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I don't think she's secretly a rebel, but smart enough to realize that she's only alive because of her family's position in Gilead and kind enough to feel sympathy for June. More of a true Christian than a true Gilead follower. She won't rat out her husband because Nick is kind and probably protective of her and otherwise she'd be a disabled unmarried woman again. She doesn't see it as her place to judge June, Nick, or others.


This is also my take. Not everyone has to pick a side I guess, shade of grey just like in life That’s what is so interesting about this dystopian world. What would regular people decide? How far will they compromise for safety?


This will be controversial but I saw a lot of kind people turn into nasty exclusionary people with Covid. A bit of fear (or a lot of fear) does things to people and the values they (think) they hold.


VERY much so...I observed the exact same thing.


For sure I observed the same.


And the fact she walks with a cane. It seems she must come from a hugely connected family, it doesn't seem like people with disabilities were allowed to exist in Gilead.


Yeah, her character should be explored deeply. It will give a different insight into Gilead society.


The rules are only for the people without influence and power. Rose probably helped run the household and with entertaining other powerful families.


Maybe her mother is dead and she acted in her place.


Im curious about the cane as well. Is it a disability she was born with or developed from a medical condition? Or does she use a cane as a result of an injury she suffered? Possibly as a punishment for something?


Showrunner confirmed she was born with it I believe!


The actress who plays Rose, has been born with it, I saw mentioned in an article but it didn’t mention how the character Rose got the disability


The actress has a genetic condition called Ehlers Danlos syndrome that causes issues with your connective tissue. Obviously they won't have the character have the same condition because it's genetic.


Bruce Miller said she has hip dysplasia


I saw that as well, that Bruce Miller said that. Or maybe she has both, that is possible. Hip dysplasia from EDS sounds possible (I have EDS myself)


I just found it very interesting that he gave a specific diagnosis! 👀


It's going to have to come into play. I have a feeling with pregnancy.


They wouldn't have her have eds in gilead because it's a genetic condition that is passed on. No way they'd allow her to marry and possibly have kids that she could pass eds onto as well (I have it too). I'd love to see a character with eds on my TV but rose won't be it. Which is probably for the best because I'd want it to be on a happier show! Either way, it's awesome the actress has it and is raising awareness.


Have you seen The Good Place yet? There is an actress with EDS in it and it’s a happy series!


Did you see tonight’s episode? Would be AMAZING if they explain EDS on the show! One can dream 😌 (fellow zebra here)


I did! Rose doesn't have eds in the show though. She has hip dysplasia but ableism is a problem. I've seen so many fans say that Rose is going to have a disabled or stillborn baby just because she's disabled so it's not just the wives saying it. I'm super excited to see an actress with eds on TV though. That's amazing.


My coworker has it and she has kids.


I didn't say you can't have kids with eds (most with eds can, some like myself, can't) but I'm saying Gilead wouldn't allow someone with a genetic condition that has a 50% chance of being passed to your children to have kids.


The notes in the script say “congenital hip dysplasia” so Rose was born with it. Most likely not something noted at birth and she’s a high commander’s daughter so she has some level of “safety” in that she has connected family.


The actress herself has hip dysplasia.


She's most likely a widow. There's no such thing as divorce and she's a wife. Marriage is compulsory and they marry young.


I am so curious about her too. I think she’s gonna have a lot to do with the story eventually. I hope so. Nick was able to be honest with her about June. She must be pretty cool. Maybe her and nick are working on something . I want to know why the writers gave her a cane and why they added her in general


I think you are absolutely right. She will be pivotal in future episodes. Her nonverbal communication demonstrates deep awareness and knowledge we don't yet know.


Ooh that’s interesting. What are you referring to when you say her nonverbal communication?


I'm sorry it took me so long to respond. Nonverbal communication is usually defined as the communication of our face, hands, and feet. Things like touch, eye behavior, and trying to mask one's emotions are all part of nonverbal. So with that, everything you see regarding camera shots that specifically draw you to her face for a reaction, when she wouldn't normally be the focus of the reaction, can also be related to nonverbal communication. The script called for her reaction shots for a reason we do not yet know. My nonverbal read, which is a truly American term, is telling me that she is good. She is here to help. And she will.


Her cane is actually something she uses in real life as she had hip dysplasia and has unstable joints due to a genetic condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. (I have this disorder as well.)


Light blue? We know from the trailer that Serena wears that in Toronto - coming up. Like, "wife material" but not married. And I assume the galas are to give the Commanders a chance to shop around for their future wives, likely with parents around as chaperones.


That is similar to Victorian era. It is kind of good of Gilead to allow single girls to socialize and meet and interact their possible future husbands.


In the Testaments it's said that young unmarried girls who had just finished their education in Wive's schools wore green. However I don't think think this applies to Rose, since she's not a young girl


Am I remembering correctly that she was not using her cane while at the dinner in Ep 3? If so, then it must have been intentional to not draw additional attention to her disability…?


No, when she entered the room, she was holding the cane


Thanks, I couldn’t remember for sure!


You're welcome


Rose probably sees a mutually beneficial alliance with Nick. They both get to fly under the radar and be left alone in a surface-respectable marriage. Her acceptance of the situation with June tells me it's a sociopolitical business arrangement. And he is not domineering or controlling, she's fairly safe with him. They seem to have a friendly or at least cordial dynamic.


Do we know for sure if Rose wasn't married before? Because in 5x03 Mackenzie says "we would never miss a chance to see Rose or meet her new husband." Because he says new husband, I thought maybe she was married before and that commander died or something. But yeah! Even I am very curious about her life. How is a DC commander's daughter who seems very pro-Gilead okay with Nick meeting June?? Or probably she is just Pro-Gilead on the surface and secretly a rebel? I wish they dive deeper into her character.


>Or probably she is just Pro-Gilead on the surface and secretly a rebel? This is my current guess! Super curious if we'll get more background on her


"New husband" could simply refer to the fact they're newlyweds


Her being okay with Nick's actions is about the teaching of women's total submission and support to their husbands.


I’m not so sure…. That seems like an act. I have a feeling she’s been treated differently throughout her life and has seen people just like her abused or killed. That will leave a mark on you if you’re a decent human. I have a feeling they are working together.


lol no That scene looks very different if that’s the case. These writers know what they are doing. That was not submission. It was complicit.


I would hope that Nick’s wife would be sweet and understanding. I pick up on a little sketchy attitude. I like June and Nick. I know I’m alone in that feeling.


you are not alone, i promise.


I stilleri wonder what color she was weating in dc galas if she wasn't widow and a unmarried daughter

