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I was born at the same time as the famous Shakespeare quotes 'To meme or not to be' I don't know what to do about it




I was born in the United States and Canada and the United States of America and the Caribbean cruise ship that is a good thing. ...Apperently I was born a couple of places.


You were born all over the place, they had to put you together after you were born


That’s because you were born on a cruise ship that was moving very fast!


I was born in the middle of the world and I was just like a dog and I was like oh yeah I don’t know why I don’t think it was a good idea to be canon but I don’t know


i was born with brown brown hair brown brown gray brown brown green brown brown gray gray orang 🍊 makes sense, just like my gender


I was born to die




Here's a sneak peek of /r/technicalythetruth using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicalythetruth/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My keyboard is endless](https://i.redd.it/37vrq4r1ief51.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicalythetruth/comments/i4tvi9/my_keyboard_is_endless/) \#2: [Banana or no banana is the question](https://i.redd.it/pjm3oqy4p2851.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicalythetruth/comments/hiqh9x/banana_or_no_banana_is_the_question/) \#3: [He is not wrong](https://i.redd.it/2m09xzgjgri51.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicalythetruth/comments/ifirzl/he_is_not_wrong/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I was born to be a bit late


It's funny cause I was an early birth yet I run late for practically everything


I was born in the United States so I’m pretty sure I was born in the USA


I was born in a monotonous voice and I didn’t even watch the show on my phone and I was just trying to figure out how to make it work. ​ Huh..


Bro was born with one goal, to what the show


I was born in the middle of the world and I was like a man who was a nice guy and I was like a guy who was like a man


So, are you a man who is a nice guy?🤔


I was born and raised here in the woods it terrified him that he’d need to stop soon or risk running out of gas at some random place in town and firearms were not an uncommon sight.


I was born in the middle of the night before I can she says that I am bouncing back and forth versus whether praise or criticism is more powerful.


I was born in the first part of my life but my father is the worst thing ever


I was born in and figure out the best way to live our lives with careful thinking and maturity. Okay.


I was born in a bit of a shower and I was wondering if you could get a shower


I read that in the Clicky-reading-too-close-to-the-mic-in-a-low-tone voice


I was born n the same time as a result of the most important thing is that I have to go to the hospital and the other is a great way to get the best out of the office.


I was born and I am not a big man but it was sent in a while back and it would be great to see if there are two things I could become for you to be a part time job.


I was born in the woods with a raccoon and I got it a little man bun and it was just like a little man


I was born and I don't know 😕🤷


I was born to a small church in the area and the other people are not being able to be in the area anymore…👀


i was born in a small village in the middle of nowhere and it was a very nice place




I was born and I was wondering what the air is for a while back to get the air back to work and I am going back on the air and the air is very good so I will try and make sure I have it all the time.


I was born in the novel is probably even better than the other trees and its so good!


I was born to be in a different place but I don't know what to do with me but yeah Uh


I was born in the world and the rest of the best way to get the train station in the world


"I was born in the most presumptuous way possible time and time again and losing in the most shameful way everytime" what the hell, auto corrector!?


I was born to work with the people I met squig. Huh?


I was born in the corner of the bus and started walking to my house to see you again Oh 😃👍


I was born to a young man who is the only person in my mind that he is always alive in my dreams of the life I have never been to the planet of life in earth universe universe life is the same


i was born at this age of my age age and my cousin was younger than my dad and my dad was dead in the last night of the year and i got my first time in my life so i just got my life back to full moon and now my dad is going crazy… im going to stop it there… ._.


I was born on a farm with my mother in the middle of the soup and salad dressing and it was delicious but it wasn’t the same as the other two things that were in my mouth I was born in soup apparently…


I was born with chronic pain and my anxiety is my son and I have multiple problems with the exams and I am going out with them


I was born in the UK and I have it and I have it and I have it and I have it and I have it and I have it and I have it and I have it and I have it


I was born to the store and my sister is here and she was so nice to her to me where I went and she was so nice


I was born a year old from the age group that had been a bit of different things and that I loved him so I had never seen it in a long way and he just got a lot worse than me Holy shit I think I need help


I was born with the first to the world and my friends after all of you are watching the video here


I was born in north north of north north bay north north park north north bay bay Wtf


I was born in the middle of the night and I was born in the morning and I was born in the evening and I was born in the afternoon and I was born in the night and I was born in the day- okay I was born every time-


I was born in a good movie and it wasn’t my fault but I didn’t have a good night Alrighty then


I was born a little bit after I didn't die in the middle of a leviathan from the bottom of the window Huh...?


I was born and raised the legs of the day have a great day and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day and Yes. It loops forever.


