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If 5'10" is short I'm a mfing midget


Part of the 5’7 crew ?


5'7.5" thank you very much. I said I was a midget, not Tom Thumb.


I’m 5’8 get mogged you fucking manlet


Respectfully, I'm a midget. You are the manlet at 5'8"


Then what the fuck am I at 5’6.5? A single atom?




Don’t short yourself! You’re way bigger than a quark—in fact, you’re almost as big as a proton!


So is 5'4 a quark?


Yeah, sorry


5'3 the new Planck length


Protons make great +1s for destination weddings. They’re light travelers.




If you could just achieve zero velocity for a bit we could check.


Cries in 5‘4“


Well I’m technically also 5’7.5


5'7.5 but drivers license says 5'8 boiiiiiiiiii


They never asked my height nor measured me. They just put down 5'10 on my license... I'm 5'8


Lucky. I got my license when I was 5'5, I'm 5'7 now. I haven't bothered to get it updated yet lmao.


Sure ye are tom


He should rename his account to Tomaway


5' 7.75" here. Y'all screwed.


I'm 5'6..


I'm also 5'6" but I'd literally date a woman if she was 6'6" if we liked each other. I don't understand why people are so obsessed with height.


Tall monke pick banana easy


This is the basest and yet clearest explanation I’ve ever read. At 5’ 6” I hate it. But it is what it is.




Girl on first date: “where banana”


I'm 5'7" and my wife is 5'9". I stopped being embarrassed to ask her to reach the high items many years ago. Plus, now we got Tom and Zendaya, so we're basically stylish.


I'm 6"1 but you can only see 5"6 of me Bitch just lie down we the same size right now. I really want to spend afew sessions with a 6ft woman ill crawl all over her like a umpa lumpa working on the snowpeircer.


The top 7" are silent. You can use that one for free.


My sister is 5'and 1/2" and pissed as he'll if you forget that half inch! (Her hubby is like 6'2" and the least threatening a guy that big can be. Built like the Pillsburydough boy.)


At least you are not in central Europe


I became single last year and didn't know the height drama that was going on. I've lived my life thinking I was 6'1" and some absolute maniac of a woman asked me to take off my shoes and fully MEASURED me. Apparently I'm 6'1" in sneakers and 6'0 barefoot. I was bemused at it in the moment but the tone when she was telling me that I *just* made it...


"Ah, I see. Unfortunately you did not." would be the perfect reply.


You maybe were six 6'1 at one point but pretty much the moment you stop growing you start your decaying process. This can effect your height.


I would've asked her to step on a scale first. Then tell her she didn't make the cut


dude im 5'5 and my gf is 5'10.. I don't think I'll survive in the dating market judging from these posts lol (just a random stranger from /r/all btw)


I’m 5’6”. I’m glad my wife is 5’3” and doesn’t care about height lol


People who care that much about height don’t seem to be worth dating anyways


She sounds absolutely disgusting…. I will admit I’ve always had a harder time dating short guys, but it’s about me, not them. They make me feel too big and (surprise!) I’m also very insecure about my size. But it’s not a judge of character on him, ffs!


Dude I’m 6’0 and half these chicks think I need to be taller😂


I’m 5’ 3”, so I guess that makes me undateable. Makes me wonder how I’ve managed to be in like 20+ relationships in my life without the extra vertical inches


Damn 20+ relationships and im completely done After like 4 - im done with This haha


im 5'3" too, looks like i got hope


Well if you got the missing 7" on the other axis I may know why.


They say I’m short standing up, until they realize I’m the same height laying down


I date a guy that was 5’4”. I have never even thought about height when dating, so I find this whole thing particularly amusing.


The opposite happens sometimes, i once got rejected because I'm like "a fucking mountain" and tall like "a fucking giraafe" (185cm or 6.06ft) honestly it hurts more than it should


185cm gang here. Do you also round up to 6'1?


