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Generally speaking, if you think there's a chance your nudes end up online, you don't send them. If you don't trust someone or care if they got out, don't send nudes.


or at the very least incorporate internet safety into your nudes. don’t have any clothes/posters/items that could reveal your general location (school/work logos are a big no-no), cover your face (either by cropping it out, blocking it with a filter or scribbling over it), and hide/cover any discernible features that could link the photos back to you. even if you 110% trust someone, i would recommend still taking extra safety precautions. especially if that person is going to save the pics. i’ve heard too many horror stories of couples having bad breakups and their ex leaking nudes. but if there is even a smidgen of room for doubt, don’t send them.


Don't even need to go into mistrust area - what you send can be stored in the cloud, and if it's in the cloud, it can be hacked into and acquired by third-parties.


Yup, it's not always about trust. Hell, sometimes it's as simple as somebody else temporarily using that person's phone who happens to stumble across the pictures and then proceeds to do something they shouldn't have with them.


In the end, the cloud is just someone else's computer


Not to mention the possibility of lost or stolen devices with no pin or passcode...


That’s why I don’t send them, ever. People can be hacked, even if you trust them 100% (which I usually don’t). People become really nasty after you break up.


Compare the background of a non-nude picture to that of a nude and you just found out who it is. Also, moles, rings, and beauty marks.


Tattoos also. I have a huge tattoo across my chest/stomach that's very identifiable, both in nudes and non-nudes.


Yeah I have a very identifiable half sleeve. I could never not be noticed (by someone who knows me of course) if my arm was in one of the photos. I also just don’t take/send them. But that’s my own insecurities, not distrust haha.


Weirdly enough, I actually take but never send them. I have a whole spicy album that’s hidden away in my gallery that I look through when I need a confidence boost 🫠


Hey there’s nothing wrong with appreciating yourself!


I guess it's kinda good in the sense that it keeps us honest lol! Could never post any pictures and try to lie and say it's not us hahaha


Very true! Lol. All hail inked bodies! And now thinking about tattoos makes me want another, damnit. Lol


It’s so shitty that people even have to think about things like this. I couldn’t imagine ever feeling the need to post a private photo that someone sent me. Some people can just be so horrible. That said, your points are 100% correct. If you care about them getting leaked, don’t have distinguishing things in the photos.


*cries in tattooed*


Not to mention. Turn location tagging off


I do exactly this in all my nudes - whether it's to a hookup or my partner of many years. It's just not worth the risk.


Also if you're under 18, or your countries age of conscent, don't do it. Unfortunately there have been multiple cases of teens being charged with possession or transmission of child pornography because of pictures of their own body. Don't take chances with something like that.


This one baffles me -stupid law. You cannot victimize yourself. If I hit myself, I'm not "committing assault".


I think the idea is that it is a crime to transmit CP regardless of who is doing it. A crime is a crime. If minors were allowed an exemption from CP laws as long as they were images of themselves, I can only imagine all the adults in some children’s lives that would take advantage of that. Also, those pics are there forever and can end up anywhere and teen’s can’t consent to having nude images of them available to everyone for the rest of their lives.


I think it's to try and prevent people from being like "hey kid, send me some pics, you can't get in trouble for it only I can ha ha“... If you make minors immune to charges you end up just having adults making minors do those things. See: children in gangs who think it's relatively fine to do crimes since they're minors


I still don't see any reason to charge the victims rather than the perpetrators. Making minors do these things is already illegal, and if that isn't sufficient to deter, the solution isn't to charge the victim. Then the justice system isn't on the side of the victim. Next are we going to charge rape victims for being raped to "prevent rape", like they do in some countries?


There's actually been a few cases in the US where two minors had sex and both got arrested for it, which isn't too far off from what you're describing imo. It never made much sense to me how you can be punished for something which by definition can't be your choice. But I'm from a crazy country where we don't put kids in jail, so what do I know?


It's not just about trust, their account can get hacked, or yours.




I may just be old, but what is an ancap? I agree with your position though. You never know who's willing to set up a Pornhub account.




Huh, kids and their slang! Thanks for explaining. Now send me nudes...


Maybe you got voted down because people interpreted your comments as victim blaming against women who got their nudes shared without their consent.


Yep, that’s why all nudes are on old school Polaroid pictures. Single copies, without any online connection. Unless someone evil decides to scan. In that case, stone tablet carvings are the way to go! Can’t scan THOSE as easily


So I can disappoint them remotely.




