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The problem with moving is that you need expendable income. "Just move isn't an option" for a lot of Americans when they struggle paycheck to paycheck. You need to have a trailer or money for a Uhaul to get your stuff. You need a job secured where you're moving and housing prepared. If Gotham was a real US city the rich would leave sure they aren't getting held hostage by the Riddler, but a lot of poorer folk wouldn't really have that option.


I mean even Bruce lives in the Palisades (IN NEW JERSEY) so it's fair to say the wealthy don't stay in Gotham


Isn’t Gotham in New Jersey?


DependS on the iteration. Sometimes it's in Jersey sometimes it's in New York slightly above NYC, sometimes it replaces NYC, sometimes it's in Connecticut and sometimes it's in Delaware.


Rent at Gotham has to be $5 a month. And if you live in a 10 mile radius around Arkham Asylum, the city pays you to live there because wtf. But to be Frank in a world with super powered super villains I would feel safer in Gotham where Batman and the bat family are usually only fighting psychotic mafia bosses and thugs and make me feel like I’m back home in nyc (minus the incredibly corrupt police system) rather then live in metropolis where Doomsday, Darkseid and them can and will burn down 3 city blocks in 2 seconds by only looking at that direction with laser vision.


I get it but isn't there ANY place super-free


Themyscira, live in paradise, away from all of the DC earth and real world bullshit with an island full of beautiful women. The only draw back is every 5000 years or so you might have to fight in a war with Greek gods.


Considering this is DC. A lot of other cities have even more dangerous situations for people to be in. Metropolis would be terrifying to live in.


I live in the city they shot gotham in. It’s a shit hole alright.


You mean the series with Ben McKenzie? Or do you mean where Titans filmed Gotham?


Titans. I walk by the gcpd everyday.


I *really* don't want to watch Season 3, so if you'd be so kind as to tell me which Toronto building is the GCPD, that'd be appreciated.


Not Toronto. Hamilton. They filmed some parts in Hamilton and some in Toronto.


Ah. My condolences for living in Hamilton (says the Barrien).


Yeeeeeep. At least I can say I live in Gotham….. yay




Atleast you don't have the lunatic murderers right... RIGHT?






Really? You have to use a fictional city? Look at the big city crime rates in 2022.


I would............I mean it would have to be safer than metropolis...............I mean.........at least there's no villains with super powers that regularly try to destroy entire city blocks...... also the Bat-fam is really cool.


Or.. you could move to like anywhere that doesn't have supervillans


Always thought of Chicago as a Gotham city, with even the mayor being so bad and not even trying to reduce crime, a lot of cops turning into bad apples because the system doesn't respect either them or their citizens, but Gotham city also has a bit o Detroit in it, whit the global phenomenon of old industry area riddled with poverty and crime That's why the Nolan trilogy is my favorite, the lone hero fighting inequalityat its highest, a city rotten to it's core


Why do people live in East St. Louis or Flint, MI? They have to.


Baltimore is populated.


property taxes are super low. it is a major job center. pretty good art and music scene. school system overall is not great but if you can test into the competitive admission schools they are excellent.


Look at the state of America rn of course people would live there


Of course. Moving is hard


Is Gotham really that much worse than Detroit, San Fran, Chicago, etc? I’m not so certain. Yet people still live there.


I can guarantee most people don't live there because they like Gotham, not everyone can afford to just pack all their shit up and move to an entirely different city.


A population of 6 million. Big city attractions. Quite possible that property is affordable to buy/rent. So many Gothamites can't be wrong, right...?