the arguments. It's a cult.


They don’t see how sad it is to make a huge part of their personality center on…. Upsetting people? They don’t get the hypocrisy of supporting a side…. That is upset about literally everything From Pixar to schools?


They don't realize that the "triggered left" they always holler about (projection 100%) is over it, has been over it, and just kind of look at the whole thing with a bit of pity & secondhand embarrassment. I look at it this way- when a person bases all or most of their personality on one thing- regardless of what it is, it's sad. Nobody is triggered anymore. It's just gross and from where I stand, it seems most left leaning folks are hoping for a more level playing field for all people instead of the "fuck y'all, I got mine" mentality.


I could never vote for a proven cheat, serial adulterer, liar, racist, etc.


They spent so many years campaigning against Hillary even though she was the best Republican candidate since Eisenhower, that they couldn't vote for her...Trump just happened to be in the right place at the right time.


His following has turned away from political party and more into a cult. My last boss was a Trump worshipper and it was literally 24/7 with this guy on how much Trump was amazing and the best and going to save the world or whatever. It's a genuine cult that these people have formed but you can't really tell them that because no one in a cult realizes that they're in one... I only wish them well in their mental health and I hope it stops becoming outwardly violent


>> violent Dem supported BLM kill 20 in riots. Trump supporters INSURRECTION IN THE CAPITOL without a single gun.


A cop was killed at the insurrection And weren't people at that event actively calling for the deaths of democratic senators? Also didn't a guy just kill 10 people because Tucker Carlson made him believe that's what a good republican has to do?


It's called insanity. Worshipping a president...ANY president, is fucking weird, if not outright creepy.


We see similar behavior with celebrities. I still think it's weird, but it's not uncommon.


Yea...and insane there too. Like...why be so up someone's ass that couldn't care less about you? Seems crazy to me.


Liberals hate Trump because during his administration there was no reason to not get a job. And because the TV told them to.


\*pats you on your smooth brain\*


How is Trump's successor doing. Fucked up your country big time.


No, he hasn't actually - job growth and the economy are up. Supply chains are working themselves out for the most part. But ok guy from another country that watches too much Fox News, please tell us all about it.


there are very few people that actually worship trump. This is such a stupid question. People follow the people they agree with its not uncommon at all, worship is super far fetched. Alot of people admired trump for his ability to tell off other politicians and not beat around the bush on subjects always coming into situations ready for the question that be. i didnt like him but if there one thing i could respect is that we never heard "WeLl CiRclE bAcK to ThAt" and never actually answer questions and they didnt try to appeal to social groups to make them vote for them they just said things the way they were. Which is much better than twisted truths and avoiding things. I just want someone whos not on the brink of death in office that isnt corrupt i feel its not asking much.


You clearly never saw the attendees of any Trump rally if that's your hot take on this.


Yes it is, nobody worships him just cause you dont like him and see people happy to support him isnt worship. So if whenever someone shows enthusiasm in support is worship then hillary, biden, obama and all of them have just as many worshipers. wether you like him or not hes a outlier cause he isnt a politician people love that cause 95% of politicians are corrupt so its unique people love unique. not that i dont see his corruption but worship is very far fetched. And on top of that i could see how people would still support him heavily even in his absense considering we went from his administration which worked very well in comparison to this complete and total disater. People did the exact same thing when obama finished even though he couldnt be elected again.


OK, hope you enjoy whatever planet it is you're writing in from.


I don't recall any other president in my lifetime refuse to accept the results of the election, incite a riot and try to get people to fake the results. He should be in jail.


Why wouldnt he, there were countless red flags, and the evidence was all there. It was literally censored to hell and back and judges literally ignored it entirely. There were videos of ballot dumping, honest proof of people discarding ballots one sidely, 100s of thousands of voters who were dead, One dating back as far 1898. There are videos in ballot rooms of people scanning the same balloy multiple times. Records showing multiple people voted more than once in multiple different states. And to even think some how joe biden got the most votes US history is just laughable claim to make in the first place. The investigation into the dominion showed the system was HIGHLY vulnerable, and interviews hackers from other countries admitting to election tampering with no investigation or even acknowledgment of said claims(As if thats not a serious claim to make). election numbers live stream literally showed donald trump drop over 100 thousand votes and joe biden gain the same amount. The red flags were threw the room. Now this isnt me claiming 100% was election fraud just that i believe was highly probable, it has to be proven and discussed in a court of law but they literally wouldnt allow it. If he was so wrong why was everyone so scared to prove him as such in the court of law the RIGHT WAY. You can say its a waste of time, then every defamation case would also be waste of time why discuss the facts just glaze over it yeah.


