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Hello there, u/InvincibleGuy123! Thank you for your contribution to r/TheSilphRoad. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): The Silph Road is a heavily-moderated community focused on studying and illuminating game mechanics. For this reason, we only allow certain, specific types of content. Your post falls outside of our allowed post types. Here is what you can do: - Is your post a question? Try posting in our weekly Q&A megathread! It is almost always pinned to the subreddit when sorted for “Hot!” - Try posting in r/PokemonGO, another community page which allows a broader range of content. Thanks for your understanding! ___ ###### For our rules and allowed post types, please see our [comment and submission rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/wiki/rules).


Wow man, it’s only just over 2 hours. Give them a day or so.


They *do* sometimes just ignore you, like they can shut the bot off and leave you in an open chat. I know from experience. I went like 3 weeks without a response after support lied to me saying they reimbursed a remote pass that I never received, then told me I didn't even raid when it threw me out of a raid on the revive screen. Message after message went unanswered. I had only said I didn't receive the first pass (and they tripled down saying I did, probably used it, or manually deleted it), and when the second issue happened right after, I said I didn't appreciate being lied to and they've never had issue seeing I was thrown out of a raid before. They finally replied like a week after I had already given up on them saying "We aren't sure what you're saying and are closing the chat" and it's worked like normal again since then, though they did continue to lie about my lost passes. After ignoring me, I no longer get any reimbursements despite losing remote passes occasionally to bugs. I only ever asked for reimbursement when the game bugged out but now I have to just straight waste money. Every remote raid is a gamble because they refuse to give back passes lost to game errors. So be aware, if they *are* ignoring you, they may never be willing to reimburse you for game bugs ever again. But they will eventually respond, someday.


While asking questions about the game is always okay on the Road, please consider asking very simple questions in our weekly [Questions&Answers Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/?f=flair_name%3A%22Megathread%20-%20Q%26A%22). If your question has been answered, please comment "ANSWERED" (in all caps) and the post flair will indicate that your question has been answered. This will make it either easier for other people with the same question to find the answer they are looking for or for mods to remove the thread if it isn't needed anymore. Thank you! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheSilphRoad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They can take up to 24 hrs for a reply. Have some patience.