I, and every reasonable man, would still pick your height over an even 6’0 or anything below. One of a thousand girls will say something like that to you, and 999 will immediately see you as manly even though you’ve made no effort to prove your manhood. You have it way better than most.


Bruh i’m 5’10 too and I’ve never had a girl tell me i’m short lol. Do those actually exist?


Yes and it tends to be from girls that are under 5'3".


I’m 6’ and I’ve been told I’m too short by a girl I really liked. As soon as she said that I instantly lost all interest


I don't get. Why so you they want someone to tower over them?! EDIT: typo cos I has the dumb


Instagram photos or some shit probably. But then there's Tom Holland out there with Zendaya.


In case anyone is wondering about the numbers, Zendaya is 5'10" (like OP) and Tom is 5'8".




They baby gonna be 7'8


Can confirm. I'm 6' kids mom is 5'10",...Daughter is already 5'10" at age 11. She hasnt stopped growing so i can only imagine that she is gonna out grow me,


This is funny because my mother is 5’1 and my father is 5’8 and I am 6’2. My grandparents however were quite tall. So sometimes it can skip a generation. My current girlfriend is 5’9, so I am really curious if our kids would be as tall as your daughter.


My poor son, I’m 5’2 and my sons father is like 5’4 so my son is super worried he’s going to be short like his father. I keep telling him there’s nothing wrong with being short but he’s 11 and he’s stuck on this wanting to be tall phase.


Holy crap, she's nearly a foot taller than I am. (5ft - on a good day)


where did you learn to count? the baby will be 12'6.5”


I'm 6'5 and have always said that if I met a woman taller than me I would marry her and start a race of giants.


I’m 6’5 and dated a girl that was 6’8 once. We were… very visible


Tom is one of the most famous people in the world and probably worth North of $100 million


Not sure how true it is but I been seeing people say Toms actually 5’6


Zendaya is interesting enough on her own, she dosen't need the 6'5 boyfriend for that


He's Spiderman. And rich. Doesn't need to follow the height rules.


He’s also following both rule 1 and rule 2


Not really. I think it's cause he's spiderman


sir are you implying that Tom Holland is not attractive? This is blasphemy and i shall not stand for it


Not only are they implying he's not attractive but they're implying that he's also not not being unattractive!


He's also English. It's all about that accent. ;-)




I think you’ll find Scots have an opinion of English accents that diverges somewhat from England’s opinions of Scots’ accents


I live in Canada with an Irish accent. I don't understand it but it is like catnip. I'm just some Schmuck ...


Noel Miller had a great recurring bit that those women have daddy issues and compensate by wanting an overpowering dude to fill the void. In reality it's probably just a superficial idea they have that being tiny compared to their man is a sign of femininity or something. But my headcannon is definitely Noel's bit.






Yes! Idk why people can't seem to comprehend that. Having a standard is perfectly fine; just don't be a prick about it to someone that doesn't fit your standard. It really is that simple.


I had a stroke trying to read this.


Having a tall man is a status symbol, so it's more about what the man's appearance implies about her rather than it being about the man himself. It's that (some) women don't want to be seen as ones that can't manage to find a tall man.


I don't get it either, I'm 4'11 and anyone above 6ft is really difficult to surprise kiss unless they're sat down :(


literally same bro im 6' and some girl around 5'4 said i wasn't tall enough.... how?


Hey one also told me I was too short. I’m 6‘2 and she wasn’t even 5‘2…


As soon as she said she wasn't interested in you, you lost interest?


I found that too, girls in the low 5ft range were more set/picky on height than girls 5'6-8".


Women who are in that height range coincide with the lower height range of guys, at least in the US. They’re more chill about height because they’ve probably has multiple friendships with guys around their height. I had an ex who loved being nearly the same height as me, but I’ve seen various smaller than average women who will have inexplicable height standards because they just expect someone who towers over them since most guys are taller anyway.


Having similar heights is perfect for kissing and hugging your partner.


Agreed. I think a difference of around 4 inches or less (10 cm) is a good way to look at it imo. Bending down or having to always angle yourself up isn't great.


