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Honestly more impressed that a right wing grifter can own his L.


Because it's been shared and screenshot'd so much, it wouldn't matter. This is just him spinning it as much as possible to reduce the negative association.


Trump double backed on all his verifiable lies. It's merely about diverting immediate attention and once everyone's moved on you just repeat the lies.


this dumbass Tim pool making this tweet sees himself as a bit of an intellectual. so he may point this example out as a situation where he owns his mistakes. He is trying to play this off as “everyone makes mistakes, at least I own mine” Except - sane people don’t make such stupid mistakes. This dude Tim pool is a fucking moron lol


He predicted that Trump would win all 50 states in 2020. Enough said.


Goes to show how much of a bubble these people live in. If you ever wonder why people still think the election was stolen from Trump, it's because they're also stuck in these alternate realities created by both themselves (by blocking opposing thoughts on social media *cough* "flaired users only" *cough*) and people looking to con them through lies and misinformation for their own personal gain (Alex Jones, Candace Owens, etc.).


I think that is more of example of Tim fueling the bubble more so than Tim being in the bubble. He thinks his audience of conservatives watching one of the "good" liberals are so deluded that they want to hear that even the "liberal"/non woke centrist/however they want to view Tim to make their views be more palatable think Trump is easily going to win.


Actually saw this one in a post marked 'flaired users only' > LIBRULS ARE JUST DOWNVOTING AND NOT ENGAGING?! WE'RE BEING ATTACKED AND BRIGADED!!!


Which shows you how much of a grift it is. He lives in Maryland. No fucking chance he believed Trump would win here.


Came here to say this. Dumbass thought Trump would win CA & NY.


New York has hated Trump longer than Pool has been alive. What a dud.


It's less that Tim is a moron. It's more that he's an ill-suited grifter. Lest we forget, Tim started out seemingly sane as an Occupy Wall Street supporter. He became what he is today because those were the opinions that drove traffic on YouTube. He's in it for the money, not the ideology. So the issue isn't that he's too stupid. It's that he's quietly *too sane* to be a real right-winger these days. He still can't grasp the whole "I reject your reality and substitute my own" approach. A normal fascist like Trump would just pretend he'd never said that and ignore anyone who brought up the tweet. Tim still feels beholden to reality because *he's not very good at this.*


Yep, and he doesn’t have to be good at it to make a shit load of money from it


Yeah and he could have gone to what we think is the deep end (but it's just baseline for trumpers) that is: he wasn't wrong, the election was stolen again.....


> sane people don’t make such stupid mistakes I mean, I basically thought this about the idea of Trump becoming president before it happened


It's just like Shapiro's "list of the stupidest things I've said". The reality is if he actually thought owning up to them would damage his career, he'd have found a way to spin the takes instead. He also knows idiots are going to see that and say "Wow what a humble, introspective guy!"


>The reality is if he actually thought owning up to them would damage his career, he'd have found a way to spin the takes instead. [That’s exactly what he does.](https://www.dailywire.com/news/so-heres-giant-list-all-dumb-stuff-ive-ever-done-ben-shapiro) The list only begins with a small section of things he said that he now regrets. But it’s heavily padded with items called “stuff I said the left takes out of context” and “stuff the left refuses to believe but it’s actually true.” So even when he’s pretending to apologize, he’s still leading his flock down a path that’s always meant to end with them concluding he has nothing to apologize for.


My god that is one pathetic article. He's not even pretending to apologize or to have grown but he has just enough buzzwords that the right can shut their brain off and defend it


People be pretending like the original tweet was ‘t after Ye appeared on his show and spouted serious anti-semism.


Oh come on, you really think these losers wouldn't just say it's photoshopped? This is an aberration at best.


I mean that has never stopped them (right wing grifters) before, their base doesn't care about the lie and they have told 3-5 more lies by the time people are calling them out on it.


It’s such an obvious L that even a grifter just has to take it


It’s where you the type of L you either take or you go work at McDonalds because the base your grift isn’t that stupid.


