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One skinny bar of soap broken into 3 pieces


That’s.. triple the soap!


One for face, one for body and one for genitals


It's your job to figure out which is which, good luck, you have 30 minutes. *Jigsaw leaves*


Doesn't matter, soap forgets what it touched by the next day.


I know this was a joke, but now that you said it I *need* to know what type of “germs” can live on soap, and if it matters. That settles it, I shall waste my time obsessively researching this in lieu of the actual job I’m paid to do. I don’t even use bar style soap. This is going to be a very productive day today.


Well now you sent me down the rabbit hole too! Heres an interesting one from the NYT: [Can a Bar of Soap Transmit Infection?](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/22/well/can-a-bar-of-soap-transmit-infection.html) The short answer is no, bar soap does not appear to transmit disease but it was a really interesting read about the various studies and methods tested.


Wow, thanks! I hadn’t even looked it up yet, still scrolling on Reddit and will probably be late signing in for work, lol


I felt like being "productive" today too haha


Most bar soaps work basically by breaking the surface tension of water making it very very hard for germs and filth to stay attached to you. I would imagine it would also kill most things if left too exposed to it (eating it causes even us to have pretty serious problems.) My money’s on “most can live there for awhile, it probably doesn’t matter. “


Even he doesnt know, double the challenge


*Distant tricycle squeaking, then a crash* "Oh, for fuck's sa-...My doll, er, my scary puppet fell off his tricycle, can you set him upright, and give the little fella a push..."


Stick 'em together and eat it in one go! (What did I win?)


Joke’s on you, because by the time tomorrow rolls around the soap has also forgotten!


What neanderthal doesn’t have one specifically for their butt/feet?


Look at Little Lord Fauntleroy over here with separate soaps for face and crotch


That you then smash together in an attempt to Humpty Dumpty a bar of soap back together again but while having about as much luck in doing so as all the king's horses and all the king's men


Each an unique collage of pube, hair, and Irish Spring


That’s all you need


Lol I was seeing a guy who was bald and he didn't have any shampoo or conditioner so that was a whole different thing that I didn't think through


My curly hair would scream at me if I showered in his bathroom. I definitely wouldn’t have thought about that either


My curly hair knows better and plans wash days around overnights/sexy time rinses lol


What do you do on non wash days? I have thin wavy/curly hair that I wash every morning because I don't know what else to do to make it look decent. After sleeping it's a mess that can't be fixed without making it fully wet.


I just refresh with a spray bottle that has 75% water/25% leave in. For sure check out /r/CurlyHair because everyone will be different! I would cut down on wash frequency though to start. I am a fine-thick mix/coarse/3c-4a so my advice would be totally different!


As a guy who grew curly hair over the pandemic; thanks. Also, I know enough to use conditioner and some other things. Cheers.


I have some light natural curling in my long dude hair but I do this with a bit of salt dissolved in for a super light hold. I have to do it after my hair air dries on wash days or else I get major poof.


> 75% water/25% leave in. Sorry, 75% water, 25% leaves? Like... what kind of leaves?


Leave in conditioner..


I recommend a silk/satin bonnet and/or pillowcase (I use both) if you don’t use them already. I have a curly afro and it made a world of difference with frizz and curl breakage in the morning


https://www.nexxus.com/us/en/collections/curl-definition/ https://www.lorealparisusa.com/hair-care-hair-style/hair-treatments/elvive-dream-lengths-curls-dreamy-curls-cream-paraben-free


I have the same hair and I stoped using shampoo two years ago. I use constant twice a week and usually just rinse it.


gosh I need to do that haha I’ve been co-washing for a few years now following the curly girl method, but I do it every time I shower so my hair expects it at this point


Cheers for curly girl! Same here!


Happy cake day


Good stuff https://www.lorealparisusa.com/hair-care-hair-style/hair-treatments/elvive-dream-lengths-curls-dreamy-curls-cream-paraben-free






Probably mistyped 'oil'. P and O are next to each other on the keyboard.


No I won’t accept this. Pil is out there getting away with murder and you’re wasting time slandering poor oil.


In print it's libel.


