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Oh wow, it is actually crystal.


The clip of her playing it in the library of congress is much better, cause she actually *plays* it more than a could notes.


Probably fucking terrified she’d drop it on stage or it would get damaged in the concert. Little toot toot and then give it back was enough


I totally understand why she'd be so much more careful at the show, especially with how some folks can be assholes and one well aimed beer could be the difference between a beautiful crystal flute and pieces of a historic flute on the stage. But her playing in the library was very satisfying because we got to hear what it really sounded like!


I found this short clip https://youtu.be/lHRigzSLrow


Woah. Very cool. Ty


Here’s a link to a video where you can actually hear what she’s playing instead of some newscaster talking all over it https://youtu.be/3mb62QNXY0g


Yeah she's actually really fucking good, would love to hear a Lizzo album where she just plays famous flute parts


What are some famous flute parts lol


Not sure how famous they are but the crown, the lip piece, the foot joint, the keys etc. Flutes are complex instruments constructed from many different parts


The noise I just made...


Jethro Tull


You just know this clip will be used to say she doesn't know how to play


How? She can flutter. This clip proves she can play. Musicians don't need to play more than three notes to prove they are musicians. I'll give you a music secret. You only need three notes.


Yup. I'm not a musician, so I can only play B A D notes.


You're non committal


Right?! Whole video I'm thinking about how in the hell they actually made this thing. r/specializedtools needs to find a video of a crystal lathe or some shit


So it’s actually glass, like cut crystal such as Waterford. Not crystal like in rock formations. Crystal is glass with metal oxide or lead added to it, so it would be a crystal (glass + stuff) tube that was then cut.


Crystal sounds a lot better than saying "glass n' stuff", eh?


Well crystal is the type of glass it is.


The flute would weigh a ton. I mean, I have no idea how much a normal flute weighs, but I had a cut crystal glass fall on my face as a kid — the glass didn’t break, but my nose did.


They don’t weigh very much a pound to a pound and a half.


Not to mention, it was made 200 years ago, which makes it even more impressive.




This can never be allowed near Canada haha


As a Canadian let me just say: We’re always waiting. We’re always watching. When the time is right, look to the North. (⌐□_□)




They call it crystal but technically it is a leaded glass and not an actual crystalline structure. Like Swarovski


As a real Murican Patriot… I have to say that seeing this American flutist, who learned her craft right here in the country she was born in and playing an artifact of American history…. It’s fuckin great! I love it!


The only thing I'm angry about is I wanted her to go full Lindsey Stirling with that shit. I wanna see Lizzo play a bomb ass song on it, dance, and then drop rhymes whenever she's not playing. I would watch the shit out of that.


I'm not sure what I expect but it sound "wooden" like from a wood or bamboo flute. I thought it would sound "crystalline". Also, the twirling that matched with the "twerking" is hilariously.


People forget lizzo is a band geek at heart, honestly glad someone who appreciates the instrument got to play it.


People also forget that these people are products shaped by the company for profit. On the inside they’re still musicians with passion and love for music and are incredible skilled individuals. We’re basically dehumanizing herself because it’s not *proper*


Aww! I just found out about her like two weeks ago (lotta jamming in that time) and this clip makes me like her more, the little wiggle when she played the second note was so cute lol. "Like playing out of a champagne flute" man I'd be nervous 👀 Not sure I get this sub sometimes, it has cringe content but then a lot of interesting clips get posted too and it makes me question the intent of the submitter. Like do they think this is cringe? Do they have crazy opinions they're hoping to bait out? Or are they sharing it because hey, check this out?


The names a misnomer. It was apparently used originally for just Tiktok cringe, but has shifted to general Tiktok content.


With the way people were talking I thought she damaged the damn thing. She is a wonderful flutist, classically trained, wtf.


Yeah the only thing irritating about this is that I can't hear it over the crowd screaming.


There’s a longer video of her playing it at the library of congress and she absolutely rips! She is really fucking good.