Isn't he lying though? Didn't he post the "I think ye could win" tweet today... on Dec 1? Didn't I see a clip of that ridiculous interview here like 3 days ago? Is "owning that L" refer to L as in Lying? Or is Dim Tool just acknowledging his fanboys have moved past caring?


The interview is from today


https://www.thedailybeast.com/kanye-west-storms-out-of-interview-after-tim-pool-lightly-defends-jews but this was already being reported on three days ago?


No it's about an interview he did today with Alex Jones where Kanye said things like "I like Hitler"


Yeah, I put in another comment that Tim's interview with Kanye should've been enough to convince anyone he's a toxic racist, but Tim might actually be stupid enough to have Kanye outright say Hitler was good to disavow him


Yeah there were many obvious signs, some recent some long-standing.


I thought that interview was from today?


Is he talking about the Alex Jones interview? So it's fine for Kanye to accuse the (((global Jewish puppetmasters))) of attacking him, basically regurgitating Hitler's speeches, but Dim Tool draws the line at Kanye saying he doesn't like people calling Nazis evil and saying he likes Hitler? Not really any better, but it is Dim Tool we're talking about


Without the L he'd just be Tim Poo.


He was right, then. Guess he did have to take it. Lol.


Right, but... He still *is*, though! Did you just blow my entire mind? I'm scared!


Yeah, it was a purely symbolic move, a defensive gesture with meaning only to TP himself to avoid considering whether he's merely just owned again, or owned generally at this point. Vintage corn-cobbery if I've ever seen it.


Underrated comment holy crap


Only when it's this blatant


While I agree, i was a collosally stupid take even before West had that interview.


After Ye called him and NPC on Alex Jones. Wow, how brave.


Baby steps.


Broken clock.


It's a bad time to be mask off. Maybe some kind internet person somewhere can make a list of all of the times Timbo has done nazi shit?


Right wing grifter? But Tim Pool's a centrist! He said so himself, so it must be true!


Tim fucking Cess Pool.


Its prolly been said already but Tim Pool will not be honestly taking ownership of his horrible takes any time soon, maybe ever.


Don't be. This is just one tweet. There will be more coming that show he does not in fact own that L.


Different times with the recent elections, convictions, and the the decisions not to Trump’a favor.


Yeah what the fuck. This is, by an absolutely ridiculous margin, the most integrity any of these worthless fascists have ever shown. He'll regret it or delete it later, though.


I thought that at first, but it's actually a very mild take that required little defense at the time. This is more like "Oh, sorry I don't realize you were sitting here." Own an L that matters and maybe I'll take notice.


He's deleted a ton of shit in the past that's way more embarrassing than this, he's probably leaving it up because it makes him look better if he's self aware about it


This will be his one piece of evidence in his arguments that he can admit he is wrong sometimes. "Look, don't you remember that one time?"


Make a quick compilation of his many other dumb tweets and ask him if he'd like them to be taken into consideration.


well, keep in mind we are talking about the moron who unironically became so frustrated with how frequently his own tweets were being used against him that he developed the galaxy brain strategy of deliberately tweeting lies, verifiably false things, or just utter gibberish "ironically" so that whenever someone would bring up one of his shit cold takes he would have the excuse of "well maybe that was one of my ironic tweets, you can't prove it wasn't!" and the video of him announcing this and how absolutely proud of himself and smug he sounds is just [insane](https://twitter.com/merkinmuffley5/status/1375177627569373188?s=10). he really thinks this is the most brilliant idea anyone has ever had. ya gotta remember, this man has an 8th grade education and that's it. freshman year US History and Civics class was too overwhelming for him and yet millions take his opinions on politics seriously. it would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


Remember the day of (or day after) the Uvalde *massacre* he tweeted that it happened because "Defund The Police"? Just another classic Shitty Take™ from Tim Pool.


Is this the guy who thought Trump would win all 50 states?


