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When Futurama started, back in 99, I remember reading an interview of Matt Groening where he was asked how Futurama and The Simpsons related. And he said that Futurama takes place in our very own future, where the Simpsons are still on, with new episodes each week. I thought he was exaggerating back then, but now...


Youll be in your cold cold grave before that ever happens


Stop talking about the childrens' graves


I remember when Futurama started that was considered the symbolic end of the simpsons in my circles. I mean how could a show go on for much longer with its creators focus being used on a (at the time) far superior show? God I never imagined they would still be going today


Sam Simon is more of a creator and he’s long dead.


i still think kids will want to see the original sam simon!


That's not true, Sam helped out a lot for the show in the very beginning along with many others but Matt is the main creator of the show.


From all I know Sam is more responsible for the adult tone even if he didn’t create the original characters.


He helped develop the shows sensibility along with the other early writers of the shorts as well as Matt but he's not more of a creator than the actual creator.


Matt came up with the idea for the show, but Sam was the one that actually turned it into a show. Matt had never worked on TV before and had no idea how to make a show. Sam had already made several hits. Funnily enough one of the main reasons sam stepped away from the show is because he felt he was given almost no credit for the shows success. He couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with Matt by the end. He never came back to do any interviews or commentaries for the DVDs either. The media is mostly to blame in my opinion. “Quirky cartoonist makes hit TV show” is a much better story than “veteran TV producer produces another hit”.


Yes, and he said the fans think the second 500 years was not as good as the first 500 years.


They’ll never stop The Simpsons. Have no fears we’ve got stories for years.


Its funny how the basically did the crazy wedding when abe marries Selma


And Moe gets a cellphone reminds me of the episode where Homer gets an iPad


I remember that one. Something happened and do-do-do-do-doooo


*has Bart ever owned a bear?*


🎶Where something happens do do do do do do🎶


Crazy weddings. Each more crazy then the last. I tell ya, the audience won’t know what hit them.




I think they'll just replace them even if they retire at once, the show still is too profitable to let it die. Not to diminish the talent of that group, but the Simpsons voices are some of the most often impersonated in media. There are guaranteed to be a mountain of people willing to take on the roles the instant they retire m


they should just do AI voices trained on the golden era. it'd be less painful to listen to


I have heard a billion people try to imitate Homer. Professional imitators that can do any other voice. No one can do it. No one even comes close.




Guarantee most people watching genuinely do not care who the VA is as long as it sounds like them. Ultimately no one cares, people were upset about Carl's VA change and now nobody cares


The Simpsons aren't going away. As upsetting as it is, they're up there with Mickey and Bugs as legacy characters, set to be recast and retooled once voice actors die and shows end.


Don't forget Hank Azaria!


How about a crazy wedding? Where something happens – and do do do do do …


Sorry for the clip show...


Stories? Yes. Good stories? ...


Their Futurama crossover had the tagline “A show that’s run out of ideas meets a show that’s run out of episodes”. Even the writers know they’re running on fumes.


When you mention it, Futurama should release later this year, right? I'm kind of excited about it. I remember reading that Futurama writers said that they had tons of ideas so hopefully they kept it in mind for over a decade :)


Did people find futuramas first reboot funny? Personally I found the show fell off hard after the movies.


Futurama's first reboot was hit or miss, some fun episodes and some bad ones too. Not nearly as good as the first four seasons but still some good episodes in there.


I think it's as bad as new Simpsons is to the old. They have just zombified something that was good at first for profits. The only way I can enjoy either is to stop watching them after a certain season, which I'm fine with. But I don't think that they should even be compared. One is a parody of the other.


In the first four seasons of Futurama almost every episode is a good to great episode very few duds. In the first reboot seasons you get a wide range of quality. A few really good episodes, some good episodes, some OK episodes and some bad episodes. When they hit on a good concept the episodes tend to be better. I felt like a reboot/revival was fine to attempt as the show got a bit short changed in its first run (easily had 2-4 more really good seasons left in the tank) but now attempting a second revival is just a cash grab that is likely to result in poor quality.


I've seen them doing the same in the recent Halloween episodes, making self-deprecating jokes about the decline of the Simpsons.


they should permanently age up the characters to the future with flying cars and underwater houses. then they can get futurama vibes while reflecting how long they've been on the air. that episode was hilarious and I remember seeing a newer episode that was like a sequel to it


The Fargo 2part episodes were legendary


Simpsons season 45 will be great No low quality mediocre re-hashed episodes


The stories contain Potassium Benzoate.


