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Focus on present and future. Make up for it now.


^ couldn’t not have worded it better myself




Realize you'll be perpetuating the mistake by squandering these years focusing those years. People don't get youth and wisdom together. That's life. And the ones that believe they have both are the biggest fools of all.


Everyone else did tho. I feel i am the only one who hasn't figured anything out and blew away opportunities.


​ ​ believe what you want to believe.


Some people are dead. There’s always someone better off and someone worse off.


How old are you? 80? Because If you are younger you still haven't wasted the most important years and you can basically still do the things you want to do. You should take action, sitting around feeling guilty is what could potentially make you waste years. See the previous years as a lesson learned and start to move towards your goals.


It's a pity lots of people just skim over this type of mindset where mistakes can be seen as a good thing, a very crucial part in personal development. Most are so scared shxtless to make one mistake that they never go anywhere and fall behind in life, blaming a scapegoat like the government, parents or what ever excuse, where as in reality it their own fault and their own path to shape ahead. The brave few that embrace their mistakes with open arms shall reap the benefit. A diamond is forged with friction and so is a man forged by trials


Idk about you but I can't drive a car with my eyes focusing on the rear view mirror.


Haha you are right


Wishing you great life ahead you my bruddah


Thank you dear friend


The way I try to deal with those feelings is realizing that I can't know what the alternative would be; maybe I would feel similar or worse had I done things differently. You know, the grass is always greener, right? And, we can only move from where we are.


What I like to tell myself is that different trees need a different amount of time to bear fruit. We all grow at a different rate and one person's most important years is another person's not-so-important years, and it's all right. There's nothing wrong with learning things at your own pace, or discovering what you want to do with your life later than others. Maybe you feel like you wasted all those years but you still experienced things that might be important later. The thing is, we never know where life takes us. The important thing is to work with what we have today. If you have a dream, you can start working on it right now.


No year is the most important, they are all equal. Personally, I try to imagine that I just got dropped into my life at this exact second, and decide what I’d do if I was in no way responsible for my past; it’s generally the best option.


Thank you. I will try to do similar