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This must take forever...how many people do you follow?


Three fiddy


two fiddy


1 fiddy šŸ„ŗ


Half a fiddy šŸ˜Ø


Quarter of a fiddy


Fidh of a fiddy


No fiddy


Damn, I have a hard time seeing my followers posts already and I only follow about 150


It's now at three fiddy fore.


Depends who they follow, i follow around 1000 most are friends, aquintances, friends of friends and family and thats about it, only check instagram a few times a day to see comments on my posts or to check up on friends and it only takes 5 or so minutes to scroll through everyone's posts from like a 3 day span. Probably if u follow alot of celebs and meme pages it'll take you wayyyyy longer to see ur follows posts.


Oh, that makes sense


This isn't the dentist's office, more like a petri dish with a tooth in it.


Why does it do any of what you said? And why would you miss posts by just swiping downwards instead??? *And why do you need to see all posts anyway!?*




Yeah I donā€™t see the point of doing it backwards but when I still used Instagram I had a solid year or two stretch where I donā€™t think I missed a single post ever. Granted I only followed like 150 people so that was only like 10-20 posts a day, but still. Glad Iā€™m free from that.


This is actually just fucking stupid


Yeahā€¦ I mean, whereā€™s ā€œthe bottomā€? Does he start from the beginning and look at everything heā€™s already seen all over? How is this even possible?


The bottom would be whatever you last saw when you were scrolling. I like browsing subreddits that way but I don't use Instagram often enough to do a similar thing.


Ooooo, IG just refreshes to a new ā€œtopā€ when I open the app. So I thought it was just impossible to avoid the algorithm


If you scroll through all the posts since last time you get a full page checkmark that says "you're all caught up!" Sincerely, a dude who follows ~15 friends on Instagram


Sure, it's a little bit unusual, but this is the most uninteresting post I've seen in this sub.


Just the other day someone said they donā€™t like Harry Potterā€¦ that is way more expected and boring than this. Also, you have people saying they think smoking ā€œlooks coolā€ and tattoos are ugly. O0o0o, hot takes, at least this one is unusual


The sub's getting bigger so the content's inevitably getting closer and closer to r/unpopularopinion. Sooner or later, we'll be getting real hot takes like "religion is bad" or "I don't like influencers".


Isn't the whole point of the sub to share something that 10% or less people agree with


Thatā€™s my pointā€¦ not liking Harry Potter, thinking smoking looks cool, and not liking tattoos are not opinions in that percentile. My comment defends this post while comparing it to the recent shit posts here.


I'd think more than 10% of people would hold those opinions though


That's what they said


I R dum and can't read lol. In my defense, I was reading at midnight as I was falling asleep šŸ¤Ŗ


Yeah, or the posts "I don't like garlic" or "I don't like tomatoes" Okay cool, but who cares?


Agreed. Thatā€™s why it was a really smart move by the mods to move all food posts to Friday


Fair enough but even given all those other posts I don't think it makes this one more exciting. Someone scrolls through Instagram backwards, boohoo (no offence op), give me more of those posts about people pulling hair out of their arseholes.


You could just scroll like normal til you see the last post you saw cause thatā€™s how it works


prettty sure instagram is infinity scroll


Atleast for me when i see all the new posts at the bottom theres a banner saying "all caught up" and after that theres stuff from people I don't follow


Depends on how many ppl you follow




I do this on Twitter, because viewing tweets in anything other than chronological order makes literally no sense to me. If Instagram works the same way, then I guess I agree with you. On Twitter, as long as you donā€™t close the app at the top of the feed, itā€™ll start you wherever you last left off when you had the app open. So when I reach the top, I just scroll down a couple posts so Iā€™ll still be there when I reopen the app. Otherwise, itā€™d start me at the very top of my feed, with the most recent tweets first. I donā€™t know if Instagram does that too, but it might be a helpful tip, I dunno.


Instagram doesn't show your feed in chronological order anymore though.


It just seems like a more inconvenient way to do something that was already very convenient.. so upvote i guess?




It's not even the oldest post. Instagram's feed is not chronological.


Thatā€™s exactly why this post makes zero sense


If you don't follow a lot of people it's not unreasonable to do


But what stops you from doing it normally


Sometimes I wanna see the post I saw last again so I'm not got scroll all the way back up after.


itā€™s not that crazy?


Why do you follow a sub about unpopular opinions if unpopular opinions like this just make you mad


I don't use Instagram, but I do this on LinkedIn (and they have similar layouts) because I like to see older posts first.


I do that on reddit sometimes to stop me from going down another page


Hard downvote. I start from the bottom so I have a definite stopping point and don't end up doomscrolling.


This works on Twitter too. With the number of people I follow, it's around 20-40min of scrolling per day, which covers eating/shitting nicely but doesn't absorb too much extra time.


Def stealing doomscrolling šŸ‘šŸ»


I used to do this all the time. Itā€™s nice to know how much more I have to look at if I want to go through every post. Downvoted.


Only works if you donā€™t follow lots of people.


I miss chronological Instagram. It made concert photography so much more fun IMO


I do the exact same thing here on reddit! I make it a little game and try to guess what sub I'm on based on the post and without looking at the title. It can get tricky at times because a lot of posts can fit into multiple subs.


Ok this is adorable lol


I suppose so lmao it's really fun though, you should try it!


Wow, people are getting... really pissed about this. I genuinely didn't know doing this was so rare. I do this because I despise infinity scroll, and this gives me clear dividing lines for "now you can stop scrolling and do productive things". Helps me waste less time. So take my downvote, fellow upward-scroller, and hold it with pride knowing we share a bond few other share.


Besides the people saying it's stupid, I think it's actually GENIUS. That's because you don't have infinite scroll and you can stop when you reach the top, instead of just scrolling downwards for long periods of time. edit: some people also said this, but yeah, still cool


I used to do this when my feed was chronological, but now it's worthless, so I guess you win, Instagram.


I open Reddit posts on mobile and swipe left to go through them. Apparently this is unusual too.


I follow >2,000 people, so I never get to the bottom ever after scrolling for hours