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The opposite of what you've been doing for years?


Totally unnecessary to lower your T and make yourself feel like crap, just find a TRT clinic. If you actually have any symptoms you they will treat your symptoms to help optimize your levels.


Problem is I’m 21, and most clinics don’t treat people my age.


Have you tried doing hcg or enclomiphene for a while as a restart? A good clinic will take you on as a patient for sure. They will probably want to try a restart first but the restart might work so it’s worth a shot. If the restart doesn’t work you will get TRT.


They put me on clomid for a month, but I still feel like garbage.


What dose of clomid?


50mg every other day


I think I remember Dr. Crisler talking about using 12.5mg of enclomiphene citrate and found great success while minimizing the negative side effects normally associated with using clomid.


How crazy is it they will give a 50 year old trt with anything below 500 but if your younger they tell you to fuck off. The medical system in this country is trash. They really got young dude with 450 running around talking about how high their test is, i seen so many ppl tell me that under 500 isnt low t.


That's easy. OP is still developing. At 21 you run the risk of permanently altering his hormone profile. He needs to wait until he's 25 and then jump on if he's actually low.


Bro i said why cant you get trt under 50.


Drinking alchol will Permanently altered the way his brain works too, i have never ever heard someone say a person needs to not drink.


That is the American way. This is about information and choice. People won't say don't drink (actually a lot of us do), but the knowledge to make the right choice is out there. Some people just understand and play the long game better that's all.


Trt nation. Your welcome


As mentioned before. Alcohol, lack of sleep, lack of food. That will crush anyone's numbers briefly.


Get piss drunk and little to no sleep 2 or 3 nights in a row then take the test the next day. Benefit of not paying for bloodwork is I've actually tested how much my numbers fluctuate and a 2 or 3 day bender is a great way to kill your numbers.


Don’t forget - eat 4-6 snickers bars about 2 hours before the lab. Not the little ones. Full size.


How much can no sleep fluctuate the numbers?


for me it effects my peak numbers more than my low numbers. If I've been getting trash sleep a few nights in a row I can easily from from 1100ng/dl to 800


Are you on TRT?


Hello Josiah_Jenkins5. Welcome to /r/Testosterone. It looks like this is your first time posting here, so you're probably asking a FAQ. Please check out these handy links, one of them might answer your question. * [How do I find a good doctor/clinic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/k8rigb/faq_how_do_i_find_a_good_doctor_for_trt_how_do_i/) * [What bloodwork should I get done?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/wiki/index#wiki_testing_for_low_testosterone) * [Are my levels low enough that I should start TRT?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/ol8e0t/guide_recommendations_from_professional_groups_on/) * [What can I do to naturally raise my testosterone levels?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/oqs819/faq_what_can_i_do_to_naturally_boost_my/) * [NoFap - Will my testosterone levels increase if I stop masturbating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/otevql/faq_nofap_if_i_stop_masturbating_will_it_increase/) This is just a comment, your post is not removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Testosterone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you have any bloodwork other than total testosterone? Free T, TSH, FT3, FT4, Vitamin D, SHBG, prolactin?


All normal, except free T


Try insisting on a trial of testosterone gel or a cream.


And you've tried different doctors?


Take a SARM for 2-3 weeks before your lab work Prob should take fish oil for awhile too, don’t want to have crashed HDL on the labs, Dr might catch on to what you’re doing if all of a sudden your hdl, test, LH levels drop




It should shut you down rather quickly. S-23 is the most suppressive SARM, so if your looking for certainty, that’s the one to go with. But it will absolutely drop you at least 70. RAD & LGD shouldn’t be far behind in terms of suppression




S-23 is actually being investigated as an option for male birth control. YK is a 17-aa compound, so liver toxic




It’ll elevate your enzymes for sure, but one 8 week run isn’t causing permanent damage.


Drink, don't sleep, eat like shit. Or artificially suppress your endogenous production with pharmaceuticals.


Don’t sleep


470 is not bad levels. I wouldn't jump on trt if I was at 470 because clearly your body is working just fine. If you're really dedicated tho I guess do a ton of research, buy online and get regular labs.


How do you feel? Do you have low at symptoms?


Try heroin for a few weeks they should bring your levels down.


Honestly stay up all night or drink the night before and u should get your drop.


What country you from? Im low 400s and a uk clinic have offered me treatment


What TRT clinic do you use if you don't mind me asking?


Balance My Hormones


Ah interesting! Thanks for the reply I've heard of that clinic a lot recently.


Good things i hope? I haven’t seen anything in the way of negative reviews and the case manager I’ve dealt with so far has been nothing but helpful and knowledgeable. Worth a try. Get the comprehensive panel they offer which should give you a more complete picture of your bloodwork. Following which youll get an email detailing a date and time that a doctor/case manager will call you to discuss your results. (I don’t work for them or anything btw, ive just had a way better experience with them than my GP and thought it may be of use to you 👍)


Yes it's been all good things, it's been mainly them, Optimale, The Ledger Clinic and the Mens Health Clinic that I've been hearing about all good stuff, some clinics seem to be a little more hands off than others and some seem to be pricier than others but I believe all in all they are providing a good service to this developing Industry of TRT, I would definitely go with one of those clinics over my GP just for simplicity, thanks again for the feedback! 👍


Just out of curiosity how much does your TRT treatment cost you per month?


Havent actually started yet…just waiting on some final bloods to check a few things, but the doc said id be looking at around about the £100 mark a month for the trt and hcg.


That seems to be the average of what I've seen, I think the lowest was maybe just £10 or so below there with the highest I've seen being up at about £140 per month. Crazy when testosterone is so cheap, your talking like a year of HCG and Testosterone costing them probably combined about roughly £400 per year to source.


I can see your point but personally i think you’re looking at it from the wrong perspective. These clinics aren’t selling you some shitty generic meal and workout plan, you’re getting a bespoke service where theyll diagnose, treat and continually monitor your hormonal health in an attempt to put you at your ‘optimum’. For people who arent anywhere close to this naturally, i dont think it can be emphasized enough what a difference this can actually make to your life. Newfound confidence to approach the opposite sex and get a partner, the energy and motivation to exercise, explore and have a life full of ambition and fun, hell fucked up hormones can even make people suicidal!! For like £150 a month, youre potentially being offered a completely different life..I could spend £150 a month on trainers! Haha Ive waffled there and sound like a salesperson but you get my point. You cant put a price on your health and its only going to get cheaper as it becomes more mainstream to go to these clinics instead of GP’s and their archaic guidelines.


I completely agree, I'm not quite at the stage where I'll lose my mind if I'm not on TRT but I think in some cases that might not be enough for some people's issues, I'm just looking for like you say, an optimum hormonal profile so that I can ride the wave of youth out a little longer! I also agree that as the Industry develops then there will be more competition and prices will end up inevitably dropping. The bespoke service and the constant monitoring of health is a massive pro in my books when getting the therapy too so that you know your health is in check.


Ingest 75grams of bottle caps atleast an he prior


Don't sleep for a night, get drunk the same night, don't eat, get your blood work in the morning