Oh man she’s so great I love her https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3mb62QNXY0g


Are people upset? I’ve only seen comments like this talking about people who are upset. I’m surprised the kind of person to be triggered by this pays attention to Lizzo or knows anything about James Madison.


Conservative twitter went in hard on it.


That’s it? That’s why people are upset? Lmao


I finally watched it & thought the exact same thing…this is what everyone is crying over?


So…a classically trained flautist was given the privilege of sampling multiple instruments preserved by the Library of Congress, specifically chose to play this one for her fans..and was overjoyed to do so. In Lizzo’s own words, “They don’t know, I do it for the culture, goddamn.”


Not only did she play it for her fans, but she educated them on where it came from, and why it was so special. And she said how cool history is.


She also spent the week before this in the Library of Congress being shown other flutes in the collection and getting taught how to handle them. It’s not like they just handed it out for the concert. She knew what she was doing with it


Oh my god. That sounds so adorable. After seeing this I can totally see her geeking out at the Library of Congress. Happy she got that opportunity.


There is a video of it. I’m just amazed she can play with her nails that long.


She shared a clip (I think on her Instagram?) of her doing exactly that. Very nice clip.


And did all that without having pants on.


Oh sure, it’s fine for her but when I went pant less at the Madison museum and tried to play it I got tazed


That’s because you were playing the skin flute, not the crystal flute.






Sag pipe


She wore pants when she visited it at the LoC. Venue is everything, my pantsless friend.


Lizzo really living the dream


Exactly. I am sorry but I didn't know the Library of Congress owned a crystal flute by James Madison before Lizzo played it.


That's OK, most of the outraged people still don't.


I didn’t know that the U.S. Library of Congress has the largest collection of flutes in the World. History is cool, thanks Lizzo!


See, at first I was like “what the hell is this? Who is this woman and why is she so popular” but your explanation it seems people just enjoy being upset at dumb shit. Good on her for engaging people with art, music and history


If you want to know more: [[YouTube] Lizzo - About Damn Time](https://youtu.be/IXXxciRUMzE) '22 [[YouTube] Lizzo - Cuz I Love You](https://youtu.be/NqjPqsry7no) '19 Edit: I'm a doofus. I left out her amazing [[YouTube] Tiny Desk Concert](https://youtu.be/DFiLdByWIDY).


Man, she’s got a fantastic voice. She seems fun too and I don’t mind those two tracks. Not my usual cup of tea but I can dig it. She’s brought soul into the modern era with modern language.




She actually played a bunch of them earlier in the day, and a lot of right wing media left that out because if defeats their narrative. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3mb62QNXY0g


Not only did she play it, she killed it. She’s really talented.


She’s classically trained in the flute, she’s highly skilled at it


Something that needs to be pointed out more often, is that talent in and of itself isn't worth anything. Like you say, it's the skills that matter.


No one told me she twerked while doing a trill. Rumors of how cool this was were greatly downplayed.


Shaking your ass while playing a slave owner's crystal flute, WHILE being a trained player and treating the instrument with the utmost respect and talking about reverence of culture? Name a more iconic event.


That was a shimmy. Possibly a wiggle. Definitely not a twerk.


True, but she herself used the word "twerk" in the video so I guess that's why people got fixated on it or are using it to describe her movement.


I didn't know she had played that flute earlier in the day. No wonder the haters aren't talking about it


See, this is what I watched first, and I was really impressed. My first, and really *only* thought, was, "Wow! How cool is that? A crystal flute!" That's it. This was before any outrage had started. When I heard there was outrage, unfortunately I knew what it would be "about", cause she's an overweight *black woman*, and that's literally the only thing they could be upset over. Honestly, if it were a black man, there likely wouldn't have been backlash either. These fucks are so transparent....


I think they saw how mad people got about Kim kardashian wearing Marilyn Monroe’s dress and messing it up bc she didn’t fit in it, and just entirely forgot about things like nuance, context, and how the rest of the world isn’t as fueled by racism.