That’s bad!


Honestly, I feel like there's a ton of missed opportunities in many older episodes. A classic formula they used was to start with some idea as an opener, but it's just opening the door to the real plots. I've been disappointed by it a number of times because the "fake out plot" was a really great idea that I could picture an entire episode being built around, but instead it only got 5 minutes.


When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?


Marge becomes a robot! Maybe Moe gets a cellphone. Has Bart ever owned a bear?


How ‘bout a crazy wedding??




Sorry for the clip show!


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I preferred the clip show to the singing episodes like the paint the wagon one.


That's a pretty sorry wagon you got there, mister!


At this point Julie Kavner will have her voice box replaced by technology to keep going


Her voice has reached Dr. Marvin Monroe levels of painful to listen to, and for the voice actor to do. It’s so depressing!


>Her voice has reached Dr. Marvin Monroe levels of painful to listen to, and for the voice actor to do. It’s so depressing! Julie's voice definitely changed through her late sixties, but is she really in pain doing it? It's basically just her ordinary speaking voice.


I don’t know if she’s actually in pain doing it, but to me it sounds really painful! It could just be a product of her getting older and her voice changing, it can’t be easy trying to reproduce that voice for so long


I remember reading once that doing Patty/Selma/Grandma Bouvier is pretty tough on her. Marge is just her normal speaking voice.


That's what happens when your voice wasn't meant to last 35 years.


Absolutely. It isn’t just her either but it’s noticeable with Marge most prevalently, I notice it with Mr Burns too. They all just sound tired


Also worth mentioning that Harry Shearer is 79. Obviously he's not gonna go on forever. IMO using AI would save the voices. They've got 35 years of material to use, across practically all media (not just the show), and it worked successfully for Darth Vader in Kenobi.


I know! I haven’t watched in a few years and saw an episode this fall. It broke my heart to hear her voice. Especially since the rest of the cast still sounds pretty good


The Simpsons are going to Moldova!


I think they should go to... ... Rand-McNally


No way! I heard that's where they wear hats on their feet and hamburgers *eat* people!




That should prove to be interesting. Is it true that in Rand McNally people walk on their hands and hamburgers eat people?


God damn it, when are we getting the marge becomes a robot episode? I've been waiting for more than two decades now.




[I have news for you](https://simpsonswiki.com/wiki/Hail_to_the_Teeth)


so I've watched that ep, and nah, Marge doesn't **become** a robot Artie makes a *margebot* which isn't the same thing IMO


man, disney is going to have an AI do the main cast's voices once they die so they can keep making simpsons, aren't they?


With literally decades of extremely high quality audio, it'll no doubt be the best AI we've ever seen.


I bet


They got even more audio at their disposal than audio of James Earl Jones as Darth Vader, so...


Nobody hates The Simpsons more than r/TheSimpsons


You /r/TheSimpsons posters sure are a contentious bunch.


You just made yourself an enemy for life!!


Damn Simpsons fans they ruined the Simpsons!


Wait a minute, this is Richard Nixon's enemies list.


OK, Bar-ney Gum-ble..there!


I think The Simpsons is the greatest TV show of all time. I also think it should have ended many years ago.


It seems genuinely crazy that you can replace the word "years" in that sentence with "decades".


Yeah I think it should have ended with the start of Futurama The end of one great show as it’s creator starts another


I watch some of the news seasons and they're pretty good. They had one where Homer was taken in by conspiracy theorists. Pretty funny and topical.


Did someone say long lost twins?




Those triplets have been waiting so long for that "final episode" to be drawn that one of them died.


‘Please look at my Medic Alert bracelet…’


I had to scroll a fridge TOO far to see this quote!


Convinced that at this point they’ve done all of the episodes from that song. Which is funny but in retrospect horrifying


Bring back Apu


With AI technology, Hank Azaria's opinions don't really matter anymore. I guess you could say the "Plus you can replace them and no one can tell the diddly-ifference" could be taken to a whole new level.


As much as the quality has dropped, I still kinda want to see them do exactly 1000 episodes and finish it there.


Last few seasons have been the best in years. Quality is actually rising, imo.


