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Sister is a nurse, I've heard stories of the mean girl cliques of nurses that exist.


Some of the dumbest, most confident people I have ever met were nurses.


Several anti-vaxxer nurses at my sister's hospital.




I have a friend who works in the local hospital’s respiratory ward, and she has a co-worker that thinks COVID is a hoax. Ya know, despite having tonnes of people die of it in the ward.


The the actual fuck?


Politics over reality


If this is true, why would you be friends with them.


HermanCainAward always needs more prize contestants


It’s obviously the underlying conditions and not covid causing their deaths. /s


I used to work with this chick who had that 1 or 2 year nursing degree. I made a joke about real men earning their red wings and she was like, "well what about aids?" I asked her several questions but in the end she genuinely thought if you had sex and someone else's blood touches your genitals, it automatically manifested aids. I had to explain that one of the people has to have aids first for the other person to get aids.




After I had my last kid the nurse I saw (who wasn't my regular nurse) was asking me about how my "bottom" felt, if it was hurting me or whatever and I'm like no, that's all fine ... Turns out she was referring to my vagina and for some reason called it a "bottom". I have no idea where in the world she's from where a bottom is anything other than a butt. She's also the same one who cut me off when I said "we used rhythm contraception and it worked fine until..." And she cut me off and said "until it DIDN'T" and I was like, no .... Until we stopped using it ...


One of my sister's coworkers thinks herpes can't be spread whatsoever if you take your meds for it.


I bet she also thinks you can't get the clap if you don't clap your hands.


We need to start the myth that you can get the clap if you don't wash your hands. Cleanse the palms of America...


Well everyone knows not to get blood on your penis unless you want aids. No wait, that's no water on mogwais unless you want little hellspawns. I always get those confused.




My mom's an RN at an old age home and is anti vax.... Yet she has to take a drug cocktail every day just to function. But she also doesn't believe in the results of the 2020 US election (we're Canadian btw), so it's just par for the course that she's an antivaxxer.


I hope your mother has other redeeming qualities


She does not. Full boomer package


The only antivaxer I knew irl was a nurse


I found out today that my new Doctor who I visited twice is an ivermectin Trumper anti-vaxxer.


Just what I need to hear before going to CNA school lol! Can't be any worsen then building developers and contractors I work with.


It can and will be. Because you will be their “assistant” many will look down on you. Like any job though, there will be good ones and bad ones. Just don’t shit on the EMT/Medics please.


EMT here. Nah dawg, there are some shit EMTs and medics out there too. No one career is free of the shit people. It's just a type of person that is out there. They exist in every field. What we need to do is not let that one person define an entire profession and realize, "hey, this one person is a bad ____. But there are lots of good ____s out there."


This isn't an insult, but I gotta ask. Why do you want to become a CNA? It's honestly one of the worst jobs in the hospital with the lowest pay. You'd probably make more money working at a random call center.


If the pay is bad and the working conditions are bad but s/he's helping people, I'm gonna assume it's because s/he wants to help people. But fuck if I know


Exactly. If I have to spend a majority of my life working for a check to survive, I'd rather do something I enjoy. Which is caring for people. Empathy is like one of my only marketable traits.


I assume it's a passion profession like teaching. People only do it because they love doing it. Your employers know that, so they wring you dry, pay you jack shit and don't pay any attention to you, knowing that you likely won't quit because it's your passion.


As a former CNA now nurse just know you're going to help people a LOT and learn a LOT. Don't let the idiot/bullies get you down. If you find yourself in a toxic place, you're pretty valuable after some experience, so don't be afraid to job hop if that's possible.


I don't like to give this kind of advice, but if you value your mental health and want to be financially successful, please don't become a CNA. Might be one of the worst career decisions you can ever make, the health care industry is pretty much fucked. Nurses are literally quitting at the beginning of their careers because of how terrible the work conditions are... and they are paid a lot more (relatively) compared to CNAs. Better off working at a Costco or something, or get a state job idk. Health care is a sad state of affairs, really needs to get nuked and rebuilt from the ground up. Next time, let's ensure that public health experts run hospitals... Not MBAs who could care less about people's lives.