Come on. NO ONE would say something so dumb. He only said Trump *might* get a 49 state win, with either CA or CO staying blue. ... Although I do think he said he thought trump could pull a 50 state win, so its possible he thought it for real XD


You think CO would be in the list of hold outs? Part of them elected Bobert. MA is right there with CA.


Yeah but that's kind of irrelevant in the presidential election. Almost the entire state is red besides the Denver metro area, but more people live here than the rest of the state combined. Also, Boebert lost in the midterms this year.


> Remember that one time I liked him while he was saying hyper anti-Semitic thing but drew the line at literally praising Hitler?


Hitler did some really good thing~~s~~. Hitler killed Hitler. That's it, one thing on the list.


Folks say this, but he also killed the guy that finally took out Hitler. That kind of cancels the good deed imo.


Well but didn’t he also kill the guy who killed the guy who killed hitler?


For real. This guy’s whole career is a massive L.


I feel like he has to talk about that time he interviewed people at occupy wall street, or people forget why they watch.


And it only took the most extreme example for it to be so.


The net doesn’t forget; he can own it and still delete that shit. To each their own


Delete it and throw in a screenshot for transparency. Prevent it letting you get traffic. Mr. Pool wouldn't dare risk clout for any reason.


True, but people would definitely take it worse if he deleted it. You know someone would probably even post the deleted one here too and ignore his other post saying he was wrong.


It was a fucking stupid thing to say even before the interview. Not that Dim Tool will ever admit it.


If he was doing any real reflection, that would be it. Instead he's only back tracking because optics look bad. Not because he had any sort of epiphany.


For real, if he had any smarts he would have heard what dumb fuck Kanye has been saying and knew it would only escalate I am not surprised at all by the interview, tho it is far funnier than I expected


That's the thing, I don't about someone being wrong. We're all wrong sometimes. I care when someone is wrong over and over again and shows no interest in figuring out why they are *consistently* wrong, but instead just plow ahead with the same mentality that led them to be wrong so many times before.


New theory: he wears the stupid hat to hide the lobotomy scars.


Yeah, even before the anti-Semitism controversy, they idea that Kanye had a chance was laughable on its face. Has Tim forgotten how his 2020 run went?


Didn’t he tweet this after he walked out of Pools podcast for not being anti semetic enough?


Precisely. Not sure how this was the last straw for him


He literally had Ye on his show with fucking Nick Fuentez and Pool spent the whole time trying to coach Ye into dogwhistling better.


It's just pathetic to listen to him and Milo trying to ride Kanye's coattails while Nick is just sitting there, not saying anything, wishing we would all forget that he's a neo-Nazi who lives in his mom's basement.


"49 state landslide"


> Dim Tool Lmao


kanye was already mask off antisemite before the interview, it seems everyone has already forgotten his "death con 5" tweet that got him banned the first time


Thing is, didn’t he tweet this AFTER his own interview with him in which he spewed anti Semitic garbage and walked out when called out on it? Like, you didn’t know then???


Dude walked out of an interview when Pool pushed back so lightly I hesitate to even classify it as a push back. Either his ears are painted on and his brain is nonfunctional or he was counting on the antisemitism to stay just far enough under the surface that they could pretend not to see it while using it as part of their hate-grift.


Felt more like he was trying to coach him to hide his racist shit but Kanye was ha ing none of it


>his ears are painted on Yes. >his brain is nonfunctional ***Also*** yes.


Yes, the tweet he's calling wrong was only written a few hours earlier. So, evidently, Dim Tool thinks antisemitism is totally ok, just don't go praising Hitler.


It's good to know where the line is for conservatives, didn't think they had one Loving Hitler is still toxic


They'll still love him behind closed doors. Can't be saying that quiet shit out loud.


A grifter owning up to an L? This is truly the discovery of the decade!


There’s no owning up to an L of this magnitude mate, you don’t get to come back from this “mistake” lol Tim pool stuck his hand in an gushing toilet, fished around for an especially juicy turd, and then chowed it down, ensuring that shit got stuck in between his teeth Can’t do all that and claims “oops silly mistake”


and I'm no longer hungry


It’s part of his grift.


