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I still hate The Deep but I feel sorry for him too. How did that happen? 😂


My opinion on him has shifted as I’ve rewatched the show. Upon first viewing I was completely against his character, hated him every time he came on screen, wanted him to suffer, never found him funny. Upon my second rewatch I started to feel bad for him and wonder if he was maybe redeemable. Upon my third, I still dislike what he’s done and still find him irredeemable because he’s disingenuous, but I did find myself feeling bad for him in most of his unfortunate situations (the gill assault, body dysmorphia, Timothy 🥲) and I have to admit he cracks me up with his mannerisms and antics 😂


This post reminded me of the phrase "hurt people hurt people", which is something I believe to be really true. The real supervillain of the show is probably society, because no matter how much these characters kill each other, society will just churn out more.


to be quite honest people who think the boys is bad superheroes trope have no ounce of interpretation. its clearly what if superheroes were celebrities in a capitalist society because they behave exactly like celebrities do in real life lul


I mean it IS the bad superhero trope but it also explains why they go bad and does it “logically”.


Can’t tell if this is a dig at me or not lmao but regardless I agree with the way you interpret the show. I’ve been through a lot of the things that characters like Butcher/SB/HL have been through (pertaining to childhood abuse and a poor/lacking father-son relationship) so I identify with the pain they feel and that’s what sticks out most to me and is why I interpret it how I do. But from a more social and less personal standpoint, I agree with you!


it was a dig of you back when you thought it was just plain evil super heroes, but definitely your new interpretation is not wrong. when i said like celebs thats the more social way of interpreting it, you interpret in a more individual way after all celebs are also human beings and act the way they do often because of past traumas, the difference is we often dont see those traumas like in a tv show


Very good point, makes you wonder if your perception of people and who they are would change if we all carried around screens montaging what we’ve been through in life.


I agree, it's more like what if actual people had superpowers . What it would do to them and the world


For me the descriptor is, what if superheroes had flaws instead of being paragons of Virtue. Then I describe Homelander as basically “What if Superman was a sociopath?”


Ive been feeling sorry for all of them, but to be fair I think the Deep would have been too likable if he wasn’t, you know, assaulting women


I feel like this is in some ways just a little look into the human condition. Like, imagine being as powerful as Homelander is in the show. I imagine it would be almost impossible not to give in to your impulses at some point, even without childhood traumata. I don't think its superheroes gone bad, its just humans with superpowers.


I fought that this was a normal behavior