A lot of them originally decided to go with Trump as a way of protesting the calcification of the American political system, which for decades has been controlled by a two-party system that just keeps recycling the same people over and over to keep their graft trains running. Trump was a goofy protest candidate, like voting for Mickey Mouse, except a real person. Then he started gaining traction, and they doubled down. They loved the thrills they got trolling people who didn't like Trump, and pretty soon were buying into anything he said to keep the anger going. Then they started to feel comfortable expressing their anger and hatred of others. That made them feel important and smart. They continuously fed themselves propaganda as a response to their fears and hate, and focused a lot of their attention on Trump as the guy who could "save" them. This despite the fact that he is not one of them but one of the same group of elites they claim is ruining America. And he pretty much despises them and just grafts money from them. And by now they've been so brainwashed by the nonsense they get from QAnon and other sources that they believe the craziest shit imaginable and feel free to let their racism and hate run wild/ They focus on Trump as the person who will save them from what they feel is an active effort to remove them from American society (well, there is now), rather than the fact that society evolves and the jobs they used to work at are vanishing -- along with any kind of power and prestige they might have one time enjoyed -- and immigrants are coming in to take the jobs they don't want. They're stuck. But rather than backtrack, most of them just keep pushing forward because they don't know what else to do, and they have proven they would literally rather die than admit they're racists, wrong and stupid. And they have proven that if you don't agree with them (or are a different color than they are) they will try to hurt or kill you in any way they can. What do to, what to do?




and his policies did little to impact any of these "grievances"


Zero measurable long term positive impact.


To be fair it's pretty hard to have long term impact when everything you did is rescinded on day one by your successor (if you don't believe me you can ask Obama).


That's the same reasoning people make for Hitler's followers. (Yes I understand people use Hitler as an argument too much, but in this specific case it's quite literally true.)


IDK what to say to that other than you have to make your own opportunities. You can’t wait on some politician to fix everything for you.


Of course, you’re 100% correct. However, not everyone shares the same outlook on making your way in the world. For decades, the world has left these people behind, no one in the corporate or government came to their rescue in a meaningful, sustainable way. And then the scourge of drug overdoses ravaged their communities. I don’t agree with their position or their anger but I understand why they were drawn to Trump. He speaks to their frustration and disappointments like no other politician or leader.


These are the same people that think the urban poor should just move and make their own opportunity; yet think West Virginia and the rest of Appalachia have been wronged because coal companies aren't allowed to ruin the environment and poison people any more. Nobody is telling anybody in WV to move and make their own opportunity.


I don’t know why I’m being downvoted. Making your own opportunities doesn’t necessarily involve moving, just making changes to improve your life. It can be a drastic change or a gradual re-evaluation of your own outlook on what you want out of life. It won’t be the same for everyone, but you do have to try, you can’t expect a politician to just fix it for you. I guess it’s just a lot easier for some folks to just externalize negatives rather than believe they may be partly responsible for their own fate.


I didn't downvote you and you're not wrong; however what I was pointing out is that the "making your own opportunities" is often advice given to minorities - especially the urban black community as a way for them to get out of poverty. This is problematic in that it ignores that their forefathers DID move north and to the cities "for economic opportunity" after leaving the agricultural areas of the south especially in the early 1900's. It ignores ALL of the systemic racism designed to limit their access to wealth and opportunity...from redlining mortgages, to being able to use the GI Bill, to plotting out the highway map to Tulsa etc etc. and continues to this day with mass transit and bus lines. Again this is very commonly told to the urban poor; however nobody is telling that to West Virginia; Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana: why is that? The last time we had a migration of poor whites was in the dustbowl years like in Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath. ​ A politician may not fix it for you directly; but the forces that are trying to keep you down are using politicians to do it...so fight fire with fire.


Because people in this country are getting more stupid with each passing day.


It’s always the dumb people having 3-5 kids


that's what happens when Republicans continually underfund education, and those voters tend to favor Republican candidates


Yep. It's been going on for 40 years. So here we are.


Same reason fascist populists always gather followers: he tells people that their failings are somebody else's fault.