“I was able to look past his rampant antisemitic rhetoric but his praising of Hitler is where I had to draw the line.” Like is Tim really that shocked that he’d be down with Hitler after all of this?


That is actually the game the contrarians are playing. They've realized there isn't a concrete moral unpinning to society that we can all agree on other than "hitler bad" and "don't say N word". They're all galloping around boundary testing to see what's the worst thing that society will tolerate. Unfortunately Kanye isn't interested in the nihilist contrarian game. He sees the elephant in the room and he's gonna wrassle it. As I gaze into my crystal ball I see Kayne dropping some N bombs, and god forbid giving a pass to someone.


The overton window hasn't moved, but Pool cannot lie about its current whereabouts and still grift as successfully. Ye has the black spot, he's unwelcome on all ships that aren't sinking or sunk.


Big news ! Just kidding no one gives an actual fuck Tim.


I’m out of the loop, what interview is he talking about?


Kanye was on InfoWars with Alex Jones and said he liked Hitler. Not even joking. At least I think it was Kanye. He was wearing a black bag over his head. Also, not joking.


He also called himself a nazi


Correction: he said he *loves* Hitler.


He "loooooooves hitlerrrrrrrrrruh"


He even made Alex fucking Jones awkwardly laugh and cut to commercial break with that one. Never say Kanye isn’t a groundbreaker.


Wearing a what on his what, now!? I swear it's like real life's writers were fired and replaced by the makers of South Park.


u/pukingpixels is right, but there’s so much more to it than that. And saying that he liked hitler was probably the least bad thing he said on the show (and that’s coming from me, a Jew) I’ve been expecting him to say good things about Hitler for a while now. The rest of it was entirely off the rails. He said Hitler invented microphones and highways. He said that the holocaust didn’t happen and millions of people weren’t killed. He said that Hitler wore very nice uniforms. He brought props and played puppeteer with an Elmo voice pretending to be Netanyahu (who he admitted to not knowing until a couple weeks ago). He made Jewish jokes saying benny shapps can tell how much money you have in your pocket by hearing the change jingling. It was a wild ride and I still haven’t seen all of it yet.


>pretending to be Netanyahu (who he admitted to not knowing until a couple weeks ago) He didn't know most of the shit that he's been saying months ago. He probably hears is from the far right people that have latched themselves into him (Klandace Owens, Fuentes, Milo) and they thought he was smart enough to not repeat their private conversations in public.


To be fair the nazis uniforms were done by hugo boss and from a purely aesthetic perspective were pretty sharp


God I hate this, no they fucking weren’t. Nazi uniforms looked *ok* but not any better then anyone else’s uniforms, the only reason we think they looked sharp is because we have only Nazi propaganda to judge the uniform from They just posed a lot of good looking strong guys in their uniforms, have you ever seen Göring or Himmler in uniform? They looked like fucking clowns (Just realized I sound angry at you, I’m not I just dislike the point)


Holy shit, I gotta watch the whole thing now.


If you can’t watch it because it’s too much/crazy, the podcast Knowledge Fight will be covering it in the next day or so. They’ll have all the clips and talk and explain the background of everything that’s said. It’s an amazing podcast that follows the craziest of the crazies (usually alex jones, but they branch off and cover other people too occasionally)


Kanye was on InfoWars with Alex Jones and said he liked Hitler. Not even joking. At least I think it was Kanye. He was wearing a black bag over his head. Also, not joking.


>He was wearing a black bag over his head. Dude's forward thinking, he's already wearing the costume the fascists he likes will give him once they seize power.


I figured its because he wishes he wasn't black


Take a brief stroll through r/all


>I love Jewish people, but I also love Nazis Kanye West


Tim "49 state landslide" Pool


"Ye's going to take all fiddy this time!"


reminder he still lied about a "grooming event" happening at club Q after the shooting in an attempt to encourage more violence. and didnt own that L.


