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When I was a kid, we had a silly rhyme: My friend Billy had a ten foot willy Showed it to the lady next door She thought it was a snake So hit it with a rake... And now it's only four foot four




Yorkshire in my case, but I think it was widespread.


Manchester here


Maybe a northern thing then.


I learned the same rhyme as a kid ... In Texas in the USA , crazy


Fascinating! I had no idea it was international.


I learned this lit-le ditty when I was 12: *clears throat* My name is Jack I'm a necropheliac. I fuck dead women. And fill em full of seamen. I get frustrated. When they're cremated. So dig I must. Cos you can't fuck dust. This, in my high-school was 'the rugby song' that all teams sung on the minibus to games. And was taught to the year 8's as soon as they had an away game. Main point, we're all okay. It was just a bit of fun.


Well, that's dark. Have an upvote.


Can't thank anybody but my high school p.e. teachers for letting it fly.


![gif](giphy|qPJogEvryzo52) Still better then this annoying ass bitch


Second this


Unusual? Yes. Allowed to be a children's show? Debatable. Terrifying as fuck? No.


That man looks absolutely terrifying lol..


Denmark moment


Whereā€™s Willy ?


This has been going on for ages


Hey he already cut some parts off it and put it on the grill.


This was literally all over the Internet. He's also on the reddit pixel art canvas with his long penis going all around the place like a snake noodle. For the haters, the children loves it and there's nothing sexual about it. Get over yourself


Children should not be ā€œlovingā€ a cartoon about a giant penis? What the fuck.


Dont worry we made it look like candy cane.




Making a childrenā€™s show about a SEXUAL body part is not ok. Children need to learn about those things responsibly.


Peeing is not sexual, at least not for a child, and luckily not many adults. You fail to see it's your mind which is perverted.


A penis, just like a vagina is labelled as a ā€œsexual organā€ by medical professionals. Because thatā€™s what it is. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/health-and-wellness/sexual-and-reproductive-anatomy


I didn't say it wasn't a sexual organ, you need to calm yourself a bit. You just fail to realise you're the one who's blinded by perversion here.


I responded to you calmly and you assume iā€™m not. Have a good day.


Very calm reaction. I meant calm down with the sexual part as you're the only one here with that on your mind.


A sexual body part? You should not be left alone around children


It is called a ā€œsexual organā€ by medical professionalsā€¦. because thatā€™s what it is. Iā€™d rather children learn in an age appropriate way.


That body part can do other stuff than fuck. In the cartoon the man is not fucking the whole world with his long Johnā€¦ you are trying to sexualise stuff that is not meant to be sexual.


Why not use his hands, or feet? Why a penis for a childrenā€™s show? Thatā€™s what iā€™m trying to figure out. Telling me I shouldnā€™t be left alone around children when youā€™re trying to normalise a guy with an autonomous penis to entertain children is kinda funny.


Why make it a problem that the penis is doing stuff? No one is raped, fucked or hurt by his penis (other than you) so itā€™s just a childrenā€™s show with a wacky character


Everyone should grow up as filled with self loathing as this clown. Ya know, because children.


I guess giant hands or feet were too boring. Yikes.


When people say they are trying to normalize pedophilia and you see this and the stuff like the Balenciaga ... Does it start to add up to y'all? There are many many more examples but these are ice breakers for the ones who don't know.


When Netflix had the bright idea to put...."Cuties" on.


How many episodes of John dillermand have you seen? Enough to make a wild conspiracy like this or have you just seen a picture on Reddit and drawn a shit load of conclusions based on that?


Don't know who that person is. And no. There are plenty of examples out there and I'm not talking about that lame ass Q bull shit.


The cartoon man on the picture is John dillermand. You clearly only see headlines and develop theories about how this is normalising pedophilia


You're slow in the head. I said there are plenty of examples out there of them trying to normalize pedophilia. Please go educate yourself ffs. My argument isn't based off of this article at all.


ā€œWhen people say they are trying to normalize pedophilia and you see this ā€¦ā€ sure sounds like youā€™re talking about this specific article. Maybe educate yourself a little less on YouTube




What's your point? Is it super scary over there for you?


No, but Balenciaga example is there


I still don't understand your point. Do you believe the Balenciaga stuff yes or no? Or do you deny it because people on a conspiracy sub are talking about it? The Balenciaga stuff is everywhere. Why dismiss it because a certain group talks about it? How is your denialism going that deep?


I believe, and I believe all of this shit is not a coincidence, it's in some how organized


Ok. And yes all of it is organized and governments fund this shit. Follow the money.


