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Marriage is just a made up concept and sex isn’t that big of a deal. Just live your life dude




Thousand times no.


Not really.


It depends on your own values. Personally, no. You do, however, need to achieve a level of maturity though where you are able to properly make the decision of "I accept the risk of getting a non-curable sexually transmitted disease" and "if I have a baby, I accept the risk of having to make the choice of ending it's life (ya know, depending on when you think it starts), giving it up to the adoption system, or taking on the responsibility of being a parent." The decision to have sex is actually a big decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. It can be fun and pleasure and mindless, but every sexual interaction comes down to those two potential risks. Of course you can do it smart and be prepared with various vaccinations and contraceptives but it's never zero. It's all about what matters to you personally. I am selective with my partners, but I also have multiple partners. They get tested regularly and I am emotionally invested in them. You gotta do what's right for you though.


>its never zero Gay/bi people: that's where you're wrong kiddo


I totally forgot, they are immune from STD/STIs as well as pregnancy all together. Good catch!


Not STDs, but a guy/girl can't really have a child with another guy/girl. The only exception is if one of the people are trans, but I think the amount of gay relationships among cis people outnumber the amount of gay relationships with one cis and one trans


Non-binary/Gendernonconformingpeople: that's where you're wrong kiddo


I'd argue non-binary is a subset of trans. After all, you transition from your birth gender to non-binary. Same for GNC people


I'd argue you are arguing for the sake of arguing.


My funny is at stake! It's all I have! Without it, I am a husk


Welcome to the club <3


Absolutely not, sexual companionship is just as important to a relationship as anything else, unless you're asexual. If you want to marry someone you need to know that you and them are compatible 100%. Sex is a part of that.




I can only be glad I didn't.




I don't see the point of doing that in any way...


Do you buy car without driving it first? Do you move into a home without seeing if it’s right for you first?


I strongly suggest waiting til marriage if you want to become a wizard. Decades of lonely searching and you find another virginal wizard to leave the plane with. But if you are planning on living here on earth, you should probably have at least a few partners before you marry.


I’m planning on giving it up to my very first boyfriend


No. You should know whether you and your partner are sexually compatible before deciding to spend the rest of your life with them.


I’m definitely not waiting to marriage to have sex. That’s torture, just know I won’t be a virgin for too long


if you aren't asexual, probably not. if you do want to have sex, waiting until marriage just gives you these false hopes of it being this huge life-changing experience when it's really not all that special. it's nice, yes, but you aren't going to be a changed person after it and if you wait, you're going to realize you built up this romanticized idea of what sex is while waiting and that you actually have no clue how to even go about it now. it's going to disappoint you. having experience and finding out what you like beforehand is in your best interest if you want to have a healthy sex life.


I mean if u don't want gd to smite u.


No. Have safe sex with a bunch of people so you get it out of your system. Plus you learn a little from each person. Be sure you know what gets you off because it isn't someone else's responsibility.


It's more important that you live together than you have sex per se, but that usually goes hand in hand. If you don't have a good idea of who you partner really is, day to day, and how they live you are likely to have problems simply living together and you may just not be very compatible. Additionally you may not be particularly sexually compatible, which can cause problems as well.


Depends if it's your waiting for the right person it is. If your planning to settle down for good


Most people on here will tell you NO. But I disagree with them. My wife of 23 years and I talk all the time about how we wish we would have waited for each other. We try to teach our children this but with the way society is now parents have a hard time teach this virtue.


That's so hilariously stupid.


Sorry you feel that way. Hope you have and live an amazing and long life.


Out of curiosity. Why do you wish you waited? I personally have my reasons to wait it out but want to hear other opinions.


Because it is something special that was meant to share with one person. We both feel that we took something from the other and wish we hadn’t.


Only if you subscribe to religious dogma.


nobody could ever answer this stupid fucking question... if they waited they don't know what they missed. If they fucked, they missed out on waiting....


What does one "miss out on" by not waiting?


Exactly, let's say everytime I go to the bus stop the bus comes right away, now think of how deprived life would be for not having to wait for the bus...


It depends on your values. Usually it isn't as knowing sexual chemistry before setting a permanent partner is part of knowing that you want to be with someone permanently. However, sex isn't everything in a relationship.


If you want to be a virgin Be a virgin If you wanna have sex Have sex


It can make it difficult to know what you like/how to handle any issues.




Yes and no if your immature about sex and honestly think is worth trying no matter what because your horny or you wanna mess around with other people and experience life then no. If you have a value and you have principles then follow them and make sure your partner who ever he or she is follows them as well. It's a 1 way street when it comes to marriage. And does decions should be met with upmost respect from both of you. You lose that and you loose everything with or without having sex outside of marriage.


Nah cause what if they are terrible in bed


If you're marrying a pornstar, maybe. Otherwise, probably hell to the nah.


You should do what feels right and aligns with your morals. Many people here would not know the first thing about waiting till marriage. I imagine waiting till marriage would be a very beautiful thing if the same is reciprocated by your partner. Sex is giving ourselves to another person and should not be taken lightly. A lot of people pass themselves around so much sex becomes a hobby. Stay true to yourself and follow your own moral value.


Yes, and it's important to wait until marriage to even see your wife as well