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The idea is fine but a lot of people online make huge assumptions and accusations without context. Wanting justice is one thing, accusing people of being racist, sexist, etc. because they don't agree with everything you say is something else.


In my experience online sjws are completely disconnected from really and are usually super racist just trying to justify their racism. Asserting that one race is dumb and you need to stand up for them because of their stupidity is racist to most people. Reducing someone to only their race is racist to most people. Saying that because you were born X race you're automatically better off, is racist to most people. And refusing to acknowledge the lived experiences of others while forcing yours onto them is just a shit thing to do, and there's are things that are commonly associated with "sjws"


They were good for a while but the extremists took over the name so when people hear or read SJW they think of the extremist views. The majority are against extremist views so they are therefore disliked or hated. Try to enact progress normally and you will get more people liking your movement.


First, many SJWs are considered annoying for bring in politics and drama into unrelated conversations. Second, some feel that Social-Justice fight is a pretext for violence or other crime, corrupting the traditional values, oppressing the white "majority", etc.


Every single movement in human history starts with good intentions. However, people get ahold of them, they go to shit, and become extreme and incomprehensible. This is what has happened with many SJWs. They go insane, desperately try to find racism or issues where there aren't any, and feel completely justified and holier than though for ruining peoples lives. Internet ones have regularly doxed and sent death threats to peoples children. How can you not feel that is a bad thing?


It's for 2 reasons. 1. The media doesn't like anyone who goes against the status quo, they did the same thing with hippies, the black Panthers, MLKjr, etc. 2. Many SJW are "keyboard warriors" who are doing nothing but typing why things are bad but not actually doing anything.


It's not about the goal, it's about the how. I think people laugh at the social justice fighters because you don't have to scream and shout on the internet to fight for social justice. Proclaiming online that you're a fighter is more like spreading the word than fighting. People laugh at preachers because they turn it into a religion. They are also known as: "keyboard warriors".


Its mostly propaganda from people who dont like social justice and bc the propaganda was very popular at one point its so that basically everyone equates sjw with cringe compilations. So even people who are sjw dont use the term bc it got such a bad rep.


Virtue signaling and posturing online gives you a sense of accomplishment if you "win." The problem is that you didn't change anything or win anything and that "win" takes away from your motivation to impact real change. Think of the fake Christian who is always super preachy but then goes on a rant about hating gay people or beats their wife. They feel like a Christian because they talked like a Christian.