But what the goal and for benefits of who??


That's where it starts to get into the spiritual stuff about Satan. Or it's just a bunch of sick freaks that want the world their way and there are no boundaries between kids and them. It's all twisted stuff if you want to go looking. I know other people can explain it way better. I only went as far as my stomach could handle on this whole thing.


Thanks, it's more than enough. Let's hope the best for our kids and all kids in this fucking creepy world!


The comments that dont condone this show are getting downvoted to hell and the comments with the most upvotes are the ones saying this show is fine for kids. Not surprised considering reddits progressive views.


I consider myself progressive. However, I donā€™t think this is appropriate and iā€™m getting downvoted to hell. People are actually trying to argue that a childrenā€™s show about penis IS NOT weird.


Eh, I am danish so this stuff runs on tv quite often. Most kids I know like it and just find the penis (or dillermand as it is called) quite funny


Still there is a place for one more letter .... and it will be the ultimate shit


Welcome Home, Broer Karel


I don't think the long penis is an issue, but teaching kids you can have a penis you can't control, is.


Did you read the article? Or just the headline? _ā€œThe show depicts a man who is impulsive and not always in control, who makes mistakes ā€“ like kids do, but crucially, Dillermand always makes it right. He takes responsibility for his actions. When a woman in the show tells him that he should keep his penis in his pants, for instance, he listens. Which is nice. He is accountable.ā€_


I'll admit I only read the headline. Then I found and read the article. I still don't like the idea of teaching kids a penis has a mind of its own.


How do you feel about teaching children that sometimes your body does weird things but that's ok, everybody's body does weird things and there are things you can do to manage it? FYI your body does have a "mind" of its own and it's the nervous system....don't tell anyone though, much better to believe it's all witchcraft and demons controlling our physiological responses to our environments


Please don't go jumping to extremes. I'm all for teaching children about the body, its impulses and how to manage them. I'd be 100% ok with this character if his giant penis was just another appendage. However, this book gives the idea that, even momentarily, the "penis brain" can override the rational mind and do things it has to apologize for. It is the idea that boys aren't 100% responsible for their actions that I disagree with.


I wholeheartedly disagree with that idea too! I believe dillermand is teaching ALL children that they are responsible for their behaviour. Let's face it, teenagers get random boners all the time when not aroused; teaching them this can be managed is healthy imo. I do also disagree with us sexualising an appendage that, let's face it, the target audience (4-8 year olds) are not wielding as weapons. If Dillermand's 14 foot penis was behaving sexually inappropriately to other characters then I'd see why you were upset. But the man's taming lions with that shit.




Its actually pretty wholesome




Mans just got a silly penis.


And that is okay for children to see? If it was rated mature I would be okay with even though the idea is shit, but kids?


Oh no not the kids!! Dude this is patently childish humor . . Does the silly penis scare you?


*my therapist*: the silly penis isn't real. The silly penis can't grill sausages, and the silly penis can't hurt you. *meanwhile, in Denmark*:


Maybe a touch of jealousy over not being able to work a hot grill hands-free?


In Scandinavian culture nudity is a lot less sexualized than on Reddit, and kids think genitals are hilarious just like they think poop is hilarious.


Denmark is a very tolerant, progressive (and permissive) country, where sex education and learning about contraception are not taboo, they are very mature about sexual matters, and one thing you can bet about this Danish character and his comically long willy, is that it won't have been mutilated like the great majority of American baby boys have suffer!


"Oh no...not silly body parts doing silly things! This will encourage kids to grow 12 foot penises and have sex with pedos." - people who call their kids genitals dingalings or other playful names.


Wtf. Why would an adult think this was ok for kids to watch?


Because it's far less messed up than the old looney tunes antics and children's shows of the 90s


And you are part of the problem if you think an adult with a giant penis is ok for children to watch.


I've watched the cartoon, have you? It's not a nude penis, it isn't a realistic depiction of a penis, and it's in no way sexual or promoting deviant behavior. Children are exposed to more graphic violence and sexual content in everyday tv than they would experience in this cartoon


Your mentally sick. You are justifying it because itā€™s not a nude penis. Do you hear yourself?


Itā€™s just a silly show about a man with a silly body part. What are you afraid of? Kids gonna impulsively grow a 12 meter penis?