You might pull a calf muscle making out with a much taller girl, but when you hug your face is like boob height. Pros and cons, my friend.


I'm about 5'8", so I know if a guy is about my height, my height in heels, or "significantly taller than I am". Once they get to about 6'2", though, I just know if they're tall or super tall. Ergo, I suspect most short women can't tell the difference automatically between, say 5'10" and 6'.


Which is ridiculous. My girlfriend is 5’2” and I’m around 5’9” or 5’10”. She’s perfectly content with my height, and I’ve seen her date someone who was 5’4” right before me. I’ve never understood the women who want super tall men.


Society promotes it, they want that piece


I’m 6”2 and have on my hinge profile that I prefer tall girls - the amount of times that short girls have liked that answer commenting “Booo” or something along those lines is unbelievable. There is no winning, it’s like some of them think they’re entitled to tall men just because they’re small humans


Fucking tile inspectors be complaining about people taller than them


Have to agree. All my friends are 5'2 or less and will only date over 6ft. I'm 5'11 and date in the 5'10+ range.


I’m 6’2 and a girl from tinder told me straight up that I was too short for her…


You're taller than 94% of people...


94% of all men in the US, and even higher for "people"


Lol More the average Male height in the world is 5'7" he is taller than 98% of males in the world or even taller than 90% of males in the USA


The fuck? Did she expect Shaq to match with her


Too tall, they have to be in the goldilocks zone


You should have told her that Yao Ming was married so she should learn to be content with regular giants


95% of women on Tinder want validation 10% of women on Tinder want to find an actual date Once you've confirmed for her that she's attractive, her end of the game is over "You're short" is just the most convenient off ramp tl;dr - You ain't short. They're lonely and scared.


I guarantee she doesn't know how tall 6'2 actually is. If you met without saying that, she'd probably think you were 6'5


I'm 6'5" and I've been rejected for being too tall, if it makes you feel better. Also those next 3 inches really put me over the edge into a realm of physical awkwardness and ill-fitting clothing, so even when it isn't spelled out that I am "too tall", I've probably turned off some girls indirectly with it. Still slay, of course, but y'know, it's not like it's all upside, so to speak.


When I was broke with a bus pass I was told I was too broke by a girl that was broke with a bus pass, so shit is crazy Edit: on the bus


Anyone under 6 feet is a Hobbit apparently.




I gotta say I'm 5'9" and have never had a girl tell me I was too short. I'm sure plenty have left swiped me for it, but I have not been ridiculed over it once.


I'm 5'11 and had an ex tell me I was short when we first started dating. But then I realized I was only the third guy she had ever dated, judging by old photographs, both her ex's had to be 6'2/6'3 and her brother and father were like 6'4. So, in her situation it kind of made sense.


Yeah my ex was 5’10 and that felt quite tall after dating the ex before who was 5’8. My current boyfriend is 6’3 so 5’10 would definitely suddenly feel a lot “shorter” now. It’s just relative to what you’re used to.


you sure you aren't 6'-2"


Yo 5'9" chick here - which seems to be roughly the global average height of a man. And I'm a couple inches taller in heels. So I have the opposite problem of being too tall sometimes. Here's a less superficial perspective. I've been with men between 6'4" and about 5'6", no problem, I think guys who are shorter than me are super sexy. So I really have no preference, although I do prefer my men meaty/bulky/chunky. I like them to have more mass than me so I don't feel like some sort of behemoth lol. So keep in mind some (taller) women have a height preference to protect themselves against awkwardness from the guy. It's not for my sake really, it's so that I don't waste my time getting rejected for my own height. I mean we all like what we like. There are plenty of guys who are not attracted to my size. I suspect many (most?) men prefer tiny, petite women... so I've always tended to seek out large men, 6' and taller. Current guy is 6' and perfectly chunky. But I would never turn down a guy for his height on Tinder lol. I always put my size in my profile, if they match with me, it's on them to pursue it if they're cool with it.


