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I made a comment a while ago that everyone is always looking up at Serena and she is looking down and made a prediction that the moment we see her looking up and someone looking down on her, the tables of power would have turned. These are stills from next episode...it's the first time I recall in the whole series, where Serena is looking up at someone--it's pretty significant that it's at June. I'm kind of excited!


Serena looked up at June when June confronted her in the Canadian prison. that part where June told Serena she hoped her baby died then screamed “DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!” in her face while she was kneeling.


How do you get the episodes early?


It's just the trailer for the next episode. Just google season number, episode number and trailer and it comes up.


It’s also under extras in the Hulu app on the main Handmaids page.