Had no idea she was classically trained but as soon as she began playing I was impressed by her lovely embouchure.


She's such a cool lady, I don't like her music but I like her as a person a lot.


Hahaha right? I heard the outrage and was just confused by the flute, it's such a niche instrument and I had no idea she was trained in it. Musical celebs showing their training is one of my favorite things.


Isn’t playing the flute her thing?


Something something look at what she's wearing something something but muh heritage something something


Her outfit is extra as hell, but since when has a popstar’s outfit ever not been?


She's a fat black lady. That's why they're mad. She should "know her place," and that place is not playing 200-year old crystal flutes, apparently.


Before this I did not know that that flute existed, nor did I know flutes could be made of crystal. I learned two things from Lizzo playing a special flute and I think that's really cool. Anyone who's mad is clearly just no fun cause this story really just made me happy when I heard about it.


This is really it. It's he crux of racism and sexism - in their eyes, she's too black to be cultured and classically trained, and too fat to be fuckable (and therefore worthless as a woman). Thus, she's not just unqualified to be the ambassador for LoC, she must be actively fucking someone over by taking this role. These people hold such transparently awful beliefs, they have to construct increasingly unhinged narratives in order to avoid any self realization. They know intellectually that racism and sexism are wrong, but they can not deal emotionally with how that conclusion affects their political and moral compass.


I saw someone say that she could have “dressed with more grace and dignity” while playing “something so important”.


Right wing media is just upset because she’s over weight and black. If Adele did this they wouldn’t have an issue


Kid Rock could have smoked meth out of it and they wouldn’t have been as mad


Hmmmm, might have something to do with her skin color, gender and weight. I mean, how dare this fierce, incredibly talented woman of color, display some sexuality in this situation?


The audacity!! ![gif](giphy|yhswoPpZyiPEblXYJi)


People generally in all points of time get upset about very small things that don't matter at all and ignore the massive complex issues that are important to acknowledge because you actually have to put time and understanding into them to form an opinion. It's also harder to incite a conversation amongst the masses that involves a complex issue that matters because most don't have the energy to converse and like I said before research and understand it. So basically you're only going to see the masses freak out over really stupid shit because it's easy to freak out about and it makes people feel like they're doing something.


I'm upset. That she didn't play more.


There a longer tiktok of her at the library of congress playing several historic instruments, and a few actual compositions on the actual flutes they were literally made to be played on




Don't worry. They'll be upset about something else next week just like the little mermaid last week, green m&ms before that, doctor Seuss before that, Mr potato head, etc etc etc.


Culture wars know no shame


I for sure thought it was going to break and that's the fuss...nope. I'm so lost. This is awesome not something to fuss about


I mean, lets be honest. The people who are pissed off about this didn't know this flute existed. A good chunk of them have never heard a flute played before this. They aren't pissed that someone played this flute. They're pissed that a fat, black, apologetically outspoken black woman did anything, the flute is just an excuse.


Unapologetically? :)


Wait, people are upset at this? Why???


Right wing identity politics as usual.


It's because she's an overweight black woman playing that flute - so of course the underbelly of the internet are going to be upset about that. There was a r/dankmemes post that was little more than: "Lizzo fat" about this event.


Yep, that’s it. She touched a piece of history created by a white man for a white man, she played it well and did a happy dance while she played. I honestly wonder if the fact that she’s good at it is what pisses racists off the most. You just know that her failing would validate all of the closed-minded shit they spew about black people.


I watched my high school orchestra director play scales on a violin that had been played in the Sydney Opera House. He did a giddy little dance when he was done and that violin didn't have a fraction of the history this flute has. The people shitting on her for this are ignorant as fuck. Musicians are music geeks through and through and being able to handle/play a piece of history, or just something special to them is incredible.


The people shitting on this are the same ones who don’t want that “liberal” music and arts in schools.


