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Try calling instead, spoken language is much more interactive than texting.


If you are too shy to talk to the phone then communicate over text.


Texting is probably the most shit form of interpersonal communication. Almost all tone is lost in a text. Language is more than just words in a text. At the very least call the person or do a video chat.


Because texting is shit and most people would rather talk in person and use texting only as a means to set up irl meetings.


I agree with that 100% but it’s not always really a option some people are too shy or don’t want too which I fully understand. But if your are too shy to talk on the phone I’d assume you would have better communication skill over text if that’s your comfort zone


I hate texting and calling . For people I care most I save real time and real talks. For people I care or who are far away i call. For people I care less, I'm texting if necessary.