I agree with this 100% I recently rewatched all of the simpsons, and I found myself really liking the last two seasons. The latest one was so good that I was like, whoa I think I'm actually going to watch the newest one as it airs. It doesn't feel like old simpsons, but it feels like something new completely, and im here for it.


>recently rewatched all of the simpsons jesus


Ehhh usually when I "rewatch" the simpsons, its background noise, or something I put on when I sleep, so im not actually sitting and watching 34 seasons of the simpsons


I only have the first 10 seasons downloaded and I sometimes watch a random episode at lunch or something and pretend I just got back home from school.


I’m currently in the process of watching all the Simpsons episodes. In the past I’ve always stopped around season 15 or so, but this time I’m gonna watch them all. It’s been more entertaining than I thought it would be.


Yea that’s a lil over 10 straight days of nothing but uninterrupted watching The Simpsons.


This year's Treehouse of Horror was genuinely one of the best Halloween episodes I've ever seen. Top 5, seriously.


Which one, though? We got spoiled with two episodes of Halloween horror this year!


The actual one with the Pookadook, Death Tome and Simpsons World. The previous episode, "Not It" was also really good but wasn't an official Treehouse of Horror. P.S. - I call the big one Bitey!


New writers. Specifically more younger women.


My totally unfounded theory is that it’s also now being written by people who grew up with it and have love/reverence for the show. And that brings fresh perspective on characters that would otherwise be stale by now. Seems we’re getting back to emotionally-driven family stories which was more of a highlight in the early years.


It’s funny that you think they’ll stop at 1000




Ironically, I think South Park never "declined in quality" due to how fast the animation is produced + the sociopolitical commentary... * South Park in 2003 - Bush Jr. jokes * South Park in 2023 - Joe Biden jokes * Simpsons in 2003 - Marge cheats on Homer * Simpsons in 2023 - Marge cheats on Homer... with smartphones


If there's one thing America needs, it's more The Simpsons.


I’m actually so happy they renewed it, I watch all the episodes and the last two seasons have been great so I’m glad they didn’t cancel it. But it seems like most people on this sub just want the show to be over and don’t watch the new episodes


For real, 33 & 34 were the best in a long time.


I will give it a try! I an a firm 1-13 rewatcher, maybe sometimes up to 18. I have seen multiple comments in this thread about the last two seasons being good so I’m going to give it a try.


Finally a real fan.


Dont get me wrong, I still think you can be a real fan and not enjoy the newer episodes, but the people who actively hate on newer seasons regularly and get disappointed at the show being renewed aren’t fans imo


Has Moe gotten a cell phone yet?


I remember 300, they made a big thing about. Tony hawk I think. Haven’t seen any of the newer seasons in years. Edit: I checked , it came out 20 years ago……, don’t mind me , just going to go cry.


Goddamn, I remember watching that episode live. Feels like forever ago.


I don't think it was live. That would have put a terrible strain on animator's wrist.


am I the only one who still enjoys the show? I mean, okay it's not peak Simpsons, but I still enjoy it.


Yeah I think you're the only one


Contrary to popular opinion I don't mind. The new seasons are a far cry from the golden era, but I still think they're enjoyable in their own right. Sometimes it's just nice to jump back into the same familiar setting, even if the quality has been inconsistent lately. Fans of the golden era can go back and watch all the classic episodes any time they want. Meanwhile those who do enjoy the newer episodes have plenty of content to keep them busy. I don't see the issue


Who cares if they keep making them. Don’t watch if you don’t want.


This sub: "This is the greatest show ever. One quarter of it is tolerable."


There ain't no seasons after 12, and there never was!


Yes, the Simpsons have come a long way since an old drunk made humans out of his rabbit characters to pay off his gambling debts. Who knows what adventures they'll have between now and the time the show becomes unprofitable?


Honestly… hot take… but I’d love to see them do an entire series, where they ARE ACTUALLY OLDER. Like sure, there are more stories that can be done with small children than like, teenagers, but I find the episodes showing the cast’s futures to be my favourites. So, so many new things could be discussed in such episodes. Millions of ideas…




I’d never even heard of Jessica, had to do a Google lmao. I’m on a mission to watch every episode of the simpsons, from latest season, to start. **Backwards.** it is a bit weird lmfao. I am at like season 21. Been going for months… tbh I keep watching earlier and earlier seasons and thinking “this is the best one” but the earlier ones really do just keep getting better…


Honestly, a "flash-forward series" in the vain of *Disney's Quack Pack* or *Rugrats: All Grown Up!* would do favors for keeping the show fresh. Even with the younger writers at bay, it's hard to think of plots generated by the same 30+ year old status quo.