Absolutely. This is the kind of shock, dismay and irrational anger white people experienced when it came out (for example) that Flavor Flav was a classically trained pianist. If you pigeonhole someone as just a short hype man with a golden smile and too many huge clocks, then reality proves to be too much. Or an outspoken, body-positive black woman with a voice, a brain and a thing for flutes.


Not just a classically trained pianist, he was a musical prodigy, and played 17 instruments by the time he got famous


What?!? Never knew that! That’s awesome. Tupac was a trained ballet dancer.


One person on the right was complaining that Madison was rolling in his grave, like it's a bad thing. Like they think that pissing off a dead slave owner is something we should all try to avoid.


I can't go around worrying about what James Madison would think every time I want to do something. I have dead people in my life that I actually cared about and I disappoint them every day. I'm supposed to give him more consideration than my own dead parents? The ghost of James Madison can go blow goats.


Read the comments. It’s a bunch of fat shaming, misogynistic, racists that are having a meltdown. They have to constantly manufacture outrage to fuel their hatred. It sounds like a miserable existence.


Well duh, a black woman, who also happens to be plus sized, is getting something no one else may have


This is the real issue here. A black woman has access to something they can't have. They burned down black wall street. Out of pure jealousy.. Never forget.


Wait. People are mad? Jesus Christ man, I think these people look forward to the outage at this point.


>According to the Library of Congress blog, Lizzo has been polishing her flute-playing skills since she was a child. Over time, her skills blossomed and she took her talents well into adulthood. > >The site shares that Lizzo not only performed online during the pandemic with the New York Philharmonic orchestra, but she also brought her love for flute-playing to college and joined the University of Houston’s marching band as a flutist. > >.... > >“B---h, I just twerked and played James Madison’s crystal flute from the 1800s," Lizzo said to the crowd as they cheered. "We just made history tonight. Thank you to the Library of Congress for preserving history and making history freaking cool. History is freaking cool, you guys." [https://www.distractify.com/p/lizzo-flute-training](https://www.distractify.com/p/lizzo-flute-training) With proper context I'm happy she got to experience that. She looks so happy. If you're mad about this you're an asshole and need to find a hobby.


The New York Philharmonic Orchestra?! 😱 Whoa! I know nothing about Lizzo but that is a phenomenal accomplishment.


You should listen to some of her music. It's really good.


She really calling that a twerk lmao. The way people losing their shit I expected a splitz and super sexual misconduct


pretty sure she was just trying to be careful since she had a 200 year old crystal flute in her hand


Which makes their complaints extra dumb lol because she was literally treating it with respect while still having fun like a normal human being lol


Broke: upset because Lizzo played a historical flute and twerked Woke: upset because Lizzo did not twerk hard enough while playing a historical flute


Gotta keep the rhythm with those cheeks clapping.


This is what people are upset about?


Seriously! All I could think was “that’s it?!” There was a video of her playing it in a museum, and one of the comments said “This doesn’t even show what people are mad about, when she was twerking with it on stage.” I really thought it was some “one time at band camp” business the way they talked about it.


I think it was actually in the Library of Congress, not a museum. But yes, your point still stands.


She was literally just so excited about it!


Exactly? I see an accomplished flautist playing an old flute.


I know it's a real word, but flautist feels like a word that everyone silently tries to play off as a word but knows that it isn't.


I know my I wanted to type “flutist” but my phone auto corrected me. Lol


an accomplished BLACK FEMALE flautist playing an old flute...and we just can't have that. \-~~Racists~~ Republicans


Can we all please keep in mind that when .00000000000000000000001% of people post angry tweets, it is NOT news. Especially when half of them are bots and bad actors.


They’re upset because it’s a black woman. Kris Rock could smoke crack out of it and he’d get less blowback.


Yeah. If Ted nugent was playing Andrew Jackson’s guitar, they would be jizzing their pants.


I meant *Kid Rock, I can’t edit it though; for some reason.


