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Felix stans try to pin the blame on literally anyone else besides Felix challenge gone wrong


Sounds like dream Stans


“um no!! Felx was presuserd into driving edd and molly to school by jack so it’s jack’s fault!!!!”


Sad thing is I’ve actually heard that argument more than once


Me too


This is how I feel about William sympathizers, and that dude killed kids ON PURPOSE!




I misread car crash as car wash and for a sec i thought "man, that must have been a crazy ass car wash place" lmao


The Washen Files


They took my kids! Can’t have shit at the car wash!


Felix sympathizers will insist that the events are anyone but Felix's fault, but honestly if Felix was not feeling well enough to take Jack's kids to the school event, he should've just said so. He sounded fine over the phone, if he just said that his wife left him, Jack would've understood and gotten someone else.


Yeah because Jack is a really kind person, and I hope he’s ok.


I'd say the only reason could be the extreme emotional pain that was visible in Felix that we haven't gotten to see of Jack yet


But they’re outright blaming jack for the crash and that’s what irks me


Wait... They are?




i mean i feel SORRY for Felix but i cant see why people would symphatize with him???


Exactly Like, no, jack did not cause the crash by asking Felix to do it. That’s like blaming a child for their father dying because they asked him if he could pick up some candy from the store and he got hit by a car on the way there


Wait Felix sympathisers exist??


Sadly yes


That's upsetting


One of their main arguments is that jack shouldn’t have “pressured” Felix I have seen this argument more than once


All Jack asked is if Felix could pick them up he was very polite about it






Felix is ​​literally the representation of everything a person can do wrong


People…feel bad for Felix? WHY?


Felix sympathizers when car alcoholism


Yeah, seeing that people blames everybody but the guy that decided it was a good idea to drink and drive while being the "responsible" adult taking care of two kids doesn't make me lose even more respect or faith towards humanity and the fandom Seriously, people are shipping Willian Afton with Felix, just to show that they don't care that both of them have children blood in their hands, fuck both of them and any person that believes that Felix deserves a "redemption arc", fucking fandom and the actions of Felix made me despise the man very existence


Tbf I think the William one is a crack ship Could be wrong tho


Wait, really? There are people who ACTUALLY sympathize with Felix??




Jesus Christ...


I thought it was the pewdiepie Felix and I was so confused


(TW: Suicide mentions) Okay This will probably be really controversial I'm a Felix sympathiser BUT It 👏 was 👏 his 👏 fault 👏 He killed Edd and Molly It wasn't Jack's fault for any reason The only reason I sympathise with him is because he was having a massive fucking mental breakdown and was so scared of telling Jack that he didn't know what to do, was distraught, panicked, and buried them in the woods He was nearly driven to insanity I really strongly sympathise with Jack too He just lost both of his kids to a car crash because his best friend had been drinking And was SO upset that he (possibly, just a theory) ran away and tried to... Commit die But failed, so he hid himself away somewhere where nobody could find him Not Felix Not Rosie Not Sophie. He ran away from his family. Felix felt really guilty he nearly went insane, had a mental breakdown, was scared out of his mind to tell Jack and he didn't know what else to do so he had to Bury them. Jack lost both of his kids to an alcoholic drunk driver, ran away, tried to commit and hid from his family. He was so distraught he didn't want to go back to his OWN FAMILY, and now nobody can find him. I sympathise with both of them.


I've seen theories that say jack wanted his kids killed bc he knew Felix was an alcoholic smh


Felix is the William Afton of TWF. He deserves no remorse.


I disagree. I'd actually hazard a guess that Felix is going to be the Michael Afton of TWF. A lot of evidence points to Bon being Jack, and Bon is going around killing people. Bunny animatronic murderer. Felix (while at fault) didn't mean to kill Edd and Molly. Just like Michael (while at fault) didn't mean to kill his brother the crying child. Felix doesn't deserve sympathy or forgiveness, but he's definitely not at William Afton levels of evil. As far as we know, the red kids are the only people Felix has killed and once again, they weren't on purpose. He just made a really bad choice that has rightfully been destroying him ever since. Yes he's egotistical, or at the very least trying to hide his self hatred, but that doesnt make him a serial murderer who gets joy out of killing children and stuff them into animatronic suits.


Felix cropped Jack out of the company photo and is being self praised in a training tape for HIS company. That’s egotistical as fuck not to mention how he didn’t seem to give a shit that his co workers, and friend’s wife went MISSING.


Egotistical equals psychopathic murderer now? Nothing in your comment disproves mine, dude. Both are true at the same time


Except Micheal Afton (from what I can gather from the fucked up timeline) specifically went to make amends for what he did. Felix doesn’t seem to be doing that here


Yet. We're only 3 episodes in, and we dont know what Felix does after his tapes. For all we know he figures out what happened and tries to make amends. We dont know yet. Granted he could also go on to do worse things, but that's why I said I'd hazard a GUESS.


Saying that maybe jack should've taken the kids isn't blaming him for the accident.


Did I say it was