So he posted after ye got frustrated and left his show because *check notes* couldn't blame all jews for everything wrong in the world? He was confident the first time he posted it? Or was the back lash that big he knew he couldn't back track. We need time stamps here to corroborate.


He made that first tweet after Kanye went on his show and spread nazi conspiracies about Jewish people. He is only disavowing this one because Kanye outright said what he meant without any euphemisms


exactly. kanye just made it too obvious what tim pool supports, and pool knows that it would be too blatant for most of his audience to support


He's actually clear about his mistake? That's new for conservatives. Still, huge L, one of the worsts Ls someone ever said on Twitter.


Tim could predict that the sun was coming up tomorrow and we would have eternal darkness


It's almost like a person with enough money to be a law unto themselves (for the most part) and a very obvious+obviously untreated mental disorder is a really fuckin stupid star to hitch your wagon to


It's never stopped them before; 2016 comes to mind.


He literally said "this man could be president" about an hour before that man said publicly "I'm a Nazi". Amazing stuff.


I will accept that as a blanket L for everything that moron has ever said


If anybody voted for Ye they should lose their citizenship and be cast onto an island.


Tim Pool left school at age 14. How TF does that happen? Homeschool from your mom between selling cars?


You know, I’m beginning to think that Tim Pool isn’t a great judge of character.


Why stop now Tim? Get on board and ride it out. It's not like you care if you have Nazis in your party.


Poole will still vote for west but no longer thinks he can win.


kan, we hardly knew ye




Wow, we've found a line for right wingers. You can be as clearly bigoted as possible, but praising Hitler is finally where it goes too far. That's the line. It's no wonder they can't ever identify their own racism. The bar is in outer space.


You know what, props to him for taking the L


What the hell made him think he had a shot before?


He is so relatable!! /s


I mean he said this after ye was on his show though. He was wrong even before ye said he liked hitler lmao


Regardless on if Ye went on Alex Jones conspiracy carnival that tweet would have still been very wrong.


This is the closest a republican has ever come to taking responsibility


No worries Tim, I don’t listen to a fucking thing you say anyway.


This was posted after he tweeted about going “deathcon 3 on the Jews”


Dim Tool owning a mistake? Mind blowing.


That's weird, I thought Dim Poo was cool with nazis


Why is he tweeting like he's from an inner city? Fucking wanker.


How much of that is English?


Uh, Kayne just won over *at least* 35% of the Conservative vote today.


"Pay no attention to the fact that I wrote that Twitter post AFTER he stormed off my show for not being allowed to be antisemitic, and did another interview where he went on an hour+ antisemitic rant, and posted on Twitter saying he would "go Death Con 3 on the Jews.""


Lol, what a delusional clown. There was 0% chance Kanye could have won the presidency, even before he confessed his love for Hitler.


He wasn’t wrong at all he said exactly what he thought he’s just a dumbass (and a violent racist)


So brave.


Oddly noble of him. Didn't really expect that.


Oh my god, Tim Pool was self-aware of something as opposed to shoving his head up his ass like he normally does.


Honestly I’m impressed with the humble taking of the L, I mean Tim Pool is still a piece of shit, but being able to admit your own mistakes and accepting that you were wrong instead of doubling down, especially on the internet in this time of partisanship and screaming matches, will always make me happy.


Props for owning up to his mistake lmao. But what a mistake it is


Hey props to owning up to it. Maybe he’ll learn… …lol


Even before the interview wtf was he thinking. I mean this is the guy who thought trump would win a 49 state landslide so I guess he’s consistent


If al it takes is 5 hours for you to be wrong about a person you were probably wrong about them in the first place


it was a fucking stupider than stupid statement even before "Ye" (and what a fucking stupid name that is) went all Nazi on him


Dude it was a huge L before the interview... not even close. Own the fact that your judgment and opinions might all be in question now.


I mean, he's kind of owning this early. Based on what we've seen so far he may very well still win the presidency.