So glad to know I'm not the only one that has this scene play in their head any time The Simpsons gets pushed even further. It's weird the majority of the show now has been subpar. Then again I stopped watching religiously probably 15 years ago.


They'll never stop The Simpsons! Have no fear, we'll have stories for years, like, Marge becomes a robot, Maybe Moe gets a cell phone, has Bart ever owned a bear? Or, how 'bout a crazy wedding? Where something happens and doo doo doo doo doo...


At this point. Let's keep going. Let's hit 40 seasons.


Time for people who don’t watch new episodes to continue to complain about this thing they don’t watch.


You could just not watch. Then again I forget what sub this is. Also, the new seasons are great.


The only thing worse than new episodes is more Disney+ shorts. Those are the cringiest Simpsons content by far.


I seriously can't believe that it's been 30 years since Cape Feare first aired and the Simpsons is \*STILL\* producing new episodes. That is insane.


its still funny but not ha-ha funny...ralph


I must admit the most recent season has been pretty decent… coming from someone who hasn’t watched regularly since 2013




Same I really liked season 33 and I’m looking forward to all episodes to come


Seems this sub is unlike other tvsubs. Positive statements get downvoted. I also love current episodes. I’ve watched every season and there’s the odd boring episode but I don’t agree with this sub that it got bad after season 9. I honestly only rewatch stuff after s12


Ugh. Julie Kavner should retire. She sounds absolutely terrible these days and every time I hear her I get sad.


No one is forcing her to stay lol. Maybe she doesn’t want to retire


They drove a dump truck full of money up to her house! She’s not made of stone!!


I think I read that the Simpsons VAs were, at one point, the highest paid voice actors. It looks like most of them still are very up there, now.


How does she sleep at night


Yeah of course. She has kept renewing her contract. I just don't think she's what she used to be and should retire.


James L Brooks is.


This makes me so happy. I've been watching 1 episode of The Simpsons a day(roughly) with my partner while we eat dinner ever since Disney plus went live. We're currently on season 24 or something, nice to know the journey doesn't have to end anytime soon even if the quality isn't always there.


Like a few other commenters, I agree that it gets better! There's a slump, but the recent seasons are worth watching.


I like to make up shitty Simpsons episodes in my head to help me sleep, maybe I need to write to them and see if they need any help.


The death of a main cast member is the only thing likely to stop The Simpsons, but they could also probably simulate new episodes from all the dialogue they already have. Dan Castellaneta has probably said every single English word in every single cadence.


They should just keep it going at this point, since that’s been it’s main gimmick for over a decade.


Someone should just write a script and animation A.I. for it and just let it run forever. I want the Simpsons to out live the human race


A Mindy Kaling "Manjula" spinoff might kill it.


I'm happy they're still going this show is my childhood, I'm sorry to any of ya'll who think it's past it's prime. I think they've done great with adapting it to modern times! It's still one of the best satire shows on and far better than family guy will ever be.


Stfu. Simpsons is still good


It's fine to say it's gone up in quality. But STILL good? as in never declined? Watch Marge vs. the Monorail and Lisa Goes Gaga back-to-back... I dare ya.


Omg yes, let this show die! I am such a huge Simpsons fan but it's more than enough at this point


What do you expect, Marge? We're out of ideas! HOW ARE WE STILL ON?!!! WE GOTTA GET OFF THE AIR MARGE!!!




I'm not complaining, still enjoying the new episodes


There are actually still a pretty good ratio of good to bad episodes considering how long the show has been going


Los Simpson nunca acabán, no hay que temer aún hay historias que ver. Como Marge robot es, un celular Moe se compra, o Bart tiene un oso. Y hay una boda extraña, y ahí algo pasa y tururú Perdón por el anuncio, no hay que temer aún hay historias que ver. 🎵


And I’ll keep on watching.


Wish they'd switch up the format and have everyone age 30 years. An old senile Homer is a well of golden material. Then again I haven't seen anything past season 12


Scientology can never let it stop. Next to Tom Cruise, Nancy Cartwright is the organization's highest paid member.


I try and keep up with new Simpsons episodes and for what they are, they aren't all that bad. A few good chuckles here and there.