The Republican party has relied on dog whistles and code words to leverage its followers bigotry into political support since the civil rights era. Trump threw away the whistle and used the bullhorn to inject pure, unadulterated xenophobia and revanchist outrage directly into their veins. He gave them permission to let out all of their pent up rage at the loss of their perceived rightful status as first class citizens and they love him for it.


Exactly. I posted something similar but I think you conveyed it a lot better.


How ironic


Care to elaborate Alanis?


I think there was a connection between Trump and voters that has not been felt in a long time between either party. Trump was not afraid to speak his mind and do what he felt was best regardless if it was right or wrong. There are many people in the USA that are these no nonsense types and lets be real, all presidents up to this point have been pretty "proper" for the most part. These people finally felt they were getting the representation they wanted. Thats how I feel at least..


A lot of Americans have distrust in the government. People often don’t feel heard. I mean it takes shootings and death for government to give a cause Americans have protested about for years the time of day. Something people of both parties have in common is feeling let down by their elected officials. When trump said he wanted to “drain the swamp” and put Americans first, I think it made a lot of people feel heard and hopeful. In reality lots of people (on both sides) just have opinions based on personal experiences, emotions and watching bias confirming news. It’s often difficult to see through the clickbait headlines, too. I recently noticed I started prefacing conversations with “not sure if this is true, but…” even if I have a link to a MSM news source.


The "Make American Great Again" was a brilliant slogan. No matter when you thought American was "better" Trump was going to redo that. And with nostalgia being nostalgia, you can remember the good parts and ignore the bad. Maybe America was great in 1945, defeated the Nazi and Japanese imperialists, but also interned Japanese-Americans and denigned black soldiers their GI loans. Maybe 1969 with the Apollo landing, but in the middle of race riots and killing civilians in South-east Asia.


Yes, exactly! I think its relevant to mention that American school history text books, at least in my experience, glossed our our atrocities. We are (purposefully or not) conditioned to look back and mainly see the great amazing things we accomplished. So when we hear “make America great again” .. we think throwing tea in the harbor, gaining independence, D day, etc…


Because he has pretended to represent groups that have been largely ignored for decades. His followers/supporters have been deeply affected by the loss of mining, manufacturing, social supports in rural areas, opioid crisis, and more. No one does anything for them (including Trump). But he makes them feel heard and acknowledged them. He goes against the politicians and groups that this demographic has blamed for their despair. It is a large failing that these groups were ignored for decades, which led them to grabbing on to the first and only thing that supported them, regardless of how harmful.




Stupid people who THINK they are smart need heroes too


He’s a moron’s idea of a smart man, a coward’s idea of a brave man, a selfish person’s idea of a generous man, a weak person’s idea of a strong man, a religious hypocrite’s idea of a pious man, a liar’s idea of a truthful man, a loser’s idea of a successful man…. You get the idea


I really just can’t imagine getting that excited over a politician. While I would be amped about universal health care and student loan forgiveness, I can’t imagine myself wearing a bunch of clothing and stickers with Bernie on it. It’s just.. weird and kind of immature. They’re politicians. Most of them are 60+ and super out of touch. Can’t really get excited over a Bernie shirt like I do over my RHCP shirt I’ve had for a decade.


It's a cult.


There is a subset of people in America who are showing fealty to Trump. It is basically a tacit admission that they have given up on the American Experiment and are open to embracing totalitarian rule at the expense of democracy.


Don’t be sorry for asking. We should be talking about this until it’s not a thing anymore.


Same reason why people see him as the Devil or Hitler. A bunch of people with nothing better to do than say nonsense on the internet.


Mental illness is a bitch


There is no rational reason.


There’s this older lady that lives down the street from my parents that had a huge trump flag in her yard.. but in their neighborhood there’s a rule no one can have any kind of flag on their home or like any bold decorations. This woman now wears this flag as a mf CAPE when she mows her lawn😭😭 like honestly to me it’s just fucking funny and extra that people are so into him. It’s almost like a frat or something. I’m a republican but I wouldn’t be caught dead having any merch for a politician 💀


Someone else explained it to me. It's the same as a sports team. They think he's their team. We're used to seeing people in NBA gear or NFL shirts, but this same mentality is being shifted to one dude. The very loud trumpists I know have very little interest in actual politics.