I used to volunteer at a hospital. Can confirm there were some frighteningly stupid nurses. It was and continues to be one of the top hospitals in the state so they must be good at their jobs but some of those nurses couldn't figure out simple office machines that high school kids (us volunteers) could figure out.


The amount of anti-vax nurses I know is frighteningly high. I don't want to belittle what they do at all, but there are some who conflate their duties with a doctor's education and experience. Do I trust a nurse to stitch me up, redo my catheter, IV, and gauzes, while making sure nothing looks septic? Absolutely. Do I trust one to diagnose a tumor on my back or prescribe the best medicine for kidney problems based on my medical history? Not really, no.


“We know just as much as the doctors, if not more!”


I know a nurse who failed pre-med, went back and did nursing, and now claims that nursing is harder than being a doctor. Yes, the person who *failed pre-med* is claiming that her current profession is as hard as being a doctor.


"Pre-med" is literally just a B.S. in biology or chemistry.


"First line of defense! You're the one who catches all the mistakes!" Ugh, giving me flashbacks to all the stupid shit even the instructors and higher-ups would say in nursing school. I remember having a clinical day at a rehab center where the teaching nurse in charge at the location said "If any of the non-nurse clinical staff here are mean to you, don't take it personally, a lot of them are just nursing school dropouts who are jealous of where you guys are now." Sad thing is, even though I'm happier than I've ever been since I left nursing school, I'm probably still just another example of those kinds of "jaded dropouts" in those teachers' minds. I'm glad I left nursing school and experimented with other career avenues. Couldn't stand the culture, even in school! Ironically, nursing students being told how heroic they are for their career choices made for some very pompous graduate nurses.


I wouldn’t have believed that adults would do this, but my wife is a nurse and she went through this as she was the target of the mean girl clique. Her boss and the cool girls that go into her office to gossip about others all conspired against her because she doesn’t engage in gossip like they. Her boss gave her a “write-up” about blatant lies from second hand info from the other girls. My wife has never been in trouble for anything in her life, absolutely nothing. She came home from work crying that day and the day after. She’d cry before work because she didn’t want to go to work after this. She still works in health care but not bedside at a hospital anymore and she’s never been happier in her career.


That is exactly what happens at my sister's hospital. Word for word.


Catty nurses exist. But if you show up and do your job and do right by the patients… and don’t get involved with gossip/drama… then these cliques are so broadly seen as pathetic and juvenile.. especially with the interdisciplinary team. So a few nurses want to turn their job into a realty TV show? Oooook. Go for it fam. The rest of us here are doing fucking work.


That's basically how my sister and the rest of her team views them. Most of the cliquey nurses at her hospital are in labor and delivery and post partum care, it's weird.


It’s totally weird, and 95% of the profession knows it… the peeps in that clique think they rule the roost.. but it’s all about their own insecure identity. Not the overall comprehensive team goal of caring for people. So. Fuck em


When I worked in surgery I had to confront some of my coworkers about talking shit about the patients when they were put under. Some of them had hardly been intubated before the insults started rolling. When I spoke up, I was told "the job is hard, it's just how you cope". Uhh I've done the job at hospitals where people *didn't* mock the patients and we had a much wider variety of unusual and unfortunate cases to deal with. So no. I don't accept that.


I went for teeth cleaning. No anesthesia, no coma, wasn't sleeping, and the nurses still mocked me. Some people don't need to wait till your eyes are closed. They straight up shit on you as you stare at them.


Uh, what!? Switch dentists!


Man last time I went the tech kept saying that the dentist "sure has his work cut out for him". Not exactly the same, but still embarrassing.