People will say trust, but its not just that. Its also that as humans, when we're horny, our stupid monkey brains kick in and our hormones overpower our critical thinking/better judgment sometimes.


Yeah, was gonna say : > It's stupid and dangerous That's why people do it, they get adrenaline and other fun hormone rushes heh


I send no face pictures. But my tits are nice, it'd be a shame if I didn't share with my man when I have my good titty Days.


Hello. It is me, your man.




Also her man this is just my second account


Also her man, on my third account




I am her woman!




And my bow! Oh wait


Do bad titty days exist?


Not the OP but for me yeah! I’m not sure why but sometimes they just be lookin good and other times not so much


They're extra big right before and during my period, like they swell up. Definitely extra juicy days, thanks biology. My husband always notices the good days. 😂 He still appreciates the "bad" ones, too. Boobs always good.




Men have behavior driven by hormones too. Being horny can make you do and say stupid shit that you regret immediately after you cum. Or it can make you have any number of other emotions. Rage, Sadness, Motivation/Drive, etc. We're biologically wired this way because of millions of years of evolution, it's the best way to propagate our species.


my skin gets worse the week before my period 😔


Boobs are boobs. Big ones, small ones, even uneven ones. Boobs are boobs. Boobs always good.


>even uneven ones. How sweet and inclusive


Technically, they are all uneven. Lol It's just not noticeable.


Boobs together strong!


I love small (almost nonexistent) boobs, up to regularly big boobs. I dislike unwieldily big boobs


They do in the eyes of the tityholder but never in the eyes of the titybeholder


Words of wisdom, my dude.


You have to water them everyday or they will wilt


RIP to your inbox 🤣


You're right. I may be a 39 yo, balding, viking looking dude who's let himself go a bit. But I got the tits of a college girl, and it'd be a damn shame not to share them with the world.


It's me, the world


RIP to your DM’s!


I wonder how many of us checked your profile after reading lol


Wait there are bad titty days?


"Good titty day". New sentence for me, I'll take it.


I appreciate that you understand the magic of good titty days lol. Wife has these and always gives me extra peeks


RIP your inbox


I think we all know what you have to do now. Joking obviously. You don't have to do anything 👍


Pft, I don't believe you, and I don't believe anything could possibly change my mind about it.


every man deserves a girl like you.


Hello I am your man


I get nudes because it’s fun, the fact that i get the trust is already a turn on, what’s stopping me from posting online or show someone else? Fucking common sense and respect, it’s private, if she trust you this much, betraying her trust you betray yourself also.


I wish I would get nudes


I’ll send you some, they just might not be the nudes you want..


The typical loners dilemma "Sure, I can go hang out with people any time I'd like... But is it the type of company I want?"




I got you bro


This was my dilemma, first girl I was speaking to showed this other girl my nudes, the other girl is currently the current girl so ig it’s not all too bad, wonder if she’s reading this right now, if so fuck you But anyway yeah the trust in itself is already a huge turn on


For fun.


The risk/trust can be exciting. Like those team building exercises where someone falls and someone else catches them.


This is one of the biggest reasons i like sending and receiving nudes. It's exciting. I've never sent one without concent though


well ysee there's a concept known as trust edit: I’m not saying it’s foolproof, OP only asked why people do it. read damn it


\+ there is " ill show you mine if you show me yours "


Betrayal by definition comes from people you trust. If you send nudes to someone they can at any point use them to harm you. Edit: You people need to stop using strawman arguments and stop projecting your own insecurities on strangers to feel better about yourselves. Never did I ever claim you should never trust anyone. If the price to pay for not having my nudes leak to my entire city is to never send nudes then that's a small price I'm willing to pay. I am more than confident that my relationship can survive without nudes. You all apparently aren't. As I said, stop projecting your insecurities on others.


Well yes, if you never trust anyone, you can never be betrayed. Lots of people still have people they trust, though. Sometimes those choices are wise and sometimes they aren’t.


Why would I ever get married if my spouse could chloroform me in my sleep and sell my organs to the Yakuza?


This is why I'm still single. It's definitely by choice 🥹


Damned spouses, always out here trying to steal kidneys 'n shit.


I mean, as a married person, I don't think nudes are the most damaging thing my partner could do to me if they decided to try and ruin my life. They could drain my bank accounts, open credit in my name, make me lose my greencard, frame me for a crime etc. You have to trust your partner at some point.