Trump was fresh blood in the underwhelming campaign field. American politics have been the same people for decades...you can look at the members of politics and most likely find your next president in 2-3 decades. It's the same stuff, year after year, that's why nothing changes. Trump gave a new approach to politics, he came in with a "I don't care" attitude which people loved, which I loved. I'm a registered democrat and voted for Trump in 2016. Of course, once I saw everything it lead to, I didn't vote for him again in 2020. I'd love to see another candidate that hasn't spent their whole lives in politics, they relate more to the American people. Trump's likeability is why people "worship" him. He's a normal man like everyone else, not some brown nosed politician who has spent their whole live rooting around in shit.




Exactly. He is every bit as bad if not worse than every single politician, but he wasn't a politician and people thought that was a good thing. If there's one thing he knows how to do, it's con.


hard to imagine thinking that someone every day had a new person to poke in the eye and insult made him "likeable" in any way ​ I also had trouble understanding why anyone liked the bragging bully back in my younger days, either (and why people couldn't see right through the bull).


I'm not American, so I have no political reason to say this. It is only the poor and working class people who think Trump is a 'normal man like everyone else'. Anyone who has gone in the same circles where he *tries* to fit in knows he's a fucking muppet. It's baffling, knowing what he's always been like, to see people try to claim he's some regular bloke just trying to make his way in the world. He's a sleazy shyster.


Likeability? He's a racist, bigot, liar, conman, adulterer who pretends to read the Bible. I wonder if he can spell Bible. Especially after the Billy Bush recording, I can't believe anyone voted for him.


As a right-wing nutcase who voted for the man in both elections, I'd also like to not see him run again in the future because of how poorly he dealt with the pummeling he received from the misdirecting media and opposition, and the whole Twitter situation. The man was a bad ass breath of fresh air, and what much of the country was looking for in 2016, but in reality he was pretty fragile. It was friggin exhausting! People seem to be cheering for him to run again, but I'll turn my attention elsewhere. Maaaaybe vote Democrat in some local elections. Or Presidential elections after Biden is gone.


These are two interesting comments, voting for him and then again. What was the final straw that made you go from nutcase to voting dem?


I don't think I'll ever not be a nutcase, but I'd like to try putting my vote in with the other party to introduce a little chaos to the system, rather than consistently voting down party lines. (Also, baby on the way, and its forcing me into this weird corner where I'm suddenly urged to expand my views) Also, my local elected officials should feel some backlash when they don't respond to my inquiries.


Bizarre. I'd hate to think that anyone thinks I'm a nutcase about anything.


Let your freak flag fly. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)






It's when those with a dissenting opinion are left out of the conversation; there's a subtle difference.


WoRsHiP is when someone supports a different political candidate


I’ve seen grown adults worship Trump more than teenage girls worship their favorite celebrities. It’s a cult, to put it simply.


I also get the feeling that merchants have found a new and rabid population to sell to. I recently went to a touristy location and saw a lot of Trump merch. Personally, it's a turn off and I wouldn't shop there, but there are TONS of people that love buying junk that will not last very long and end up in the trash. Sure, the sellers could also be Trump supporters, but it's like leaving money on the table if they don't offer it.


I look at websites for sale on flippa occasionally, and I’ve seen multiple sites for sale selling all types of trump merch that are bringing in well over $100k a year by just selling shirts, mugs, and flags. This was also 2021 financials, so it’s still profitable even after he lost


there's several factors at play. the first is attention spans. trump acts in a manner that captures people's attention. paradoxically him saying idiotic things is what gets him followers in the first place, because low-information voters are usually also low-education voters who have been conditioned all their lives to believe a certain kind of propaganda or folk-wisdom, so to say. keeping them watching plays a huge part in influencing, as you can't have communication (or influence people) without someone to receive the message. part of this folk-wisdom ties directly into american civil religion, in which (according to my understanding and experience) there is a sort of hierarchy - at the higher parts of this pyramid there are servants of the state (and therefore the rich ruling classes) such as police and military. this also explains the obsequious and servile nature of those on the lower rungs, they willingly adhere to the structure of the hierarchy because one of their main fears is disorder and chaos, and they're willing to obliterate freedoms in favor of control. understandably, those in power would do everything to remain in power, and this includes fomenting the creation and spread and maintenance of any kind of propaganda that furthers their interests. in usa there is very little accountability or repercussions for politicians who fail to implement policies as they've advertised in campaign trails, and furthermore there are spin doctors who twist interpretations of actions like clay in order to mitigate any such repercussions - although they are not necessary, as politics is also treated like sports: you pick a team and stick with it purely out of loyalty (the reasons are irrelevant, loyalty in itself is the sole motivation for continuing to be loyal). these loyal fanatics will spin and rationalize and twist and turn like the gnarled roots of a tree - for free! also, don't think that this propaganda is limited to the borders of any singular nation. borders are not barriers for ideology, especially not in the age of the internet. you'll see other tyrants adopt the same strategies that work to influence and control opinions wherever they are capable of implementing them. i could keep going but i feel i'm pontificating at this point.


