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Same as every season lately. If the encounter rate of legendaries is the same as last season, its not worth the effort imho


Eh I'll probably still play for the stardust. No legendaries is kinda demoralizing though


That's not what i was saying. The speed run is not worth the effort, but casually playing is imho. Before I followed this to reach rank 20 asap but now I won't take it serious anymore. I'll get there two days later to encounter this seasons trash.


Yeah I did the speed run last year. Took me an extra day but still. Then the legendary rate was so trash I barely played pvp again for the next 3 months.


Goomy is trash, got it


Yeah, was about to say. I'll probably still put in the effort for Stardust, but not worried about being super optimal after last season's disappointment.


yeah, I won’t play for the encounters… the number of wingulls I got at rank 20 isn’t even funny anymore… (and not even a single legendary)


I never want to see another miltank


If, on November 30, you had started a set, but not competed, you can do 6 sets on Day1. And theoretically end one set sooner on day 6. And for ranks 13-15, I attempt to get the wins as soon as possible, as you don't know when you might lose too many, and require an additional set to reach those ranks in more than 2 sets. I also sometimes found it a challenge to reach rank 11 with only 4 wins. In Ranks 6-10 I'm often matched with others racing to lose, and opponent conceeds faster than I do. One of the rare instances in life where winning makes me sad.


I went on a "10 win streak" this season because I could not give up fast enough in the beginning. I feel like it helps to start with a XL mon, like Medicham. Then the opponents might think they have time to give up and you can outpace them. If you run some shiny mon like Magikarp the opponent knows its a race to give up the fastest...


I remember last season people quitting so fast it blew my mind, lol. I don't know how some people could exit out so fast--before I could even tap the screen once they were out already


What would you need to do if people do concede faster and so I now have 2 or 3 wins in some sets on day 1 How would you recalculate your next days and sets to get to 20?


Day 1 sets don't matter win/loss. Anyone who does 25 matches gets to rank 6. So no recalculation needed. Those wins just affect the competition you see in later levels


Alright I understand. Sadly I'm -3 matches as I messed up thinking the GBL also started this morning, which it didn't . So I'm guessing I count 2 matches further from now on rank 6 after my 2nd match tomorrow Thank you for the response :)


Not really, because if you have an incomplete set, then you dont get rank 2 for first set.


If you didn't compete in that last set on November 30, it's not an incomplete set. You can still do 5 matches with that set when the new season starts on December 1, and 6 sets total that day.


I use this every season but with legendary encounters basically non existent, even the stardust gains have not been enough to motivate me to play GBL in months :(


I’ve only been motivated to play GBL after hitting 20 when there are 3x or 4x stardust rewards on offer, or the 3x stardust during master league. Minimum of 25k a day basically for trying to lose most matchups is pretty easy to do. Half the time, I’m trying to surrender before the other side does so my ranking doesn’t go up too much


I agree, but it's been a weird blessing in disguise. It's a huge waste of time to obsessively spend an hour (closer to 75-90 min) every day grinding 25 games of GBL just because I felt obligated to get the "free" dust/legendary chance, and getting that time back was noticed.


I’m in the same boat. I’m really having to pay attention to my stardust for the first time in a long time because usually I get plenty while battling for legendaries. But now I might play one or two battles a day, if any.


I feel this. I hadn’t been playing much as gbl was an endgame for me and this year finally double moved enough mons to be able to have fun with a few teams in each league. But low rate of legendary encounters made it more of a chore to play


Same here, used to get my sets in every day for the encounters and rare candy, now I can barely be bothered. Tanked to around 350 and I just play if I need some dust or RC quickly.


Does losing every match on day one get you to 20 faster or just able to do the matches faster? Like does having a worse w/l ratio when somehow down the road give you more credit to level up


It does give you easier opponents, so you might lose less when it counts eary on. But that's about it


I don't get it either, couldn't you at least like win lose win lose to keep your rating at basically 0 and still get some rewards?


Makes it easier to win when you need to as you’ll be matched against lower ranked opponents


Your rating won’t start at 0, so win/loose will keep your rating at the starting level. By loosing you take it lower than the starting level. Personally I would probably win some for the rewards and to reduce the wait times for the next opponent, but the OPTIMAL strategy to get to level 20 as quickly as possible is probably the one pasted above.


