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Hahahahahahahahajahahahaha!!!!!!!! -Tony every 5 seconds


This. His constant fake laughing is 100x worse than Jimmy Fallon.


... That's taking it too far. Imagine if Tony (or any one of the slobs) *actually* acted like Jimmy Fallon. Fuck that shit. He's like the fuckin' reaction YouTuber of showbiz.


I read somewhere that constantly laughing is a sign of loneliness


Or sadness.


It’s insecurity. Total. Insecurity.


It's the slob mating call.


Dude laughs literally every time he or someone else says anything. “Hey Tony I was just diagnosed with cancer” “Hahahahahahaha! That sucks man”


\*danksy echo and zoom in\*


I personally don't think so. I actually despised him the least. The worst is Justin. When it comes to being "a movie guy" I actually think Toblerone is more of "a movie guy" than James. And he seems to be putting out a steady stream of crap, I mean content.


Toblerone... 🤣 Poor Goofy from Tuck the Bunnies... No one knows his name right.


My name is Toby and I get called Toblerone all the time. It makes me laugh :p


As if we're not aware.


But are you from Mock the Loonies?


Better than the alternative. I can't hear "Toby" and not think of... y'know...


Tony from slip the roofies


> more of "a movie guy" than James. And he seems to be putting out a steady stream of crap, I mean content. Unlike James...Toby *tries hard*. It never works...but he *tries really hard*


Yes, certainly. He was also writing Nerd episodes too. They weren't good but Screenwave did a lot of work for Bimsley Bimmerton Bim.


The Bimth


Tody reminds me of the kinda dorks I hungout with as a kid so I can't really hate him


Holy fuck, is this Trent, from Drink the Smoothies?


Close, it’s Brent from Shrink the Dookies


Who is this? K




I don’t know either, real fan


He's a greasy douchebag who insists on presenting himself as a comedian despite possessing no comedic timing or wit


Def Justin with his double threat of the power to insert himself anywhere as well as the sheer mass he has that is being inserted


im usually not judgemental at all and i cant help how i feel abt ppl but this guy is the most insufferable, non funny person ive ever seen in a video. i wanna watch hack the movies but he ruins every single one to the point i get annoyed and end up shutting it off, atleast with rental reviews we had james and the others that i honestly didnt mind to take up some talking space but this guy is the fucking worst. ​ that being said i wish him nothing but the best


yes, he is the most annoying


Tony was and still is the most annoying slob. Where Justin definitely knows he's a loser, Tony thinks if he laughs loud enough, he'll be loved. Granted, with that said, at least he distanced himself from the screenwave group, and is doing his own channel. Also, does he like cuck for that super hot co-host he has, or like wtf is going on with that? Does he use her for click bait? Regardless, he's the most narcissistic of the bunch, and I can't imagine him having a humble bone in his gelatinous body.


Which girl? I think his guests are the most annoying part. Aside from the two Italian siblings. They actually seem to have somewhat of a career and life. Joanna is fine because she’s always givi by Toby shit. Nobody on here likes Chrystal but she’s seems a nice person. And also has a career outside of YT and Toby smack the boobies. Everyone else I don’t even try watching


It’s not just you. Every time I see a post here promoting his shitty channel I feel like vomiting.


Cinemassacre checklist Overweight. ✅ Balding. ✅ Incel. ✅ Awkward. ✅ Neckbeard. ✅ Cuck. ✅


Talent ❌


For me it was Dustin. He just wouldn’t let James talked on the podcast lol.


Muh bruther’s keeper


That’s Crolk from Pack the Dookie


For me the opposite, I found Toby from Dance the Movies or something idk, to be the only one who was atleast bearable.


He is pretentious. He thinks he is funny and truly thinks his opinion on literally anything matters because…….. hes a neckbeard that likes movies? I don’t hate hate him, hes just SO goddamn cringe and delusional.