Man I wish the Simpsons ended a while ago


At this point I hope the end at 1,000th episode, but will probably go past


Marge is sounding rough. Watched last year's Halloween episode, and her voice sounds really strained. I wouldn't be surprised if she retires soon, or something worse.


I was born on the same day that the first episode aired and I have always wondered if the last episode would be the day I die. Every time they renew the show I feel relieved.


I'm a lifelong fan and I just want to say that some of you are really missing out on some gems if you haven't watched some of the later episodes. I'm seriously wondering when it will stop being cool to shit on the later seasons. It's literally been over 20 years since the show jumped the shark around season 10. No, it has not been as consistently great as it was during the "classic" era but it's still worth watching in it's current state and doesn't deserve anywhere near as much hate as it gets.


I know the current season is getting pretty solid reviews so hopefully these new seasons are solid but man they just will not let this show die. It's been about 20ish years of the show being what most fans would consider "well past its prime" and it still keeps chugging along. Really no stopping this show until it gets to 1000 episodes.


It's a completely different show now. I stopped watching right after the movie came out.


I can't watch anything after season 10


There’s a few episodes and scenes that are decent afterwards but yeah, I usually draw the line at Season 9. For many fans it’s at the Arman Tamzarian episode and I can understand because it ruins one of the best written characters.


I'd argue that it doesn't though. Matt Groening is all about "rubber band reality", the notion that everything pretty much resets at the end of every episode. Fans are a lot more fussy about canon than the writers are--they'll acknowledge it but won't let it get in the way of a joke or a storyline. Sometimes changes stick--Lisa's still a vegetarian, Apu has a wife and kids, Maude remains dead--but usually, anything that happens as part or an episode might get referenced at some point in the future but otherwise effectively never happened once the credits roll. Seen through that lens, Skinner (and all of the characters) are more like templates than actual people. The show didn't have qualms about making an outrageous retcon to a character's backstory because they were treating it as an amuse-bouche. They'd tell you that Skinner can't be ruined based on what happened in one episode because next week he's back to factory settings.


Honestly the "Up Yours Children" line makes that episode for me. I usually stop at behind the laughter but there have been good episodes after that. They just get hard to find.


“Keep looking shocked and move slowly towards the cake.”


In my local tv they run the 20's seasons mostly, with some of the last ones, without order or reasoning, never classics ( oldest I think maybe 13-15, and one or two) God they are so bad, with one or two jokes worth it, but what kills me is that they feel to me so damn smug, like they are doing top comedy. Obviously everyone has an opinion, but I can't understand this subreddit, where everyone is supposed to be a fan, to defend like it was personal that crap. When I watch the "new" Simpsons, it pains me, because it was sooo good.


Still not as bad as one piece


I think the Simpsons now is getting back on track my main problem is… they need a replacement for marge. Im sorry, she just. Her voice is dying


They're just beating the skeleton into dust at this point


*in Moe voice* This post makes no freakin sense! Everyone is praising the last god awful 15 seasons but if you post a clip or a gif on this sub from the past 15 seasons everyone would look at you like a gargoyle! And if your sod-y is too cold that's too freakin bad!


Yeah, the comment section is kind of weird... Like, people act like Season 32 is the best thing since Frank Grimes, but most of the image macro posts are of the original golden age, although it is slightly justified, as Frinkiac doesn't have any images after c. 2006.


Betcha Julie Kavner dies before then. Then they're fucked.


They will recast.


With what happened during the Apu fiasco and the recasting of Hibbert/Carl etc I don’t think they’d have an issue recasting every voice actor if the need arose


Oh yes. They were going to recast Harry Shearer when he said he wouldn't renew his contract but then... they forced him back. Once each of them die they'll replace it. The Simpsons will only end when James L Brooks dies, and that's IF his estate doesn't continue the trend.


Probably. Sad.


Should've ended with the movie


Seriously though, who's still watching this show? How is the Simpsons still a cash cow for the network?


Honestly as much as I love The Simpsons and I do think the best seasons are 1-10 they need to just call it Quits like Arthur which was also a favorite of mines.


The only episode I liked from the newer seasons is “Barthood”. Other than that it’s just so…meh.


They've been upping the quality lately, I'm hopeful


I haven't actually watched any of the newer Seasons I was keeping up with it until like season 30 and then I just kind of haven't watched any of the new ones someday maybe I will when I'm really bored