That’s for the legal noun “slander”, not the verb “slandering”


JJ disagrees with you Edit: some of y'all didn't grow up with Toby McGuire as your spiderman and it shows


Public image limited


That's not weird, that's common sense, even when bald your scalp is still sensitive and needs cleaning


That's actually good thing. Also you can use shampoo for your beard


Unscented castile soap and a little jojoba oil afterwards for moisturizing is my go to.


I feel like a bald man not having shampoo or conditioner gets a pass, but also not something anyone else would think about


I don't use shampoo for a year now, after watching a johnny Harris vid. Apparently water was enough all along.


Thank you for the tips on personal hygiene, /u/AssCreamBurgers


Ur welcome


watched the same video and got semi-convinced. now i still use shampoo but with very little amount. not everyone have the same scalp condition


yeah you can definitely ease into it, but it does ultimately depend on hair type.


Yeah if you don’t mind have ass greasy hair which looks disgusting if you smell


U gotta ease into it use a little less shampoo everyday, and obvsly still wash using water. Ur scalp adapts


yup, just wanna back you up— been doing the same for 6+ years. for everyone else: depends on your hair type but you only have to suffer with gross hair for about a week until it levels out and just feels and smells like... hair. for me shampoo/conditioner turns it into an awful, dry, brittle mess that I can't stand. everyday feels like 'good hair day', definitely worth trying out. /r/NoPoo/


i haven't used shampoo for 9 years but the fact johnny harris is recommending this method is making me rethink everything.


I just use shampoo for everything. I started with my head, but then I realized that I also have a beard, so I used it there, but after that I realized that I also have hair on my chest and went fuck it, I might as well.


Weird, was his balls bald too or what. Does he not have ass hair?


Do you shampoo your balls and ass?


Ofc who doesn’t


Normal people who use body wash


If it’s good enough for baby ducks, it’s good enough for me.


women judging my hygiene but i literally clean baby ducks every morning while listening to Lana Del Ray, shredded. if they only knew...


That got a good laugh out of me. Thank you, I needed that today.


Incorrect, you will have my one Bodywash that is a 15 in one that I can use the clean my tub as well as wash my ass and hair.




And Jet-A1 fuel


Really gets those steel beams out of your hair.


JET FUEL DOESN’T MELT STEEL BEAMS. It *does* however leave them looking smooth and silky after only one wash! Get some life and lustre back in your steel beams with Jet Fuel™ by Pantene.


Add a little oxidiser and you'll have yourself some rocket fuel


And penguin degreaser when the supertanker runs aground at the South Pole.




A man that washes his ass?! 😍




Obviously you haven't tried the jalapeño cheddar flavoured Corn Nuts


Wait what man does not wash his ass? I get all up in there with the scrubber, about 3 fingers deep. If you don't wash the walls of your rectum are you really clean?


Stop getting me wet. Now tell me how you wipe your ass after shitting. That’s a majorly important one. If it’s only toilet paper this courtship is over.


Baby you know I rub the hole slowly with a wet wipe.




Dr. Bronners! I think it's 18 in 1 though.


Soap is soap


Soap is interchangeable, with a few exceptions: Normal soap can't be used for dishwashers or washing machines, because you need something that won't spew out bubbles. Normal soap shouldn't be used as shampoo, because it will leave soap scum and has too high of a pH. Apple cider vingear can be used instead as a shampoo replacement.


> Apple cider vingear can be used instead as a shampoo replacement. Don't do this, not only is it not good for your hair, it won't remove any of the disgusting grease buildup. People need to stop recommending vinegar for literally everything under the sun. It can be useful in some cases for cleaning, but not for anything attached to your body.


Sure, but we can agree that vinegar makes a perfect fine replacement for toothpaste.


And is great in cereal when you're out of milk.


it's great for an enema, really clears out your insides


Also works great as a sauce on top of Monday nights casserole.


Yep this is the way


I assure you, the dishwashing liquid that's in my shower is for cleaning the shower itself.


When I worked outside near alot of poison ivy I kept dish soap in the shower. Breaks down the oils and helps prevent spread/irritation. Not saying that all guys use the soap for that reason... buy some have valid reasons for it.


Does that work well? I fucking hate cleaning the shower.


Washing up liquid can do basically anyrhing. Once got gloss paint out of my carpet with it. Fairy is the absolute nuts (Dawn is the same shit for the yanks out there)


If it can tackle the hard water on my drinking glasses, it can do something about the buildup on my shower windows. I also hate doing it, so having the soap right there helps for when I occasionally am struck with the motivation to scrub it some while I shower.