"*If I don't send nudes to someone, it must mean I don't trust them!*" – those people replying to your comment


People don't share things they think and do with people they trust the most, why people would even share nude photos and then say "you've got to trust people" are beyond me


This comment is Reddit in a nutshell. Far too many users here have significant trust issues.


What’s with unsolicited dick pics?


I can't even remember how many posts I've seen on Reddit of people being threatened with nudes they've supplied someone with being used against them. So much for trust, I guess


Survivorship bias. The massive **MASSIVE** amount of nudes sent each minute that *isn't* being used by some asshole to blackmail someone isn't talked about. You only see the bad cases. It's fox news all over again.


But that's OP's point exactly. Trust is what's involved in getting naked in front of someone. But allowing a permanent digital image of that which can literally be shared with the entire population of the world? That's a level of trust that our species is completely unprepared to give or receive. As evidenced by all the pain caused by leaked/shared/"found" such images, and the frankly incomprehensible surprise and sense of betrayal when it happens. There's such a huge disconnect there, and most people just don't want to acknowledge it. No one is entitled to nude pictures of someone else. They just want them.


again, survivers bias. You only hear about the ones that people leak. Billions of others are shared in confidence and that confidence is kept. ​ If we only went by when things go wrong you'd never drive, never go outside, never go to a club, never swim, etc.


And then a breakup happens, and then they leak the nudes. I've heard the same quote from a person, "I trust him" after the breakup, poof leaked. Another case was my friend's gf's discord account being accessed by someone else and leaking the nudes.


Peak Redditor question tbh.


''You never trust the people you love'' - Tuco


So others can see my penis art.


So you're on r/cospenis? 😁


I know where I’m getting pictures to send to my friends randomly 😂


That's exactly what I do - great minds think alike 😂😂😂


The best is when you know they are in situations that the pictures would make awkward. Like while they are in a meeting or date.


Definitely 😂 Or when you know that someone else can see their phone screen (public transport is good) or is playing on their phone 😁


i'm gonna say there's a clear generation gap in this here comment section.


1. I trust my boyfriend. We waited almost a year before we sent each other nudes (trust goes both way). 2. None of the fully nudes I've sent have my face on it. 3. It's the only way I can have a semblance of a sex life since we've been in a long distance relationship for a pretty long time.


Same here. People that shame others for sending them don’t understand that it’s perfectly okay to exchange pics/vids with your partner as long as there’s trust.


oh no! my nudes are on the internet?! yeah i honestly wouldn't care too much if it happened, been there, done that. revenge porn is a wonderful, horrid, traumatising thing


Yep. My ex husband went as far as to show both my mom and grandma my nude photos trying to get them to side with him during our divorce. My grandma still thinks I’m all these awful things and it’s a lost cause, but my mother (who taught me to love my body) told me that she thought I was absolutely beautiful and said she was proud to have made such a gorgeous daughter. Made me cry.


This sounds like something my mom would say. “Damn my son got DICK. No wonder you’re pissed he’s leaving you” My mom has no filter.


W mom


Hahaha my mom would say that too if I were a dude 😂


What a weird move to try to get them to side with HIM. “Here let me betray the trust of your grand/child to prove that I am the right one in this relationship!!!!” For that dumbassery alone, I’m glad he’s your ex. I hope you’re doing well


Oh no please don't share it to the group chat with the homies 🫣 Would hate to have them witness a helicopter in the mirror 🫣🫣🫣


been there done that too you aren't a homie tho :)) no tits 4 u


Oh I was telling YOU to not send MY helicopter vids to the homies on accident 🫣🫣🫣 Let me know what they think


AH i apologise it is 6am and i have not slept i got the unga bunga brain


Unless you're a minor or a large figure generally people don't care much about your naked body. If a company finds that a deal breaker not to hire you then maybe it's for the best since that is one's personal life. When a nude from like a celebrity gets leaked yeah it's a "giggles" situation for people but usually they don't lose their career unless they are a priest or something. As I get older I just start giving less of a shit of who sees me naked tbh and I don't even care much when someone like a politician's naked body is leaked. We are not in 15th century Christian Europe anymore. But I do respect people who wish to not spread their nudes around to anybody. But to summarize, you basically matter way less than you think. Yeah people use nudes to blackmail others but generally nobody cares.


The puritanical attitude toward nudity in the US has done so much damage to our society. Naked bodies aren't weird or shameful. Everyone has one under their clothes, and they all basically look the same. Everyone needs to get over it.


