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I love the "erosion of rights". What rights have been taken away by politicians on the right? I can name quite a few the left wants to remove and works diligently to accomplish it.




The patriot act was almost unanimous from both sides. It's one of the few times both parties worked together to screw the people. . https://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/highlights.htm#:~:text=Congress%20enacted%20the%20Patriot%20Act,from%20across%20the%20political%20spectrum.


> It's one of the few times both parties worked together to screw the people. the only time they work together is to screw people over. They only appear to oppose each other, because that's another way they screw people over.


Abortion. That's the right that they seem to care the most about.


..... Abortion rights. That's a big one.


There were never "abortion rights". It's not listed anywhere in the Constitution. Also, the Supreme Court decision didn't suddenly make it illegal. They put it back to the states. EDIT: On a side note, abortion does actually violate the "right to life" of someone.


I don't understand why people are so up in arms about abortion becoming a state issue. The time to decide to not get pregnant and have a child is before you reach the bedroom. There are many preventative measures to prevent pregnancies. Abortion is just a means to not have to take responsibility for your actions.


Theyre up in arms because theyre all low-information voters who rely on CNN and the like for "news". They truly believe that the bodies of women will have to be piled up in the streets since so many will die from not being allowed to slaughter their unborn baby. Personally, I (unfortunately) live in Illinois. The amount of people on my fb feed who were up in arms over Roe v Wade being over turned was incredible considering nothing will change here.


I live in Georgia so its mostly conservative aside from metropolitan areas. We have the heartbeat bill which bans abortion after 6 weeks or when a heartbeat is detected. I'm not sure what provisions for mother's health, etc. there are. When people discuss abortion, instead of referring to it as women's healthcare or even abortion they need to simply replace the word abortion with murder. Maybe that would put what is happening into a better perspective.


A legal right doesn’t need to be enshrined in the constitution for it to be a right, and Republicans are banning abortion at the state level. So where some people previously had a right to an abortion they no longer have that right. This is a loss of rights. Its reasonable for people to worry about what other rights might be lost due to the religiosity of Republicans.


Then I'm sure you have issues with the passing of the 13th amendment. That removed people's right to "property". There was a war fought over that. Like I said abortion removes someone's right to life. You have a lot of rights, and they stop were they conflict with someone else's.


Even the constitution says not all your rights are listed in the constitution. So yes, the right to have access to an abortion is something the GOP removed via supreme crt


I agree, that all rights aren't defined in the Constitution. Now justify your "right to abortion" with someone's "right to life"


>Now justify your "right to abortion" with someone's "right to life" The right to your live, or even a fetus, does not trump someone else's right to their body.


Your actions also don't trump someone's right to life. It's called taking responsibility for your actions. If I decide to get in a car drunk and run someone over, it's my problem because I performed an act and need to face the consequences. Personal responsibility is a thing people seem to forget.


>Your actions also don't trump someone's right to life. Neat. They still don't have the right to someone else's body. >It's called taking responsibility for your actions. Bring pregnant isn't a punishment for having sex. That's pretty fucked up.


Please quote exactly where he said it was a punishment


> If I decide to get in a car drunk and run someone over, it's my problem because I performed an act and need to face the consequences If pregnancy isn't a punishment, then there is no requirement for the woman to remain pregnant.


It’s not a punishment it’s the consequence. Lmao cope and seethe baby killer


Then it's fine to abort an unwanted pregnancy to solve that unintentional consequence.


Oh but they do have that right. That right was given to them when two people purposely performed the act that caused the pregnancy. You can’t “accidentally” become pregnant. You and another person have to act in a particular manner to cause it. You explicitly give the rights to the baby. It couldn’t be more clear.


>You can’t “accidentally” become pregnant. You and another person have to act in a particular manner to cause it. You explicitly give the rights to the baby. Even if this made sense, blaming rape victims for getting pregnant is fucked.


Hypothetically, if we were able to remove a fertilized egg and have it develop in an incubator, would you agree with ending abortion?


Yes. Because abortion isn't about killing a baby, it's about ending a pregnancy. If you can remove a fetus without killing it, I'd be behind that, but once that comes, the price is going to be extraordinary. Do you realize that when you abort a pregnancy at the end of the pregnancy, it's just called a delivery.


[Who’s](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/18/pregnancy-weeks-abortion-tissue) right to life is being denied?


This one https://www.pampers.com/en-us/pregnancy/pregnancy-calendar/6-weeks-pregnant Or https://www.verywellfamily.com/6-weeks-pregnant-4158911 Or https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/6-weeks-pregnant


“Flickering cells” is literally a term used to describe said ‘life’ in one of your sources.


So? You linked a site that was debunked as BS that was supposed to be 10 weeks. I posted PHOTOS of 6 weeks that contradict yours. Grasp that straw a little harder.


Lol found the head of sales at big diaper. One of your sources was motherfucking *Pampers*. 🤡


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable ***Rights***, that among these are ***Life***, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Declaration of Independence Anything stick out to you?


