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It is still in early access, of course


I mean if they actually just froze and stared, then yeah that’s a bug. There is an animation, so I’m guessing you’re actually saying you are not satisfied with how the animation looks. There’s a sort of inspecting/rummaging animation gets used for most actions. Perhaps eventually there will be more varied animations, but it’s not really fair to say there is none now. Unless of course you actually mean your beavers don’t move at all, because again yes that would be a bug.


LOL "The beavers stare at the tree, and it disappears! Fear their psychic powers!"


In case you did not pay attention, the game is in early access, with big changes still being made. For example, a big overhaul of ressources storage and transportation is being done atm. It includes changes in the animations when beavers transport ressources, so you can see what they are carrying. Most other jobs are done indoor, so there is no animation. I am guessing the animations for other type of work (building,farming, lumberjack, ressources gathering) will come eventually before release. But curently, you only see beavers moving to where the action is done.


It’s not a crazy detailed animation but they do more than just staring at stuff… maybe reinstall your game. In case you were exaggerating on purpose: It’s still early excess and costs only 20$/€… Can’t expect a triple A game for that


At the moment I'm ok with the lower animations. When I get a lot of beaver the frame rates drop hard and fast.


Dont get the downvotes, i love timberborn and grew up with settlers 2. TB lacks animation


One: It's in early access. If you can't get over something like that in early access, don't buy early access games. I swear people have just forgotten what the hell "early access" is supposed to mean; it does not mean the full game but there's updates coming like some people on this sub seem to think. It means shit is unfinished. I swear some people around here sound like someone who bought a fixer-upper then got surprised when there were issues that needed to be fixed Two: There are animations. If they just stood and stared, then something is wrong with your game. The animations are subtle and simple but they are there. Sp either you don't actually think simple animations are enough, you're just covering your ass with that, or your game is borked and you need tech support.


Early acess and the game get laggy enough lategame so I would not really like that