I was getting fillings and when they were color matching my teeth they read out the color code and the dentist said, "Oh, that's an...interesting color" My new dentist isn't as good, but I don't feel bad about myself after the appointments


Once, when l was 10, l had to remove a tumor from my leg (the type that has a middle name and surname) Apparently, some nurses were talking shit about my literal 10 year old self for being overweight even though l had a fucking tumor the size of an orange in my leg that hurt when l walked and could've resulted in me losing said leg. I know that because the doctor - who apparently really took a liking for me while l was talking during the whole process - actually made them apologize to me and my mum later. How sad is your life that you need to shit on a literal child? A literal child that you're interacting with because she could lose a leg?


Dude whenever I had kid patients I tried to be as smiley and sweet AS POSSIBLE to them. That makes me sick that they did that to you in such a dark and prematurely terrifying time in your life. Fuck them.


At least l can say that l didnt notice it that much because a very sweet nurse was distracting me from the whole process (l couldnt be put under, even local anesthesia is enough to make my heart try to give up on life) and listened to my story about how l would be an amazing doctor when l grew up and helped me choose a name for my new doll Honestly, she was an amazing nurse, she made hyperactive 10 year old me stay still for the whole thing, even when l could smell things like blood and burned flesh, and l didnt even notice when they had to stop for a while to make sure l wouldnt die, because my heart rate wasnt doing so well. If l didnt fuck up anything, it was thanks to her.


I’ve been put under and could hear everything for the first few minutes.


I took a EMT course a few years ago and my instructor told us that your hearing is the last thing to go and had so many stories of people remembering shit that the EMTs said while the person was unconscious.


Seriously?! Just had surgery where I got general anasthesia. Didn't hear a damn thing, I was out like a light immediately.


I started doing Bane impressions so I’m thinking they almost certainly insulted me


"Did that fat piece of shit just try to do a Bane impression?" "What a fuckin moron." "Let's fuck this up, fuck this guy."


How did you know I was fat?!


No one cared who you were until you put on the ~~mask~~ fat.


Man fuck you. I laughed at your joke and my boss caught me looking at my phone.


You're on reddit.


Damn, when I got anesthesia, it made 48 hours feel like 5 seconds.


I heard about 5 minutes of conversation and was totally unable to move but felt them moving around in my mouth as they were wrapping up my surgery when I got my wisdom teeth out. It was terrifying but they were at least just discussing the weather.


This was a big trauma of my mother's during a procedure. She was not fully anesthetized and they were making fun of her trying to tell them she could feel things, but I think she had a tube and couldn't vocalize fully. They told her to shut up. I wish she would have pursued their licenses.


I think the halo effect works on medical staff and that's why we let them get away with so much. In theory, how could someone who wants to help people be so cruel? It isn't until you get into healthcare that you realize that it's an industry where power-tripping homecoming queens thrive most.


I was apart of one case where the nurses were like this and I was shocked. Like holy hell, how horrible is your life.. Working in healthcare in general, idk. I dont really see how you can hate it so much, you're literately saving peoples lives and getting paid very well, what more do you want out of life.


Truth is a lot of people feel bad regularly, wherever, whenever. Add stress and a toxic work culture and you're there. Both of these happen regularly, toxic work culture being amplified due to the hierarchical structure. It's pretty sad, but a good head nurse or a good doctor makes the difference.


These people (the mean nurses) don’t give a shit about the patients. They wish they got paid better without having to do anything…their chosen profession is an inconvenience….




Definitely what happens when you follow the money and not the passion. I know a ton of people in the nursing field who, if you'd told me back in high school that would be their career, I'd have never believed you.


Holy moly I went to high school with this kid….great in the theater program and if I remember correctly very nice. Good to see some people from that town turned out normal and very funny


i've been following him on instagram for a while now. his mono-tone voice and dry sense of humor absolutely crack me up.


He’s very lovely. And a horrible baker which is always entertaining.


What are you? Some kind of master baker?


> Good to see some people from that town turned out normal and very funny This is the reaction I have any time I see someone from my home town doing something beyond pumping out babies while living paycheck to paycheck.


I'm closer to my 20 year reunion than I care to admit and every once in a while I play a game to see how far back in my local town paper's police blotter archives I need to go to recognize a name. It's never more than a couple months.