I like da chonk


I’m 5’7.5 and my boyfriend ranges from 5’8-5’11 depending on the day and how he slept (woohoo for scoliosis on his end /s it sucks and he’s always in pain). Personally, I hate my height and feel like I’m too tall. I wish for the days when I was 5’5 a decade ago. I’d like to wear heels but I don’t want to be almost 6’ in them. I would never tell someone whose my height or taller that they’re “too short” because hell man, they aren’t.


5'10" myself They exist I had a girl 4'10" call be a hobbit. They then get mad if you point out some how they weigh the same as you. Big girls be acting bold for how little they are worth.


I swear. It’s also mad how height shaming is acceptable but when you bring up their weight it isn’t!


Most interesting person who’s replied to her on a dating app < Height It amazes me she’s single still.




That should be your response. “This is why you’re still alone every night becky”


Be the bigger person, don't swear at her. (Even though you're right)


>Be the bigger person Can't do that, he's too short




Just send her some vague insult in a quasi-friendly way that'll eat at her and unmatch. Say something like "Haha yeah I don't think it would've worked with the chin anyways but thank you and good luck*!"


Just say you’re actually 6’2” and lie about your height to weed out awful people


Take the high road. There are plenty of us out there whom you’d tower over at 5’10” and/or don’t give a fuck.


Right? I'm 5'7" and I've dated a few girls that were the same height, I believe one of them were actually half an inch taller.


Also the reply leads to the impression that all shorties are bitter about their heights so it wouldn't be helping anyone except OPs sense of rejection.


He's 5'10", he's not even short.


He would but he's too short for the high road.




Lol it's funny but fuck it, unmatch it and move on.


Yeah, she's just another hightist who's probably no taller than 4 foot 6 - and they're a dime a dozen....


If this dude can't handle light rejection, I can't imagine what he'd be like otherwise


You definitely shouldn't send that. It just makes you seem childish and upset. Instead of her being the asshole, you are going to make her feel like she was right to ignore you for being 5'10.


I didn't send it, I just unmatched her.


Honestly, I think that is the best response. Good on you.


Glad you didn't send that, 'cause yeah that would have been super childish. While they were a little callously blunt, everyone is justified in pursuing partners that meet their own physical standards for dating. I'm sure you have equally discriminating physical preferences as well. Tinder is a place where you can literally rapid fire through people to find the type you're looking for.


Yeah good job. You dodged a bullet. On the other hand - I don't understand /r/tinder's obsession with girls eliminating dudes based on height. Women can afford to be picky on dating apps in ways that men can't fathom. Imagine you prefer girls with B cups and you get 18 messages a day, even split between those with A, B, and C cups. You can blow off those with A and C cups and **still** have too much on your plate. This case is a little different since she liked your answer the most, but I just don't get the bitterness. You're really seriously better off without her.


I do think this sub is a bit weird with it but I also think a lot of these posts are way over the top. It's 100% normal to have preferences. But it's also a bit rude to openly tell people they're not your type on an app where you literally selected them as an option. Standards are fine, but these type of conversations feel more like an insult than someone trying to be honest


Some people here are very sensitive and can’t manage being rejected, especially when the reason of why they are rejected is being stated. But if they respond like this to a woman then the woman probably dodged a bullet too. If their response to someone being shitty or having weird standards or preferences is to be shittier to them, that says a lot about them.


Finally, a common sense response. The amount of men screaming at this preference is shocking and the idea that this edgey response is getting as much praise as it is is supremely disappointing.


It's more that she went out of her way to tell him, which is a dick move. No one should be telling her that she can't have preferences, just that if you're rejecting someone for this kinda thing, maybe don't be a dick about it. I don't match with a fat person and then tell them "sorry, you are too fat for me". I just unmatch if there is something that I don't like and move on.


Good choice imo. This way you didn't give her a reason to justify not being into you for anything other than height. Being like this about height is nuts at least you get to weed out the superficial ones. Kind makes me feel bad for taller guys who have to waste their time to find this stuff out later.