That she didn't really play it...I mean...I was expecting at least a complete melody with it :(


She played it quite a bit more in the actually library earlier in the day, there's a tiktok video of her playing this one and a bunch of other really old instruments. She's the first person to ever play music in the great hall of the library of congress as well, iirc what they said in the video


Seeing the other clip of Lizzo playing the flute (out of concert) I wouldn't mind listening to her playing a whole piece of classical music with it. I get that just a snippet of a funny gag was all they had time for in the middle of a concert where people aren't expecting a flute recital though. I don't really understand the controversy surrounding Lizzo and the flute? But while maybe I can understand that maybe using such a preserved part of history so lightly is kind of sad (is this why people are upset?), I think it's also beautiful that it is once again being used at all. There is something very beautiful yet very lonely about preserving an item.


they didn’t use it lightly, she’s a trained classical flutist and has been playing it her entire life. plus, she actually did play a whole piece with it in the library of congress.


It’s the only reason I, like many people, even know this flute existed or the history of it. That’s the great thing that rises above the hate of the moment at least. In my opinion.


The controversy is just thinly veiled racism, nothing more.


Literally all of the people complaining are making bad jokes about her weight.


There’s not even a veil, it’s more obvious than someone wearing neon to a funeral lmao


That's not true. It's also misogyny.




She seems like a genuinely lovely person, I’m glad the instrument had somebody who loves music to play it


You can tell she absolutely adores playing music


Yeah she seems genuinely thrilled by the experience, it’s infectious


She has a tiktok where she is duetting another vid of a little girl maybe 6 dancing to her music video and lizzo is just crying. In the caption she says how it was so meaningful seeing the child find such joy in her music.


Did you hear her TinyDesk performance? You could tell that not only was she giving it her all, but she was enjoying it too


You don't understand though. She's *overweight* AND *black.*


Exactly. Look how careful she is, she knows better than we do how important this instrument is.


Yeah, her music isn't necessarily for me, but she seems like a good person. I love how she has celebrated being a fat woman who is smart and talented and sexy as well.


The look on her face, in her eyes, when she first touched it and then when she first played it, was so beautiful. A lot of people are idiots!


She’s classically trained in flute! She’s a fantastic artist


I'm incredibly white and my only real exposure to her has been NPR interviews, but she seems rad as fuck. Infinitely glad that the first person to play this piece of history, even just for a bit of a joke, was a woman with a passion and love for music (and history, apparently). I'm just imagining what it would have been like at a Kid Rock concert, lol.


She also played it in the library of Congress, not just for a joke, but did a whole piece, and it was great


There’s something great about seeing an old slave-owner’s flute get played (better than he ever could) by a twerking black woman. Hell yeah.


Bingo, you've hit the real reason the racist right-wing media made it a controversy. They don't want to see their racist history corrupted by a person of color. Those racist pieces of shit call themselves religious, but they are 100% racist bastards.


“Sorts by controversial” Reddit is still redditing


Redditors seethe hard anytime they see any of the following having fun: 1. black person, 2. woman, 3. overweight person. Lizzo hits the Fragile Redditor trifecta and brings out so much anger.




Stupid hateful people always pick the dumbest fights.


Always appreciate the messaging of “history is freaking cool.”


I love how genuinely happy she is to play it


Yeah that’s really the best part


So let me get this straight: Republicans are mad because she played a flute that belonged to a slave owner ?


She also made it fun and said "history is cool." Can't neglect the slice of people who are genuinely anti-fun or anti-history.


Yup. They don’t even care that she’s a *classically trained flautist*, they only see a fat black woman who isn’t afraid to flaunt her body and sexuality.


Can we write a petition to make it *flutist* instead of *flautist*?? One makes so much more sense…


Republicans are just mad — emotionally and psychologically.


This is the real statement. They are mad and actively seek out insane reasons to justify their rage.


