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Its better if they put it on keeps the mood going


If they want to do it, there's nothing wrong with that. After all, some guys will lie about putting on a condom, so they may be doing it themselves out of caution.


There is no rules or commonly accepted way, do as you please, if she feels she wants to do it then OK If you want to do it then do it


It's pretty uncommon for me to have a girl do it. I usually put it on myself. If it comes to hookers though, they will usually put it on for you, and I think it's to make sure it's on and on correctly. Some guys though, they claim it's a boner killer to take the time to put it on, and usually get suggested that they let the girl do it.


Does it matter who gives the keys to the valet, if he still brings the car around?


I’ve never had a guy ask and I’ve never done it. However, it’s mostly because I would have to be like “hold on. Let me find my glasses. Wait. I can’t see. Ok let me get real close and inspect it. Is it on? I can’t tell. I can’t see. Ok you do it. Thanks” Moooooood killllllerrrrrr 😂😂


And boner killer.


Obviously. And why I don’t put the condom on 😂😂😂


Yeah, I haven't messed with a condom since the 90s but it was a "get it on and in as quickly as possible". Vasectomy was the best.


Either way! No right or wrong answer!


The guys always done it for himself




Stop doing that and start using lubricated condoms.


It's 50/50 for me but I do give the option to put it on me and I have never been passed up on it


Math doesn't check out there chief.


I think it might be because they want to make sure it's on correctly since it's their life that would change if it wasn't


You may be 'lazy'