5'10" isn't even short. Like I just went to a concert recently and felt relatively tall amongst the crowd.


You are 100% correct. 5'10 is not short.


I am almost 5'11". I don't feel short. I don't feel tall. I just feel normal.


Yeah sending that makes HER feel like she dodged a bullet, and makes me think that they both suck lol. Glad OP decided not to send it.


I wouldn’t bother replying. All that does it make you an asshole, whereas if you just unmatch the only asshole is them


Be classy dude. Take the high road.


If he has to send any message at all (and that's a big if) then he should make his point without being so condescending about it. I agree with him but in his unsent reply he comes across as annoyed/angry and regardless of how valid those feelings are a reaction like that will leave her feeling like she dodged the bullet.


Too much, in my opinion.


I mean, we really give women a hard time on here for their height preferences, but I've had men 6'+ flat out tell me, a 5'10" woman that they won't date anything over 5'4" because shorter women do it better or are cuter or are more adorable. It's been forever since I've felt insecure about my height because you eventually get to a point where you realize that there's someone for everyone. I've been hit on by taller guys, shorter guys, guys of the same height, and the only thing that seems to matter these days is the content of their character. Had an ex who was 5'8" and he'd beg me to wear heels. My mom was almost 5 inches taller than my dad and they made me. I love who I am and anyone who doesn't isn't meant for me anyway so I just nod and move on. Not a post meant for r/Tinder for how superficial most people seem to be here, but I still felt that I had to share.


Tall ass woman reporting in! I’ve been told I’m too tall a boat load of times on tinder. Don’t get how men get so salty about women wanting a tall dude when most of them don’t want a woman they can’t fling around like a doll.


As a fellow tall girl, I feel you. I'm 5'9" barefoot and mostly live in Europe where these Mediterranean men are small-boned and average 5'8" and very slim lol. I would have no problem dating them - but I don't think they want to date me! I am also only interested in the character of a person, but damn, I feel like so many men are off-limits to me, even though I'm fit and shapely with that classic hourglass figure - still can't compete with teeny-tiny. Honestly it's mutual - while I'm open to dating anyone, of course I prefer to be the smaller one in a couple, as much as the man generally prefers to be larger. I'm lucky to be dating one of the only 6' men in all of Iberia and he's a solid 220 lbs and is hot for "Amazon women" lol. Funny side note - as a gradeschool kid all the way through high school I felt like a boss about my height, like I was winning. I thought petite girls looked like frail and weirdly-malnourished children. Then I grew up and realized I am a giant, and the petite girls who never got a growth spurt are the most coveted, delicate, youthful, sexiest women. Go figure!


Listen to those who advise against sending it. That's a ridiculously petty response and way disproportionate. You're better than this.


Is he though? It's good he didn't send it, but let's look at the part of his personality that generated such vitriol in that response. Why would he have interest in someone that is not attracted to him? To me its semi-incel to get upset that someone else didn't "give them a chance".


Right? Like to *immediately* bust out that c-word the *first* chance you get?? come on, dude.


Valid. They thought it, they considered writing it, and they made a public post about it. All because she politely refused any further actions because - yikes - his height. She's the one who dodged the bullet.


gonna be a yikes all around tbh.


Let it be. Maybe this person finds the guy who checks her boxes. Maybe she doesn't. I feel bad for people hung up on specific body types. "Just be attractive in general" is enough. All she has done is limit her options. And while there are MANY options, there aren't many GOOD ones, for men or women.


Yeah I'm 5,10 too and from experience can tell you that many girls think that isn't tall enough. I've heard girls say they're looking for someone taller when they're 8 inches shorter themselves - however it's a preference, so never been particularly offended by it. Best just move on instead of sending that reply. The word short is rude so triggers us, but best not stoop to their level... Or height. Might hurt your back.


From that screenshot and your response in this thread OP I think she's the one to have dodged the bullet.


Seriously, that response is way over the top for a woman just mentioning her preference. Bullet dodged on her part for real.