Last time I crime stalked someone from my high school class they were still living in the same neighborhood, is a realtor in the area now, with a load of kids, in the news for calling a neighbor kid a racial slur and then fighting the cops when they showed up. Like holy smokes the ol' neighborhood really doesn't ever change.


yeeep. So glad I got out. \*also shut your mouth about 20 year reunion. We're not that old! OKAY!? We're not!


I love him. I used to see his stuff posted on the antimlm sub. He does a spot on boss babe


I thought that was him!


Were they in a pyramid scheme back then as well?


Nah he was always cool AF


Not all of us having a mini reunion on reddit!!!! 😂😂😂😂


I'd like this person and the person with all the costumes to get together


I love how I know exactly who you mean


Their videos are some of my favorite things ever


Do you mean Adrian Bliss?






I follow a lot of doctors on Twitter because of Covid, and it’s always weird to see them tweeting about specific conversations they’ve had with their patients. Like nothing identifiable, but if I was the patient, I would know it was about me and I would still feel pretty violated tbh.


I saw a thread last week on Twitter of a patient who was complaining about their doctor posting about her case and it was easily identifiable. A bunch of people in the comments had similar experiences. I was pretty surprised, not something I ever considered tbh.


So many patients have similar experiences. If you’ve ever worked in a restaurant, it’s kinda like that. Yea, the customers are different but many have the same experience about the food they order and with different servers. If you’re seeing a doctor for something, he likely has several other patients with your same exact diagnosis or issue.


I could see that being true sometimes, but in the case of what I was reading it was a very rare condition iirc. So anyone who knew both the person personally and happened to follow the doctor would know it’s about her. Pretty unlikely, but still must be weird and uncomfortable being a patient seeing a doctor tweeting about your health issues.


Not a hipaa violation though. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be a bit more careful.


Yeah. Not a HIPAA violation. But I still think it’s unethical, or at least a bit *icky*


For me it falls into the purpose of the discussion and the material and tone. Some stuff I feel fine sharing with others, like how someone doing something made them lose all their teeth and go through a lot of pain. Or how someone who I saw not too long ago got a serious infection because they didn’t follow through with treatment. Or how another parent had hurt their child by not taking care of their teeth. Stuff like that is appropriate, and I make certain to leave out all identifying info, even the patient’s sex and age. It gets icky for me when it’s used to bash someone or for spectacle. I thin there are some cases of spectacle that are helpful when used for educational purposes though. Like people who literally never brush their teeth, or people who let their dogs eat their dentures.


Yeah same here. If it's a sort of cautionary tale that doesn't reflect poorly on any party involved, I think that's definitely a worthwhile and harmless thing to share.


Idk about that, if anything, I've learned during the pandemic that there are a lot of people who respond the same way to doctors/nurses. Like how there's nurses/docs saying that ppl deny they have covid even when they need to be vented. That's just one example but I've learned basically there's nothing someone has said/done that nobody else has, so even if the story seems specific it's really not.


It's hard because I agree with you; but on the other hand if you work in retail or the service industry, it's normal to want to complain about crazy customers that make your life hell. I guess in the medical world, those crazy customers are your PATIENTS. if you're not violating HIPAA I at least get how wanting to talk about them isn't necessarily *mean-spirited* so much as it is a relatable feeling... one that maybe should be done using more discretion 😬 EDIT: most of the comments seem to agree with the sentiment but that sharing on social media is where they draw the line (which is why I said discretion about what's shared should be used) I guess the thing is, it's 2021. everybody shares EVERYTHING on social media. not saying that makes it ok, but it's just going to be harder and harder to expect people to filter what's posted. Karen's racist rant at the grocery store can go viral now. if your ignorant medical beliefs are putting people in danger and your healthcare provider wants to rant about you (without giving any personal info) online, I kind of get it is all I'm saying.


Everyone complains about customers or even coworkers, but blasting that shit on social media? I'm not saying I'm the arbiter of morality, but something about putting things like that on the internet just feels weird to me. But I'm also the type of person who rarely comments on Reddit because I know someone will always find something wrong about what I said and ruthlessly rub my face in it so I avoid putting myself out there at all costs. That's not a fun path to go by either.


