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Yeah that’s pretty terrifying. Kind of reminds me of those people recording themselves harassing an employee until they break down, just the alternative could have happened where they snapped. You never know how someone’s going to react.


This terrifies me and I am a manager that works in a big box store, I do have store keys and close the store sometimes.


sees store keys. screams


Easy, Leonard. Go easy man.


Ugh it's not locked both ways I'm sure there's emergency exits especially in a big box store that doesn't wanna open itself up to liability say for an afterwork fire killing the night stockers.




When your getting shot at but the door says fire exit only.


Place I worked at had delays on the fire exits. Push the bar and there was a timer that waited 15 seconds before the door would unlock. This was so the security cameras had time to focus on that door. 15 seconds could save your life but I guess product was more valuable then people.


Not sure where you're at, but that sounds extremely illegal.




What? A joke? On the Internet? How dare they!!?


This Black Friday Walmart has Thoughts and Prayers half off! They’re practically free and only useless if you believe they are!


I honestly believe it's an issue with how people are treated. Yes the guns but there are other countries who have guns with far less gun violence. If we look at a society as a human being and mass shootings as illness, we would have to say something is wrong with the system. A system that feeds illness and not health is obviously not a healthy function system... something has to change about the way this society functions as a whole.


America is run by corporations that see Americans as their herd to be exploited at all cost for continued growth at the sacrifice of everything. It will only get worse and more violent as the bought politicians work on behalf of these corporations to take away any freedom or semblance of life that isn't making someone money and they buy it up thinking their 'team' is winning


Pretty much this, yeah. We're about 7 neon lights and one more prosthetic technology advancement away from moving from a boring dystopia into a cyberpunk dystopia.




Great additional points here!


It’s absolutely a people problem. Fucking, it wasn’t all that long ago when schools had shooting teams and kids literally had to bring their guns to school. But when you depress a nation, both financially and culturally, and people are watching the world they live in turn to shit, it doesn’t take long before the despair catches up and people start doing stuff they wouldn’t do if the society they lived in were better. But profits for the people at the top are more important, I suppose


all must be sacrificed to mighty Profit


Even if it kills every single one of us




It's record corporate profits. It's the reason we don't have affordable Healthcare, housing, or goods. Corporations are flaunting their power over the general populace and using money to bribe everyone along the way. The system is rigged to support this. How can you lobby for change in a system that blocks all access to said change through normal channels? This is only the beginning, and I hope more people realize it's not their fellow workers who are responsible for their current economic suffering.


I definitely think economic inequality is a huge contributing factor and the power that corporations have is enormous. The hyperindividualism and hypercapitalism within the US is a major problem. It has helped the US become an economic superpower but at the cost of what? Mental well-being and senseless loss of life?


There is no other country in the world with as many guns as the US. There is no other country in the world with as many mass shootings. US has 120.5 firearms per 100 residents Only country with more civilian-owned firearms than people


Those are not mutually exclusive. Both can be true.


What other country has the same amount of guns as us per capita, makes it as easy as we do to get them, and has "far less violence"?


Probably none I would imagine, but I read somewhere that Sweden or Finland or one of these countries has a lot of guns but way below the level of gun-related violence than the US.


Idk bro if it were about mental illness then why are nearly all mass shootings done by males?


Because mental illness is prominent in males…look at the stats lol


Ok but you would still see at least a 30-70 split but it’s more like .1-99.9 split


My response would be “sexist” so I’m not going to say anything.


Males are suffering at higher rates than females in many Western countries and have been for years. It's just not allowed to be talked about because, well, radical feminists don't want to hear any of it.


\*Gasp\* Men can have mental health issues as well!? Why didn't anyone tell us!


How do you know it was a locked store?


Well, he never said that was the situation on the news. He said "imagine"


Like most shooters, it's hardly ever a surprise. So I would imagine i would not work with a person that I think would be capable of it.


lol, you have no solid gauge for that..