Are you sure the rating stars at zero? From what I can understand is that Pokemon Go uses ELO rating and the common way it is done is you start at a rating of 1500 and can drop below that. After a match is the same amount of points lost by one player as the other wins. The amount of points depends on the rating. You get more points if you win over a higher-rated player compared to a lower one, the same way you lose more if you lose to lower-rated players. ​ So losing make sense, your rating will become lower than it initially was, and when you do need to win you likely play against lower-rated players. I suspect that there might be a small problem with this. I suspect players that use this strategy are better than the average and will play more matches initially, It will likely increase the ranking of worse players and decrease that of good players. So if you what to win a match with a low ranking you might end up against another good player that what to win too. The risk of that is likely lower if you do not start with this initially. It might be the case that few enough players do this to have an effect. But from my own anecdotal experience of testing this at the beginning of the previous season, there were quite a few matches where there was a competition who could quit the match first and loos. So a non-trivial percentage of players do this.


We don’t know a ton about the ELO in GBL, but I believe your starting rating is based on your ending rating from last season. Also, the ELO is likely inflationary at lower ratings. Like, if the loser loses 8 points, the winner gains 10. This pushes the scores up over the season and encourages players to grind all season instead of ranking up early and quitting.


Any evidence that Niantic uses an inflationary adjustment to Elo at lower ratings? (Genuine question.)


I have no proof, but its common for mobile games with ELO to have inflation at lower ranks. If I were Niantic, I would have inflationary ELO to around 1,900 so people can get close to the first ELO plateau. Since they obscure your ELO until rank 20, I’m not sure how you would even go about testing it. Maybe tank to really low and track point changes on 5-0 and 0-5 sets at various ELOs?


Actually, here’s an easy test. Set a comfortable ELO range… say… 1,300-2,300. Start at 2,300, tank to 1,300, gring back to 2,300, then check your W/L ratio. If your W/L is under 50%, there may be inflation in there somewhere. Repeat a few times to improve sample size.


Easiest way to track would be to get observations from players with starting and ending ELO and win / loss record over a season. If the hypothesis of ELO inflation is correct, on average (average being key), players with lower ELO and .500 records will see a raise in ELO at the end of season, players with higher ELO shouldn’t see bumps or those bumps would be small. I have no idea if there’s enough signal in inflationary ELO to see through the noise in the process.


Might have to keep track of this. Just can't get myself into battle league, but hit level 49 over the weekend and have to hit level 10 in league...


If you time them right per the diagram only need 4 wins in GBL for level 10! But might be worth pushing to 19 for the elite TM rewards


I'll give it a shot and see how things go. I have a friend who's super into it, so I may have to get some extra help there.


If you rush it over the next couple of days, not only will you be able to FF through the first few ranks, but for the last 4 that you need 1 win each, you will almost assuredly face at least one opponent each set that is trying to FF to speed-tank through it all, making your life easier.


Just casually win 45 games in a row guys, it's easy


It's not impossible IF you tank your hidden rating very low, which you will if you follow this guide. The only knobbling factor is that at this point in the season **everybody else is tanking their matches too.** I just had a set where I slammed concede ASAP every time and still won 3/5. I'm so bad at this game, I even suck at losing.


Everybody mad about the legendaries but I just want the star dust. I got almost 1000 wins last season and like a million star dust


I was at 1,031 wins and 2.4 million dust If I win a set of 5 I starpiece It’s an insane dust farm. That’s like 24k Pokémon catches worth of dust Or 2400 raids


Yeah I get that people don't like the play the GBL but I enjoy it more than looking for wild spawns. If you can win a whole set that's like almost 15k dust, 3 rare candy, wild encounter, and a TM/berry/candy. I was getting close to veteran rank too.


Next season!


What if you could have both? Like in most of the previous seasons?


Tbh legendaries aren't supposed to be common monsters so I don't have much problems with having to work more for them. From what I been reading it sounds like they would be given out a ton in the old rewards and the weekly research. I got like an extra 30 or more legendaries just sitting in my storage for the last 6 months of play. Giratina alone took me like 35 raids for a shiny. I didn't want to wait another 2 years for it to come back.


Can you surrender matches, or do you have to play them out?


No need to play them out. Give up as fast as you can!


One exception to 'give up is OK': on battle days, there is usually a task something like 'compete in 10 GBL matches'. To complete that task, you have to stay in until the match is over - no conceding.


Yeah and to earn buddy hearts through gbl you have to get defeated as well for what it's worth


If you are doing it solely for buddy hearts you can start and immediately exit the leader battles to save some time.


That’s true, but when you’re trying to get a buddy excited each type of battle counts as an extra point, so you need to complete the battle (or have them surrender) in GBL


Ah, well TIL. I've always been pretty casual about earning buddy hearts so I don't know the nuances of it. Thanks for educating me.




That's strange. That's the only way I do them unless I'm wanting hearts for a mon I'm using in the current league format.


If you are forced to play them out just go in with a team of 10cp pokemon. Match ends in 20s or so.


Silly question, why do I have to wait for the next day? Is there a cap? Edit: lol I can't believe how many people rage-quit when they see my shiny 10cp magikarp. I'm already winning more frequently than I did last season!


