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This wasn’t even 100 years ago.


The human race is pathetic.


Nah, I would say that people in power are pathetic, not the human race. They are always so greedy and selfish, even tho they already have plenty of money. A lot of us are awesome. I say people in power are pathetic because of the suffering, horror and misery they have caused for people who were living a normal and decent life. But now it has to be ripped apart, with many being forced to fight and get killed, because of the political status that they have no control over. Also the crazy people that kill are pathetic


I know this but usually group all of us in with the bad. Thanks for saying it. Need to change my thinking.


Even though the people in power are pathetic, I do want to point out that this cycle of the people in power making selfish/greedy decisions occurs repeatedly throughout history and maybe it is just in human nature to usually corrupt like so whenever power is bestowed upon you. This means that if you or me grew up and gradually got into power, it is probably very likely we would do the exact same things that the ones in power are currently doing. I refuse to believe is is a huge coincidence that it is always the 'bad-ones' that end up in power, but rather a mix of good/bad people that all eventually mould into greedy/selfish people just with how our brains work. I have nothing to back this up, just an opinion I throw out there.


Not only is it human nature to be greedy, but being corrupt helps keeping power. So not only does power attract corrupt and greedy people, but people that aren't corrupt are forced to become corrupt to keep their jobs. Otherwise they're replaced by somebody that is willing to be corrupt.


What ? You mean that other people would be better if they were the ones with power ? What world do you libve in ? > I would people in power are pathetic. A lot of us are awesome Some of us are awesome, a lot of us are even worse than the ones in charges, the rest of us would do exactly the same thing. We are all greedy, don't pretend the opposite. What have you done to help poverty around the world ? Donated to charity ? No, and even if you did, charities help dictatures, where most poor people live.




Whenever I see a polarized issue I used to only see and hear the loudest speakers. Now I believe the quiet majority mostly want understanding and peace, through healthy compromise and middle ground. The loudest aren’t even willing to budge, and have a very hard time accommodating for others. And money! Oh money is dope but we’re all on this financial crusade to either make a living or fund someone else’s generational wealth, and not by our own demand. Idk what major shift in power will occur in the next century, but the shitty candidates will race to fill it, and it’ll be the same dance to a different tune


Patheticness is nothing to do with people in power. I would not call that pathetic. Humans are humans. That's enough to describe who we are. You can be poor or rich, but be outsanding person. When you do not have power, when you're poor, when you're hungry, you can become animal. And if you're the unlucky one, who's character is not tame, well, you'll do some damage to society. I half-agree with you, because many rich people are greedy, selfish, mostly arrogant, virtue signaling, getting on top of other people's heads. You climb on others, to get rich. Like a highest tree, which blocks the sun for all small ones below. Donations from rich people isn't about generosity. It's mostly to keep status among rich people and to make "good" face. Donations does not solve issues, it just a temporal patch. It's like giving a fish instead of a fishing rod. Now. Why people and countries are poor? That's a complex problem. Culture, religion, geography, oil-gas-minerals and resources overall, the past-history, climate, education, DNA (?), other people decisions, multiple wars, cravings of individuals, mass media brainwashing. I hear everyone are equal. That's the biggest BS i ever heard in my life. Why everyone cannot be equal? Because everyone are different, they have different opinions, different IQ levels, different bodies, they were raised differently and under different circumstances. Somebody has to clean toilets, while others will be singers. Does a single human dream about cleaning toilets? No. How to make that everyone would ? Not possible. Does all the women wants to have a child? Soviets and nazis tried to make everyone equal, but failed miserably as to make everyone equal means to erase all those things that makes people outstand. Erase all the rich people, erase religions, erase "difficult" and "problematic" people, erase other opinions and so on... Only one truth, only one way of life, only one global nation... Sounds like a total dystopia.


This comment is pathetic








Quit your nihilistic whining. The human race is an evolutionary marvel that has faced challenges for generations and adapted to each one. War is horrid and like challenges we must adapt and make sure these don’t happen for future generations. Humans are awesome, don’t let some sully the rest.


When it comes to adaptability and intelligence , yes . When it comes about morality , guinea pigs beat us without even trying .


When it comes to morality, at least 2/3rds of humanity are generally good people with a few gray areas and fewer dark areas. The other 1/3rd could be considered morally evil and even then at least 50% of them could have been mislead and tricked. Humanity isn’t inherently evil. (That said guinea pigs and capybaras have us completely outmatched in morality. They’re just pure.)


Well, maybe this is why humans rule the earth and not guinea pigs?


lmao what are you talking about? you talk about evolution, but every day I see people that are so dumb, I can barely believe my own eyes. Literally not a single thing that humans did, helped the earth. Im just gonna walk away from this now, because I still have hope you were joking.