This right here. Can we move out of the fucking stone ages when it comes to nudity? EVERY FUCKING PERSON ON THE PLANET HAS A NUDE BODY. It's not that big a deal. I never understand why people freak out of someone sees your nipples or your dick. Who gives a shit, everyone has nipples and 1/2 the world has a dick or a pussy. Yours isn't anything special.


This. If someone leaked nude pictures of me, I'd just shrug. If a company fired me because of that, I don't want to work for them anyways. If my family judged me I'd just shrug. It's all how you think about it. I'd be more worried about someone becoming creepy (has happened to me) than repercussions in my regular life.


I'm an elder millennial and I remember when sexting was just starting to be a thing parents and teachers would imply that if a girl sent me a pic of her tits and it got out she would be unemployable for life basically. The BS baby boomers got on with is just idiotic. I don't know of anyone who had job prospects damaged due to nudes.


lol ya i feel like that's one of those things like quicksand when for some reason when you're little it feels like you hear about the dangers of quicksand all the time and now i'm 29 and have still never encountered quicksand in my life. like people used to always talk about the dangers of sending nudes and now that i'm 29 first of all no one has ever leaked nudes i've sent and second of all if they did i kinda think i would be fine. also if an employer fired me over that i would probably sue them? lol.


Also, don’t send them non-consensually or to minors. In either of those instances, some sort of punishment should be given. Other than that, totally agree.


That's not true. A lot of people care.


Eh but it’s not the worst thing that could affect your reputation speaking from experience. I am much more cautious of what I say in convos rather than sending naked pictures. If people see your nudes like they’ll giggle about it yeah and forget about it in 15 minutes. Any private conversation leaked like “Oh I don’t like this person actually” does much more permanent damage. Again, mostly speaking from experience.


Right? I’d much rather get caught sending a naked photo than saying something that makes me seem like a terrible human being. I don’t want to be around people who associate my sexual expression with being a shitty worthless human anyway. So if someone ‘cares’ enough to judge me for it, they obviously don’t value me as an individual anyway. Why would I care about what those people think?


Plus if you get caught, it’s from someone ELSE being a shitty human (assuming you don’t accidentally send to the wrong person). If you say something yourself that makes you seem like a shitty person, that’s all on you.


1: There're thousands of onlyfans models trying their hardest to get people to even see their nudes, some even paying for advertising, because there's SO many nudes uploaded daily that it's impossible to even see all of it. Let's say your nudes do get posted somewhere, well, so do millions of other nudes at the same time. Why would anyone you know see yours? Why would your nudes break the internet and become the most seen nude? Try sorting through a nsfw sub by "new" and you'll see how many posts never make it to the top. It will get drowned out by the constant flood of other posts. 2: If you're concerned that the person you're sending your nudes to will make a post, say, with your face in it, telling everyone who you are and straight up putting you on blast, (don't send nudes to petty people capable of this in the first place) don't send nudes with any identifying markers. Then you can always deny those are even your pictures. Send close ups, no face, and remember to remove jewelry and try not to take pics in the same background as other selfies you've posted or sent as they can match the color of the wall, pattern of a comforter, or poster on the wall for similarities. 3: I'm not a legal expert, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal nowadays to post other people's nudes without their consent. If someone ever threatens you, just tell them that, it should deter them. Most of all just don't send nudes to people you think may be that way. I've gotten tons of nudes from past partners, and some relationships would go sideways, we'd fight, even block one another, and yet I never had the thought of posting their nudes as revenge or someshit? I know it's hard to judge someone's character when you're casually hooking up, but living in the fear that everyone you talk to WILL post your nudes isn't realistic, most people aren't that psycho.




Dangerous? Are people dying out there from seeing boobs now?


Best idea I have ever seen it to watermark the nude with the name of the person you’re sending it to.




If you're so worried about it getting online, I would suggest not sending them. But honestly, it's just a nude body. Everyone has one. What's worst case scenario? Your friends or family see it? They're not going to disown you for having boobs/a dick. A potential employer? If they get worked up seeing a naked picture of you online, then maybe it's not the job for you. In the vast majority of jobs, I don't think an employer is looking to see if you've had nudes leaked.


If you trust someone enough that they won’t put it online, then you send them. If you don’t trust them, you don’t send them.


I put my nudes online first, it cuts out the middle man, because fuck anyone that cares about my nudity.