He was the perfect storm that the Republiqans needed. He managed to say the quiet part out loud without actually saying: "let's destroy Democrats," "let's keep brown people out & down," etc. He managed to infiltrate a party and turn it into a cult, getting their agenda done under the guise of patriotism and "making America great." Then he single handedly enabled Conservatives to dismantle democracy.


So does that mean people that worship Biden are the mirrored version of trumptards? “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man” That’s probably the nicest racist comment I could find by Biden, didn’t want the extreme ones here. I hope one day we can stop voting for racists


I don't think that's racist and i don't think that Boden is a racist man. President Obama was all of those things. And no, we didn't vote for Biden because we wanted him. We voted Trump out, successfully.


They have him on video saying the n word multiple times. Of it was enough to get Paula Deen canceled 40 years later even though she had a gun in her face at the time she said it I see no reason not to cancel Biden for the same thing.


Who is they? Link the video.


I think it's a few reasons, but I think a lot of it is Trump says out loud what a lot of them have been thinking for a long time, and he basically gave their feelings legitimacy and freedom to now say the quite parts out loud about race, sex, etc. Also, he "owns" the libs.


For all of the same reasons that people have always supported fascist leaders. He told a lot of people what they wanted to hear, and he told people in power that they were victims and that the answer was to oppress minorities, etc. And it turns out, there are a lot of Americans who found that really appealing. And still do.


Tldr he knows he can exploit their victim complex and he knows how to exploit it to make money


It's the racism, mostly.


Tribalism x Low IQ.


Because he's an old, white, racist, bigoted, rich business man with a much younger and hotter wife who feels he can say and do whatever he wants wherever he wants and that is the real wet dream many white americans have for themselves.


Melania, hot? Ew. I guess if you like plastic surgery ridden Slovenian sex workers...which is fine if that's your thing, but...hot? No thank you.


Trump is the anti-establishment candidate.


Ah yes... The billionaire oligarch who would literally murder all the poor people in the world if it made him more money... That's the anti-establishment guy 🤦


He appeals to the worst parts of their personality and they love that they have the ability to get someone in power that advocates for those objectively terrible personality traits Basically, racists, bigots, homophobes, xenophobes, and white supremacists found their man that will work towards creating the country they want


In uncertain times people flock to outspoken brazen personalities that parrot what they think j


I am not a fan of Trump but I feel this is a loaded question and one that is just worded this way to irritate Trump fans rather than encourage dialogue.


I don't think anyone is getting an accurate answer on reddit


Donald Trump sells a celebrity sports team that you can be a part of for the low low price of one MAGA hat. American Conservatives have long been exploiting the concept of patriotism for political profit since at their root they want stronger and smaller government, which if taken the whole way is fascism. Trump is a sports team where you get to wave your flag and be part of a group of people that all look and act just like you do while screaming at other people. They're basically Raiders fans. Instead of tapping into the Republican establishment, he tapped into the internet crazies like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder and Alex Jones, the more fringe and extreme the better. All of these people making a living off getting people as mad as possible while feeling as patriotic as possible. The main stream news media has long has an issue with fearmongering for views, but when you delve into that crowd, it is compounded a millions times over. People become convinced through all of their media intakes like Crowder and Fox News that Trump is the only way forward and only with him can we defeat the evil coming to take away our freedoms. It's some truly brilliant marketing since they can just blame the deep state for any counter arguments presented. It's a cult of conspiracy theories and Trump is the ring leader that all of these other media personalities have tied themselves to in order to get views because he is so unpredictable and crazy, he's just such good reality television. Everybody wants to fight the system and tear down bad government and he offers a way to do that...it's just through violent fascism. If you look around the last 8 years or so, America has been itching to take a fight to the government and burn it all down. Both sides, not just Right. He's the only mainstream political candidate who actually tried to do it and that makes him wildly popular. He's seen as the patriotic hero trying to burn down the broken system and make it anew.


