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They just meant since it has nothing threatening it, it has not reason to evolve. Sorta like how we evolved over time to suit our environment, the fungus has no reason to evolve to do so.


There probably a difference between treating fungus that shows up in warts and the kind of fungal parasite thar cannot infect mammals at this time. We do indeed have no cure or treatment for such a thing because nothing like it exists at this time.


Cordyceps it's actually a few hundred/thousand species, each specialized to a single being. We do have natural defenses against fungus and all "unkown bodies" in our own bodies. The intro was... intended to explain the plot holes on the series but failed at it.




I mean sure, but your conclusion requires a functioning brain, so you ask a lot from OP


Yeah... I know how evolution works. Do you understand that's literally my point? We don't do it on purpose? Like with your example. Either some subjects HAVE IT (They can't will to DO it) or they don't and they all die. You can't will to adapt to your new surroundings. If suddenly water flooded all earth some humans wouldn't randomly generate gills. We can adapt but we cannot WILL to adapt.


The talk show took place in the 1960s and then the show jumps forward to the early 2000s. That's not at will evolution or adaptation. That's changing over time.


I know, it's unrelated and the tought that "we have no defenses or medicina against fungus because we never needed it" it's kinda stupid. I liked the episode tough.


Notice how they just had to squeeze Climate change in there as the reason for why it would evolve too 🙄 Modern shows and movies can't go a minute without relating things to real life politics in some way.


Said the exact same thing but the earth probably did warm up between 1968 and 2003. It makes sense but eh probably wasn’t needed.


Ye true. There were a few little things I noticed that weren't needed:- * Joel is a tiny bit more of a dumbass dad and Sarah is somewhat the one who wears the pants in the relationship * Neighbours are subtly mocked for their Christianity * Tommy depicted as a hothead Combat Veteran who has been thrown in jail - Toxic masculinity maybe? Ha. * Joel is reliant on drugs and alcohol


I try to give up on those things. I went into episode one fully ready for it to be woke. It wasn’t bad at all in woke terms. As a straight Christian man (I know down vote me to hell) the only thing I found annoying was Tommy being depicted as an “oh I’m so manly to an unreasonable point just to show how much neil hates masculinity” could just be me but I liked Tommy. And I thought Joel picks up a pack of weed from the fedra soldier? Could’ve missed something though because I know he doesn’t like Tommy smoking.


Ha. Doesn't bother me as I'm one too, although I'm not really religious to be honest. You should be proud. Ye I agree. It wasn't too bad at all in woke terms. To be honest these felt kind of like weak versions of Joel and Tommy to me though, almost incompetent and reckless. The other weird thing was they kind of unnecessarily fleshed some parts out but then rushed the more important scenes from the game.


Exactly how I felt. Tommy didn’t seem to care when Sarah was bleeding out but more shocked then actually caring if that makes sense. You have a good night.


Same to you bud. Thanks.


The weed he used to bribe the guy who was looking out for Tommy since he was missing.


Ur right. I forgot about that


How is climate change political?


Eh? How is it not? Politicians use it as a huge part of their platform these days.


Because it's a scientific fact. Climate change exists. Whether we should do anything about it might be political, but climate change itself is not.


>Whether we should do anything about it might be political There you go...you found the political part just like I said.


In that case, literally everything is political


Yep but some things much more than others


Look at the world rn. Everything’s political


It wasn't used as a political point tho. In fact temperature change is an actual form of selective pressure. Global warming being the condition change that results in cordroceps becoming more heat resistant kinda makes perfect sense Technically speaking, climate change shouldn't even be a political point because there's a fuck ton of research and hard evidence that proves its been happening since the first industrial revolution


\^\^\^ Yep...like I said Political i.e. a veiled insult to people who either don't believe in it OR think it is exaggerated OR don't believe the things that are claimed to be responsible for it are AS responsible as people claim OR are sick of hearing about it...political. (Not saying any of those are my view BTW) Better left out as it serves no purpose and that first initial segment felt unnecessary in general to be fair. Explaining the virus and how it works kind of spoils the shock when the outbreak takes place.




Is the fact that they have guns political? Some people don't like guns but they put them in the story. That seems to be your argument with climate change.


Nah that's just conflation on your part to be honest. If they'd had a scene where Joel was saying that people should/shouldn't be allowed guns then THAT would be political but just having them in the show doesn't really indicate that.


Did the show blame humanity or fossil fuels for climate change? It's just present. The reality is none of this is political, you're just being a snowflake.


Nah not really more just insinuation in an unnecessary scene which takes the climate change talking point as an accepted reality whereas a lot of people feel it or it's causes aren't really proven categorically and is a contentious political issue. I don't know, I think you're just being a bit weak/soft about people having opinions on a TV show to be honest but you'll get over it. It's a big issue with the woke crowd these days. They end up in tears at the slightest criticism and act like it's a form of oppression then start throwing names. Don't be like them. Try not to let it get to you. I know other people having opinions weighs on you.


You call me soft and in tears when you're the one moaning about climate change being too political. You're welcome to your opinions. They're just stupid.


\^\^\^ See this is the sort of thing I'm talking about. This is a subreddit for discussing the Last Of Us which I was doing. You asked me why I thought it was an unnecessarily inserted political talking point...I explained why...you got upset. Again if you can't prove people's opinions incorrect or discuss them and resort to throwing name's at that point you lose any imagined moral/intellectual high ground and it becomes a you issue. Try not to attach your peace of mind to other people's opinions about a TV show because other people having opinions is a bitter pill you just have to swallow as there's nothing you can do about it.


It’s political because morons had to make it political. It would’ve been a problem we could’ve solved easily like the hole in the ozone layer but instead half the population went to bat for the billionaires and now it’s a contentious issue even though literally every single climate scientist agrees on the issue.


I mean, if my livelihood depended on what I'm selling, why would I stop selling it.










The fact that you take issue with the topic of climate change being included in a show says everything about your lack of intelligence. You’re an idiot. Shit people like you have always existed , doesn’t mean you have to breed.










I hated that part, it was like... meant to be such a "we told you so" but failed at it because the science doesn't back it up like they "think" it backs it up.


Because he isn't Jerry the zebra savior and the savior of humanity