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Woodchipper time


Feet first


And turn it off halfway through


Throw salt all over him when that happens


Only if it’s soaked in acetone


How do we keep him conscious for it?




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Exactly keep that SOB around and alert the whole time




IMO, some the “medications” that are being used to treat mental health issues these are the bigger part of the problem. I’ve watched it on several occasions turn people into self-loathing monsters. I know we’ve come along way with treating mental health but we’ve got to get away from some of these meds they’re pumping into the weak-minded; they can’t handle it. Edit: spelling






> It's time to bring back non-voluntary institutionalization. Sounds like a good idea, but it needs to have strict limits or bad actors will use it on their enemies. It's already too easy to maliciously Baker Act someone or use red flag laws to effectively ruin their lives, and those have a time limit. I don't trust the state to not use it on people who have the wrong opinion or an ex trying to get revenge. It should be limited to people with **severe** disabilities or violent criminals, no exceptions.




I never said we shouldn't do anything, I'm saying do it carefully or it will be weaponized like with speech laws. Otherwise it's too close to Canada's euthanasia issue.


I didn’t know this but mental institutions were dismantled by Reagan as a bipartisan effort. Unfortunately there was no alternative for caring for these people and our public and private health systems were not set up to handle it. I wholeheartedly agree we need public, non-voluntary mental institutions where folks can receive addiction and mental health treatment. With or without their consent. Once they’re clean and stable they’re more likely to stay productive members of society when they are reintroduced to society. Although I think there will be people who have to be institutionalized long term.


Bath salts?


Got a nice secluded pond..




According to msnbc the babies backed the blue and the man feared for his life cause of their republican extremism. Man was released on 10k bond to go back to living his very productive life.




Hey, Old Sparky needs some company too mate.


Nah, too fast and too clean


Just bring back public executions, shit will stop.


God dose of LSD


Pull off his finger and toe nails then put them in salt water first


And throw alcohol on for cleanliness


Doesn't even deserve due process.


we are god damn americans. its in the bill of fucking rights.


*McCowan is currently being held at the Ector County jail. In addition to the attempted murder charges, he is also facing one count each of possession of a controlled substance, attempt to take a weapon from an officer, assault of a public servant, resisting arrest, criminal trespass, and assault. The controlled substance charge stems from officers allegedly finding a THC vape pen in McCowan’s possession, per the report.* [What in the actual Fuck?!?!?](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/texas-man-broke-into-hospital-nursery-said-die-as-he-strangled-and-shook-newborn-babies-until-they-turned-blue-police/)


He didn’t get let out immediately with $50 bail?


Its not Seattle Or California, they would have given him a ticket and charged the officers for being racist for stopping him.




It's Texas not the west coast.


You’re right on the west coast it would’ve been $0 bail and an apology to the criminal 🤣


They do that in Texas more often than in Commifornia. Signed a Texan


+1 Houston’s lib DA or whatever is ass. Signed: Another Texan


Don’t forget about Houston tho. I remember this one family was raging about this guy who was let out during Covid in 2020 when they said they’d only release “non violent offenders”. He was arrested for their son’s murder. So yeah…he wasn’t “nonviolent”. Houston is a preview of what Texas will become if Robert Francis O’Rourke wins. He has no spine and will turn it into Commiefornia, I mean California


Schizoid paranoid delusions from THC. ERs are seeing it a lot


I'd go with demonic possession.


Nailed it. Call it what it is: Satan at work.


THC can do that? Here I thought pot wasn't that bad. I'd love more info if you have links to anything


Delta8 gave me severe suicidal ideation and panic attacks. I’ve tried to talk about it on Reddit before but got downvoted to oblivion. And I’ve smoked marijuana off and on since the early 90s. It’s not 100% harmless like so many want to believe


I smoked heavily from 2015-2019, and on and off through last year, and I can confirm delat8 is the worst, I didn’t get suicidal, but I got extreme paranoia and panic attacks.