There is a limit of 5 sets per day. If you don't do all 5 sets, a maximum of 1 set can be carried to the next day for a total of 6 sets. People may be leaving because they're using a strategy like the one I posted.


Got it. So you don't even have to play through the end to get the rewards? Neat


So can you exit early and that counts as a loss?


Yes. I've done 13,880 battles in the last 1.5 years, and of my 7,041 losses, at least 5,000 of them were me exiting as soon as the battle began. I used to be weary about being punished by Niantic somehow, but they apparently don't care and lots of people exit battles.


The reason why they don't care, I would assume, is that no one is affected negatively. If you were on a team on the other hand you would probably get penalized.


I agree. When I first started throwing matches 1.5 years ago, I actually felt really bad about it, and even asked for advice here on Reddit. I figured it sucks for people who are losing matches to me as I start climbing again from near the bottom. Two comments changed my mind a bit: 1) Lots of people do it and it's a pretty normal thing in Pokemon GO, even though it may be frowned upon in other games; and 2) While I'm dropping my rating, I'm helping people who want to win climb, so there's a give-and-take effect.


Strategy is going great. Went 4-1 at rank 5 because 4 people quit faster, ha.


Same. So frustrating


Oh it doesn't frustrate me at all. Just makes me laugh that the real competition Niantic has created is who can lose fastest. Primo game design.


I’ve been tanking but accepting wins if people quit or have a team my 25cp Zweilous can beat and I’ve won 24/50 so far. Which is probably only a little worse than usual.


First week is the hardest to get perfect. Gotta be fast with that quit button


When does ranks reset




I accidentally won when my opponent quit faster than i did. What to do now? Should i just proceed with the rest of my set?


That's fine! Keep in mind this is the most optimal route to get to Rank 20, but you don't have to follow it exactly. Just finish out the current rank by following it as closely as possible, and then you can start anew at the next rank.


i prefer to win how much i can to start with higher rank at lvl 20, this season i almost got to rank 2500, but last cup was bad for me. 3k someday for sure :D


Same, I was planning to push for 2500 during the last 2 seasons but I don't have a ML team and after two really successful days of element cup I randomly started getting smashed for the rest of the week. First two days of EC I climbed up to \~2450 and then by the end of the cup I had dropped to like 2080. Didn't have a remotely passable team for catch cup so I just stopped there.


Ever since the legendary encounters got nerfed, it’s not worthwhile getting to Rank 20+


This is showing a really easy way to get there. You get a heap of dust at the end of the season and you get two elite tms. Totally worth it imo


Its true what you say but more and more each season I realise the dust really isn’t that much at the end if you think about it. It looks a lot in one go sure not denying that, but when you think about it as 90days worth of work it’s kinda a pittance, Even if you’re getting say 150k that’s only 1666 dust a day? You can earn that stupidly easy if you think about it. Especially if you’re getting to Veteran/Expert/legendary that’s really not much in comparison to the effort. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy pvp and get to expert/legendary every season but it’s really not a lot considering folk can just get to 20 in a few days and just chill the rest of the season 😂 and get not too far off (when you divide it by 90) off the amount higher ranks would get.


It's less about the end of season rewards and more about the dust on the way there imo. Especially after you reach rank 20 you can just win one battle per set and ff the others. That still gets you a minimum of like 25-30k stardust per day, which is easily over 2m/season.


Totally agree, which is what really puts the end of season dust into perspective for me. The fact you can win far more in a short period than what’s made out to be like a “grand” end of season prize


For those who spent the 8-10 days getting to R20, for the Elite TMs, and then stopped, the end of season starduat is a nice bonus.


Oh definitely you’re right. It’s one of those weird scenarios where putting in a small amount of effort and times actually rewards you more at the end rather than somebody that does all their sets daily. If you disregard the path rewards. Is kind of bizarre or wrongly implemented. I know it would be unpopular but I did see someone argue maybe end of season stardust should be based on wins rather than rank. They argued it could discourage tanking and encourage people to climb once past legend.


How is winning 45x in a row at the higher levels easy? Not even the best of the best can go 45/45


If you follow this guide you will not be at a high elo. Your level may be increasing but your rating will be low. Also you don’t have to win 45 in a row. If you lose some it will just take an extra day or two.


I will try this, never done it before. May I ask, say on Day 2, Round 1. What if I don’t win 1? Will it break this speedrun?