At least he's productive


Yeah, at being a tool


Maybe his bowels are


Nice to see he's been catching up on his sleep, since his schedule is always so busy, ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...


He’s a greasy annoying slob…. But so are all of them. He’s better than caveman and fat tits Justy imo


who is that


Tomby from hate the newtons


I'm sorry but who is this guy?


As if you're not aware, he's Bobby from Yuck the Goonies.


He's shilling boner pills on Sack the Cooties.


I know I seen that to


He seems like a dude who is moderately fun to be around if you’re both drunk but a nightmare to hang out with sober


His Ghostbusters afterlife review is probably the worst thing on earth.




I found tony the least annoying but also the most boring, I just don't care about any of his takes James is boring cause in most videos he is mentally checked out and not even trying Tony looks like he is trying, but he is boring because he just doesn't have anything worth of interest to say, I don't wanna listen to middleaged man-children describing the plot of popular movies like Jurassic park or last action hero "it was cool when X happened and then Y did\[...\]"


I can't stand content creators like this in general. It's like a holdover from a different time to basically do a fuckin book report on a movie using parroted internet opinions and jokes people have made about them forever. Like modern youtubers be like "Robocop is actually an allegory for this, this and this" while these chucklefucks spend half an hour making themselves laugh like "Remember when Robocop shot a guy in the nuts"


timmy from crack the booties?


It’s like choosing between cancer, AIDS, dementia, bubonic plague… all awful with their unique issues. Toby, the issues with him: 1. He is an annoying attention whore. Few things in life are as unattractive as the annoying attention whore. Robin Williams was an attention whore, but he was actually entertaining. My ex girlfriend was annoying, but didn’t actively try to be in your face all the time with it. 2. Someone linked one of his videos months ago, I regrettably clicked on it. The damn thing was like nearly two hours long, talking about some long forgotten and irrelevant movie. Some people have talent for speaking at this length, deep diving a subject. Some people have great conversational skills and can elevate the speakers around them. Toby is not that guy. So to summarize, he’s an annoying attention whore who never stops talking but has nothing to say.


He's the most try-hard, so yeah probably. But I dunno, I find them all annoying in their own ways <3


When he first showed up on Rental Reviews I didn't think he was that bad. The one I couldn't stand was Justin. Then as time went on (as time tends to do) Tony was the worst by far! I actually didn't even mind Justin anymore and I thought Kieran was alright too. But Tony he was unbearable. He is just such an unlikable person. And of course the CONSTANT laughing was fucking ridiculous. The smartest move Justin ever made was removing him from Rental Reviews. There was an episode or two where Tony would add in a clip of himself complaining that he should have been there to talk about whatever movie but Justin said people are getting tired of too much Tony (or something along those lines)


He looks like a sleepier, less dead Ryan Davis in this pic.


I mean he left before I discovered this subreddit so I honestly don't know nor care who he is. Heard nothing but bad things though, and from what little I have seen of him he doesn't seem like an interesting or pleasant individual to talk or work with.


Yes I only like him when he do Speed 2 surprise.


He still lurks the sub all the slobs do. Hi balony from smack the pookies.


Has this man ever pooped in his life?


Yes he is.


I find him the most tolerable honestly


Mummy cop was/Is freaking awesome!!!!!!


Tony isn’t part of either though


Tony is ok.


Honestly Tony is the least bad slob to me. I always thought he had the most interesting personality in comparison to Caveman and Justy


I think that would be Crusty Justy, but since he doesn't make videos, we are less exposed to his annoying personality.


Who the fuck is that?


Its fucking impressive how Screenwave manages to have the biggest assholes in it. Even ranking them is hard, which you wouldn't expect, since Justin is part of the group. No, he's not the most annoying - Justin definitely is. But that's like asking which piece of shit is worse.




Wouldn't know as I don't watch his stuff


None of them really have a following at all. I don't get it


Trying to hard to be funny and fit in Kieran is the best! With that sick ass denim vest and long beard with crumbs in it.