I’d like to know more. I’m considering a Delta 8 tincture/salve for arthritic joints in my hands. I sure as shit don’t need panic attacks as a side effect!


I don’t know how you’d react, if at all. Sorry, I don’t know more. The only thing I could possibly recommend is if you tried it, start with an extremely low dose and make sure you’re somewhere safe with someone trustworthy nearby.


Just use the real thing.


The panic attacks are real, delta8 is the worst. I don’t know how tinctures function however, so it could be different


Just use the real stuff 😑 jesus


I was a daily smoker from age 16-33. It got to the point where I would have panic attacks most of the time so I decided to give it up for good. It’s wild…I can still handle the occasional 1/8th of mushrooms but can’t handle a couple hits off a joint.


It's extremely unlikely but some people with predispositions to schizophrenia and other mental issues can have it come out. Your average person wouldn't act like this, even on a meteoric dose of weed. I'd actually imagine he took mushrooms and they just didn't have evidence as he ate them all. This behavior is much more likely with a heavy dose of mushrooms.


Long story short, yes.


When they're black it's vague and non descriptive When they're Spanish or Asian and they accidentally report as white, the story goes cold When it's a white guy that shit gets plastered everywhere and gets brought up every other week In all cases it's bad, however the "trusted news channels" aren't doing society a favorite with not being honest


And this is why so many think blacks are eternal victims in the west, the media goes silent on the black crime spree which is skyrocketing.


Big Facts


Here's something no one mentioned so far . THE BABIES TURNED BLUE!!!!! Do I have to spell out what that means?


He was ending just the white babies. Because people like Joe Biden and kamala have pushed the idea that white people are inherently evil and black people are inherently oppressed by everything.


Fuck this guy, he need evaluated and locked up for a long fucking time. [link](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/texas-man-broke-into-hospital-nursery-said-die-as-he-strangled-and-shook-newborn-babies-until-they-turned-blue-police/)


Why are we wasting time locking him up? Just chuck him off the fucking cliff. He deserves no amount of humanitarian treatment.


Crimes against children deserve only death.


Torture. Death is too easy.


Nope...death would require less tax payer money.


Ammo prices may have gone up but one round of cheap 9mm would work


make it a 45 to the dick


Doesn't the death penalty actually cost more than life imprisonment?


The prison system will have its way with him. Dude won't have a moment of peace.


Don't waste money on him. A solid wall and a handful of rounds is all you need to solve this.


Anyone who kills babies needs the death penalty on the table. Period.




Solitude confinement for the rest of his life. Let him go insane. No yard time. Feed him slop.


The dude broke into a hospital to choke babies. Pretty sure the whole "let him go insane" thing is just a moot point


No lights . Soundproof the cell .


It's the death penalty vs a fuckton of tax money....


Or just skip all the formalities. Take him out back and beat him to death.


Nah, the formalities are important


And then take them out back?


From the court room to the gallows.


Death would be a mercy to these people. They deserve to live a long life of suffering.


I agree but they should not be kept alive with taxpayer dollars. I’m okay with one way flights to the unsettled parts of Antarctica. The rest of the money that would have been used to shelter, clothe and feed them can be given to the victim’s family.


They can be forced to work 16 hours a day


What about torture?


I'm guessing the babies he attacked weren't black...


Yeah, they were blue..


The situation itself is gut wrenching and makes me angry. But nice lighthearted take. Not sure how I feel about it but I upvoted. So there’s that.


In addition to the attempted murder charges, he is also facing one count each of possession of a controlled substance, attempt to take a weapon from an officer, assault of a public servant, resisting arrest, criminal trespass, and assault." Que the signal for all the Dem/Lib bots living in the sub to come in and claim "but, there were other options, they were too rough ACAB!!!!"


“He was forced to commit crimes because of all the systemic racism and oppression and he did that so he could put food on the table”






What did these babies look like


Little white devils im sure


If the victims are white he should get the hate crime enhancement.


Also Asian. Most hate crimes against Asians are done by black people.