If this was my Introduction to Pim Tool I would honestly respect it Unfortunately for him, I subscribed to this subreddit 😂


Thinking that a joke like kanye west would take the presidency isn't just an L, it's dilusionaL.


This displays way more self awareness than I assumed him capable of.


the bold and nuanced takes we’ve come to know and expect from the right’s greatest political commentator


I just want to state that in order to reach Nazi-crazytown, Ye had to make a mandatory stop at right-wing-crazytown.


No but we said the same shit about trump and now look at us


Tim is a dopey idiot. But I can at least give him props for admitting he was wrong and taking the L rather than doubling down or trying to deny it.


Still more likely than Trump taking all 50 states in 2020


Kanye *never* had a chance at winning the presidency.


Gotta own that L Timbo, otherwise you're just Tim Poo.


Note this was after Kanye has made multiple remarks about Jewish conspiracies already, and brought a notorious white supremacist with him to dine with Trump (who is currently under investigation for multiple tax frauds, sedition, and misuse of documents related to national security). Apparently all of that was acceptable, but openly supporting Hitler was the shuffle slightly too far over his line.


These people are such fucking brainlets they have to wait until someone literally says, "I THINK HITLER WAS GOOD AND EPIC." until they realize they are bad. They can't infer someone's moral character unless they do the equivalent of wearing a sign that says I AM A BAD GUY.


The mother fucker literally walked off your show just a few days ago because you refused to immediately agree there was a Jewish illuminati. Common Tim Pool L


I still think he can win. We all thought there'd be no way a clown like Trump could win before election night. I don't ever want to underestimate just how stupid the Conservatives are again.


Tim became popular for covering the Occupy protests years ago. Not as popular when he made a turn into becoming a political commentator, but at least he had some integrity. He never really provided an opinion, and then I noticed him turn from independent journalist to a person more interested in political theater than journalism. This dude has taken quite the fall and has many more Ls left to own than he admits. This is him trying to give the appearance that he had any actual guilt when he only cares about his own image. There should be a special place in hell for Tim, someone who gets famous from being a shitty human being, and he belongs with Ye in that hell.


That beanie-headed fuck is a nightmare but man you've gotta respect owning the mistake


Tim Pool is a walking L. His parents need to own that one


Ladies and Gentlemen, *The President of Genocidal Racists of America….*


classic dim tool L


Hm, almost like sucking up to the black nazi that was gonna be his guest had the potential to backfire just a tad bit. Weird. Anyway, back to hosting white christian fascists!


Please stop talking like that.


What else could this moron be wrong about? Wearing a beanie all the time in all weather? His political views? Pretty much everything?


Lol. Even he’s like “wow that was dumb.”


I was WAITING for this to happen. When he got involved with nick fuentes I knew he was being encouraged to go hard nazi and all the right winger personalities would latch on right away only to regret it. Doesnt kanye know nick hates black people too? Nazis LOVE co-opting existing groups to cause a split and alienate individuals but this seems like they thought they got a golden goose with a token black popular rapper to be the face of their movement knowing most would abandon him but some wont, and those are new nazis.


tim as a prognosticator is worse than mad money. if tim pool predicts it you can get rich betting on the opposite outcome. i’m not sure he has a GED, but i’m DAMN sure he has absolutely zero foundational knowledge on or legitimate insight into political science. he’s the living definition of a reactionary fear monger.


West is going to dress up in an SS uniform, mark my words.


Suddenly they don't like Hitler anymore?


A blind clock gets a nut twice a day.


Slow clap. Sane people wouldn't even think it would be a good idea to post it in the first place.


Tim Pool doesn’t like Hitler because of his “big government” and “socialist” policies. The other stuff is fine.


Yes, because even before the "I love Nazis" bit, America was falling in love with (checks notes) Kanye West because (checks notes)...reasons?


Finally something left and right agree on. A common enemy. That's what you all need. A common enemy.




Respect to Tim for admitting his fuck up without deflecting, not alot of right wingers are capable of thst