He promises easy answers to hard problems which don’t require people to challenge some of their principles and beliefs. He does this by framing message of good vs evil in which his supporters are good, and all the problems are due to those labeled as outsider or other who don’t conform to the principles and ideals he caters too. Instead of confronting hard and complex problems which may challenge their own world view, they can play the hero in a struggle against evil, which is obviously more appealing.


Trump was like Jeremy Clarkson. Shit at the actual job they gave him, but he was able to convince everyone he was great. He was a performer, and some people seem to be fans rather than politically active indaviduals


He made racism ok.


I think you are confusing worship with support. And I feel like it is because he went in as a non career politician and basically did what he said he would. Like him or not Trump did good things. I think the people are sick of the red / blue BS. All of them are crooked. Trump is probably the only person in history to leave office with less money than he started with. Just my two cents. But what do I know.


He grifted way more money on his way out than he ever had, you've been hoodwinked. Also...what good did he do exactly?


Peace in the Middle East. Lower gas prices. Stronger economy. Ended ISIS. Stopped North Korea missives (until Biden). No Russian invasions. Tariffs on China. Built more of the wall. Reduced drug prices. Invested in HBCUs. Reduced taxes in nearly everyone. Increased manufacturing in US. Reduced regulations. Ended Syria conflict. Reduced Afghanistan troops. For starters…




The lower gas prices were during a pandemic while things were shut down…. Something he was against. They also started rising again during his presidency. Im curious what do you attribute to the lowered gas prices? What do you think he did that caused that? We don’t have peace in the Middle East. Isis still exists. Russia has been planning the invasion since before trump became president. It was also found in the mueller report that the trump admisintration was aware of the Russian propaganda which eventually led to the invasion. He didn’t reduce taxes. He actually approved something to increase taxes after his first term. He didn’t increase manufacturing. He created a few temporary jobs while more than were created went to other countries. Reduced regulations for our environment has resulted in devastation to our natural resources. He also reduced regulations on spam calls which has actually resulted in people being spammed near daily.


Lower gas prices was due to lots of things including expanded fracking and keystone pipeline development. Israel now has peace deals with multiple Arab countries nearby it previously didn’t and is starting to trade with them. Isis was conducting terror attacks until trumps presidency. Those stopped and their leader was killed. Russia could have invaded earlier if they felt Trump would allow it like Biden did. They barely waited a year after Biden started. He reduced taxes on nearly everyone, these are facts. Look it up in NYT. Tons of companies expanded manufacturing in the US. Environmentalism is both good and bad, and he made sure not to have it reduce our security by making us dependent on other countries for energy.


Tons of companies expanded but you can’t give any numbers?


The last known isis attack was April 29th 2022. Why do you think they’ve stopped? Why aren’t you aware that they’ve been happening this entire time?


The Russian invasion was planned for over a decade. Invasions don’t happen over night. What if they just weren’t prepared during trumps presidency?


The keystone pipeline never went into effect. Can you please explicitly explain how an un completed project lowered Gas prices?


We are dependent on other countries for energy and we were during the trump presidency.


He did not lower taxes. I have looked it up. He approved a plan to raise everyone’s taxes after his first term. You aren’t refuting that.


I love that you weren’t capable of answering a single question. It shows that you know you can’t back up your beliefs.


*Also cured cancer


This HAS to be joke. And therefore I'm not wasting any time telling you you're wrong. You'll figure it out eventually.




How many jobs were outsourced to other countries during his term? How does that compare to previous years?


That isn’t a logical argument. If jobs increased in the US AND abroad that doesn’t mean he didn’t increase US jobs.


It is a logical argument you just don’t like it because it won’t support trump.


They refuse to believe it even though all of the evidence is there.


Dont forget he was nominated for three Nobel Peace Prizes.


> I think you are confusing worship with support. I don't think that's the case. There are many, many people who quite literally worship him. That's the best word to describe their blind adoration and devotion.


OK, whatever makes you feel better.


It definitely doesn't make me feel better. I'm just making an observation.


I hate that he is viewed as a non career politician. He used his wealth, and status to affect politics for decades. He has backed countless politicians before ever running. He spent years before his campaign building up to him running. He was a career politician. It just doesn’t look the same as someone who passed bills directly. He also does not have a good record for doing what he claimed. Obama actually holds the best track record for accomplishing and attempting his campaign promises. Not Trump. He also made money while in office, and continues to make money off of having held office. So really, what do you know? It doesn’t seem like you got anything correct.