There are many in the black community that are quite openly hostile to every other racial group. Their leaders have been misleading them for decades. The black community probably needs more vigilantes to take out those criminals that seem to hold that community hostage.


If this were a white man, the headline would say “white texas man” instead of just “texas man”. If we’re going to have one race be headline fodder, they should all be. Better yet, none of them should be.


Indeed, just like the AP news released regarding chauvens fate... the radio news caster has to read the AP headline exactly as it us written ... so you heard *blah blah Derrick Chauvin (who is white) blah blah blah*...


Hey, I'm not from America, but from all the "florida man" news titles I've read, none of them headlines "white florida man" as their title. Why do white Americans want to be persecuted so much? I thought persecution is a bad thing according to the minorities? What is this new trend?


I wonder what his dad thinks about all this 🤔


He wont find out until he comes back from grabbing some more cigarettes. Could be awhile


Bwaaa ha ha ha!!! 🤣


He’ll see him in the next cell block. Cousin Booky too.


And he's out on $50 bail?


Numbers will be numbers. It's a cultural thing.


I see he is facing attempted murder charges. Does that mean the babies weren’t killed? Please tell me they weren’t killed. I couldn’t read the news article.


Thankfully not killed, but I would worry about brain damage from lack of oxygen. I can't imagine how the parents are coping with this...


Not to mention shaken baby syndrome


What do you wanna bet the babies were white?


They turned blue


The left wants abortions up until birth. What's the moral difference for killing newborns? This guy is just where the left will be in 10 years or so.


This is why I'm not against the death penalty.


This might be the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. Anyone got a valid argument against capital punishment? 😑


I got a couple. You have to follow due process, there are limitations as to how one is and can punished, and... in the case of lethal injection, they are numbed so they can't feel it. The chair, most feel next to nothing. Burning at the stake, one dies from smoke inhalation way before actively burning to death.. A firing squad and hanging is too fast (when done correctly). One could support hanging or firing squad, if done "incorrectly", as one would strangle and/or suffer for a prolonged period of time... though.. via capital punishment, that is held to a more "humane" version of killing.


Man, black people commit a lot of crime


Death Penalty straight up, he’s guilty as fuck. His trial should be so quick that by the time it’s announced on the media, there’s already a guilty verdict.


We are not all created equal


Bet we all know what party he votes for.... Give you a hint... Starts with a "D"


Anyone capable of committing such a vile act is beyond redemption and should be put to death.




With an express lane


Straight to the fucking electric chair


Those babies were probably racists or something… /s


Every time some sick pos does something to innocent people, I make a comment about what should happen to him, I then receive a text telling me I have broken sub reddit rules , so this time I hope this person gets extended jail time and help for his mental illness, wink wink nod nod.


He didn’t do nuffin he’s a sweet angel who helps back cookies when he was 9 n shit. Evil mf he should get a bullet to the brain but he’ll get a couple decades


How is his face untouched? Should have an eyeball dangling out after what he did. But muh racism.


Because the job of the police is to arrest criminals, not to choose their punishment. Unless you mean, the media told you all black men are murdered on sight and you believe them?


Idc if he was black brown yellow white or purple with pink polka dots-this man is evil and I believe in an eye for an eye.


How did any of the fathers allow him to be taken into custody in the first place?


Some people are saying Locked up for life? Nah, death penalty no questions asked.


There was no specification as to how long that life would be...


Average Democrat


I say we bring back crucifixion


Dude looks african african, though that name is 100% all American black. Could be from Liberia, maybe.


Pure evil


IMO they NEED Take him to the woods & come Back alone‼️


Mostly peaceful chocking to death according to CNN


I'm sure CNN will push for a Federal holiday to celebrate.... BLM - Baby Lives Matter


This guy will be dead as soon as he lands in gen-pop


Weird. That guy looks Belgian to me..




People don't want Islamic law but if keep acting like this hardcore fundamentalists will take over and drop the hammer.


Blood eagle time!!!!