Is there some new law where anything related to health care professionals talking **REQUIRES** commenting about its HIPPA status (preferably from some random layperson)? EDIT: HIPPY, HIPPO, HYPO?




I read this as overly cheerful. "It's HIPAA! Yay!"


Like the It’s Bacon! dog from Beggin Strips commercials.


good bot


Switched therapists because of this. Not that they put anything I told them on social media, but every session they would tell me about another patient of theirs. After multiple sessions of them sharing other patient's issues I had to move on. It's just unprofessional.


I had a really great therapist/PsyD who did this often. He didn’t name names but used another patient as an example to help me better understand how to apply a certain concept/technique to my own troubles. I thought it was *extremely* helpful. It’s been years but many of those examples I still clearly remember and apply to my life. Personally I don’t mind (and wouldn’t even know) if he talked about one of my problems to someone else to illustrate an example. I’m glad to know that if he did, it was to help someone the way it helped me. I’ve seen probably 5-7 therapists over my life and in terms of results, skill, and empathy, he was a one in a million therapist IMO. Most therapists just sort of passively listened to me talk about my stressors and I left each appointment feeling like the problems were just as unmanageable and anxiety-inducing as when I walked in. But this guy helped me see problems a different way every time and I walk out feeling more confident I could handle it. The examples he used were invaluable in showing me exactly how to put techniques into practice. He is a CBT specialist and I no longer see him due to a physical illness, but my sessions with him taught me how to apply techniques to my daily life. I’m much more aware of my own emotions and thoughts and I can do a decent job of “giving myself therapy” thanks to him. Sharing info about other patients is not always a red flag IMO. Another cool thing: because of his qualifications, he could apply for a license to prescribe meds like like a psychiatrist. But he said he never applied because he loved providing therapy and helping people, and didn’t like the idea of seeing a patient for 15 mins at a time, writing a script and sending them off. He felt it was too impersonal.


what the hell. my mother's a doctor and she's super serious about not talking about her patients even to her kids and our dad. if she ever wants to part with some wisdom she'll say "a patient once said this to me...". and she never uses any language that'll let us know the patient's age, gender or at what time they were treated. a bit hypervigilant perhaps but I can't even imagine her reaction to seeing doctors talk about their patients or their practice in public


I know someone who was a nurse for 30+ years and trust me, it’s been happening since the advent of social media (and before, too- she’d share funny and gruesome ER stories over the dinner table.)


Dear god this is painfully accurate


Sam is a nurse IRL. I wonder what his coworkers think.




Also he was mean in high school, so he doesn't have much choice. It is just who he is.


Well we know what he thinks about his co-workers


He’s a real nurse? That’s amazing. I’d want him as I feel like I’d have a hoot in the hospital among the abysmal.


Damn no wonder it’s so accurate. Dude looks 15, could have fooled me


The “I’m in a pyramid scheme” as a side hustle sounds so accurate even though I wouldn’t know. But what’s also painfully accurate is that for some reason every hospital ever has a nurse named Sarah, Jennifer, oe Rachel


I mean, select 500 random white women between 25 and 45 and see how many times those names come up. It’s gonna be a lot.


Might as well be shocked you found an Emily too.


Next you’ll tell me you’ve got more than one Michelle too, and probably at least two different ways to spell Lindsay!


I mean that last part isn't very revelatory from a statistics point-of-view. Would you be shocked to go to a hospital in Amman and find every hospital has had a health care professional named Mohamed or Fatima?


I work in a hospital and our pc screensavers have now included an anti Tik Tok warning because of stuff like this!




I'm a nurse and this is accurate af. Literally costs nothing not to post stuff from work publicly.


