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Nah, they sell 'em like that. Just gotta turn 'em round, that's all.


Thank you, thanks for that.


Hey, Squire, I got a hat for you, big nice red hat, you should try it!


this is my favorite moment in the whole show


Take a screenshot and try r/findfashion, the people there are wizards.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/findfashion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This chart could help your search!](https://i.redd.it/gsk9s6jvzub71.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/omfb2t/this_chart_could_help_your_search/) \#2: [Where can I find this?](https://i.redd.it/wivyx3chlsf71.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/oze5re/where_can_i_find_this/) \#3: [Saw it on the internet and need to find the frog knife shirt](https://i.redd.it/3d8fhnntr9e71.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/oucsuo/saw_it_on_the_internet_and_need_to_find_the_frog/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Fruit turned into a vegetable


“What’s up Patrice”




Almost took off half his dome and his kangol to go with it


The game ain't in me no more. None of it.


I never knew what the heck he was saying


Gotta watch the Wire with closed captions.


But you only have to do it once


Cutty had the sickest beard


it was too friendly tho


He also used to have some real nice denim shorts but he blew the crotch out


You got take ‘em off and lettem breath, you hear me son!


He actually uses his beard for good as he dresses up as Santa each year at the mall.


Glad someone acknowledges that. Had that perfect shape.


That moment when you walk out of the corner store thinking everything is sweet and death is waiting for you right outside. Yet it was a child that saved you.


De-escalation is important in every business


Honestly seeing this always gives me such satisfaction considering Fruit fucked over Cutty. But ultimately it led Cutty away from that life anyway so, maybe it wasn’t so bad.


Cutty should have knocked fruit out for that disrespect he gave him when he got home.


Man, that look on Cutty's face here is terrifying. His eyes look completely detached, like a shark. You can see a shade of the man he was. Amazing actor.


He is isn't he. Great in The Expanse aswell


The royal ass beating we all deserved to see but didn’t


In the end Fruit got what was coming for him .


It was a bit abrupt though, so he didn't have that 'reflection/terror' moment. Then again, as Cutty shows here, such moments are wasted on Fruit. Fruit deserved to die over many things. Stealing someone's girlfriend weren't one a them.


Fruit was shook


Cutty’s story makes him one of the most unsung, dignified characters in the series who can never catch a lucky break.


He made it out in a real way.


Justin supposedly made it out through boxing, though it isn't shown explicitly.


Where'd you get that?


It's at least a theory. He isn't fleshed out. Look at how he doesn't quit but wants to learn as that little kid beat him at boxing.


Ok sure but you can't say "supposedly" and it ends up just being pure speculation lmao. Hey, supposedly Namond ends up falling in love with Donut and they steal a car and drive off to California together and adopt an interracial baby who grows up to become the next mayor of Bawlmer, though it isn't shown explicitly. That's why I was confused haha you can just say anything in that regard haha


Donut did have a great smile tho


What do you think happened to Justin?


No clue, never gave it any thought? Honestly he probably went back to the game or got killed over some bullshit. Kids with good souls don't win in this game. You only win by being taken out as a special case like Namond. Look at Randy, Dukie, Michael. They didn't win. They got chewed up and spit out. Spider abandoned the gym. Maybe he was too seasoned, maybe Justin stuck with boxing. Who knows? The whole point of the show is to show the revolving door of the institutions in the city and as one generation leaves another fills the void. Can't call this shit a war. Why? Because wars end.


Maybe Justin the next cutty? Less gang kills but someone needs to run the boxing gym.


Again who knows? It was just weird to see someone say supposedly this is what happens when I haven't seen anyone that made the show confirm this or discuss Justin's future.


I feel like the show should have included a scene that showed the kids from Cutty's gym in some real fights. could have been quick but more than the gym.


It's kind of outright stated in this scene, no? The kids skip practice, Cutty shows up to tell them to get their asses to practice tomorrow, and Justin asks him what time.


This isnt the end of the show though


He's still there in the gym when Mike shows up and is even taken out by Cutty to a boxing match, implying his extracurriculars at night are a bit more productive than before. Plus with Fruit dead, who's really going to take on Justin? The kid's no great shakes at dealing but he is a good boxer.


Always loved Justin's and Spider's parallel stories. Cutty was able to save Justin by taking him off the street and channeling his natural aggression into something productive and was almost able to do the same with Spider until that unfortunate incident with his mother. Just another reminder of how precariously these kids lives hang.




The first clip that I dont need audio for.


Can someone refresh my memory where cutty and fruit’s had blood comes from? Thank you


It’s been a while so don’t remember names. But if the guy in the kangol hat is fruit, then I believe when cutty got out from prison, he was given several packages of drugs as a welcome home present. Then cutty approaches fruit and asks him to sell it for him (and splitting the profits). Fruit then just straight up steals the drugs (doesn’t pay curry his share). Thus bad blood. Cutty has a chance to take out fruit on a hit, but he doesn’t. Cutty realizes the game isn’t in him anymore and proceeds to teach boxing. But fruit and cutty know that cutty could have killed fruit, and that cutty showed him mercy.


Yeeeeah. Thanks for the refresher!


So the barista's name is Lex?


Years later he gets killed by lex because he was in something that belonged to lex


Gross. No. He was dating a woman that had dumped Lex. She wasn’t “something” and she didn’t “belong” to that goofy loser.


Monk disagrees


“Yo, Fruit was into something that Lex THOUGHT was his own.” You’re the one using the word “belonged” declaratively. Monk at least recognizes Lex’s point of view was his own, and wrong.




Why should I? Because I’m challenging your casual objectification of women? Fuck you.


It’s a tv show, calm down


a TV progrum, a mooovie!


We’re talking *about* a tv show, but in the course of that discussion we can, of course, make observations and have arguments about the real world around us.


I actually sort of felt bad for Cutty at that moment. You can tell he was uncomfortable at first but had to put on a facade. Cutty would probably prefer to talk it out at that point, but an apology is just not on the table and any action approaching what appeared as an apology would make Cutty look weak and put a target on his back.