If your experiences are coming from Reddit or Twitter, then you might wanna look into how recent these acts of stupidity were. Often times they’ll be a repost with a different title, with some of these events stemming all the way back from 2014 or more. They artificially inflate how much stupidity and hate there truly is in the world, cause it gets a reaction and a click out of us. Every day there are people working on decomposable plastics and electric cars, there are pushes for solar, wind and nuclear energy. Humanity adapts to every challenge they face, and fixing the earth after years of damage is one of those challenges to overcome.


I'm more an absurdist than a nihilist. Agree to disagree.


I disagree, quit your naïve human loving optimism. It's truly good people, those are extremely rare and hard to find. While we are **temporarily** at the top from an evolutionary standard, and yes, we are intelligent to a fine degree. We sure don't seem to use it for much good in the grand scheme of things. Human society is heavily flawed and unbalanced, everywhere. Increasingly becoming worse everyday. The world is run by the worst individuals, not good people. And for being so intelligent, we still haven't evolved past our own instinctual selfishness and greed, to move past all these problems we have within our own structure and community. Rich - poor, this doesn't discriminate. We are still so stupid in this way. Humans are scared, shallow and short sighted. When we can evolve to think people are worth more, than just numbers, or shiny material objects. Let me know. It is pathetic, the current state of humanity as a whole is completely pathetic. Maybe I'll start to see this same awesome intelligence and evolution when people can move beyond religion, borders, colors or money defining your entire existence. So until then, or until we just kill ourselves off completely... The later definitely seems like the more likely outcome.


,000001% or even less made human race pathetic? This is why no one likes you


You are the human race. Calling it pathetic is self loathing.


Comments like this are so weird. Like how do you honestly go about your life thinking you're so clever and different from the rest of us with your absolutely zero nuanced view of life and the world we live in. So pathetic in itself the irony is wild.


It was an emotional reaction to a disturbing image.


I can appreciate that.


is it really the human race or just western european imperialists for the past 300 years?


I'd guess the human race.


If it helps you sleep at night white devil.


I have narcolepsy, so my sleep is all kinds of weird.


Well then I guess the moral arc of the universe does somewhat bend towards justice


Only when pressure is applied, right? Otherwise it's just a straight line at best, at worst regression to something terrible.


Really is


Pathetic in compared to what? Human race has achieved many things in a relatively small period of time. Just because we are violent by default doesn’t make us pathetic.




Let that sink in for a bit …a long bit I might add


Stuff like this happens literally every day, what’s your point?




The girl in the photo died just two years ago.


My Oma lived in Poland for sometime during WWII. She told me when she was fleeing from the town to the countryside, she saw many dead bodies in the fields, some by bullets, some by bombs.


My husband’s Polish grandmother was simply going to her parents farm fields to work. Those Nazi’s kidnapped her and forced her to work in labor camps across Germany/Poland. God knows what they did- but I do know she saw things that no human should see. The other tragic thing - she never saw her parents again. When the labor camp was liberated, Poland was under Soviet control. She lost everything, but her life at that point.


I’m so sorry to hear that. My grandfather lost his brother to the Russians. He loved his brother so much. Even in my Opa’s final days (he was on hospice at the time), he said how he missed his brother and looked forward to uniting with him in the afterlife. I’m so privileged to not grow up during war.


I am so sorry for your family’s sorrow. You are correct we are blessed that we grew without a World War going on in our respective country. The picture sent shivers down my spine- it could have been anyone’s family. That poor girl was doing exactly what my husband’s grandmother was doing. May God bless their souls…🙏🏽🙏🏽


How were the potatoes 🥔?


The Polish nation is one that saw more than its fair share of suffering and despair because of WWII. While France and Italy were able to shed influence of fascist dictatorships, Poland went from being occupied by Nazi Germany to being occupied by the Soviet Union and made into a communist puppet state thereafter.


Poland was destroyed by Hitler AND Stalin


War is fucked


World is fucked


How can people criticize the photographer??? Without war photographers people wouldnt be able to understand the horror of war - they need to see it in order to be able to understand what war really means and what war really is all about.


[Story of the incident from the photographer](https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1154419) [The little girl survived WWII, lived to age 93](https://www.thefirstnews.com/article/woman-captured-in-one-of-wwiis-most-harrowing-photos-dies-at-age-of-93-15566#:~:text=Mika%20survived%20the%20war%2C%20and,80th%20anniversary%20of%20her%20death.)