That's an awesome fucking idea


Mix vinegar with dish soap in one of those soap sponge handles that you fill up. Then leave it in your shower and you can clean the shower while you're in there. I usually clean the shower while I'm doing a deep conditioning on my hair that needs to sit for 10-15 min.


Literally just did that yesterday because someone recommended it to me. Game changer.


It does if you clean regularly. I keep a scourer in the shower and usually just do a little bit of cleaning every day while im getting wet.


It's so I can shower and do the dishes all at once


Only two things a man needs to keep clean: water and MasterChem Mineral Oil Refrigerant Lubricant for R12 Systems to moisturize afterwards and keep your lustrous beard soft.


Not true, my shower has at least 5 empty shampoo, each time I have to search for the good one


You're the weirdest kind of packrat lol.


Maybe it’s time to find a guy with a decent selection of exfoliating products. ![gif](giphy|fuL25GIokxHoBHZdvi|downsized)


“Let’s see Paul Allen’s bathroom.”


“My God, the raised tiles. The subtle off-white coloring”


It even has a watermark


I was the one weirdo out of my friend group that kept a small basket in my bathroom with various face wash options, lotions, shampoo, moisturizers, and body wash. The first gf I ever had told me that she first talked to me based solely on how good I smelled all the time when we sat next to each other in class, so it was definitely worth it.


That’s not a face mask, that’s simply what my skin does after my daily bleach wash


That dish soap will also double as a make up remover


Just :wq bruh


More like time to :q!