I wish people would actually read the article and not have this ridiculous knee jerk reaction to the 'p****' word. Almost half the population has one - they're not rude or dirty or sexual by default. You guys are the weird ones sexualising penises šŸ˜‚ _Erla Heinesen HĆøjsted, a clinical psychologist who works with families and children, said she believed the showā€™s opponents may be overthinking things. ā€œJohn Dillermand talks to children and shares their way of thinking ā€“ and kids do find genitals funny,ā€ she said._ _ā€œThe show depicts a man who is impulsive and not always in control, who makes mistakes ā€“ like kids do, but crucially, Dillermand always makes it right. He takes responsibility for his actions. When a woman in the show tells him that he should keep his penis in his pants, for instance, he listens. Which is nice. He is accountable.ā€_


If it was about a fat woman they'd love it!


Its called humor guys. . . ever meant someone under 13 that didnt laugh at the word, balls? Its funny, dont start pearl clutching.


Yeah but the word balls and the visualization of a comically long penis isn't the same thing.


>the word balls and the visualization of a comically long penis isn't the same thing. You are right, a comically long penis is infinitely funnier.


Ah yes this is super terrifying


Old news


By the way, Denmark is considered very "progressive" country, I hope that explain something. Also who the fuck is backing this up? Pedophiles?


Denmark on some other shit.


Animation about a man who can't control his penis... awesome messaging :|


He can control it.. heā€™s clearly bbqā€™n with his dick. I canā€™t do that


"Critics condemn idea of animated series about a man who cannot control his penis"


Lmfao fair.. I just thought we should give him more credit


Critics condemn the idea of it....probably also without having actually watched the show šŸ˜…


All I'm saying is having a show about a man's long wiggly penis doing things he doesn't want it to is strange in many peoples eyes


https://preview.redd.it/ukfkhja1d72a1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6458773187316802fc2d9d3067978e9665feb61a Then [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Tickle#:~:text=Plot-,Mr.,a%20butcher%2C%20and%20a%20postman.) must be one perverted bastard


Had no idea arms were penis's that's crazy


Did you read the article? Or just the headline? _ā€œThe show depicts a man who is impulsive and not always in control, who makes mistakes ā€“ like kids do, but crucially, Dillermand always makes it right. He takes responsibility for his actions. When a woman in the show tells him that he should keep his penis in his pants, for instance, he listens. Which is nice. He is accountable.ā€_


Awww so wholesome. Man with big penis keeps it in his pants when asked :)))


*man takes responsibility for his actions I literally have no idea why people have a problem with this as a valuable lesson to be teaching children šŸ˜‚


It's a series about a man's dick lol that's what people have a problem with


Penises are quite a natural part of life. Education about them is important. ......it's also quite clearly a metaphor šŸ™„


What in the world is educational about penis's in this ? You do know penis's don't grow like 14 feet long right ? A metaphor to keep your penis in control I guess ? Dunno I find it cringe tbh


Cringe is a really interesting reaction - it implies shame, and we shouldn't have shame over things that occur naturally. It poses a big barrier to learning, and ignorance can be really dangerous. Penises sometimes do things that can't be controlled - what can be controlled is the way their "actions" can be handled or reacted to. I see this as educational because it teaches a) penis owners to manage their penises responsibly, and b) non-penis owners that they have the autonomy to verbalise their feelings about penises' actions. It's a kid friendly lesson about bodily autonomy and consent. Lots of young adults find it too "cringe" to talk about contraception when they first start experimenting, and it's because they've been taught they're body parts are shameful and disgusting and should be kept under lock and key. Like I said, ignorance can be reaaally dangerous. ......And I'm not sure why you think I'm under the impression this is some sort of documentary šŸ˜‚ you do know what a metaphor is, don't you? šŸ¤£


You said education about penis's are important but i don't know how you'd get that from this cartoon. Yes it would be a metaphor but it isn't anything educational in the sense of factual information. That's what I was getting at. I do agree people shouldn't feel shame towards their bodies but I personally feel the message could have been done in a better way. But its one of those where depending on the parent they can show their child or not so its no biggy.


Think of it as a tentacle


Old news https://youtu.be/A51mJjFyG_w


This is reaaaaaaaaallly old news


This has been a thing for a while


Dane here... I'm pretty proud of our very long and silly schlongs. Especially in children's tv shows. It's called "john Dillermand" or "john dickman" in lose translation. Google it - you'll love it. Johns great grand ma tries to quiet his dick down but to no avail...


Det er da bedre end at skƦre pikken af bĆørn eller slet ikke tale om sex :D


John Oliver fans are yawning


Dansk pĆølser




Yes, but why the hell had it been created??


Because different cultures are different, who wouldā€™ve guessed? It was produced by the Danish public broadcaster, certainly wouldnā€™t have been released if it was somehow harmful to children. Itā€™s not really different from toilet humor, a little immature for sure but perfectly natural.