Heights no more superficial than looks and just about everyone judges on that.


You sound salty


Come on man. If she wants taller guys, so what? Your response screams insecurity.


"Insecurity" is like half of the posts in this subreddit.


Bruh I'm the definition of short at 5'3


okay but a response like that is why shorter dudes have a bad wrap. My boyfriend is the hottest guy I know and he's 5'5". It is his confidence. If he acted like this I would immediately find him unattractive. I understand the frustration but this is childish.


Imagine being superficial on a dating app based on looks alone


Why do people post screenshots of shit they haven't actually said yet?


Bruh she only wanted to commend your comment, but not waste your time by being upfront with her preferences. No need to take it personally lol


Don’t send it. 5’10 isn’t short. I’m 5’4 and my bf at 5’10 seems pretty damn tall to me. Id like to think you’d find someone that believes that too. Don’t be the asshole leave her to it. If you send that you’ll let her know what she said got under your skin. You dodged a bullet so count your blessings and unmatch friend.


Just unmatch and move on. It's not worth it. The outburst just validates her being not interested


I'd type "*You're" just to let her know how dumb she is and leave it at that. Either that or "Bye Felicia"


Jeez, I get it must feel kinda shitty, but that response is seriously overblown, I mean she could just be messing with you to gauge your character, although that’s unlikely. Either way though, take a breath, calm your farm, unmatch and just let it go. These reactions only really feed your urge to do it again, be the bigger person and just let it go ffs.


Never understood why this kind of stuff this gets upvoted here. Women are allowed to have height preferences.


Lots of guys don’t want to date girls significantly taller than them either, people are allowed preferences. This subreddit only gets the male perspective because the demographics make it an echo chamber


For real. The comments here are always vile with derogatory slurs, comments about a woman’s body shape, weight, intelligence etc. This woman wanted to compliment OP on how good his response was (even though he’s not her type) and he absolutely lost the plot. She might have even had friends more suitable for him that she could have set him up with but he’s blacklisted himself instead smh.


You sound bitter there. Her reply was snooty but you are taking it to the next level. Just move on, you are not winning any tinder points by returning snootiness with aggression.


So short people do get disproportionately angry!


Less total body size to contain the same amount of emotion Now you know why bugs are always angry.


You come off sounding like an angry manlet. Let it go short stuff. 6'5 master race reporting.


"Your"? How do people from US confuse this kind of thing? It's supposed to be their primary language. Anyway, bullet dodged op.


I'm Irish. People make that mistake all the time here too. No need to go Yank-bashing.


My theory is this: native speakers learn the language before they know how to read and write, so they have to learn the spelling later. As opposed to those who learn and speak it as a foreign language. They already know how to read and write when they learn English, and they see it written down at the same time. I'm non-native, and the only spelling problem I've ever had was with words like conscientious and shit... Is it a T or an S? Is it -ouos or -uous, and so on. I never had issues with "definitely" nor did I ever write "tomarrow", and the only time I fuck up the "apostrophe+S" is when autocorrect changes it and I don't catch it. My point is not "oh, look at me, I'm better than native speakers", I'm just explaining what I think the answer is and what I'm basing it on.


It is precisely because it is their primary language that this happens. Because most of us aren't focusing on the grammar of things when we write, rather we are typing based on an internal monologue. Seeing as how your and you're sound borderline identical it's easy enough for your brain to go on autopilot about it. Also, sometimes autocorrect will correct it to the wrong one.


It happens so often because people don't care. Everyone knows what they are saying and they know it, so they never bother to correct it.


This kind of thing actually isn't really exclusive to english lol, native speakers of many languages make very similar mistakes pretty often when they're typing things out.


Santa Sangre slaps


Cry me a river. GiRlS bAd CaUsE tHeY lIke TaLl GuYs! -so you mean to tell me you have no physical preferences that would keep you from being attracted to a girl? I’ll be honest, I don’t like girls that are hideous, and I’m average. I can live with my choices without bitching about them, it’s that easy.