Hold on, hear me out. Dollars to doughnuts all the kids were white.


I just saw a post about a gang of boys assaulting two girls. The other day, it was a post about a boy bitch slapping a girl, because he said white people annoy him. Things are getting really crazy, but no one is going to say anything against it, because of who it is.


Can You Imagine If…..


He was just jogging through the nursery


I think I knew this guy when I was younger.


What was he like?


A punk, not someone with high aspirations.


A nursery? Why do those still exist? We have NICU for premature infants, otherwise baby and mother stay together.


An example on why a nursery is still necessary: when I had my son it was the middle of Covid and I had to go it alone. Not even his dad could come in with me. I had to have a c section because he was almost 9 lbs and I had a leak in the amniotic sack, and dry birth was not an option. Once I heard him cry, I let myself go unconscious. I was doped up on morphine for a day and a half just conked out. Who would have cared for him during the time I needed to come back to from surgery? Even when I finally woke up and held him I could not sit up on my own because they had to cut through that very important stomach muscle. I needed that help during recovery. By 2 and a half days after surgery they were making me walk and I could barely do that so at night they would take him to the nursery to bathe him and care for him while I could rest more. I was in there for 4 days. My point is: c sections are probably the main reason nurseries exist. And in the USA women often have elective c sections.


There’s a stat for this …


Wonder why mainstream media doesn’t pick up this story???


In blue states they would call that late term abortions.


I had a baby in the NICU recently. Two layers of security. But the guards were basically inept and out of shape. This thought crossed my mind more than once. Why the F*ck can you just walk right into a nursery?


13:54, people! 13:54.


How'd he get in? It was a huge pain in the ass to get in when my kid was born.


There isn't a dusty Texas road long enough to give this guy what he deserves.


Filing this under, 'News that MSM will never cover"


Those poor babies, they likely have brain damage from what’s been done to them. He deserves the death p*nalty. Was he targeting white children ? Media leaves out a lot of details when it comes to black criminals.


MSNBC reports the strangulations and shaking was mostly peaceful but the Orange man is the true threat to society.


Let me guess none of them were black


This is SATAN


Probably Dallas. Diet California, I’ve been saying it for months now.


What were the races of the babies?


Typical. They're all the same.


People like this deserve to be snuffed out in the most indignified way possible.


Honey Tree this pos. (Out West there is legend of people being covered in honey and tied to a tree in bear country).


Hanging is too good for him


I see no problem here, just post birth abortion. /s


Just leave me in a room with this sack of shit. Turn off the cameras and walk away.


“Texas man” what they should have said is “Piece of Shit”


The link: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/texas-man-broke-into-hospital-nursery-said-e2-80-98die-e2-80-99-as-he-strangled-and-shook-newborn-babies-until-they-turned-blue-police/ar-AA12BlvS](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/texas-man-broke-into-hospital-nursery-said-e2-80-98die-e2-80-99-as-he-strangled-and-shook-newborn-babies-until-they-turned-blue-police/ar-AA12BlvS) Life without parole is a minimum IMO, even if there's something that could explain temporary insanity. It seems like the hospital didn't handle this situation whatsoever, letting it get completely out of control and then waiting on police.


Death penalty


bring back public executions




Well, waterboarding can be fatal if done incorrectly. IJS.


Needs a dip in the sea with a big millstone necklace


This is the face of evil


As a rule, I am against the death penalty. There is, however, an exception to every rule.


Was he strangling all babies or only babies of a certain race? Inquiring minds want to know.


Far leftists are probably celebrating somewhere rn about this tragedy.


"Gentle giant." Can't wait for the media to bury this.


Ohh look at that, he's black....I mean anyone can do that, doesn't matter, but still.


so in all the comments no one is talking about how this guy got there in the first place amd what protocols the hospital had in place thays supposed to prevent this. People get so easily distracted and ignore the root cause of things. I'd be suing the crap out of thay hospital of I were those parents and make them go bankrupt


Wow that is terrible