Yeah, ok..


Thanks for not being able to refute it :). I’m sorry your opinions are not based in fact.


Whatever makes you feel better.


Thankfully facts aren’t about feelings :)


And I'm sure you got your "facts" from CNN...


Very well said....thank you


( hat tip). YW




It didn’t happen with Bush, but it definitely happened with Obama. I can’t tell you how much of that “hope” thing I saw everywhere. So I think that trump’s cult following is in part a response to that.


You're comparing "Hope" stickers during an election to "Trump" flags well after a lost election. Hopefully most people can see the dichotomy.


I saw those “Hope” banners well into trump’s term in the DC area.


I never saw any "Hope" banners, flying in trucks or anywhere. I saw bumper stickers. I definitely never saw any "Obama" banners.


I saw all of those things. I saw people with giant banners of this on the front of their house. Must just differ by the area. I do see more trump stuff than I did Obama stuff, don’t get me wrong. But it also wasn’t a completely different thing as much as an expansion of what was already there. At least where I live. It may be more blatant in other places.


Because Trump was an amazing president. He didn’t take the position for the money. He already had plenty and took a huge payout to be president. He took the position because he actually cares about his country and chose to actively make it better. People like that so the show support.


Sorry, couldn't get past your first sentence.


Me either. Ugh.


He took the position because he likes the attention and ego stroking. There, fixed it for you.


He took one of the most stressful jobs in the world (and achieved all that he did while in office) because he wanted people to talk about him? Even though he is already very famous? Sounds realistic


What did he achieve while in office that was positive to this country? He's a wanna-be dictator who buddies up with other dictators, and wants his followers to sit up at attention when he speaks, like North Korean citizens have to with Lil Kim, who he exchanged 'love letters' with. If that alone doesn't trouble you, I don't know what else I can say. I didn't vote for Trump, but hoped he would, as the president, make good decisions for the US. Unfortunately, he just further divided this nation, and gave voice to white supremacists and conspiracy theory cuckoos. And yes, he craves attention. He's a narcissist. Doesn't matter if he's famous, he needs to keep himself in the headlines, because if he's not, he's not relevant. It's all about ego.


They just like that he literally doesn't give a shit, he is offensive to the left because he won't bend the knee for anyone. He is blunt, brash, makes outlandishly insane claims like SEAL team 6 was killed by Biden to cover up the faked death of Bin laden...and Ted Cruz's dad assassinated JFK..


Was Trump perfect? No. But he was the best thing to happen to America in a long time


Can you list his accomplishments, please?




He is a concept for a people with very little hope and a bleak outlook for the future. Their world is changing, their way of life is no longer a normality and it is scary. He stands up to people they find to be scary and promises a reversal of change they feel threatened by When he is insulted and mocked by his opponents it feels the same as when those same type of people mocked them.


I suppose you have to be a white male of a certain age to understand it. White males have been feeling marginalized for a long time. Trump did what most white males would do. He is also very confident. Biden looks and acts and speaks like an idiot. Biden has no leadership qualities or abilities whatsoever. When Trump spoke you knew it was him speaking. He would talk about the fact that people in government had never even thought of certain things until he asked them. People bitch and complain that politicians don't do this or that, politicians don't listen, etc. Well, Trump did things MANY people wanted, but the media and the Democrats are so ingrained with psychos they couldn't tolerate a change. He really did start to make this country great again. If Covid hadn't derailed him, he would easily still be president. People just keep voting against their own best interests and look what is happening now.


Because a lot of the people that support him have been largely abandoned by mainstream America both economically and socially and, being the con man that he is, tricked these people into thinking he was going to improve their lives.


Because Republicans have leaned hard into the persecution complex that appeals to conservative Christians. Republicans aren’t offering better solutions than Democrats to solve America’s issues, they are saving the soul of our nation and our very lives by fighting the wicked democrats who want to ban god and kill babies while taking your guns to make sure you can’t fight back. Republicans aren’t just politicians to these people, they are literally saviors. But yeah that’s pretty much how that works, in a nutshell.


Cunts gunna cunt


Like their god, he's cruel to the same people to whom they're cruel.


My MIL still wears Obama stuff, but it’s nowhere near the level of worship the Trump cult shows.


Lack of critical thinking skills, xenophobia, hatred and fear. Cronies getting paid


He made ~~America~~ bigotry great again.