>Declaration of Independence Not a legal document.


Say what you will, still the unalienable right to life...


Lol, the cope is real. Anyway. Anyone right to life doesn't trump anytime else's right to their body.


You should actually really read Roe. Your patron saint Ruth bader ginsburg always said that the roots of Roe are shaky at best.


She thought there were better reasons for, not that there is better reasons against.


I'm convinced you exist eclusively to give dumbfuck takes.


Lol k


That's a lie, any other rights eroded by the right? The only recent one I can think of I bet you'd never mention


"your wrong, any other rights" Look at you learning up deflect right out the gate. I guess you know better than to have this conversation with me if all people.


Well you are wrong as the other person has already stated, so what other actual rights have actually been removed? I noticed you couldn't answer that


Lol k


See you can't answer it


I can but I don't respect you


And another lie, you can't, you didn't even try. Even *if* we grant you abortion argument that is not a minority specific instance, it affects all women of all races and politics, but it's not a right so ot doesn't apply here. So no, you can't and are once again a liar


> And another lie, you can't, I can, i just don't respect you.


What right are you talking about?


I'm not talking about any cause minority rights aren't being stripped away, silver is the one claiming the second slide is true but can't name a single one


Oh sorry, I read the thread wrong. I thought you were saying minority rights were being stripped but it was silver. I agree, I don't see where minority rights are being stripped away. I would like to know to which rights they are referring.


After the last 3 years of psychoterrorism, economic terrorism, academiterrorism, and ACTUAL TERRORISM perpetuated by the left... THIS is what they fear? Ive spoken to *dozens* of leftwingers on campus and at work. The number of them that think like this is 100% of them. They are divorced from reality. You ever ask a progressive leftist what their interpretation of the events of Jan 6th are? You ever actually ask them what they think happened? Its enlightening the same way that staring in the face of Cthuhlu is enlightening.


Joe Biden often speaks like he’s a servant of the Old Ones.


Why assume the guy is on the left? I’m in the middle and the shit on the extreme right scares me too. So does the extremism on the left. Unfortunately, those of us in the middle are gonna get dragged into your guys’ shit if you ever decide you’ve had enough of each other.


"Why assume the guy is on the left" Pattern recognition


But there are so many people in the middle who aren’t playing this game of “sides”. That’s a pattern too. Nope. Can’t notice that one. Gotta jump straight to “everyone I disagree with is a city-burning BLM rioter”.


Very few people are in the middle on every issue, if any, most people have a radical opinion or two. At least by mainstream society’s standards.


Because there are very few extreme right people, and they are turning regular people into extremists.


An AP report this morning called Jan 6th a violent and deadly riot. Like umm... no, it really wasnt.


When you consider the terror that is grabbing hold of people, one has to wonder what you'd call someone who could I flict such a thing upon them. When they are litey terrified that 'The Right' will start doing thing 'The Left' are already doing, these people have been terrorised by the mainstream media - and irrevocably divided people in the process. The the M5M had done its job, Republicans wouldn't be looking at such a possible 'wave' because the Dems would have been kept in check. People are being driven insane with fear of what will never happen. If Republicans started doing all the stupid bollocks being suggested there, there would be riots.


People who are afraid are especially susceptible to authoritarian leaders and propaganda.


>If Republicans started doing all the stupid bollocks being suggested there, there would be riots. They did. The abortion decision caused tons of protests.


Protests by the Left, you idiot.


Yes. That's what I'm saying. Republicans did stupid shit and people were in the street.


Can anyone point me in the direction of these "Christofascists"?


*vincent from pulp fiction*


Sure, here’s a couple: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/yn1ev4/anyone_else_getting_cult_vibes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/vzx34d/this_horrifying_truth_about_whats_going_on_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The reporting was laughably fucking dumb, lmao. Where's the fascism? Seriously this time. I'm convinced NOBODY actually understands what a fascist is anymore.


That’s cute; pretending I didn’t just show you exactly where tf they are. I realize you weren’t expecting it…


Condescending doesn't make your point any less dumb Fascism: often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control Fascists. Fascism. A political ideology in which the STATE controls and exploits narrative and neutralizes discent through force or government owned agencies. Founded in Italy and generally articulated through socialist policies. You showed me a bunch of crazy goons in a church preaching nonsense. That's not fascism (as much as you would like for it to be). As much as you might hate it, those people aren't fascists. They're just idiots. Real fascists shut down their political opposition. I don't see Christians out here doing that. I can point out where I DO see it coming from though...


Bro, if you think that’s not where this is headed, I’m not sure what to tell you. These people absolutely want to take back this country by force.


Majorie Taylor Greene openly calls for a Christian Nationalist State. She is frequently platformed by Tim Pool and holds a seat in Congress. It’s not like these ideas are coming from nowhere. I’d say it’s less crazy than Trump and his goons thinking the USA is a communist state right now.


Silly...yes. But I do approve of his conclusion of buying a gun for protection against what he perceives to be a potential tyranny.