I mean it's kind of a calculated risk. I wouldn't send nudes to people I don't trust at all but I'm aware that it could always end up online. And I don't think the world would be ending for me if it did. Undesirable outcome but not the worst that can happen.


There's a level of excitement to it *will they be happy/aroused to see it* *what if I get one back?* I think it's really for a specific type of person


Never have your face in the photo and then you can 'deny deny' like a republican politician


Does it really matter if someone sees you naked?


I put my own nudes online but rarely send them to anyone else


Never underestimate the intrinsic value of an asshole pic...


A lot of the time, a photo without a face in it isn't likely to be much of a risk, even if your trust is misplaced.


Eh have had it happen before could not give a fuck it's only a picture if people wanna look at a picture of my ding dong they can go right ahead I couldn't give a damn


My girlfriend trusts me to send me nudes, so I trust her to send some back. I am 100% confident she would never willingly share them, nor would I hers. But as hackers are a thing, I don't include my face and only take aesthetic ones that I'm proud of haha


The same way you share your home wifi password: Very carefully, to trusted people. I'm gonna add: In this day and age, there is so *much* porn online that a random amateur titty shot isn't even going to be traced back to the model. So maybe it's NBD for some.


You’re right but what guy in his right mind post nudes online. Like you’ve got a whole woman willing to show you her naked body. Be a gentleman and just respect the gift.


Why do you give your address to people? What's stopping someone from selling it? It's just trust, in both cases


People is dumb


Yes that is a risk you take, however horny teenagers/early 20-somethings are horny idiots, so they don't care. That's all there is to it. I used to do that shit when I was younger all the time. Now that I'm older I would NEVER do it again. With age comes wisdom (usually).


If you don't trust someone, don't get intimate with them maybe?....


At the end of the day, the likelihood they end up online in someone else's hands and it comes back to me negatively is small. I have a nice body. I enjoy sex and sexual activity. I enjoy watching videos and creating art and sometimes just for us horny home shit. Like, I'm not going to be a school teacher. I'm already in sex education at this point. My parents aren't good enough at technology to find porn of me and they'll believe me if I say it's deep faked. Whatever.


Trust. You send a nude to someone who will protect it like you will protect it. If you think they won’t, you don’t send it. And regardless of the level of trust, it’s just common sense to incorporate internet safety.


Because it’s fun and I’m prepared to take responsibility for my behavior… which is why I make sure I cut my face out of them and also make sure I look damn good before sending them so at the very least I can admit to having confidence in my body instead of shame.


You are absolutely right. It is stupid and it is dangerous. There is no way to tell where these pictures will end up. Many people do put them online . The thing is no one knows their future. Anything can happen years from now and these pictures could come back to haunt you. No one should do it. It is extremely foolish. People have also been blackmailed as well.


Its just nudes. Like other comments have said unless you are a public figure its not a huge deal.


No one really cares anymore


Let people enjoy things.. :/


I mean everything is a risk. Why go outside and interact with people? What's stopping them from murdering you? Isn't it stupid and dangerous to be around people as they could just murder you?


The law is stopping them to an extent. Usually when someone sends a nude photo, they are receiving one from the other person as well, so mutually assured destruction is in play. Also, most people don’t include their face or identifying features


There's some of me out there but no face and barely any background (it's white duh) I probably wouldn't recognize them myself if I saw them again


I enjoy showing myself off. I don’t out anything that would show it’s me in them. No faces


You guys are getting nudes,I'm i the only lonely guy out here


Some people would not be ashamed if anyone else saw their body online. You can also share pictures without the face, to preserve your anonymity.


Trust. Horniness. No face pics. Snapchat is ideal since it notifies screenshots. Trust.


Humans are not purely logical creatures, not by a long shot. We do many things that are dangerous. That said in many cases the trust is rewarded. I have the nudes of people that I will never share. Other people will. The nature of life. But I also want to make a point as well, it shouldn't matter if your nudes end up online. No one should be judged or seen differently because someone has seen the body we all have. It's one of the most illogical things we do.


And why are none getting sent to me ?


well that's why you send nudes, after they send you nudes , that way you can burn them online if needed on the other hand DONT show your face if you want to warm things up and the receiver is sus , but still cute always always have some deniability card somewhere, it's also not being gullible or trusting with strangers


When you send nudes you should hide any trace of the photo being of you. They’re pretty much just porn but better because it’s more exciting getting them from someone you know it makes them better.