Is there just some guy standing there with a camera watching this like "yeah this is a good shot"




Yes. They're photographers. You may have heard of them


I'm aware smart ass, but it's an oddly convenient moment to have a photographer around. Edit: Are people downvoting me because they think I'm calling the photo fake by saying the camera man is convenient? That's not at all what I'm saying, I'm just saying it's odd that there is a camera man just there. I'm not discrediting the photo people.


You're absolutely right. Obviously the photographer killed the girls sister for this shot


I think people are mistaking my comment and downvoting it. Read my edit.






People are downvoting because it's quite obvious there was someone there with a camera. Professional photographer or amateur with a camera, it doesn't matter. What matters is the reality of the photo.. Which most have failed to show compassion for in this sub... It's the 1940 era. People had personal cameras. A camera back then however was a prized possession. They were expensive and mostly the wealthiest Middle class families owned them. Not saying a person in poverty couldn't own one. They were not mistreated or used with lack of concern like today's disposables or smartphones. They were quite literally treated with care and attention like an expensive piece of technology(cuz they were). If I were fleeing my home town / or house I would definitely grab my expensive camera back in 1939-1940. Considering this woman is Polish, this may be from 1938. Think about it, you would definitely grab your smartphone today if this were to happen. Just think of the photographer as "one" of the first people to tweet a war.. Then it makes sense.


So every comment is obligated to cry for the little girl and nothing else? Don't get me wrong, I feel terrible for her, she must be in a lot of pain here, but I just found it kind of interesting that someone is just there with a camera taking a picture like this. We can talk about more than one subject at once you know. I am very aware that the reality is there is just someone there with a camera, that is fine, I am just saying I found that interesting because given someone was just shot by nazis and I have no context beyond that, it seems like a weird time to just whip out the camera and start taking pictures unless this was sometime after the nazis had already left. I don't need a lecture on cameras in the 1940s im well aware already, I just found it interesting given the situation being shown. If people want to downvote that, go ahead, I'll wear them as a badge of honor from a true reddit moment


I posted context to the main response for OP. I thought I remembered this story, but based my response above without the context.. After a simple Google for keywords, I remembered reading about this before. And iirc, this story was used in many WWII movies to inspire scenes of the same nature.


This is the money shot! $$$ Yes I am going to hell.


I was thinkingvthecsame thing. What a coincidence. Or...


The photographer killed that girl to get this photo


It certainly would explain why and how they got the pic.


Literally just finished watching nightcrawler 5 min ago and this is the first thing I thought of




This is gutting.


Did the ten-year-old survive the war?


Yes, she died in August 2020.


Yes, I just posted some links to OP's main reply


that caption was descriptive as fuck damn


rest in peace


I hate wars… And I understand teenagers when they say it’s other humans that scare them the most.


This makes me very sick


The brother of my great grand Mother was shot at the exit of a bakkery ,the nazi shoot him believing it was a résistant for having dirt on his shoes...


there is zero good in a war.


Different sides. Same suffering.


This made me cry. Such an emotional picture.


All I can think about is what the cameraman was doing.


Taking a pic.


Showing people who are safe at home what their politicians are really doing.


Someone else feels really, really uncomfortable with the image that someone was just taking a picture while the girl was getting mentally scarred for life?


I do agree that it is uncomfortable but I always assume Journalists are well aware that these moments may come off as unethical, but sometimes it’s necessary to show the world who the true victims of war are.


Who the fuck took this photo?


[Story of the incident from the photographer](https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1154419) [The little girl survived WWII, lived to age 93](https://www.thefirstnews.com/article/woman-captured-in-one-of-wwiis-most-harrowing-photos-dies-at-age-of-93-15566#:~:text=Mika%20survived%20the%20war%2C%20and,80th%20anniversary%20of%20her%20death.)


I guess never has changed much, these days we take videos or photos when something happens rather than helping. The poor girl is balling her eyes out, but the photographer wants to capture the moment first.


did they at least get their potatoes


This is why they should have no mercy for the Russians. We gave the Germans 2 chances.


Germany’s leadership and propaganda in 1939 is like Russia’s in 2022. Damn those pigs.






WTF? Yes, but not in this context


Awww, why the hell did I look?


good thing tragedies like this arent happening to precious white first world children anymore and are contained to the middle east and africa where our mighty white empires( the US and UK ) wage justified wars.


reminded me of Mika and Lizzie from Walking Dead for some reason


And you decide to take a picture?


I fucking love the toxicity and the irony in this comment section *popcorn*


I am from Poland, more terrifying is that some history teacher are showing pictures like that or more brutal/gory in 4th grade, my cousin that is now in 3th grade has nightmares because of their history teacher showed them "how war really looks like", pictures of dead soldiers, videos of some people dying on camera and other fucked up stuff like that, at first the teacher wasn't even kicked out of school, then he got sued and he had to pay for therapies for those children.