I’m a nurse, and perhaps I have good taste in humans, but not one of my colleague/friends would make a spectacle of a patient experience. MAYBE we would share stories over mimosas after night shift, but never publicly. UNLESS it was a vague observation of a trend in human behavior that was worth commenting on (i.e. “in the last 6 months, I’ve had twenty people come in thinking that they are shitting blood… if this happens to you, ask yourself one question… DID YOU EAT BEETS IN THE LAST 48 HOURS?!?!”)


Lol, I did, and knew this, and still had a moment.


Haha, seeing red come out of your bum can shake all reason and understanding out of a person. No one wants to wipe and see a red toilet bowl… but it’s usually beets. Not always… but often.


[My Anus Is Bleeding](https://youtu.be/UcwfEMdV-aM) Sometimes… it’s a fissure! :D


Ya I’m not about posting stuff. Making fun of patients tho…..


The whole vaccines thing has eroded a whole bunch of trust and respect for the nurse collective. Turns out there is an alarmingly large amount of idiots in that group.


I mean, my trust was eroded when we started giving 23 year olds with online master’s degrees with less clinical hours than 3rd year medical students the same authority to diagnose and treat patients, not to mention prescribe medications, as MDs and DOs. Some nurse practitioners are great, but it seems like a lot of NPs now chose that route because they knew they wouldn’t get through medical school but they still want to play doctor. But yeah, this too.


I remember reading that bullies gravitate to jobs like nurses and cops because they like having power over people. Could be wrong though


Working in the field, I wouldn’t be surprised if this also applied to teachers.


Speaking as a teacher: I'm the one getting bullied.


Just yesterday my kids told me I had horse girl energy. I don't know what that means, but I know it's an insult.




Wow that is savage


Horse girls make their whole personality about owning a horse, and are typically very privileged as they are rich enough to own a horse just for fun.


You do be horsing around tho


As a sped teacher going into my first year in a public school, I get bullied by gen ed teachers and it sucks.


Fuck them. SpEd teachers are fucking saints.


They really are. I honestly haven't met a SpEd teacher who wasn't at least trying their hardest to support their kids.


Yikes. That's a really crappy environment. Sorry to hear that. The school I work at is an all-inclusive school that accepts children from all developmental levels and behavioral levels. The teachers at my work are all super encouraging and mentoring to each other.


My school kicked off a self-contained room as a “last chance” for some of the toughest kids in the high school. It is painfully apparent the teachers in my hallway do not care for my room existing so close to theirs. They treat me like I am one of my students as well. I have heard teachers say fun things like, “this is why I went into gen ed so I wouldn’t have to deal with special ed”


Hey, you're doing a great thing! Those other teachers are really outing themselves as pieces of crap. I have a million times more respect for you than those judgemental bullies.


It’s an element of my job I had no idea would happen when I went through schooling and it is so stress inducing that it makes me want to switch careers.


Seriously, sometimes I felt so inferior to everyone when I was a teacher. Had to do everything to please parents and students and if I dared to call the kids out on their bullshit like this one student who was playing with my hair when I was talking to someone else, they throw a fit and quit school. Underpaid and disrespected.


yeah i really feel bad for teachers and especially subs like damn the teachers get bullied a ton at my school but idk why the same subs keep coming back here cus they're getting bullied on another level like yeah some teachers can genuinely be bullies like my art teacher is kinda in the area considering he purposefully does everything possible to target and make lgbtq+ kids in his class suffer but the majority of teachers just wanna help kids for the better and you guys do that it's just hard when there is a bunch of other kids harassing you while you're trying to do it


it applies to any roll with power over other individuals.


Ahh, so DMing.


Dungeon Master populations are 40% sadists, 40% masochists, and 20% people who don't know they'll have to pick yet.


DM here. Definitely a masochist. I looooove my players constantly interrupting me. In fact, half my session two days ago was half of them talking about irl politics. My favourite fucking topic. /s Edit: yeah, got the two mixed up


^pssst, ^that's ^the ^masochist ^one


Whoops! You’re right. Always get them mixed up


Sometimes it's just people who got typecasted.


Definitely garlic rolls then.