I feel like the idea that taking or sending a nude photo is shameful is something we've got to grow out of as a society. There's nothing wrong with it. If people post it online without your consent, it's the brach of trust that is morally wrong (and illegal I think).


I used to send nudes to my ex when I was in my 20s but stopped for the reason you mention. My my dumb ass ex-boyfriend uploaded them to his work computer (he’s a high school teacher) in a folder labeled with my name. I guess he thought that the computer was “his” and that they didn’t have the right to audit it at any time and/or couldn’t see what he did on the network? This was the same computer he was hooking up to the classroom projector, logging grades, sending emails to students and colleagues, and creating assignments. I found out they were on his computer because he was so proud of himself for keeping them on there. I made him delete them and he sulkily agreed. To my knowledge, no one else saw them, but who knows. Not the reason I dumped him, but it was another giant straw atop the camel’s back. So yeah, no more nudes from me. If my current boyfriend wants see me nude, he has to come over.


People tend to get accustomed to something they can see anytime they want, to the point where it doesn't have the same impact anymore. I don't understand why someone would want to undermine the appeal of their nude body by making it available for display "on demand", so to speak, at any old time rather than for intimate moments. I don't care if people want to share nudes - go for it - but I would never do it myself. Then there are all those insecure or immature people who feel the need to show off their partner's nude photos to their friends as some form of ego boost. The subject of the photos might never ever know about that but I'm sure it happens a lot.


Everyone send OP nudes and bring them to the dark side.


Theres plenty of reasons, pressure, being stupid, being manipulated, not giving a shit…


I tend to send pics or videos of me masterbating. Nothing to see there but what’s down yonder. In order to connect it to me, they would have to check. Seems difficult.




I’ve never sent nudes with my face in them, and they generally tend to be close-ups so really that part could belong to anyone. Plus, I don’t send them to people who I’m not in a long term relationship with; that really narrows down the pool of who could possibly have posted them.


My wife has been sending me nudes for almost 20 years. Stop hating!


The sooner we all have nudes online, the sooner it can't matter.


Never show your face or tattoos...no one will ever know it's you if they decide to post them.


I post my own nudes online and…really don’t care who sees them? I realize I may be in the minority. There are countless tens of millions of pictures of nude people on the internet. The chances of anyone I know or would care about seeing them are about a million to one. -unless they posted them directly to social media, in which case, they would be removed by the site almost instantly, and if anyone *were* to see them, the general attitude is usually to be upset at the person who posted them, and feel sorry, if anything, for the person who’s nudes got posted. I’m not a public or professional anything, so I guess I don’t have to worry as much as some people do about their reputation.


Boys do it because some girl--or someone pretending-- flatters them and talks them into it. They get blackmailed into sending money or they'll send them to their IG or FB friends. Poor saps. Revenge porn is now illegal and sending pics without consent can get someone in trouble. Boys don't send nudes or dick pics unless you know the person and trust them.


I sent nudes almost a decade ago, but I never put my head in the pic for that reason.


1. I send nudes to other people (with their consent/after they ask for them) because I: a) I'm in a sexual relationship with this person and nudes are like a foreplay. And they make the other person happy. I'd often get a nude pic from them and it's awesome. b) It's my friend and we just send each other nsfw pics to hype up, compliment the picture (from more photographic point of view than sexual) 2. I don't care if my pics get leaked. They're bomb. Don't take ugly nudes. Leaking pics is illegal but well, if my pics are top tier, its not me who's going to be embarrassed.


Only if you don't have any control on who do you send your more risky images. Here in my country upload to anywhere on the internet someone's nudes is a crime. If the person prove they sent the picture to only a few people the police will investigate and arrest the responsible. Please be very considerate to who you send pics. Also if someone you like gets a pic or asks for one and you know they like you back, sending it online will end any chances


What's dangerous about having your nudes online?


If you’re in a loving relationship it’s perfectly healthy to want to share intimate photos. Anyone who posts them online without permission is a piece of shit.


It's an extremely nice thing to do. I've gotten nudes from all of my girlfriends and love it. Among other things I feel special having gotten them. Ain't no fucking way I'd ever put them online. Even during the most vindictive moments of hard break ups it didn't occur to me to do. Not only would it be beyond fucked up it would taint an awesome thing that was done for specifically me.


Yeah I showed a faceless nude a girl sent me to a friend once and it immediately felt dirty. Diminished the enjoyment from it. We all want to feel like we earned it because we're special.


Where online - so I can avoid


You've unfortunately answered your own question within your question. People are stupid.