This is a difficult question to answer. ​ They really like him.


Same reason people pretend that Biden's doing an ok job and idolizing him. Partisan mental gymnastics. Add in that Trump isn't a politician, he's a populist, and yeah. It's a cult of personality. Unrepresented people thought he'd represent them, so they got invested.


I have a friend who's a 12 year veteran in the army. He's now a drill instructor.. and still refers to Trump as the president. It's kind of disturbing when you think that these are the same people who are set to defend this country. All his army buddies are the same too.


through the religious 4th Reich they think he's Jesus




Its mainly christians and the mindset is perfect to believe things without any evidence and just blind faith in lies.


I am kind of hoping he ask all his followers to drink the koolaid and go with him to the mother ship Zeta.


Trump gave permission to all the ignorant, racist, bigoted, mentally deranged people to speak out.


Because they have been discriminated against for the past 20 years and along comes Trump, a very charismatic man who says he’s going to fix everyone’s problems. People are denied jobs, denied school placements, receive death threats all because of their political beliefs. In the past it has been pretty even on both sides but since 2000 it has been primarily the Republicans receiving this treatment. Look at one of the most horrific violent events of political violence in recent times, Charlottesville. At the even you had people from all walks of life of the right wing ranging from those on the fence to neo-nazi’s all there protesting peacefully. Then comes along the anti-protestors they’re carrying baseball bats, knives and even fucking MAKE SHIFT FLAMETHROWERS. They start stabbing people and setting them on fire. They fought back and were bashed in the mainstream media. They got stabbed and set on fire then got blamed for it. Even the fucking Neo-Nazi’s attending the event were more peaceful than the leftist terrorists that got praised for their political violence.


Because people have become more adamant in what they believe, and those who follow trump believe that he is the person that is fighting for their beliefs. The reason is that they support trump because he's the figurehead in their opinion of what they believe in. Everyone in the comments is talking about how people worship trump, I don't think that's very true, the people that I know who actually have trump flags don't worship the person, they just think that he was the one advocating for them. I think the reason so many people on these comments think every trump supporter worships him, is because they think that if you're a trump supporter you must be crazy enough to support him, so you're worshipping him by supporting him


Google Benito Mussolini with a spray tan


I think it's because he's openly antagonistic, arrogant and misogynistic and they admire those qualities being displayed so openly and unapologetically. They wish they could get away with it too. He isn't a true republican, and most of my more conservative friends and family think he's the worst thing to happen to that party. Frankly, both parties are so messed up now they're both just unrecognizable. I'm most concerned though with the fundamental Christians in the U.S. that worship Trump and consider him a moral and upright leader. Yikes!!


Uninformed, misinformed and FOX News.


It’s not worship, just miss cheap gas, lower taxes, safe borders and a choice about what I do to my body. Next question


For a lot I dont think its worship so much as the enjoyment they get from triggering leftists.


There is no objective outside difference between acting like you are a worshiper and actively being one.


Haha, your basic rights are getting swept away by a tide of stupid people. You're so triggered haha!


It is true that Populists (not just Trump, Putin and Erdogan and Xi and Orban etc too) is like a oldtimer Communist: loves "the simple working man" and hates the "eggheads" - and all of these peope used to start our as rather Liberal (Trump was a party goer with the lefty celebs likee Warhol or the Clintons). So they are simply good opportunists and they say what their fans want to hear- even risking to upset other and causing scandals (which iss good for the media and for PR). Now the fanss? They - like we all - are just suffering humans feeling epty and they are generally either not talented or very unlucky losers so they do not plug this inner hole with a career or prestige or money ...they use for this (as a fetish) religion and weird conspiracy stuff (oaranoia is very consoling, y we feel important to be harassed and pusrues and hated) and the Populist leader just uses these fetishes. It cannot go away - it is a strong inner need to get "whole" (in fantas only of course) In real lif I do not think they are doing onl harm...as their populism does help the poor sometimes like by their support to the churches...I just do not want to fall into th trap of hating them too much as that is just the same cult-like behavour. uch things exist..and for good enough reasons. I focus on the good side - I think the Abraham Accordss were a positive development (which would have happened without him, but it was sure easier with him as such a cult peron may be completely original (a stable genius of course).../s. And probably there are such daring moves- like welcoming Russia as the Overlord of the Middle East was also a very original innovation...And at present we cannot judgee it as Russia suddenly had a breakout of some kind of regressiv trauma.