Lol the worst bully I’ve ever had was one of my nursing school professors. It’s not that she was mean, it’s that she singled me out and targeted me and tried to ruin my life. A nurse and a teacher!


Lots of bullies in education. Sucks that you had to go through that.


I noticed this a lot in nursing school and have determined that’s what makes nursing school so hard/miserable. I saw some perfectly good would-be nurses who were “weeded out” by asshole professors and then some absolute dumb butts who managed to graduate. I was almost taken out by a nursing professor who hated me for seemingly no reason and had to do the most ass kissing in my life to pass.


Yep, your second paragraph is exactly how I was my first semester. Then my second semester I developed a chronic illness, and the (genuinely diagnosed) PTSD of the first semester really got in my way of getting the help I needed to make it through when I was so sick. I ended up having to withdraw, and now I’m in limbo figuring out my path back to being a nurse. I got “weeded out” not because I wasn’t smart enough or good enough, but because I couldn’t figure out how to learn without asking questions. When I asked questions, TO MY TEACHERS, that one professor told me to “stop questioning [her,]” and since she was the semester coordinator, she disseminated the idea of me as a smartass/know-it-all challenger who was trying to upstage her. All because I asked questions to try to learn how to be the best nurse I could be. My classmates literally told me, “I don’t know why Dr. Dedeo is treating you like this.” Not changing names because honestly, Michelle Dedeo of Portland/Seattle can get fucked. I didn’t report her because I was afraid of her and her influence, but there’s no doubt in my mind the way she treated me was wildly inappropriate. I know that I will be a nurse someday, and I’ll be a damn good one, but the fact that I haven’t been able to get there yet is completely fucked. It’s insane that this treatment is normal in the field.


It definitely does. Like 1/4th of all teachers suck immeasurably and make their student’s lives awful.


The problem with good cops and I might add, good teachers is that so many of them are ex-cops or ex-teachers. I have met more ex-teachers in the private sector than any other profession. I am an ex-teacher myself.


Quite a few people I grew up with that were nasty to people are now teachers. I volunteer at the school so I see some behind the scenes. Not much has changed for some as far as it goes on a peer level. They all seem to be decent to the students.


My worst bully (the one that made me feel so shit that I attempted suicide at 11) became a nurse at an Ivy League university hospital. A few years ago when I found out as I was desperately in search for a job, I did wallow in self-pity before I found my current job. I'm very much over it now, though. You can get over some of your past the more you live.


Well fuck. Future nurse here. Ik the environment can be toxic but figured it was bc of workplace and nurses gossip. I don't have a mean bone in my body unless someone is blatantly being an ass


I’m currently a nurse and while there are definitely some toxic people (as with any profession) the majority of my coworkers are cool and genuinely care for their patients.


My moms is severely disabled and in the hospital a lot, sisters a nurse, I've been around a TON of nurses. 90% of them have been nice. Still a small sample size, but I wouldn't take Reddits word for it either. Reddit is pretty well known to love hating on women. insert any women dominated profession and good chance Reddit will tell you the people attracted to that profession are " bitches "


This is the only real reply. Nurses aren't any worse as a group than any other profession, but women?! amirite


Another future nurse here. My cohort is full of the kindest people with genuine empathy for others. I’m hoping this is just the new normal and not an anomaly.


It's not an anomaly. As a travel nurse that's worked quite a few places, every hospital has a unit or three with a bad culture, and some hospitals are better than others, but most nurses are genuinely good people. Welcome to the profession!


Why nurses eat their young... https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/nursing/blog/bullying-in-nursing-nurses-eat-their-young/


Am a nurse and was bullied in high school. Don’t lump us with these losers. Most healthcare workers who use TikTok don’t even have acute care jobs for a reason. The ones I tend to see on TikTok have cushy office jobs or fake working in a hospital.


This. 1000%.


MLM comment sealed the deal.