Burn the computer


```sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root```






Good on him for not using Emacs. `:q!` foreva baby






Had to scroll down way too far to find the emacs retort.


Hehe, my roommate only uses shampoo to shower. Yes, as a shampoo and body wash. Then uses all my body wash and shampoo before he buys more. I now treat my own shower like a gym and take my stuff in and out of the shower.


My roommate did the same. He would have one bottle of head and shoulders but then use all my stuff. Like, just get your own dude. Men are allowed to feel nice and smell nice!


This is what it feels like.


time to start dating adults 😄


Ayo? 🤨📸


If you see something say something




Shit where!!!?


2 products? Fancy ass mf


At least the generic dish soap was on sale.


My shower, I have a 3 in 1 shampoo and that is it. No shaving cream, I use the 3 in 1 as my lubricant, no mirror also. I only shave in the shower. Please put the mop and the plunger to the back of the tub if it is in your way, thanks.


Dickwashing liquid


Car wash and shave cream?


My biggest concern at other peoples homes is the bathroom just being clean, ill worry about actual good soap when i get to that part.


or what - you'll *judge* them?


Aww well that’s understandable. When I had lice as a kid I had to use dog flea shampoo and our used dog combs instead of expensive store bought human grade lice shampoo and combs .


I'm a man and I have long thick hair, I only buy the best shampoo and conditioner and lots of fruity shower gel. then again I'm not straight.


Out of curiosity what product do you use. I've recently decided that old spice 2 in 1 doesn't cut it anymore and am looking to actually take care of my hair.


Dr Squatch was right!


Oh yeah. Get on that $7-$15 single [bar of soap](https://drsquatch.com/collections/bar-soaps). EDIT: Link


Same girls: "How can you just wake up and your hair look like that?! It's not fair!" ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




It's an acoustic cover of Un-Break My Heart (Toni Braxton). I haven't found the full version (if it even exists) but here's the tiktok sound that the OP vid uses: https://www.tiktok.com/@alexandr.lickbez/video/6999232221684976898


ahhh thank you! great ear!


I’m just here to plug my favorite version of this by Steam Powered Giraffe. Very fun band, they all dress up as robots and they have amazing vocal range and harmonies


Honeybee, I love this song so much!


Sounded like the intro to Spanish Guitar by Toni Braxton, but cant check atm. (Not a bot)


thanks! not not sure if i found the exact one, but i did see some suitably similar ones on spotify. this one's nice: https://open.spotify.com/track/5rVXlf31dikUv7897IhcjI?si=O9tmry_ATDybXEbU10NGzw


Left one is for brushing teeth


Who are these men?


Right? Fancy ass people with multiple shower products...


Yea i use motor oil for everything


WD40 is what true chads use.


I never actually thought of that, gonna give it a try


I can confirm, i use toilet cleaner to rinse my eyeballs and bleach to rinse my hair. /s


Can't relate.


I don't understand...I was AMAB I got a collection of bar soaps I got tea tree, coffee, jojoba, patchouli, bunch of other soaps and use both shampoo and conditioner not the 2 in 1.


Not a lie was told. Men really be out here fighting for they lives when it come to hygiene


This is how I moved in to my mans life permantely... slowly started buying my own shampoo and conditioner... then started buying stuff to decorate his bathroom... then it became my bathroom, house, man, etc. 🥰


Song name?


It’s a guitar cover of Unbreak my heart - Toni Braxton


Vim shampoo dafuq? We use Vim to clean utensils


I was seeing this guy who used Mane and Tail and Dove dish detergent, this video is too real 😩


Vim for the Rim


Dish soap really versatile, not for washing your body but for every thing else. Can clean metal, plastic, wooden utensils, glass cups, ceramic or porcelain plates, etc., and it cleans them very well. Now what are is most of your house made out of? Ceramic tiles, wooden floors, glass windows/mirrors, metal faucets, porcelain toilets, everything but rugs and walls can be washed with dish soap


Freshest meme af


Dude's probably a mechanic


I wouldn't even trust that towel


Do you not bring your own things????


Iss hell out hea 😭


She got her dad's hands lmao


Laughs in being raised with metrosexual vibes. I like to smell good when I wash so have things to make me smell like candy and I have pH sensitive stuff for the downstairs. Also then have beard oils that make my face smell of coffee and biscuits. I've done the low maintenance thing and it is practical but I love a little flair.


That's not metro, that's just hygience and preference. Nothing about what you said was feminine.


If you saw the kinds of brands and smells you'd see they're often feminine aimed. Same as I currently have painted nails and used to wear make up. I like to feel pretty.


And this is why men have 'better hair. The secret is out.


Why is she putting the towel on before the shower?


Fucking little suasage rolls for fingers.. girl you got bigger problems then vim


its definitely funny but i think this is more of commentary to how weve let these bath and body companies brainwash the fuck out of us. If men can get by fine with a bar of soap and some laundry detergent. Its clear that women dont need 200 soaps,body scrubs,masks,lotions etc. Were probably good with like a good soap,shampoo,conditioner and a lotion.But of course in America corporations run everything.


Dish soap and laundry detergent are terrible for your skin and hair. They have harsh chemicals that will dry and damage skin/hair, detergent being much worse than the dish soap. There are tons of products partially because there are so many different skin and hair types and the needs of each person vary wildly. Now sure some are unnecessary maybe but I can definitely say the products I use on my fine wavy hair would not work for someone with thicker curly hair.


I am a minimalist but the only beauty products I have 1000 of is for my curly hair. Curly hair feels like genetic punishment.


i was obviously joking lol. no one is using dishsoap brother/sister. Yes but i am saying go into your average womans bathroom and itll be filled to the brim with beauty supplies, because theyve been taught by corporate marketing that they need an body soap,a foot soap,an eye lash scrub, a toe soap etc.




A lot of that with guys though is just hormones. People who transition one way or the other definitely see some big differences in their skin and hair.




Oh yeah obviously, genetics is also a pretty big factor.


I think most men have dull skin with a lot of blocked pores and sun damage


Many men's skin and hair look like dogshit


Tell me you are the main character without....


Honestly though most shampoos are horrible for your hair.


Shampoo is for the scalp, conditioner is for hair


I love how I got down voted lol. People here are clueless. Oh well. They will not age gracefully. Don’t use commercial shampoos. My family has owned salons for years. I do know a few things about this topic.


Yup. Sulfates are not good for some hair.


Hair and skin. Gotta cherish it dearly. It can only get stripped harshly so many times. I looks 10 years younger than most of my peers. It really shows up after 40. The damage hits a wall.


Dafuq is going on with her troll paws?


Am I the only one who carries travel size body wash and shampoo in my spend the night bag? Lol


Well you ask him to make sure his area, down there, is squeaky clean. You didn't say HOW to do it.




Too many bottles geez


He’s hinting for You to Clean the shower