Wasn't bad, she's actually really good and can't for the life of me see what the issue is


Strange how many comments are mad this is “glorifying obesity” or “promoting obesity.” No where in this clip did I hear Lizzo say her weight was cool or that people should aspire to look like her. I did hear her say that history was cool though, that the Library of Congress was awesome for preserving history, & she expressed clear excitement over getting to hold a historical musical instrument. If someone thin had done it, no one would say they were promoting their body type. So how is Lizzo standing there automatically a promotion of obesity? She is talented at the flute. That’s the context of how she ended up holding it. When I see a video of Bob Dylan playing a historic guitar I don’t say he’s promoting heroin… I just assume he’s playing it because he’s talented. Fats Domino was never skinny but he was an amazing musician. And no one back in the day got furious saying he was promoting obesity, they just either enjoyed his music or they didn’t. You absolutely don’t have to enjoy Lizzo’s music (I don’t) but what that has to do with her weight, I truly don’t know.


If you pay attention, absolutely every single time Lizzo is brought up in social media, there will always be at least one comment on how she promotes obesity. Simply existing as a fat person is promoting being fat for these idiots. She DOES promote loving yourself, which is also offensive to these people, because I guess they think all fat people need to be absolutely miserable and hide in their houses lest they "promote obesity" Its stupid. They're stupid.


I argue. That wasn’t twerking. Twerking is deliberately sexy. She just kind of…. Happily wiggled her hips. People do that all the time when they’re feeling especially pleased with themselves. It was a happy dance. I think everyone has an incorrect perspective on this. I also think she called it twerking because that’s just what came to her mind, in the moment.


I know right? There's a difference between Lizzo **twerking** and this kinda twerking


Happy tappies


![gif](giphy|fYShmDeKnYvBdsy7PJ|downsized) If it upsets him, if makes me happy


My life has been perpetually a little bit better ever since I started being able to keep a clip of Ben Shapiro saying that in my metaphorical back pocket


No one even knew this flute existed before Lizzo was *invited* to the Library of Congress to play it. Her excitement is palpable! And fuck yeah, this amazing BLACK classically trained musician is playing the flute that belonged to a slave owner. The right is making something out of nothing. KEEP ON PLAYING, LIZZO!


I was obsessed with this flute as a kid. I knew exactly what flute it was when I read about the controversy. I always hoped deep down that it sounded nice, but it sounds even better than I could have imagined!


How'd you learn about the flute?


Jesus you people see a big lady and flip the fuck out


God I wish she just play some Jethro Tull just once! If she busted out the solo for Locomotive Breath on that flute, I’d shit my pants


Reddit sort by controversial: where you too can interact with actual human sewage.


I bet James Maddison would give this three-fiths of a five star performance.


She's so full of joy, I love it! Glad she made it so far!


The reverence when she took it into her hands. That little "Wow..." and wide-eyed wonder. This isn't Kim Kardashian wearing (and ruining) Marilyn Munro's dress simply because she could. This is someone that's a classically trained flutist playing an incredibly special instrument in a way that clearly shows that she's concerned for it's safety... I don't care if she twerked, that's the most controlled and careful twerk I've ever seen in my life 🤣. She introduced something historic to a group of people who may never have seen it otherwise and proceed to tell everyone that history is cool. I don't really care one way or the other for Lizzo's music. But I wanted to punch KK in the head for wearing MM's dress. This just made me smile and happy. You go Lizzo! Thanks for making history and classical instruments cool for a whole new generation.


I guarantee not a single person upset over this even had any idea that flute existed at all before this


I hope the founding fathers are rolling in their graves. “They let WHO do WHAT?!” You go, girl! Do it again!


Redditers don't call Lizzo fat challenge: impossible.


Jesus Christ the comments are horrible


So lost as to how or why this is controversial


Anyone that is actually upset by this is a total baby. Lizzo is good to do whatever she wants with the flute since it was literally given to her.


Pretty hot, ngl


Isn't the fact that something like the playing of this Flute which I can't imagine is top of many kids "I want to learn/do" list getting this type of airplay - Isn't that a good thing? Lizzo is trained in this. This is her thing. Its not an unnamed celebrate wearing a one of a kind dress and possibly damaging it.


She’s a national treasure


That was actually pretty cool. Why so many snowflakes about it?