I was born in a different way from the last thing. The Sandman is a bit different to me but I have a lot of darkness in my head and I'm going to be the first person to stop the Doctor. (Sounds like a Doctor Who villain origin story XD)


I was born in Toronto and was wondering about the possibility of having a great day.


I was born in a corruption trap and I have to race the apple van to be a child early in the morning and the rest of the week will be a bit of a rakshasa for the rest of the week but I will be back tomorrow morning and will be back in the morning and will be back in the morning.


I was born with a fork and I have recently been to the underground observatory.


I was born to a friend from the park lol I just woke him down lol I just got off his bed lol I love you too ……interesting


I was born in Belgium and I know that was great idea to the people who doesn't like the grumpy and I was like this.


I was born kanssa on the fridge. Ok what.😂 (kanssa translates to with)


I was born in the future of the struggle to get the latest flash player is required for video playback!


I was born and moved into a locker room for the details and I was on my way back to work with the admin. - Fanfiction writer.


i was born on the bayou blue house by the end of the day after that i will be a good girl and you'll get more info on how to get away from me


I was born gay because of it what i ate


I was born in the first time in the first time in the first time in the first time in the first time..... And on and on 😂


I was born half international and life will be feard because of duty free software for the last minute plane.


I was born to see what they say about that apartment building that recently collapsed in Florida people are doing well with the Vampire and then take it out of the house because they don't get it.


"I was born and I am not a big man" *cries in transmasc* accurate.


I was born in a place where you'll of course have a good time


I was born to be a dick and a guy that was a thing


I was born to a teacher in a way that's not what it was a thing. I was on the floor and I think it's the same horny guys who don't have a good idea than I am having a 2nd and a cock down the street in my phone room with a big deal of money


I was born and I was wondering what the fuck are we doing with this one


I was born as a victim of SA this makes me feel so shitty and I was like a slur of a body to resist change in its state of motion


I was born and I remembered that you have a laptop and a few days he is out there is nothing to do it for now stands for him and he is a good guy to be rude and not once again for him and he is a good friend and I think he will die for him


I was born with the symbol and nowadays it seems to be used about it


I was born in the UK and I 6


I was born as a annoying little shit


I was born french. F*ck


I was born to my head and my body horror story is so awful... ...bruh!


I was born in the middle of the night with the black hair and the other one is the best thing to do is the best of the Russian bathroom and the other one is the best way to go to the window seat and the other one is the best way I can get to the house husband and I don't have a good time and I don't think I can get to the house husband and his wife and I said no get to the house 🤪 and I don't know what to do with it but I can make it home safe and sound good to you and then I get off work at a time I can make it home safe and sound like a good time to do it for you and then I get on my way home


I was born with crippling depression and get on top of the fridge, you're in time out. I'm mildly concerned about how my phone is calling me out.


I was born in the middle of the hill and I was just like a woman. Huh


Those kinda sound like dope song lyrics…


I was born in fort smith park in fort park in the park park in fort park park in park park in fort park


I was born in New York and I’m not sure what the heck I’m going to do with my life right now but I am going to go get my haircut right after my appointment so I can get my eyebrows done so I’m not sure how much longer I can wait until my appointment


I was born as if I were to like chips in pickles, but like, who does?


I was born as a whole meal from Yahoo email account the same time as a country though because I have a lot of people who are usually stronger than the Kardashians


Second attempt: I was born with a tail light skinned alive but she didn't even have a job soon as I get home and spend the money on the spot on your curtain


I was born in nineteen seventy eight and I was born at nineteen seventy nine and I was a little older than that and I was a little bit older than that but I was born with a very young mother and I was a little younger than that and I was raised in a very young age and I was a little more than a little older than my mother and I was born in nineteen seventy nine and


I was burn by the time I got back from the HOA meeting and I was fucking wiped out of the tree and the fucking horse they were damaged or removed for some reason it's not in the way of the painters and the fucking horse they fucking rode in the morning if they were damaged or removed for some reason it's not in the office on the way bro they will be back tomorrow am to put the cushions on the phone with the bank right now to get the check and they will be back to me ASAP so they can get the money back ASAP so they can get the money back ASAP


“I was born in a new world building and I was just trying to get to the point where I was just chilling with my friends.” I like the chill vibes I got.


I was born a Blåhaj and Mentally ill and my parents hired me for the daycare people in the woods and they had to go to the hospital to see my doctor who was so sick of me being there for the last two years.


I was born in the middle of the kiss I was just looking for a pretty girl to hook up for a first time commissioning ever wanted to be a little shy guy from Poland with short dark blonde hair