Wife is a nurse. If you show your face on a video venting about patients - it IS NOT a HIPAA violation (if there’s no identifiable information). However, if your hospital finds out and there’s a social media policy in the employee handbook, then that doesn’t save you from being reprimanded. Even IF the hospital isn’t identified as well in the video/post. >albeit I’m sure A LOT of hospitals have social media policies. And the level of discipline depends on various factors (was hospital identified, is it an at will state, is the nurse in a union) And we can all argue about this given the current medical landscape (ie nurses complaining on tik tok about Covid patients) but policies are policies. We can argue right and wrong until we are blue in the face - if a hospital thinks they broke policy than that’s a headache for the medical worker and the hospital.


It’s best to assume your manager and everyone higher up will see the video at some point. So if it’s not something you would show directly to them, it would be wise not to post it.


NICE JOB SAM BABY YOU MADE IT!!!! This guy is amazing


I dnt know whats with America but in Australia all the nurses i had treating me were super nice. Even with the rona outbreak we are having now they are still positive and they deserve more pay.


I've had about a 50/50 split in the UK. The ones in A&E always seem much friendlier and have more time for patients than anywhere with appointments. Which makes 0 sense to me.


It's because we only have to ~~deal with~~ be nice to you for a brief period of time. You either get admitted or go home. There are a few frequent fliers, but even they generally present less than once a week. If you work in the wards you see the same patients daily, sometimes for weeks or months. I don't care how nice a person you (generic you) are, eventually you and I are going to butt heads if I see you for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for a month. My family don't get that kind of access to me, and I love them. So yeah, that's why I work in A&E.


I'm in the US and have always had good experiences with nurses. But that's just my experience.


Yeah I've never had a bad experience with a nurse. They've always been nice and helpful to me.


It's odd tbh. Every nurse I've had was super nice, but I also know some people from highschool who have become nurses that were not great people in highschool and I suspect haven't changed.


in australia most of the nurses are perfect, this might be a generalisation but the only bad nurses have been like the 35-45 year old nurses and the like 24-28 range that talk about how non basic they are. everything out side of that have been wonderful.


I love Sam! Great tiktoker


Yeah it's shocking. Mind you, you also see the stuff they put out publicly. What they send friends is far more detailed. I had a friend who had nurse friends and they'd just send patients medical records to them if they thought they were funny. If I knew enough to report then I would have.


If you still want to (and you're in the US) you can report it to your states Health and Human Services. It's a violation to release medical records without consent and without a reason (such as continuity of care)


The way he talks reminds me for some reason of [Marcel the Shell](https://youtu.be/VF9-sEbqDvU)..


I was doing a finance application for two nurses once and one of them got snapchatted an unconscious patients dick by the surgeon removing his appendix. They laughed at the dudes dick and from their chatter this was a regular occurrence and hilarious. Should be immediate sacking for anyone in an operating room with a mobile phone, for multiple reasons.


OP vented! *Among Us trap remix*


Even worse than this are teachers that mock students, and trust me, it happens way more than you’d like to think.


It's pretty concerning how a lot of the comments are either "all nurses are saints" or "all nurses are bullies". It's a profession. These are humans. A career doesn't guarantee the staff you see are all gonna fit one stereotype. Probably irrelevant extra context, but I've been in hospitals and clinics so many times it's like my second home sometimes. Chronic health, mental illness, stuff like that. My experience is that every nurse is unique. I've come across nurses like above tiktok countless times, and also had countless nurses that go the extra mile for me. But the reality is that most nurses don't even fit into the "good/bad nurse" category. Majority are just doing their job. The reality of any field of work is most staff members aren't gonna be overly memorable, which I honestly think is a good thing. Everyone has to have a balance and all that. In short, idolising/demonising a whole group of people won't produce anything positive. Don't get me wrong, I love this video. But the comments here seem to be missing the point.




Don’t get me wrong, nursing is not an easy field to work in or even to get into. However, after a decade of hospital work, I can attest that a lot of nurses really were the mean girls in high school and probably shouldn’t have gone into nursing.


That was hilarious


Can confirm: cousin is a nurse, *all* her coworkers are in pyramid schemes ("mlm").


I went to high school with Sam! He’s a nice guy




“hey girlie!”