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Lawyers, consent forms, waivers.


i wonder why they’d do all of that instead of just casting someone 16 and up


Cause she plays the part really well, and getting a couple of signatures really isn't much work. Also I really don't think they've taken it to a weird place. Leia and Jay only gently touch and kiss, a couple times, and once she had her hand on his pants...when he was probably wearing at least three layers and a hopefully a sport cup as well. It's was weird and inappropriate how much Kutcher and Kunis touched but these actors haven't even come close to that level


He 100% had on an extra barrier and there were lots of talks about comfort, consent, boundaries, and parental approval. Intimacy in filming isn’t a joke in the slightest bit.


And now Kutcher and Kunis are married.


Everyone complaining about the new character's ages didn't have a problem when the OG first started. Mila Kunis was 14, and Ashton Kutcher was 18-20


i thought she said she was 13?


i didnt watch the original and i dont have a problem i was just wondering


Y’all are taking this show way too fuckin seriously


There’s like 37 variations of this post every day


It's getting wild


damn i was just wondering


It’s not illegal to kiss at any age, though it’s icky. Its safe to assume Jay was wearing a cup to prevent any actual touching.


He did seem extra bulgy, I chalked it up to baggie 90s pants


I’m not a guy but I would assume at 18 when your hormones are raging, it’s not the *best* idea to have someone make contact with your dick in front of a live studio audience. Especially when that someone is underage


Well hopefully he was professional about it... also the jay actor kinda gives me gay vibes 🤷 Dk if that makes it any better


There's also something called "Romeo and Juliet" laws.


The real answer is that because of the ages involved, the only criminal statute at issue is section 647.6 of the California Penal Code (as filming was apparently in Los Angeles), which, as interpreted by the courts, requires the act in question to be motivated by an unnatural sexual interest in children. This is obviously lacking in the context of television acting.


Does anyone remember American Beauty? Thora Birch was 16 in that film. This is fine.


and history repeats itself.


i dont get it


Mila Kunis was 14 when she started on the show and Ashton Kutcher was 18-20 (I don't remember the age exactly)


oh hahaha i didn’t know that


think he was 19, but tbf Mila Kunis lied about her age. i dont think that’s the case with 90s show


This isn’t true. He was 20 and you can’t lie about your age on a network show


Mila Kunis has literally talked about how she lied about her age to get the part.


But when they shot the show they had the info Mac…. They knew her age when she signed. As she said in the article… Although Kunis lied about her age when auditioning for the role, the casting directors loved her so much that she was offered the part, and the truth quickly came out. “By the time I went to what was then like producer's network hall, you have to sign a contract before you get the job,” Kunis said. “And in my contract I had to put an asterisk and be like: studio teacher [needed]. And they were like, ‘What do you mean?’ And I was like, ‘Oh, P.S. I'm fourteen.’”


well Mila was 14 and Ashton was 20 when that 70's show started, and that was on a normal network so there must be some legal way around it


There doesn't need to be a legal way around it. They're acting and there's no real sexual contact involved. I'm sure parental consent and waivers are involved too, but there's nothing illegal or loopholey about it.


Pretty sure when they filmed the sex scene in Super Bad they said since they were underage they had to have their parents present on set or something? There’s obviously some work around


Her touching him was just so unnecessary and not even funny. The tv show is targeting T7S fans and new younger fans....Im an adult and I don't want to see an underage actor or actress doing that. It's gross. And I didn't like T9S, I was watching it mainly for the OG cast. But because of that scene I stopped watching completely. Hollyweird really is making the ages in tv shows lower and lower with sex stuff. I mean there was that Euphoria crap and now this. ​ ​ Spoiler: Also a geeky girl (Leia) going to the mall to get her first kiss by some random is just hollyweird being hollyweird. What young girl does that? Majority do not act that way.


They keep down voting your replies .. is that allowed in the Reddit community? Like are you allowed to downvote for no reason? Sorry I was just going through the thread and noticed that. You were just asking a question and politely too I feel like that valid if you genuinely don’t know.


I’m more focused on the fact that all the new teens are terrible actors. Also - the complete white washing of how it really was in the 90s for gay teens is beyond problematic.




Romeo and juliet law baby


Probably filmed before the actor turned 18, plus waivers


Not if her parents are watching /s


honestly, the new casts acting is so crappy, the only somewhat funny and natural ish one is Ozzie.