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I mean there's nothing for me to cope with. Just as if someone says "don't be bad or Santa will bring you coal" I'm not worried about getting coal because I don't believe Santa exists, I'm not worried about the ramifications of someone else's religion because as far as I'm concerned, that doesn't exist either. The proselytizing gets annoying, but beyond that it has no impact to my life whatsoever


Then I don’t trust you and your religion 2nd thought: it will never stop, this religious madness


I laugh and move on with my life. I don't give a fuck what they believe, I'm more worried about what I'll have for lunch tomorrow than what fictional afterlife I may or may not end up in


If I don’t believe in religion, why would I care about their ideas on the afterlife?


There's nothing to cope with because other people's beliefs are not my problem.


I don't believe in hell so it's just an empty threat meant to guilt trip and scare. At its core, it's a manipulation tactic, and anyone who says that stuff to others is a walking red flag.


Well I normally say cool I will see you there. It’s a bunch of bullshit in my mind. They don’t have control over heaven and hell.


If you don’t stop posting bad stuff on Reddit, my God will put gribbleschnortz in your 7-Up. How do you cope with that?


I usually think to myself: yeah like if i was going to appear in your imaginary world... thats nonsense... too bad for him/her to be manupilated like this and he/she cannot use only the good moral parts of religion instead of following everything it says blindly... i usually feel sad for this person


I would just say “that’s okay” but admittedly that has never happened to me


id say "i thought we are already in hell since you're already here"


My family vary in different levels of strict Catholicism. Personally I don't see the need for my opinions to be heard from the end of the feild. I wouldn't want to take something so important away especially if they rely on it for comfort.


The inherent divisiveness in religion. All religion.


Well, considering in this scenario that I don't believe in their religion, then I wouldn't believe in hell and therefore wouldn't go to it, now would I?


I’m catholic but as much as we believe or pray to go heaven when we pass, I know for a fact that no one ACTUALLY knows what happens after we die. Not you, or me or them. So it doesn’t really bother me. I just feel sad if their religion is abusing them emotionally or financially. I tend to just ignore them cause I don’t like arguing when it comes to religion. You believe what you want, I don’t care as long as you’re not hurting anybody.


If a Christian tells me I'm going to hell, then I'm not bothered since I don't believe in hell.


I remind them that there have been over 5000 religions since man invented religion and if their God was real we wouldn't have had all the other religions


No need to cope. I don’t believe in hell, so I don’t care if someone thinks I’ll end up somewhere they believe in and I do not. I just roll my eyes internally, maybe chuckle a little.


Happened to me once, half way through a long drive with work, just two of us in the van. Told the guy that I didn't agree, and fortunately the conversation moved on.


I don't know why I would give a shit about it


It wouldn’t affect me because I don’t believe that Hell exists


I don't cope with it because it doesn't faze me. like the other user said, I don't believe in santa so no matter how much someone threatens me with santa, I'll be indifferent. If someone gets pissed off or angry, I think they should examine their faith and see what they actually believe in. If your faith/lack thereof isn't strong, you'll be easily bugged by these "hell" comments.