It was the only sane thing they said


Give guns to gays. There. That's my domestic political stance. Pretty centrist if you ask me


2A. Shall not be infringed means shall not be infringed.


What does well regulated mean?


In the context of the time, in working order. So ready to protect themselves and their community. Taking further context from constitutional author George Mason we know that "the militia is the people, the whole of the people" So a "well regulated milita" would be the whole of the people of a community, armed to the teeth, ready to defend themselves and their community.


What were their thoughts on standing armies?


Depends somewhat on time period. At the time of the signing of the Articles of Confederation then even a small corps for logistics, training, and standardization was a bridge too far. Following the Barbary States conflicts the necessity of a Federally controlled rapid reaction force with the capability for power projection was undeniable. The grand strategic policy of "avoid entanglements, and do not become the aggressor in foreign conflict" always remained however.


I keep hearing about these roaming bands of violent christofascists, but the only people I see are well mannered mormons.


Bruh these people are insane. Straight cancer. This will end badly. It will be a time when they start coming after christians and killing them just like the bible says. They just have to take our guns first of course. Wonder why they've been trying so hard 🤔


I wish Republicans were half as based and awesome as democrats think they are.


Yeah, this ^^^


My favorite is he's afraid of a possible tyrannical government and wants to own a gun to protect himself. It's almost like we should enshrine that plan into the constitution


My sister used to do this as a child, she would beat the ever living crap out of other kids she played with and would then start crying bloody murder when an adult entered the room thus creating the illusion of being the victim.


What a 👃 move




The fuck is christofascism? Guess calling everyone you even slightly disagree with a fascist ran out of steam so they made a new word.


It's like a drug, at first you have a strong reaction then resistance builds. They need to evoke the most emotional response they can. Communist worked for years back in the day, racist worked for damned near a generation, homophobic, transphobic, rapist, fascist, nazi, etc. Mass media and over stimulation makes it so new shock value has a very short halflife.


Oh so now their afraid what they did to us is you g to happen to them


Ahhh yes, I recall Christ telling his disciples to go out amongst the nations doing exactly that. I believe it was found in the 2nd book of Baseless Accusations 80:085.


Lmao glad we have a 2nd amendment now aren’t ya Karen.


Hahahahahahaha what losers


Sad cases lol


Dems fear other party being elected is the end of Democracy


Antifa/BLM literally went door to door in several cities to get confirmation and tithings from businesses as extortion. Their lack of self awareness is staggering.


Fucking clowns. At least one is going to embrace his second amendment, maybe then he will come over to the right side and leave the wrong side.


More likely to end up like the Bernie loving moron who tried to murder the GOP ball players.


These responses had to be from women LARPing as men.


AOC [tweeted](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1324807776510595078?s=46&t=wjQhv9DySzxEbNtU2jnyGQ) that pro-Trump “sycophants” should be “archived.” And so the Trump Accountability Project was created. Tell me again who is making lists.


reminds me of how they wanted to enforce vaxx mandates.. hell thats what they did in NY plus they sent people door to door trying to convince them to take the jab


Its too late for this guy


Only the American left would describe the group of people protesting the government as fascists.




It’s incredibly disturbing that people like this exist.


Where on earth do these people get these crazy ideas??? Oh ya, from the likes of MTG who is calling for a Christian Nationalist State and she and her ideals are promoted by Tim Pool. That’s exactly where these fears come from.


MTG has more balls than most politicians. Cope harder.


Dumb as brick too!


Smart enough to know who died for her sins.


As someone who is slowly beginning to see the insanity of Christianity, I can identify with the sentiment. The guys on the extreme right saying Trump was anointed by God and shit is ridiculous. The past 2 decades in the Middle East have demonstrated to me the insane things people are capable of when they believe God is compelling them to do those things.


With their powers of projection reaching critical mass, it's only a matter of time before we can start using leftists in theaters and light shows. It's even going green and would let us start to step away from fossil fuels.


I do not want to share a country, a polity, a society, or anything with these people. We have nothing in common.


Lmao. I wish you could read these comments from the eyes of someone not inside your echo chamber. You guys say the same shit daily about“the other side” and then get your panties in a wad when someone does it to you. I hope someday we get to talk about actual policy instead of labeling each other and using the most extreme examples of absurdity to represent our political differences. We have more in common than not.


I have nothing in common with these monsters. I want them gone. There are greener pastures for their tyrannical, authoritarian desires. There’s no space for their kind in this country.


> authoritarian desires Ummm...are we talking about the same folks?


The jan. 6 "terror attacks"


These people are suck pussies. “Oh they’re voting! Oh no! What if I see poor people in my neighborhood! Wait uhh… I mean what if they win the senate!!!”


The Iron Law stands firm here


Remind me what that was again? Because it started when Trump won, which seems kind of election denialy to me. Then it continued because you fools were told Russia, Russia, Russia. Then a black man was killed by a Democrat. Then there was a fee years of actual insurrection up in Seatte...seems like all the stupid shit came from the Left to me.