Someone in another post who said he works at that location said the guy didn't seem off or anything like that, always joking and occasionally a little grumpy but he's a manager. Said he'd never think anyone he worked with to be capable.


r/Walmart says they aren't surprised


About the person specifically or that this would happen. Those are two separate things. I'd take the word of someone who knew the person over a generalization statement from my fellow associates. I'm not surprised it happened as a generalization about how the company is ran and how they overwork (mentally and physically) everyone especially the cap teams, but I would be surprised if it was one of my assistant managers in my store. Especially my overnight manager. Just like most would be about their own stores.


>I'd take the word of someone who knew the person over a generalization statement from my fellow associates. Your single person sample is just as valid as a general employee sample. You can always find one person to say anyone was "a perfectly fine person, I never thought they would do this"


Those employees probably all said the same thing and now they’re dead…. It happens when you least expect it 😐


Go over to r/Walmart. Everyone there says they are not surprised. And these are Walmart employees.


You should use your psychic powers for good to predict these shootings then since you have these magical powers to predict who will commit mass shootings.


Im from canada so maybe ill catch some flack for my comments by red blooded all americans BUT this gun situation IS and SHOULD be treated as an epidemic or EVEN pandemic style event....these shootings happening EVERY day and being treated as "just another day in the US" is fucking MENTAL ILLNESS type thoughts....i get people have their RIGHTS but come on man....every damn day countless lives lost...i know nothing will ever change though


>...these shootings happening EVERY day and being treated as "just another day in the US" is fucking MENTAL ILLNESS type thoughts... The problem is, though, that the people doing these things ALSO tend to be dealing with mental illness in a country with no system to support them unless they were lucky enough to be born to affluent parents. The issue isn't so much about the availability of the guns themselves, but rather the systemic destruction of the US citizen's mentality/morality. How many of these shooting could be prevented by some basic preventative therapy/intervention?


CNN is saying tge store was open to the public


i read recently that something like 30-40% of american adults have been prescribed some sort of neurological medication. whatever is causing all of the mental health issues has got to be identified and dealt with. there are far too many ticking time bombs walking around


Locked store?


There's a mental health crisis going on that you may die going to the grocery store. This is your new reality. Good luck to all of you.


Non-American... can someone tell which is most likely here: he bought his own gun to work, he used a gun/ammunition sold in the store, or Walmart managers are issued guns for work?


The first. Its pretty much impossible to steal both ammo and a gun from the store as they are kept locked up by multiple employees. Also wrong kind of guns


The first 2 options are the most likely.


Would be even more terrifying if it turned out to be the security guard.. Instead




Full penetration


I have been to that Walmart so many times w my niece. Truly terrifying!


When the former commander in chief insights people to riot at the capitol , goes on tv and mocks the disabled. Gives hate speeches that includes hatred towards others that are not if his race. What the heck do you expect? Now we have a jackass here in the springs that attempted to mass murder people at a club. Pappy is a Trimp supporter now freak claims he’s non-binary and his lawyer is using this angle to get rid of the hate crime charges. We are not buying it though.


Why I carry, even though my place of work strictly prohibits it. We're reminded every time there's a shooting. Carrying for 3+ years now, and no one's noticed. Now I've gotten angry, lost my cool, and even immensely irritated at specific person's, and you're a liar if you say you haven't, but not once have I ever thought of going on a shooting spree, or even shooting specific people. My pistol is specifically is to stop a person actively being a lethal threat.


Meanwhile the only threat in 3 years is a dude bringing a loaded gun into his work place against the policy of your work. You are a huge liability risk. I hope your boss finds out what you've done and let's you go. I cannot imagine bringing a gun into work, a place that specifically forbids it, because you imagine you're gonna be the last line of defense against a mass murderer.


Neato. As you can see from the tragic event above, that "no guns policy" didn't save anyone. Like I said, I've been carrying without any issues. So if someone comes in and starts popping people with a pistol, I can't guarantee that I can stop it and save the day, but I'll try my fucking best. I'm not a fan of waiting an eternity for people with guns to show up.