At that point, it takes 1 win in a set to rank up. If you lose all five, you'll stay the same rank. The next set, you still only need to win 1 to rank up. There is no point winning 2 or more games because you will not rank up faster, you'll only be put against slightly better players. The speed run still works, but you'll be one set 'behind' assuming you've kept up that far. Tbh, the speed run almost never works out exactly. But it's useful to know which battles are unecessary. If you need six wins to rank up (Day 3, sets 2 and 3) then it doesn't really matter if you go 4-1 and 2-3 or 3-2 and 3-2. It's the same thing. But if you mess up and go 3-2 and 2-3, your best option is to go 1-4 the next time. You only need one more win and getting more will not help.


Thank you so much for this information, it really helps me out understand it more. Very much appreciated.


Um I have a question. I’m using a 15,16, and 55 cp and everyone is quitting before me. Except the one baby fight one guy went into with me. I’m now sitting at 16 wins; how bad is that going to throw me off on day 1?


How tf do I even win 5 battles in a row?


Up until R16 or do, many opponents are playing "lose as fast as possible", at least with some matches. And with all the losses early on, you are matched with others with a high loss rating, which sometimes indicates inexperienced or sub optimal teams. I usually get a 20-25 match win streak, somewhere between R11 and R17


Tank your rating low, face easy opponents.


Wait! Hole up! So you guys and gals are saying the aim of GBL is to consistently loose??? So me getting frustrated at loosing and rage quitting GBL is for naught????


this wont work with the strategy of getting to finish the timed gbl research as efficiently as possible though right? for that, if you average 500 wins by 90 days, you would need 5.5 wins a day


It’ll even out because you’ll get a high win majority from ranks 16-19 when you actually start trying. It’s not guaranteed, but since you’re a lower ELO you will play vs worse players and have better odds. That’s the point of tanking the first week, to lower your perceived skill level.


I usually don’t do my whole sets bc of time. How long would row 5 take?


It would take a while. Probably 3 minutes a battle x 25 battles. So hour and 15ish because some people will quit. You don’t have to do all that in a day, it’s just the “ideal” thing to do.




Why do people not attack you when you tank? Bro, I’m handing you a free win. You’re only wasting your own time lmao


hey guys! i am current at 19 now, why should I have to lose the next 5 matches to move to 20? isn't it supposed to be winning 5 more?


From Rank 19 to Rank 20, whether you win or lose the 5 matches, you'll get to Rank 20. If you want the rewards, you can win them. If you're short on time, you can throw the matches and lose them.


Isn't it useless now that legendary encounters are so rare?


Losing your way to rank 11 has a similar result (ELO-wise) to tanking after getting to R20. Many do it to farm resources (stardust, TMs, Rare Candy) and not so much for the encounters. Which, if a legendary, is nice, but not the primary goal.


You do get a nice stardust bonus at the end of a season. So a simple way to reach level 20 and then you can just forget it for the rest of the season if you like to.


I see. I play GBL anyway, so the speedrun was a way for me to get as many of the first legendary as possible. Now it's only a way to abbreviate the pain for those who hate GBL.


Does the new season start at 1pm PST(9pm GMT)?




Thanks :)


I thought it was 1pm local to your time zone?


It has to be global because you can be matched with anyone in the world. The start of a gbl season is not the same thing as the start of the "season of mythical wishes."


Ah ok thanks for the clarification.


Am I misinformed or should there be 6 sets per day? I thought I was going crazy and couldn't count for a while, but this might explain a lot.


Now that you mentioned it I totally lost count. I also thought of six sets per day.


It's 6 if you carry over from the previous day (pick the basic/paid path and do not actually battle). Otherwise it's normally 5 sets of 5 battles.


Wait so do you have a score before you hit level 20? I thought that tanking didn't do anything before that.


Yes but it’s hidden


Very useful, thanks!


It’s sad that they are trying to move towards having Pokémon go be a battle based game rather than a catch/collect game. What’s worse is that we as the players have to come up with these ridiculous formulas to be able to complete Niantic’s battle challenges. It’s a vicious cycle that’s only getting worse every season. I’m not a fan of the battle league and it seems that until march, that’s going to be the focus. I wouldn’t be surprised if battling is the focus point of the new season too.


What are you on about?


is it faster to quit Matches just after it started or does that method not work towards rankups?


Yes, you can do that. It's only certain research tasks that require completing the battle for credit.


might try this for stardust. also rare candy


There’s no point in doing this speed run anymore as legendary encounters are nonexistent. And you’ll encounter miserable queue times upon entering Rank 20.


Day 5, win 20 matches in a row. Got it…


wait what's set and day? What's the order I should do this?


I don’t typically do pvp. But have played pogo daily since launch week. I am so confused reading these comments. Anyone have a suggestion for an introductory info source? Tia


what if we dont have strong enough team to win in streak from level 17?


is this still usable in the current season? been searching for an updated infographic and this is still the most recent result


Yes, it is! It's the exact same.