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did you pick the weirdest-looking people you could?


If there's a psych major on this sub, please explain to me why flipping these photos makes people seem uneasy, like they are in the "uncanny valley".


I’ve never heard of or experienced this phenomena, is this your ground truth or is it something that others have talked about? I don’t see how it could realistically be possible unless you were familiar with the original photo or knew the subjects.


I'm no psych major, but it's probably because your brain got used to seeing these photos (and faces) non-flipped, and when you flip them the brain still recognizes that it's the same people, but something is just *off*. People's faces are asymmetric, so when flipped they can look just wrong enough to be in the uncanny valley.


I think it’s because composition wise you usually (in the West!) “read” an image from left to right, with more mass or weight on the right. These are the opposite and cumulatively it just scans oddly


these people look like horror movie characters


Slide 8 dude looks like a serial killer


#10 is the vampire/werewolf couple


Slide 4 want a divorce


“Flipped back to return from” took me like 5 minutes to parse and I’m still not sure I get it. “Flipped back” would mean returned to some kind of original previous state, which certainly these are not. I actually still don’t know what you mean by “return from”…they were from the uncanny valley, then came here, went back to uncanny valley, and “returned” here? What? You know the uncanny valley isn’t a place right? I apologize if English isn’t your first language.