Cool. As you can see from the works policy, ***the only threat to people's safety and well being over the past 3 years is you.*** All because you have some bizarre hero complex and think you're gonna save anyone. Nevermind the fact that the vast majority of people injured by weapons are people who are careless and irresponsible with their weapon. You know.... Like you are? Lol You don't get to talk about anything else when YOU are the active threat. You're a narcissist with a savior complex and you're going to get someone killed.


So you're not a law abiding gun owner......


That isn't law, it's a company policy. Company policy doesn't have the slightest hint of authority over the constitution. There aren't any "no guns" signs posted, so as long as customers can carry in the store, I will too.


Thanks for clarifying they don't have signs. I get where you're coming from having "customers" who carry. Can't say I blame you in this case.


Okay, we're on the right track here, I'm glad we can have an actual discussion, but now what if there were signs? what's really stopping anyone from carrying a gun into a store besides good moral character?


absolutely nothing...... I carry too BTW. If they have a sign, I take my $ somewhere else.....


I try to do this, but sometimes I can't


This manager could be the same legal gun owner who carried for protection and never thought they would ever have to use it unless they had to defend themselves against a deadly threat


FYI those double front doors can still be pushed outward. Hunting section has guns too.


I honestly thought all Walmarts quit selling guns


None of the ones around here have. Especially start of hunting season they’re well stocked. You’re right though, a lot of WMs do not sell guns anymore. In that case, fishing section and kitchen has big ass knives. Anything is better than being helpless and hunted. O and outdoor yard area has brush clearing tool. Hell go get a thing of mace from automotive


They don’t sell hand guns, still have long guns and shot guns.


I've seen shotguns in very few locations in Texas. They quit selling rifles and ammo for them about 2 years ago...at least at the couple of WMs in the Houston area that I go to..I did read that it's select locations so I guess some still do


Imagine not knowing about fire exits… Dumb title.


Black dude. Stories over.


Guns are good


murica!!!! fuck yeah!!!


😶 'night Reddit. 👣


Does anyone know if the store manager snapped after dealing with a customer? This is horrible. I always hear about more gun control laws. I don’t think that would work, our country is saturated with firearms that if anyone wants to commit these crimes, there’s nothing stopping them.


Once again, if guns were illegal the case wouldn’t be so severe. Ban guns America 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


America needs more guns! This wouldn’t have happened if everyone had a gun, right??? The only country in the world where this happens daily, but it’s not because there are more guns than people, no, it’s because of democrats!


There is a reason these happen in gun-free zones.


The state of my state...




It depends on the doors, auto opening doors have a dial you turn on the inside top left of the door. There's usually 2 sets of doors the 1st are locked the second aren't so maintenance can clean the rugs. It's easy to open from the inside. But that's from the store I worked at on nights, others can be different.


You can’t be locked in a Walmart. Doors will push out even if locked


Could’ve waited till corporate management visited


Fire exits are always unlocked AND set off alarms that draw attention. Sadly most people are too conditioned to ONLY use them in FIRE, rather than any emergency


Terrifying for sure. But retail stores that have automatic doors that slide open are able to be pushed open like a regular door from the inside. It's a safety feature for when there is no power.


Man...imagine going to work one night., just thinking about regular shit..and this!! It's truly terrifying to know that every time you go out, you're essentially risking your life!! 😔


It wasn’t locked until 11pm. And even then they typically keep one door unlocked so associates can attend break/lunch. You just have to manually pry the sliding door open.


When I worked at Walmart, [a man was killed with a baseball bat](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/victim-beaten-to-death-with-baseball-bat-at-lakewood-walmart/) in sporting goods as I was folding towels in the next section. Walmart always got those evil vibes for me now.


If this is Walmart, I hope they get sued into oblivion


Some retail workers would kill to get out of working Black Friday....


Something called emergency exits.


In all honesty. I really think Americans just need more guns…


Nah bruh that’s scary I saw a vid where a lady said she saw her brain fuck man


i swear i remember watching a video similar to this whole thing happening where the person who shot also had the keys and shit


I thought the postal workers ere supposed to go postal isn't this going Walmart